19 éléments, page 1 (de 1)

Normalizing Nazi Rhetoric Won’t Further the Goal of Palestinian Liberation

Republican House Rep. Andrew Ogles on Gaza: “We Should Kill Them All”

Rep. Andy Ogles made the remark in response to an advocate who brought up Israeli forces killing Palestinian children.

Will Nationalism and Fascism Rise Along With Sea Levels?

Reading Time: 4minutes

A major effect of the world’s changing climate will be the mass migration of people who have to leave uninhabitable places and go somewhere else to live. If (recent) history is any indicator, that’s not going to end well. 

In the US, President Donald Trump tapped into the anti-immigrant attitude of many Americans to get elected. Once he was in the White House, he “rewarded” his base with policies that make it much more difficult for nonwhite people to immigrate.

How the Pentagon Helped Hollywood Launder the Nazis’ Reputation

Four years ago, scholar Ben Urwand revealed how the Nazis' man in Hollywood Georg Gyssling censored and rewrote film scripts to remove scenes and dialogue that criticised the Nazi regime. He also repeatedly removed references to the suffering of Jews in post-WW1 Germany.

Timely Quotes on Fascism Then and Now

Do you live near a hate group? Would you know it if you did?

To find out more, click on this amazing Hate Map, and you will discover a wide variety of fascist hate groups all over the country — whom they hate, what they’ve been up to, and where they are. There’s one for nearly every taste.  

It is as horrifying as those maps you see on the news showing fires raging throughout the American west. The flames seem to be leaping off the map.

Interview with Socialist Leader James Porrazzo

 By: Tesha Teshanovic “Everyone in Serbia who believes in the good intentions of the United States makes a big mistake” – James Porrazzo In the United States, despite massive brainwashing of people using globalist ideas, there are people who think differently. … Continue reading

#GazaUnderAttack | Fidel Castro: Israel conducting new form of fascism

Israeli calls for Palestinian blood ring at fever pitch

While Israeli leaders unleash conscripted soldiers to bombard Gaza, they dispatch ultra-nationalist vigilantes to conquer cities inside Israel.

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