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Bipartisanship in All the Wrong Places


Turns out that bipartisanship isn’t dead after all. There is still an issue that many Democrats and Republicans can agree on: corruption. Not fighting it, mind you, but rather turning a blind eye to it.

Granted, it would be impossible to entirely eliminate corruption in Washington, DC. The federal government now doles out more than $4 trillion annually, and anybody who can afford a lobbyist, i.e., rich people, large corporations, and foreign countries, wants a piece of that pie.

Twitter’s Private Driver

Always Advance, Never Retweet: Amid the chaos, consternation, and possible securities law violations following Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter stock and announcement that he wants to take the company private, there’s hope. 


While you’re here enjoying Ted Rall’s latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 

Chornomorsk: So Far, So Near

You can learn more about Maksym Zubkov’s project, Support Ukraine With Us, by visiting his website; you can also support the project at this donation page


While you’re here enjoying Stan Mack’s latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 

Whose Yacht Is It, Anyway?

As countries seize assets tied to sanctioned Russian business and political leaders, owners of superyachts linked to Vladmir Putin and his associates via a web of shell companies are asking a key question: Whose yacht is it, anyway? 


While you’re here enjoying Jon Richards’s latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 

Democrats Discover the Amazon

Without help from major labor unions or members of the national Democratic Party like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), who they say abandoned them Amazon workers in Staten Island fought to form a union on their own. Against overwhelming odds, they won the right to organize.


While you’re here enjoying Ted Rall’s latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 

The Outliar: How Trump and MAGA Nation Broke the Truth

Great news: We won a Pullitzer Prize in the “Combined Cartoons and Editorials” category. It was our third.

This is a lie, of course, and a clumsy one at that. It’s spelled “Pulitzer,” there is no “Combined Cartoons and Editorials” category, and the winners are announced in May. In addition, it would be easy to check past Pulitzer Prize recipients.

Ukrainian Health Care for All

At the same time that Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) was telling the press that Social Security and Medicare should be curtailed for future generations, Congress was sending billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine.


While you’re here enjoying Ted Rall’s latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 

Jackson Makes History, GOP Senators Make Asses of Themselves

Generally, it’s nearly impossible to predict when history will be made, and it’s even more difficult to get a front row seat when it does happen. 

For example, the people who went to Gettysburg, PA, in November 1863, to listen to their president speak could not have known that Abraham Lincoln’s words would endure the test of time. 

Koch Industries Will Keep Doing Business in Russia

Charles Koch’s organizations announced they will keep their companies open in Russia and stated that they are against sanctions.

While you’re here enjoying DonkeyHotey’s latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 

Lust in Translation

A leaked March 3 memo revealed this week that the Kremlin instructed Russian media outlets to “use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson.” Carlson is the only Western “journalist” mentioned by name. 

While you’re here enjoying Jon Richards’s latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 

Putin and His Nukes: Will He Go Ballistic On Ukraine?

It’s been less than three weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, and things couldn’t be going better… well, unless you are one of the 44 million Ukrainians whose country is getting shelled. But let’s forget them for a moment (as the world will in a few weeks).

On the face of it, Russia’s performance justifies the giddiness of military experts (both real and on Twitter).

Zelenskyy Is Torching Putin in the Social Media Wars

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is playing out on social media. So far Volodymyr Zelenskyy looks like a hero and Vladimir Putin comes off as a raging zero. 

While you’re here enjoying DonkeyHotey’s latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 

Missing the Target

Only 34 percent of American voters can find Ukraine on a map according to a recent survey, yet they have assumed very strong opinions. As Mark Twain wrote, “God created war so that Americans would learn geography.” 


While you’re here enjoying Ted Rall’s latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 

Bilingual Education

Stan Mack’s Real Life Funnies, with real life dialogue, were a staple of the Village Voice in its heyday. Now he’s back with his unique take on the 21st century.


While you’re here enjoying Stan Mack’s latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 

Putin’s Pep Squad

After Donald Trump characterized Vladimir Putin’s plans for invading Ukraine as “genius” and “very savvy,” the GOP wants to play it both ways.   

While you’re here enjoying Jon Richards’s latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 

Biden vs. Putin: Who’s Zooming Whom?

Americans consider Russian president Vladimir Putin to be the ultimate sinister Machiavellian monster, trained by the KGB. Joe Biden, on the other hand, seems like a simple-minded uncle. But what if it’s all a ploy?


While you’re here enjoying Ted Rall’s latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 

South Texas Confidential

Stan Mack’s Real Life Funnies, with real life dialogue, were a staple of the Village Voice in its heyday. Now he’s back with his unique take on the 21st century.


While you’re here enjoying Stan Mack’s latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 

The Republican Trollympics — Pandemonium et Nonsenses

The Olympic Games are over, which means that some Americans may be feeling a bit of a void. After all, for the past two weeks they were able to experience the thrill of non-stop competition every time they turned on their televisions.

This might be especially true for Republicans because the Winter Olympics are such a natural fit for them: Everything is so white, and Scandinavians are the superior athletes.

Trump’s Royal Flush

Turns out Donald Trump had his own version of Richard Nixon’s White House “plumbers.” But in Trump’s world, staffers literally unclogged White House toilets he reportedly stuffed with important documents. And what he couldn’t flush, he took with him to Mar-a-Lago.

While you’re here enjoying Jon Richards’s latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 

Making Mother Proud — Mike Pence Discovers His Spine

While Trumpism is essentially a cult, it is also a lot like an abusive relationship for the people in former President Donald Trump’s orbit: Stepping out of line invites further abuse, you have to cover for the abuser, and it involves a lot of lying to yourself that things aren’t so bad.

Made in China: The Olympics Hit Rock Bottom


In ancient Greece, a truce was declared before and during the Olympic Games to ensure that athletes and spectators could travel safely to and from the competition, and that the host city would not be attacked during the event.


It’s one of the earliest recorded examples of sports being a force for good and for bringing people together.


Face It, Wall Street Is Meh on Meta

While you’re here enjoying Ted Rall’s latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 


Putin Is the Nemesis the Military-Industrial Complex Needs



Vladimir Putin is a bad guy. He is an enemy of democracy not just in Russia but also abroad. He despises a free press and has journalists killed. He has used his position of power to enrich himself and, under his authoritarian rule, Russia has been a destabilizing force in the world. Finally, he seems to be pursuing a vision of reassembling the pieces of the former Soviet Union and restoring it to its place among global superpowers.

Supreme Long Shot — Harris for the High Court

Mitch McConnell and Black Voters — There’s No Sugarcoating It

It’s Time to Wage a War on Right-Wing Terror

Usually, when Americans remember a date (other than holidays like Christmas or Halloween), it’s because it will live in infamy. That is why even the least historically literate of us know about December 7, September 11, and now January 6. In each case, the United States was attacked. 

It’s fair to say that the threat from Japan was effectively dealt with after a few years, tens of thousands of US casualties, an outlay of a few trillion dollars (adjusted for inflation), and two nuclear bombs dropped.

Elite Universities Teach Lesson in Price Fixing

Many of the nation’s top universities have been placed on the dishonor roll. Accused of colluding on financial aid limits are: Brown, the California Institute of Technology, the University of Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Emory, Georgetown, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northwestern, Notre Dame, the University of Pennsylvania, Rice, Vanderbilt, and Yale


Twitter to Marjorie Taylor Greene: Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me 5 Times…

Invoking a five strikes policy, Twitter permanently suspended the Georgia congresswoman’s personal account for spreading COVID-19 misinformation. Facebook blocked her for a day.



Army of None: Unraveling the Myth of ‘Trump the Fighter’

It’s been almost a year since supporters of Donald Trump held their HangMikePence-athon outside (and then inside) of the Capitol, or, as Republicans (including Pence) would rather like it to be known, the Coup de Blah of 2021.

WhoWhatWhy’s Best Stan Mack Cartoons of 2021

To call cartoonist Stan Mack unique is an understatement. Kind of like calling Donald Trump a lying, egomaniacal, racist, right-wing, authoritarian clown. It doesn’t quite do him justice. Mack teaches us to see not just with our eyes but our ears. His Real Life Funnies, with real life dialogue, were a staple of the Village Voice in its heyday. This year he brought his compassionate take on the world around him to WhoWhatWhy. Here are some of our favorites:

WhoWhatWhy’s Best DonkeyHotey Cartoons of 2021

Our DonkeyHotey doesn’t tilt at windmills. No siree. The targets of his acid-dipped digital pen aren’t imaginary or unimportant. Au contraire. They’re all too real. Each week, whether accompanying a sharp-edged op-ed or standing on their own, DonkeyHotey’s cartoons take dead aim at the evildoers who keep us up at night. Here are some of the best of 2021.


WhoWhatWhy’s Best Jon Richards Cartoons of 2021

Political cartoonist Jon Richards has an old school style but a new school sensibility. Whether he’s skewering Republicans or Democrats, he always has a sharp eye for the political hypocrisy of the moment. Here are a few of our favorite Richards cartoons of 2021.



The War of Moron Aggression

With the political rifts of the past having grown into chasms, and one party more or less openly supporting a coup, there is increasing speculation that a second US civil war may break out. That’s complete nonsense, of course… because Civil War II is already underway. 

WhoWhatWhy’s Best Ted Rall Cartoons of 2021


Ted Rall pulls no punches. He’s a patented political pugilist, landing haymaker after haymaker, week after week. Rall’s cartoons may not float like a butterfly, but they certainly sting like a bee. Here are some of our favorites from 2021.



When Reproductive Rights Are Stripped Away, Women Do It for Themselves

It’s easier to get an abortion in Ireland than it is in many states in the US.

Let that sink in. In an overhwhelmingly Catholic country, the citizens made their opinion known, and the government legalized abortion in 2018. And yet Texas has installed a vigilante justice system to rat out anyone who helps a woman get an abortion, and the Supreme Court thinks that’s just fine. How did we get to this?

You Do Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Is Blowing

While the Biden administration has restored and boosted support for the National Weather Service because of climate change, the corporate bottom line is getting in the way of actually informing those at risk during increasingly common extreme weather events.

‘And the Winner Is Trump’ — A Look at the 2032 Election

A year after former (and quite possibly future) President Donald Trump’s attempted coup, Republicans across the country remain busy systematically dismantling US democracy.

Led by Democratic leaders and their “aw-shucks” approach to this crisis, most Americans don’t seem to grasp the urgency of the situation. 

Congress Has a Major Military-Industrial Complex

Donald Trump is out of office and Joe Biden has pulled out of Afghanistan, but that hasn't stopped the Democratic-led Congress from approving defense spending that's higher than Trump's and even more than Biden requested.

Trump Chief of Staff: The Liar’s Liar

Even as he’s agreed to cooperate with the congressional investigation into the January 6 riot, Mark Meadows is dissembling on behalf of his old boss. He’s denying his own claims, written in his new book, that Trump tested positive for COVID-19 before the first debate with Joe Biden.

The Sorry State of the GOP’s Performance Artist Caucus

While we routinely criticize and ridicule the rich and powerful, and even though the rich and powerful don’t like to be criticized and ridiculed, we don’t often have to apologize in this space. Sure, there was that one time when we wrote a 1,200-word column on how Fox News is systematically destroying America for profit, and they sent us an email about it.

Republicans in Congress Vie for Kyle Rittenhouse’s Services

Yes, it's true: Republicans are ready to compete to have Kyle Rittenhouse as a congressional intern. Quite a few were making him offers even before he was acquitted of murder in the fatal shootings of protesters in Kenosha, WI.

Competitors Are Watching the US in Turmoil


China has long wanted to take over Taiwan, aka the Republic of China, to incorporate it into the mainland. Russia would like to take over parts of eastern Ukraine to gain land access to Crimea and weaken the West’s influence in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the US is struggling to get the COVID-19 pandemic under control and keep the economy on track for recovery. 


McCarthy to GOP: Keep Your Fantasies of Killing AOC to Yourselves

Malcolm X Assassination: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

Two men have finally been cleared in the killing of Malcolm X. But there’s still no official effort to get to the bottom of the roles played by the FBI and the New York Police Department in the murder of one of the most influential Black leaders of the 20th century.

Whistling While the Budget Burns

Mitch McConnell’s playing a high-stakes game of political chicken, risking a federal government shutdown and debt default that could trigger a world economic crisis, all to disrupt Democratic budget plans and score political points going into next year’s congressional elections.

The Congressional Competence Conundrum

Imagine a sausage factory that produces no sausage while running a huge deficit. But neither its management nor its employees care because their jobs come with a lot of perks and virtually none of them ever gets fired for doing nothing. Sound laughable? Well, if you are an American, then the joke is on you because that sausage factory is Congress.

Unraveling the American Myth

As if a global pandemic, a global climate crisis, and poisonously partisan politics weren’t bad enough, Americans unconsciously find themselves driven to deal with another problem: The myths that we have traditionally relied on to define who we are and where we are going are beginning to unravel. 


“Another One Bites the Dust”*

At least five conservative, anti-vaccination radio hosts have died of COVID-19 since July. *The most recent was Bob Enyart, who in the ‘90s enjoyed reading aloud the names of those who died of AIDS while playing the Queen song “Another One Bites the Dust.”

9/11: The Tragedy of an Opportunity Wasted

There are many ways in which 9/11 was a tragedy. Only some of them will be told in all of the events surrounding the 20th anniversary of the attack — like the tales of heroism Americans enjoy hearing. Others will largely be glossed over — for example how the United States played right into the hands of al-Qaeda with a predictable response that cost many more lives than the attack itself, and created many new terrorists. 

One, however, will likely be ignored altogether: It is the tragedy of an opportunity squandered. 

The Changing Face of Terror

“Radical Islamic terrorism.” Donald Trump relished using the controversial term, wielding it like a branding iron. He said those who couldn’t say its name were unfit to lead the country. But he chose not to say the name of something that has grown into what is now considered a bigger, scarier domestic threat: white supremacist terrorism.

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