60016 éléments, page 585 (de 601)

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

À voir. Et ne pas oublier de bien consulter le site, tout est bien expliqué et documenté, très bon travail. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas de flash, il y aun lien avec un joli torrent super rapide. Merci à mon frangin pour la plug.

Technologies de l'information
al qaida

Ça barde encore au Vénézuela

Un article à lire, il émerge un peu de toute cette litanie de soi-disant dérive de Chavez... Cette propagande, cette litanie est tellement présente que même vos amis les plus critiques, les plus incrédule et les plus conscient tombent dans le panneau... Chavez serait un dictateur autoritaire... Évidement ses détracteurs sont de grands démocrates...

The most important political change is the creation of new locally based democratic forms of political representation in which elected community and communal institutions will be allocated state revenues rather than the corrupt, patronage-infested municipal and state governments. This change toward decentralization will encourage a greater practice of direct democracy in contrast to the oligarchic tendencies embedded in the current centralized representative system.

Secondly, contrary to the fabrications of ex-General Baduel, the amendments do not ‘destroy the existing constitution’, since the amendments modify in greater or lesser degree only 20% of the articles of the constitution (69 out of 350).


Manifestation contre la loi Pécresse et la LRU, les étudiants de Rennes sorganisent - Témoignages - IMC Nantes

Manifestation contre la loi Pécresse et la LRU, les étudiants de Rennes sorganisent - Témoignages - IMC Nantes

Manifestation du 14 novembre 2007 contre la loi Pécresse et la LRU. Les étudiants de Rennes sorganisent - Témoignages sur le campus de Rennes 2 France

Depuis près dune semaine, les étudiants de Rennes sorganisent [1] afin dinformer et mobiliser les personnes concernent la loi Pécresse, la LRU : loi relative aux libertés et responsabilités des universités [2]. Les étudiants se sont mis en grève afin de dénoncer la privatisation de la recherche publique en France.

Par Valerie Dagrain :)


En gros sympatico décide de ce qu’on regarde

Pour Bell, internet et la TV c'est pareil

BitTorrent blocking goes north: Canadian ISP admits to throttling P2P

BitTorrent blocking goes north: Canadian ISP admits to throttling P2P

In response to consumer complaints posted in the company's official forum, Canadian ISP Bell Sympatico has admitted that it uses bandwidth throttling technologies to impose limitations on peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing during peak hours. This revelation is further evidence that net neutrality—the principle of equal treatment for all traffic through a network—is eroding.


Les étranges accusations dun cybercorbeau

Les étranges accusations dun cybercorbeau
La PJ enquête sur un courriel envoyé durant la présidentielle à cent hauts responsables de la police. Il affirmait que Sarkozy, comme Balkany, Lellouche, Devedjian et Aeschlimann, étaient liés au Mossad.

UNE OFFICINE a-t-elle voulu déstabiliser Nicolas Sarkozy durant la campagne présidentielle ? Une enquête confiée à la Direction centrale de la police judiciaire doit létablir. Fin mars 2007, dans la dernière droite de lélection, tous les directeurs départementaux de la sécurité publique, soit une centaine de hauts fonctionnaires, ont été destinataires dun étrange courriel. Le futur président y était taxé, ni plus ni moins, davoir été recruté dans les années 1980 par le Mossad, le service secret israélien.

Massive anti-war protest planned for Washington

Massive anti-war protest planned for Washington

Protesters intend to set up camp in the park opposite the White House Saturday evening. As camping is forbidden in the park, the majority of arrests are likely during this phase of the protest, the spokesman commented.

Anti-war demonstrators from all over the U.S. are due to arrive in Washington for the protest, which is set to begin at the White House at midday local time (4:00 p.m. GMT).

BELLACIAO - WAR ON HAWAII ! US NAVY DECLARES WAR ON ITS OWN - Bob Nichols, Project Censored Aweard Winner

BELLACIAO - WAR ON HAWAII ! US NAVY DECLARES WAR ON ITS OWN - Bob Nichols, Project Censored Aweard Winner

I just found out that the Navy is planning on expanding its war games and numerous new weapon "toys" in an area of 235,000 square nautical miles around Hawaii! Incredibly, the Navy is proposing a major upgrading and expansion - in order to do more research, development, testing, and evaluation of military weapons and systems, to the tune of 140 (that is One Hundred Forty) projects, including even the use of Directed Energy Laser Weapons.


9/11 explains the impotence of the antiwar movement

9/11 explains the impotence of the antiwar movement

Even in the official account, the story is one of massive
failures: the failures of US intelligence services, the failures of airport
, the failures to intercept the hijacked airliners, the failures to
preserve evidence. If a common front had taken the Bush administration to task
both for failing to prevent the 9/11 attacks and for an explanation of 9/11 so
inadequate that its plausibility depends on outside experts, Bush could not
have so easily shifted the blame to Afghanistan and Iraq. Most 9/11 doubters do
not insist on the US government’s complicity in the deed. Failure to protect,
or incompetence, is a sufficient charge to deter an administration from war by
turning it against itself with demands for accountability.

But no one was held accountable for 9/11 except Muslim
countries. This is the reason the antiwar movement is impotent.

Alan Greenspan claims Iraq war was really for oil - Times Online

Alan Greenspan claims Iraq war was really for oil - Times Online
Britain and America have always insisted the war had nothing to do with oil. Bush said the aim was to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and end Saddam’s support for terrorism.


INTERNATIONAL CITIZENS 9/11 WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL: Announcement Of 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal

INTERNATIONAL CITIZENS 9/11 WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL: Announcement Of 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal

According to Independent Scientist Leuren Moret and Alfred Webre, 9/11 was a False Flag Operation to provide a pretext to engage in Genocidal & Ecocidal Depleted Uranium DU bombing of Central Asia Afghanistan and Iraq in order to secure vast oil and uranium reserves; to roll out a Terror-based National Security state-system world-wide; to implement the final stages of a world Depopulation policy; and to trigger a World War III conflagration.

La police québécoise prise en flagrant délit de mensonge

La police québécoise prise en flagrant délit de mensonge

Pour une fois qu'on avait la preuve ils ont pas pu dire qu'il ne le faisaient pas...

Et si on revenait sur les "casseurs" du sommet de quebec ? Et encore à toutes les manifs oùil y avait des "casseurs"...

Qui sont les terroristes ?

Technologies de l'information

TheStar.com - News - Police accused of using provocateurs at summit

TheStar.com - News - Police accused of using provocateurs at summit

... At least one of the masked men is holding a rock in his hand.

The three are confronted by protest organizer Dave Coles, president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada. Coles makes it clear the masked men are not welcome among his group of protesters, whom he describes as mainly grandparents. He urges them to leave and find their own protest location.

Coles also demands that they put down their rocks. Other protesters begin to chime in that the three are really police agents. Several try to snatch the bandanas from their faces.

Rather than leave, the three actually start edging closer to the police line, where they appear to engage in discussions. They eventually push their way past an officer, whereupon other police shove them to the ground and handcuff them.


Blogger forces Nasa to admit global warming figures error - Times Online

Humm ! Humm !

Blogger forces Nasa to admit global warming figures error - Times Online

Nasa officials have admitted that for the past seven years they have used the wrong temperature statistics to assess global warming trends.


OGM Lheure est grave, par Philippe Desbrosses, dans la revue

Ma mère qui est une militante écologiste de gauche me fait parvenir cette alerte.

J'ai envie de vomir...

OGM Lheure est grave, par Philippe Desbrosses, dans la revue "Nouveau consommateur", n°19
En effet tout agriculteur dont les cultures sont contaminées par des OGM, n’est plus propriétaire de ses récoltes et de ses semences en raison des brevets déposés par la firme à qui appartient ces OGM. Étant donné qu’il n’existe aucun moyen pour un agriculteur de se protéger de cette contamination, les pollueurs acquièrent un droit de fait.

Par ailleurs les faucheurs volontaires sont poursuivis pour « atteinte au droit de propriété », même lorsque l’autorisation délivrée par le ministre de l’agriculture a été annulée par le tribunal administratif.

Si le droit de propriété ouvre sur des abus tels qu’il devient impossible aux consommateurs de refuser les OGM et aux paysans de refuser de les cultiver, que reste-il du sens du droit dans ce pays ?


Daily Kos: 9/11 Firefighter Witnessed Multiple Explosions, Ignored

Témoignage d'un pompier de New-York qui a participé aux sauvetages le 11 septembre 2001 au World Trade Center.

Pour ceux qui pensent : " si c'était une opération de grnade envergure coordonnée dans les plus hautes sphères du pouvoir américain on en aurait entendu parler ! " Et bien je vous encourage fortement à vous informer et à chercher à s'en faire parler, ce ne sont pas nos médias corrompus qui vont vous informer !

Même le monde diplomatique s'y est trompé à ma grande déception...

Daily Kos: 9/11 Firefighter Witnessed Multiple Explosions, Ignored

"We said something's wrong here - I mean the plane hit up on the 80th floor - 5 minutes later and the elevators are suddenly exploding on the first level - why?" asked Schroeder.

"There was definitely a distinct time delay between the planes hitting and the elevators exploding," he added.


IM2 | OQP » Tourner les coins ronds

IM2 | OQP » Tourner les coins ronds

On avait mal compris... C'est fou ce qu'on est c*** quand même...

La principale critique qu'on peut faire de cette subvention, en restant poli, c'est que le gouvernement a donné un gros paquet de sous à du monde qui ne connaissait absolument rien au libre, qui n'avait aucun lien avec la communauté... rien de rien. Perso, j'aimerais bien que le gouvernement me donne de l'argent pour faire une piste d'atterissage en milieu urbain pour les Ultra Leger Motorisés. Je n'y connais rien mais j'apprendrais en cours de route...

Allez savoir, j'aurais peut être les sous pour le faire et peut etre même quelques conseils de l'Avenue :)

En 2005, on annonçait en grande pompe que la plateforme arrondissement.com allait passer au libre pour la modique somme de 150 000$. Mais on a mal compris.

SPACE.com — Le soleil *aussi* participe au réchauffement

SPACE.com -- Suns Output Increasing in Possible Trend Fueling Global Warming

Ok !

Donc, ça confirme ce que je disais recement. Il y a bien débat au sein de la "communauté scientifique" sur la part de responsabilité de l'humain (pollution, gaz carbonique etc...). Il n'y a donc pas consensus là dessus. C'est le premier point. Deuxième point, on reconnait ici que le soleil pourrait être un des facteurs du réchauffement et on reconnait qu'on a pas assez d'éléments et de profondeur dans l'étude de l'influence du soleil... Se pourrait il qu'il ne joue pas un rôle dans c't'affaire de rechauffement ? hmm... On nous dit, dans cet article, que ça pourrait faire plus d'un siècle que son activité est en augmentation...


Bush Outlaws War Protest - Citizens Face Full Asset Seizure

Bush Outlaws War Protest - Citizens Face Full Asset Seizure

Ah ! Le droit...

In one of his most chilling moves to date against his own citizens, the American War Leader has issued a sweeping order this week outlawing all forms of protest against the Iraq war.


iPhone a Trojan Horse For Government Surveillance?

iPhone a Trojan Horse For Government Surveillance?

En fait, comme google et autre gros yahoo, apple et AT&T, collectent vos données personelles... Qui en profitera ? Pas vous.

Earlier this week, a technology group in Russia released the results of their attempts to reverse engineer the iPhone, concluding that the product has "A built-in function which sends all data from an iPhone to a specified web-server. Contacts from a phonebook, SMS, recent calls, history of Safari browser - all your personal information can be stolen."

Technologies de l'information
Informatique libre

The Raw Story | Bush: Insurgents in Iraq same as 9/11 attackers

The Raw Story | Bush: Insurgents in Iraq same as 9/11 attackers

"The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq are the ones who attacked us on Sept. 11," Bush said.

The president was responding to a question from NBC correspondent David Gregory, who asked why Americans shouldn't believe he is "stubborn or in denial." Gregory was referencing a report in Thursday's Washington Post that indicated CIA Director Michael Hayden saw as "irreversible" the lack of progress in Iraq.

al qaida

Black Listed News

Black Listed News

Sheehan told Pelosi that if she didnt have impeachment on the table by July that she would run against her in San Francisco and the Peace Mom has now taken that course of action.

"I will run against you and I will give you a run for your money," challenged Sheehan.

Sheehan slammed Pelosi as a warmongering elitist who lives in a mansion on a hill and is completely out of touch with her electorate, as well as a major supporter of AIPAC, a group which has expressed its explicit support for an attack on Iran.

"You cant have allegiance to two countries when youre a lawmaker in one of those countries," said Sheehan, adding that many politicians put Americas best interests second behind Israel.

Asked why the candidacy of Ron Paul has become so popular, Sheehan commented "People are hungry for change, people are hungry for people to tell the truth, no matter what, people are hungry for those who act out of their integrity."


Top Global Warming Advocate: Jupiter & Saturn Closer To Sun Than Earth

Top Global Warming Advocate: Jupiter & Saturn Closer To Sun Than Earth

Mon père, quand j'étais minot, m'expliquait qu'au moyen-âge les gens avaient de drôles de croyances. Par exemple ils croyaient que la terre était platte... Il pensaient que le soleil tournait autour de la terre et qu'elle était le centre de l'univers etc... Plein de trucs que "la science" allait facilement démystifier dans les siècles suivants...

Aujourd'hui, nous parlons de climat. Du rechauffement de la planète. Du dérèglement du climat etc...

J'ai une question pour vous qui vous inquiétez : qui a décidé dela normalité en terme de climat ? Quel scientifique averti est capable de nous expliquer qu'il y a une normalité figée dans nos saisons et dans la manière dont se comportent les couches de l'atmosphère ? Qui a décidé qu'il était anormal que le climat change ? Et le plus ridicule, qui a donc décidé que l'être humain devait jouer un rôle pour revenir au climat qu'on avait au début du siècle dernier ?


DLFP: La communauté du Libre au Québec

DLFP: La communauté du Libre au Québec

Valerie c'est une bonne copine qui a habité à Montréal pendant un bout. Elle a laissé son empreinte, et maintenant elle va raconter ce qu'on fait chez les gaulois. Sympa. Merci Valerie :)

Technologies de l'information
Informatique libre

Another Al Qaeda In Iraq Leader Killed Twice By U.S.

Another Al Qaeda In Iraq Leader Killed Twice By U.S.

Tout le monde peut se tromper...

Yet reporters recognized the name and soon realised that the same person had been "eliminated" on a previous occasion. Rowan Scarborough reports:

When The Examiner pointed out that Uthman's death had been announced twice, a command spokesman said in an e-mail, "You are correct that we did previously announce that we killed him. This was a roll up to show an overall effort against [al Qaeda in Iraq]. We can probably do a better job on saying 'previously announced' when we do long-term roll ups to show an overall effort."

It has become clear that the military is disseminating propaganda in a blatant attempt to artificially inflate the success of what is in actual fact a total disaster. "Eagerness" to be successful does not excuse lying to the media about operations in Iraq.

Technologies de l'information
al qaida

Dark Reading - Desktop Security - An Auction Site for Vulnerabilities - Security News Analysis

J'aimerais bien savoir ce que mes amis développeur de logiciels pensent de ça.

An Auction Site for Vulnerabilities

Discover a security flaw in a major application or system? You can't sell it on eBay. But starting this week, you can sell it on a new auction site that's not too much different.

WabiSabiLabi, whose marketplace opened for trading on Tuesday, is aiming to change the back-room market for security vulnerabilities and move it into the mainstream. Any researcher who finds a flaw can register to sell it on WSLabi's marketplace. WSLabi, a "neutral, vendor-independent Swiss laboratory," checks out the vulnerabilities and verifies their validity in its own labs before allowing them to be auctioned.

Technologies de l'information
Informatique libre

BADABOOM!! => Joe Bageant: Lies about ‘failed terror attacks’ in UK

Joe Bageant: Lies about 'failed terror attacks' in UK

De l'information humaine. Et même si c'était un hoax, je préfère celui là à celui du gouvernement ;)

Lies about 'failed terror attacks' in UK

Dear Readers:

I received this email today from a person who fully sees through the mass hallucination under which we all live and/or suffer. I have nothing to add. This letter speaks more eloquently on the subject than I ever could.

Joe Bageant



Technologies de l'information


Et dans la série Fela Kuti, les paroles d'une chanson au thème éternel et brûlant :


Everybody run run run
Everybody scatter scatter
Some people lost some bread
Some one nearly die
Some one just die
Police dey come, Army dey come
Confusion everywhere

Seven minutes later
All done cool down, brother
Police don go away
Army don disappear

Dem leave Sorrow, Tears, and Blood (2x)
Dem regular trade mark
Dem regular trade mark

Everybody run run run
Everybody scatter scatter
Some people lost some bread
Some one nearly die
Some one just die
Police dey come, Army dey come
Confusion everywhere

Seven minutes later
All done cool down, brother
Police don go away
Army don disappear



The "water" is the Nigerian common people. The Government/Military must not make enemies of the populous, nor disturb their "flow" (endevours & routines)- as it is dangerous to make an enemy of the country's most essential resource. The people make everything happen.
Nothing exists without water
Water does not gain enemies
because if you fight (renounce)water, you will die
Power cannot exist without the people…

Commentaire provenant d'une page qui propose et commente quelques textes de Fela


Anti-Piracy Gang Launches their own Video Download Site to Trap People | TorrentFreak

Anti-Piracy Gang Launches their own Video Download Site to Trap People | TorrentFreak

Allé hop ! En prison. Je vous déconseille de continuer à utiliser internet :P

Media Defender, a notorious anti piracy gang working for the MPAA, RIAA and several independent media production companies, just launched their very own video upload service called “miivi.com”. The sole purpose of the site is to trap people into uploading copyrighted material, and bust them for doing so.

Technologies de l'information

Vanunu to return to prison for violating the terms of his parole - Haaretz - Israel News

Vanunu to return to prison for violating the terms of his parole - Haaretz - Israel News

Vanunu, a former technician at Israels nuclear plant near the southern town of Dimona, spent 18 years in prison for giving details of the countrys atomic program to British newspaper "Sunday Times" in 1986.

Upon his release in 2004, Vanunu was banned from leaving the country and talking to foreigners without approval, because Israeli authorities claimed he could still divulge classified information.

Some two months ago, Vanunu was convicted of 14 parole violations including contacts with journalists and attempts to leave Israel proper to go to Bethlehem, which is in the West Bank.


Alarmist global warming claims melt under scientific scrutiny

Alarmist global warming claims melt under scientific scrutiny

Gore argues Greenland is in rapid meltdown, and that this threatens to raise sea levels by 20 feet. But according to a 2005 study in the Journal of Glaciology, "the Greenland ice sheet is thinning at the margins and growing inland, with a small overall mass gain." In late 2006, researchers at the Danish Meteorological Institute reported that the past two decades were the coldest for Greenland since the 1910s.


Could genetically modified crops be killing bees?

Could genetically modified crops be killing bees?

As an interested beekeeper with some background in biology, I think it might be fruitful to investigate the role of genetically modified or transgenic farm crops. Although we are assured by nearly every bit of research that these manipulations of the crop genome are safe for both human consumption and the environment, looking more closely at what is involved here might raise questions about those assumptions.


Bacillus thuringiensis toxin gene product in genetically modified crops

"Comments on the human health impact of Bacillus thuringiensis toxin gene product in genetically modified crops"

Recherche sur le mais modifié BT...

Presuming that there has been a major impact of the injury from ingesting the BtCry1 gene product among humans , farm animals or wildlife it is unlikely that the minds of those viewing the injury are prepared to associate the injury to its source. The GM food products are not labeled and frequently disguised in processed foods. The precautionary principle demands that the potentially dangerous foods be removed from production until proven safe.


Iranian forces crossed Iraqi border: report

Iranian forces crossed Iraqi border: report

fallait s'attendre à ce genre de rapport frauduleux provenant d'une source de "unidentified intelligence"...

Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces have been spotted by British troops crossing the border into southern Iraq, The Sun tabloid reported on Tuesday.

Britain's defence ministry would not confirm or deny the report, with a spokesman declining to comment on "intelligence matters".

An unidentified intelligence source told the tabloid: "It is an extremely alarming development and raises the stakes considerably. In effect, it means we are in a full on war with Iran -- but nobody has officially declared it."


Sen. Mike Gravel: Why Hillary Scares Me - Politics on The Huffington Post

Sen. Mike Gravel: Why Hillary Scares Me - Politics on The Huffington Post

Un autre candidat, mais du côté Démocrate cette fois. Il nous explique pourquoi hillary clinton est aussi dangeureuse qu'un obama...

During one of the debates I mentioned that my fellow Democratic candidates scare me. Hillary's speech last week to the Take Back America conference gives me yet another reason to be afraid.

In an indignant voice she decried the Bush administration's ''stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok. . . It is everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent.'' Actually, our Constitution grants Congress the power to prevent these ills but Hillary and her colleagues weren't up to the task.


The MEMRI Loss

From : Another Day in the Empire

As we have known for some time now, MEMRI, short for the Middle East Media Research Institute, specializes in disinformation by distorting translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media. In essence, what MEMRI does is change the context of news stories by way of mistranslation and excision. Call it MEMRI loss, the deliberate mangling of media. MEMRI did this to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by turning a speech he delivered in 2005 into a racist and genocidal screed. MEMRI accomplished this through mistranslation. Not a day passes now we do not witness corporate media claims Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map. In fact, Ahmadinejad said the “regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history.” He did not say Israel must be wiped off the map. But this engineered lie is repeated constantly by the corporate media and to such a degree it is now accepted as fact.


The Plan to Disappear Canada :: Views :: thetyee.ca

The Plan to Disappear Canada :: Views :: thetyee.ca

If the machinations going on in this country regarding so-called "deep integration" were instead a communist conspiracy to take over the country (you will, of course, have to try hard to imagine this) the news media would be blaring the story.

Pundits would pontificate, editorialists would erupt, security forces would be unleashed.

Instead, a virtual conspiracy to make the country disappear through assimilation into the U.S. gets barely a mention.

But news of the scheme -- formally called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) -- is finally breaking out of the secret chambers of the ruling elite and the federal government. This is both good news and bad. It's good that ordinary citizens are finally getting a glimpse of the betrayal of their country. The news is bad because it reflects just how much of this scheme is already being implemented.

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