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France's Alstom quits settler railway, Israeli partners say

Financial Survival in the Demographic Crunch

James joins Melody Cedarstrom on the Financial Survival radio show for their regular, bi-monthly conversation. This time we discuss the disappearance of free will and the rise of Big Tech, the demographic crunch in Japan, China's belt and road diplomacy, and the recent crisis in Kashmir.

Interview 1427 – Financial Survival in the Demographic Crunch

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-03-21%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]James joins Melody Cedarstrom on the Financial Survival radio show for their regular, bi-monthly conversation. This time we discuss the disappearance of free will and the rise of Big Tech, the demographic crunch in Japan, China's belt and road diplomacy, and the recent crisis in Kashmir.

ClandesTime 171 – The Last Ship

The Last Ship is one of the most popular cable TV shows of recent years, as well as one of the most successful pieces of militainment. In this episode I examine the politics of the show, in particular how it depicts a conflict between the US and China.

JFKMLK Letter, Deadbeat Map, Syphilis Suit – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: the Kennedy and King families speak out on the assassinations; the next stage of China's social credit surveillance grid rolls out with Deadbeat Map; and Big Pharma faces a billion dollar lawsuit for infecting Guatemalans with syphilis.

Interview 1414 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-01-24%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: the Kennedy and King families speak out on the assassinations; the next stage of China's social credit surveillance grid rolls out with Deadbeat Map; and Big Pharma faces a billion dollar lawsuit for infecting Guatemalans with syphilis.

ClandesTime 164 – China’s Influence in Hollywood

China is without doubt a major player in Hollywood. Both private investment and state regulations and censorship have played a significant role in the American movie business in recent years. This week I examine the Chinese influence on Hollywood, both in terms of the shape of the industry and the shaping of film content.

Cultural Protectionism? The 2012 China-Hollywood Agreement

In 1994 the Chinese government first allowed Hollywood films to be distributed within the country.  Since then the US and China have been in a near-constant state of negotiations over import quotas, profit sharing and market access.  In 2007 the US brought a case before the World Trade Organisation, arguing that Chinese protectionism was preventing […]


The Pentagon’s China Syndrome

While some senior military officials have spoken openly about the possibility of a war between the US and China, the entertainment liaison offices appear to be working to ensure that doesn't happen.

China and Russia Wait For the Right Opportunity

In this video, Luke gives you the latest breaking news on Russia and China and their relationship with the U.S. It seems like they are currently waiting for the right opportunity to challenge the United States economically and possibly beyond.

Make sure to follow us on Steemit and BitTube too.

LIVE: China And Russia Set Eyes On U.S Dollar

In this video, Luke and Jason of WeAreChange break down the latest information on the insanity going on in the world this week. China and Russia have made some startling claims and it seems the end for the dollar may be closer than ever.

Make sure to follow us on Steemit and BitTube too.

Why China & Russia Have Publicly Announced They Are Preparing For War

In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on an announcement made by China and Russia. We go into the actions and comments made by Donald Trump and Mike Pence on the issue. We mainly focus on the economic aspects affecting us which include the U.S Petrodollar, oil in Yuan, China’s silk road, energy and food security, plus a lot more.

Check out our merchhere.

A Bigger Picture On The China Threat To The U.S.

In this video, Luke and Jason discuss the reports of a massive hardware hack by China. Is the China technology takeover already here or is this more hype by the establishment to demonize China?

Make sure to follow us on Steemit and BitTube too.

Why The Left Is Losing Against Kavanaugh, U.S. China Tensions Dangerously Rise

In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on why the political left is losing against Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Justice pick. As well as the rising, dangerous tensions between China and the U.S.

The post Why The Left Is Losing Against Kavanaugh, U.S. China Tensions Dangerously Rise appeared first on We Are Change.

Why The China World Order Is Here On Purpose

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the China World Order and why it is here on purpose. We talk with James Corbett of the Corbett report about the real news while exposing media censorship on the topic of China.

Find James’ channel here.

Make sure to follow us on Steemit and BitTube too.

Money Magic and the Scramble for Africa

James joins Melody Cedarstrom for his regular appearance on Financial Survival. This week they discuss the monetary system upon which the political puppet show is based and the scramble for African resources that is shaping up between the US and China.

Interview 1380 – Money Magic and the Scramble for Africa

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-08-23%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]James joins Melody Cedarstrom for his regular appearance on Financial Survival. This week they discuss the monetary system upon which the political puppet show is based and the scramble for African resources that is shaping up between the US and China.

#TaosCompound, Crude Sanctions, Apocalypse 2040 – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: the FBI have their hands all over the Taos compound story; Iran (and China) fire back at US sanctions; and the Club of Rome recycles 45 year old Armageddon propaganda.

Interview 1377 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-07-26%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: the FBI have their hands all over the Taos compound story; Iran (and China) fire back at US sanctions; and the Club of Rome recycles 45 year old Armageddon propaganda.

The Real Truth About The Space Force

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the U.S space force. It is planned to be the 6th military service of the U.S that President Donald Trump and Vice President Pence announced will be ready around 2020, to of course counter Russia and China. Maybe UFO’s and aliens will be around too, who knows? Just watch this video.

You can watch this video on DLivehere.

Is Peace On The Horizon With Trump, China and Russia?

In this video, Luke Rudkowski is joined by Jason Bermas to discuss the latest breaking news on relations with China, North Korea and Russia, as well as the latest in all the news you have barely heard about this week from the legacy media.

Is peace on the horizon with Trump leading the way?

The post Is Peace On The Horizon With Trump, China and Russia? appeared first on We Are Change.

Economic Conflict Begins Between China And The United States

In this video, Luke Rudkowski and Jason Bermas of WeAreChange give you the latest breaking news on the economic conflict that has begun between China and the United States. As this begins we can only hope that these economic sanctions do not lead to a greater conflict, one military in nature, especially now that the United States has sent two of their ships to Taiwan for the first time in a decade.

You can watch this video on DTubehere.

China Warns of “Peace Disease” And “Unavoidable” War With US

A leaked Chinese memo reveals that the Chinese military is combating "peace disease" and avoiding an "unavoidable" war by . . . building up their military? What does all this mean, what does it have to do with Thucydides, and what is the reality behind this smoke and mirrors? Find out in today's thought for the day.

Interview 1370 – James Corbett on the New World Order

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-06-20%20Lior%20Gantz.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett joins Lior Gantz of wealthresearchgroup.com to discuss the New World Order, the deep state and the battle for global control, and how we can slay the beast by simply removing our participation from the beast's system.

The End Of Dollar Dominance?

In this video, Luke Rudkowski is joined by Jason Bermas to discuss the week’s events which includes China, the roundup scandal and Monsanto, the increasing coverage of border policy and many other important stories.

The post The End Of Dollar Dominance? appeared first on We Are Change.

One Belt One Road: China’s Marshall Plan for the World

The recent Chinese investment in Donald Trump’s hotel project in Indonesia is just one in a long string of Chinese ventures across the globe. This deal, between a Chinese state-owned company and an Indonesian developer, falls under the umbrella of China’s One Belt One Road initiative.

One Belt One Road is an ambitious effort to spread the country’s money and influence around the world. The Chinese see it as an extension of their foreign policy: projecting soft power through the financing and construction of infrastructure and other projects.

The Clintons Are Connected To What? China, Peace Talks, Q Anon And More

In this video, Luke Rudkowski and Jason Bermas discuss the latest global news and go beyond mainstream media lies and propaganda to bring you the full story…the true story.

The post The Clintons Are Connected To What? China, Peace Talks, Q Anon And More appeared first on We Are Change.

CSS defends Syria, builds multipolarity at international security conference

By: Jafe Arnold (Special Projects Director) and Paul Antonopoulos (Research Fellow)  CSS Research Fellow Paul Antonopoulos speaks at “Threats to Security in the 21st Century: Finding a Global Way Forward” in Lahore, Pakistan he international conference, “Threats to Security in … Continue reading

Is Trump Trying to Prevent #ChinaGate?

During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump raged over all the US jobs that he claimed had been lost to China, and said he would go with a program of “America First” when it came to trade deals with that country.

Now we learn he is considering amending sanctions on Chinese phone maker ZTE because his proposed sanctions on the company would result in “too many lost jobs in China.”

Chinese World Order Rises in Ashes of Iran Deal

China has just opened a new railway link with Iran and CNPC is set to fill the void left by France's Total if and when they leave the South Pars field. It looks like the US pulling out of the Iran deal is win-win for China and the BRICS world order...and the engineered destruction of the west continues apace.

What You Need To Know About The Imminent U.S Face Off With Russia and China

In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on the imminent U.S face off with Russia and China. We go over all the latest moves committed by U.S president Donald Trump, as well as significant moves by Russia and China countering the United States. We of course cover John Bolton, Russian Mercenaries, the petrodollar, Taiwan, movement of the U.S Navy, aircraft carriers and the possible U.S strikes as Russia is accused of jamming U.S drones and much more.

The Chinese Emperor Has No Clothes: The Truth About the Chinese Economy

The Dow Jones plummeted Thursday over concerns that President Donald Trump is plunging the US in a trade war with China. Such a conflict is widely expected to harm US consumers. But what about the Asian superpower?

What if the Chinese Emperor has no clothes? Remember back in the 1970s when Americans were afraid of the Japanese economy taking over? When they bought great American assets and real estate? In fact, all that fear and anxiety were misplaced. The same may be true today with respect to China.

Trump! China! Tariffs! Why It’s Only Going To Get Bad From Here

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Trump proposing new tariffs on imports to the U.S, leaving many countries like China up in arms. Lindsey Graham espousing his wisdom, Xi Jinping trying to be president forever. We also get into broke millennials, the royal family and a lot more.

You can watch this video on DTubehere.

Will China Benefit from Permanent One-Man Rule?

China experienced arguably its biggest shake-up in decades last Sunday when the Communist Party scrapped term limits on the presidency. This cleared the way for President Xi Jinping to lead the most populous country in the world indefinitely. Every leader since Mao Zedong has abided by the provision to rule no longer than two five-year terms.

China Blocking Bitcoin? While Russians Use Super Computer To Mine Cryptos

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange talks with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media about the latest news in cryptocurrency and bitcoin. One of the biggest stories of the week has been the major dip in the stock market and jump in price of Bitcoin. There is major news coming from China and Russia in this space, plus a lot more.

The views expressed in this video are our opinions and not financial advice. Please do your own due diligence.

Hillary Clinton Did WHAT! Bigger Problem Emerges For Trump

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the Hillary Clinton FBI investigation and trouble with her former campaign staffer. We also get into U.S President Donald Trump’s big problem that just emerged in Asia with China in the South Asian sea. Plus more news on Julian Assange, John Podesta and the justice department, plus a lot more!

You can watch this video on DTubehere.

Targeting Iran Deconstructed: What They Don’t Want You to Know

Newsbud founder and editor Sibel Edmonds is joined by Newsbud Senior Analyst Pye Ian in this two part, special report. The two Iran experts, Edmonds and Ian, examine recent developments in the civil unrest in Iran, providing historical background and context necessary for a full and complete understanding of the often complicated and ever changing geopolitical chess board. Do not miss this in-depth, two-part special report available exclusively for members at Newsbud.com Or you can watch it now at Newsbud Vimeo on Demand.

Article: Henry Kissinger Advises Trump To Act Like A Madman

We Are Change

Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings. You are today’s date because you’re 10 out of 10. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, apologies in advance. Okay let’s just get into the reality crushing, cold hard facts about the world today. The world that the few and powerful don’t want you to understand.

Apple Proudly Announces Global Censorship

We Are Change

Jason Bermas talks about the latest announcement by Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, that explains how they share a common global vision of the internet. China, of course, has vast internet censorship and living with their policies would be a nightmare.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

Check out WeAreChange Shirts here.

Paris Hilton’s Brand New Invention and LaVar Ball vs Donald Trump

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Paris Hilton saying she invented the selfie and Lavar Ball’s argument with Donald Trump over the UCLA players that were freed from China recently. More interesting news about Putin, Glenn Thrush, Oliver Stone, Bill Clinton, Mike Cernovich, John Conyers, Charlie Rose and others.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

Making Sense of the Middle East

So what was the Saudi purge about, exactly? And what does Yemen have to do with this? And how about the South Pars oilfield? And what does all of that have to do with the price of tea in China? Confused? Well, you’re not the only one.

Interview 1325 – The Indo-Pacific Region on Howe Street Radio

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-11-21%20Howe%20Street.mp3"][/audio]James joins Jim Goddard on HoweStreet.com Radio for his bi-monthly round-up of economic, financial and geopolitical stories from around the world. This time around they discuss the new, US-less Zombie TPP; China's shadow banking crackdown; and the US' new penchant for calling the Asia-Pacific the Indo-Pacific.

The Saudi Purge is a Global Crisis

The House of Saud is in crisis as MBS consolidates his hold on the kingdom and prepares to transform Saudi Arabia in his image. But what is behind the purge, and how does it relate to the future of the world monetary system. Join James for a classic Corbett Report debriefing on the Saudi purge and the rise of the petroyuan.

Episode 323 – The Saudi Purge is a Global Crisis

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode323-lq.mp3"][/audio]The House of Saud is in crisis as MBS consolidates his hold on the kingdom and prepares to transform Saudi Arabia in his image. But what is behind the purge, and how does it relate to the future of the world monetary system. Join James for a classic Corbett Report debriefing on the Saudi purge and the rise of the petroyuan.

China Aramco, Russian DNA, Paradise Papers – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: the Saudi-China Aramco deal takes on greater significance in the wake of the Saudi purge; the US Air Force is collecting Russian RNA "for science"; and the Paradise Papers partially reveal agenda-driven half-truths.

Interview 1321 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-11-09%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: the Saudi-China Aramco deal takes on greater significance in the wake of the Saudi purge; the US Air Force is collecting Russian RNA "for science"; and the Paradise Papers partially reveal agenda-driven half-truths.

The Hagmann Report on Big Oil

Today James appears as a guest on The Hagmann Report to discuss How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World. Topics covered include the real aims of the oiligarchy, the technocratic “solution” to the death of the petrodollar, and the (engineered) rise of China and the coming (engineered) conflict.

Interview 1317 – The Hagmann Report on Big Oil

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-11-08%20Hagmann%20Report.mp3"][/audio]Today James appears as a guest on The Hagmann Report to discuss How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World. Topics covered include the real aims of the oiligarchy, the technocratic "solution" to the death of the petrodollar, and the (engineered) rise of China and the coming (engineered) conflict.

Interview 1312 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-10-26%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: the Chinese roll out their creepy social credit system; the Dutch roll out their creepy car snitch program; and the CIA unveil their horrific Afghan Phoenix program.

Interview 1311 – James Corbett on Howe Street

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-10-26%20James%20Corbett.mp3"][/audio]James joins Jim Goddard of HoweStreet.com radio to discuss the recent Japanese election, the situation with North Korea, the Chinese Communist Party's recent National Congress, the Las Vegas shooting and the Clinton Foundation's ties to the Russia-Uranium scandal.

Financial Survival in the China World Order

James Corbett joins Alfred Adask for his bi-monthly appearance on Financial Survival. They discuss James’ presentation on “Echoes of WWI” and how the Chinese-led “alternative” infrastructure is part and parcel of the predetermined globalist “solution” to the coming crisis.

Interview 1303 – Financial Survival in the China World Order

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-09-28%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett joins Alfred Adask for his bi-monthly appearance on Financial Survival. They discuss James' presentation on "Echoes of WWI" and how the Chinese-led "alternative" infrastructure is part and parcel of the predetermined globalist "solution" to the coming crisis.

China Djibouti, Obama Wall Street, Social Media – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: China treads the OBOR to Djibouti in AFRICOM; Obama hopes for some change from his Wall Street sugar daddies; and US preps the public to give up their social media creds at the border.

Interview 1302 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-09-28%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: China treads the OBOR to Djibouti in AFRICOM; Obama hopes for some change from his Wall Street sugar daddies; and US preps the public to give up their social media creds at the border.

Echoes of WWI: Q&A

James Corbett answers questions from the audience after delivering his presentation, "Echoes of WWI: China, the US and the Next 'Great' War" to the Open Mind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 16, 2017. Special thanks to the Open Mind Conference for hosting the presentation and GaiaTV.dk for producing the video.

Questions in Copenhagen – Questions For Corbett #037

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/qfc037-lq.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett answers questions from the audience after delivering his presentation, "Echoes of WWI: China, the US and the Next 'Great' War" to the Open Mind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 16, 2017.

Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War

In the early 20th century, the world’s dominant superpower looked warily on the rise of a competitor to its supremacy. The machinations of the British to contain the rise of Germany led inexorably to the First World War. Once again in the early 21st century, the world’s dominant superpower is looking warily on the rise of a competitor.

What Trump Does Not Want You To Know About His U.N Speech

We Are Change

Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings. I just went through a major earthquake here in Acapulco Mexico that occurred near Mexico City. The shock waves shook this entire house and pretty much scared the crap out of me and everyone else here. It looks like everyone’s fine here in Acapulco.

Jeff Berwick on Bitcoin Price Surge, China, Jamie Dimon, What You Need To Know

We Are Change

Today I am reporting from Acapulco, Mexico, home of the Anarchast and Anarchapulco. Here with me is Jeff Berwick. There have been so many amazing, incredible developments and exciting Bitcoin news. Whether it’s with Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan and Chase, or the latest news that just developed in China. The fears and concerns of many about our global currency. We’re going to go over all the important developments of course with Jeff Berwick, a leading expert in the Bitcoin community.

Is Trump Planning a Korean Peace Surprise? And Can the Deep State Stop Him?

North Korea’s got nukes.  And it’s got ICBMs.  Even so, US hawks have pushed the Korean peace process into a dead end.  But can they keep it there?  Not just Russia and China want negotiations.  Maybe Donald Trump wants to negotiate too!  Is the deep state going to push back?  What do you think?  It already has!  And why didn’t Seth Rogen melt off Kim Jong Un’s face?

*Follow us here at Newsbud Twitter

China’s New World Order: Gold-backed oil benchmark on the way

China has announced a "new world order" for world oil markets that could have profound effects on the global economy and the monetary order itself. But as The Shanghai International Energy Exchange gears up for operation, it's important to note yet again that this is another engineered conflict with the pre-determined death of the dollar system being used to bring in the new multipolar world order that the NWO has been openly working toward for decades.

Interview 1298 – James Corbett on This Week in Money

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-09-03%20James%20Corbett.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett joins Jim Goddard on Roundhouse Radio 98.3's This Week in Money to discuss Asian markets and geopolitics. This time they talk about North Korea's recent missile test over Japan, Chinese capital controls and the Chinese/Indian border squabble.

Trumps Pivot That Will Bring On The End Of The U.S. Empire

We Are Change

Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings, here at WeAreChange we often confuse a lot of people. To pinpoint our philosophy, we are here to get you to question your reality so that you can make up your own mind.

We are a fully independent broadcast news organization that is financed by you. I needed to say that before getting into the next subject of this video which is a very light topic which is of course “The diabolical, evil plot by bloodthirsty globalists to start a war, with the help of the mainstream media!”

Weekly News Wrap-Up: FBI Creating False Right Wing Terror Plots

We Are Change

Welcome back all you amazing human beings. Today while the world anxiously awaits the latest comments from the ‘Flat Earthers ‘on the solar eclipse and the rest of the country prepares for civil war, some real news stories are happening that you should know about. That’s what we are going to cover today on our weekly news wrap-up called “What the Hell Really Happened This Week.”

What Is Neodymium And Why Is It so Important?

The average American consumer probably has never heard of neodymium. But that substance — along with other so-called rare earth elements — is essential to the functioning of technologies we take for granted on a daily basis.

Rare-earths refer to 17 naturally occurring chemical elements on the periodic table. Despite the name, they aren’t particularly rare, existing in relative abundance in the earth’s crust. Cerium, an oxidizing agent, is as plentiful as copper, while radioactive promethium is the least common.

China Monopolizes Crucial Rare Earth Minerals

Crucial technologies developed in the United States, from smart phones to advanced weapon systems, can only be produced with rare earth minerals from China. How did the US get to a point where it has to rely on a strategic adversary to build its high tech products?

Korea, Sanctions, AI Takeover – James Corbett on The Power Hour

James Corbett returns to The Power Hour with new host Daniel Brigman for a wide-ranging conversation on tensions with North Korea, Russian sanctions, Chinese censorship, bitcoin, Afghanistan withdrawal, the AI takeover and Fukushima updates.

Interview 1292 – James Corbett on The Power Hour

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-08-01%20Power%20Hour.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett returns to The Power Hour with new host Daniel Brigman for a wide-ranging conversation on tensions with North Korea, Russian sanctions, Chinese censorship, bitcoin, Afghanistan withdrawal, the AI takeover and Fukushima updates.

Trump: Triggered into Reason, Stocking the Swamp, Cold War 2.0

We Are Change

Welcome back you beautiful, amazing human beings! Just a reminder before we begin today; what you’re stressing about right now won’t even matter in a few years. So calm down relax and empower yourself with real information, which we try to provide you here on WeAreChange. In our ‘daily’ videos, which are called “What The Hell Really Happened.” Okay, your right, they’re not daily because I’m really busy.

Interview 1290 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-07-27%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: China begins "online purification"; the US begins chipping employees; and Canada falls flat in staircase debacle.

Interview 1277 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-05-25%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: NATO woos Trump with 9/11 blood and steel; China begins GMO propaganda drive; and the Chinternet now requires your real name.

Globalization 2.0, Bitcoin Prison, Homeless Tracking – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: China revs up globalization 2.0 at silk road summit; Florida passing law to imprison bitcoin launderers; and the Big Apple is rolling out new tech to track the homeless.

Interview 1275 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-05-11%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: China revs up globalization 2.0 at silk road summit; Florida passing law to imprison bitcoin launderers; and the Big Apple is rolling out new tech to track the homeless.

VIDEO: U.S. Worldwide Hegemony and Dominance Threatened

We Are Change

As western neoconservative policy agendas inside of Syria and North Korea have the world on edge, an alliance of Eurasian & Balkan states- The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, act together economically, politically, and militarily.

The SCO accounts for 25% of the world’s population and seems to be a direct response to western interventionism. Iran may soon join, which would have grave consequences on US foreign policy, and threatens the US/Nato world hegemony and dominance.

Meet The Shanghai Cooperation Organization

When The Shanghai Five held its first presidential summit in China in 1996, this innocuous group hardly registered as a blip on the geopolitical radar. Within just five years, however, the loose-knit cooperative organization of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan was already attracting the attention of some of the premier globalist institutions as a potential opponent to Western imperial hegemony...

Report: Russia and China Head For Korean Peninsula As U.S Deploys Two Additional Carriers

We Are Change

As the tensions between world powers reach a tipping point, multiple sources now report that military moves are being made by China, Russia, and the USA appearing to head in the direction of the Korean Peninsula.

Moscow And Beijing Join Forces To Bypass US Dollar As World Reserve Currency

We Are Change

Russia’s central bank opened its first overseas office in Beijing last month, coming one step closer to replacing the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The South China Morning Post reported the new office was part of agreements made between the two countries “to seek stronger economic ties.”

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