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RadioWHO Episode 3: CIA Crack Kingpin Ricky Ross

RickyRossTennisBefore “Freeway” Ricky Ross gained infamy as a $3 million-a-day Los Angeles crack dealer with hidden CIA support, he was headed to college on a tennis scholarship.

In the most explosive episode of RadioWHO yet, Ross gives host Guillermo Jimenez his definitive answer about the CIA’s motives to sponsor drug dealing. Was it just to support the Nicaraguan Contra rebels, or a plot to harm black Americans?

Torturing the Truth: Why the CIA Report Won’t Change Anything

qDid you see this analysis of the Senate report on the CIA and torture? It’s from CNN:

The CIA’s harsh interrogations of detainees during the Bush era didn’t work, were more brutal than previously revealed and delivered no “ticking time bomb” information that prevented a terrorist attack, according to a new Senate report.

In Iran Nuke Deal, France Wants to Have Its Yellowcake and Eat It Too

1One thing is largely absent from any discussion about the failure to strike a nuclear deal with Iran: the money swirling behind the diplomatic pillars of politics and international security.

RadioWHO: Russ Baker on the 51st Anniversary of JFK’s Assassination

Postcard depicting the official JFK assassination story.

Postcard depicting the official JFK assassination story.

One question about JFK’s assassination that’s never gotten enough attention: former President George H.W. Bush’s connection to it.

Boston Bombing Prosecutor: Witnesses ‘Afraid’ to Testify

1The Boston Marathon bombing is much more important than has been acknowledged, principally because it is the defining domestic national security event since 9/11—and has played a major role in expanding the power of the security state. For that reason, WhoWhatWhy is continuing to investigate troubling aspects of this story and the establishment media treatment of it.

How the Doomsday Project Led to Warrantless Surveillance and Detention after 9/11

One nation, under watch.

One nation, under watch.

How did the deep state, in one fell swoop after 9/11, hand the government powers of warrantless surveillance and detention? Easy: it substituted “terrorism” for “nuclear attack” to activate the Atomic-Age machinery created to help the government operate after a catastrophic nuclear strike.

Another Boston Bombing Witness Beatdown?

Khairullozhon Matanov. By AP.

Khairullozhon Matanov. By AP.

Another friend of the accused Boston Marathon bombers is claiming brutal treatment at the hands of law enforcement. This time the alleged perpetrators aren’t FBI agents, they’re prison guards.

The “Double Government” Secret Gets Out

You know something is going on when the cautious Boston Globe publishes not one, but two, pieces dealing with the “double government.”

This cryptic phrase encapsulates a serious claim about the American body politic: That a permanent and largely unaccountable bureaucracy keeps on doing what it wants to do, no matter who the voters elect to the White House.

The “Double Government” Secret Gets Out

Pick an agency, any agency …

Pick an agency, any agency …

You know something is going on when the cautious Boston Globe publishes not one, but two, pieces dealing with the “double government.”

Deep Politics for Lunch

deepRecently, a number of influential authors and researchers into the nature of democracy and the security state gathered for lunch at the home of Peter Dale Scott, who’s credited with coining the phrase “deep politics.”

“Parallel state” exists, alleges Turkish leader—and More Headlines

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