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AI and genetic cures of disease: where’s the evidence?

by Jon Rappoport

April 22, 2019

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“Isn’t it wonderful? Disease is genetic, and we can alter gene function. We’re winning…”

Much trumpeting of genetic cures is on the propaganda agenda these days—but where is the evidence?

In order to rank as a cure, manipulation of DNA would have to heal a well-defined disease across the board, in a vast majority of cases. No such victories are occurring at present.

AI and genetic cures of disease: where’s the evidence?

by Jon Rappoport

April 24, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

“Isn’t it wonderful? Disease is genetic, and we can alter gene function. We’re winning…”

Much trumpeting of genetic cures is on the propaganda agenda these days—but where is the evidence?

In order to rank as a cure, manipulation of DNA would have to heal a well-defined disease across the board, in a vast majority of cases. No such victories are occurring at present.

The great big Autism obfuscation

by Jon Rappoport

March 28, 2019

“How is a self-contained world built? Well, you can take a major situation which has an obvious cause, and then relabel the situation with a new name and say the cause is unknown. Then you can claim you’re looking for the cause, and you can keep looking and stalling for 50 years.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

First of all, there is NO definitive evidence that autism is a specific condition with a single cause.

The great big Autism obfuscation

by Jon Rappoport

March 28, 2019

“How is a self-contained world built? Well, you can take a major situation which has an obvious cause, and then relabel the situation with a new name and say the cause is unknown. Then you can claim you’re looking for the cause, and you can keep looking and stalling for 50 years.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

First of all, there is NO definitive evidence that autism is a specific condition with a single cause.

Interview with a Retired Vaccine Researcher

by Jon Rappoport

March 13, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

Dr. Mark Randall is the pseudonym of a vaccine researcher who worked for many years in the labs of major pharmaceutical houses and the US government’s National Institutes of Health.

Mark retired in the 1990s. He says he was “disgusted with what he discovered about vaccines.”

Interview with a Retired Vaccine Researcher

“[These days,] If I had a child, the last thing I would allow is [my child to be vaccinated].”

by Jon Rappoport

March 13, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

Dr. Mark Randall is the pseudonym of a vaccine researcher who worked for many years in the labs of major pharmaceutical houses and the US government’s National Institutes of Health.

Mark retired in the 1990s. He says he was “disgusted with what he discovered about vaccines.”

Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?

Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?

by Jon Rappoport

February 12, 2019

In the 1990s, I watched a federal trial in a Los Angeles courtroom. The defendant was charged with selling medical drugs without a license to practice medicine.

The defendant was prepared to argue that a) the substance he was selling was naturally produced in the body and b) it was effective.

The prosecution moved to exclude such testimony, on the grounds that it was irrelevant.

Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?

by Jon Rappoport

February 12, 2019

In the 1990s, I watched a federal trial in a Los Angeles courtroom. The defendant was charged with selling medical drugs without a license to practice medicine.

The defendant was prepared to argue that a) the substance he was selling was naturally produced in the body and b) it was effective.

The prosecution moved to exclude such testimony, on the grounds that it was irrelevant.

The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking

Note: the missing $20 trillion does not refer to the national debt.

by Jon Rappoport

December 31, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Alert to pension fund managers all over the planet—and to everyone else—

“If 1,000 US and global pension fund managers start asking questions it could change everything – like stopping a nuclear war.”

The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking

Note: the missing $20 trillion does not refer to the national debt.

by Jon Rappoport

December 31, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Alert to pension fund managers all over the planet—and to everyone else—

“If 1,000 US and global pension fund managers start asking questions it could change everything – like stopping a nuclear war.”

Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union

World War 2 continued by other means

by Jon Rappoport

December 12, 2018

This is an intelligence briefing. Here I present the bare bones of what has been happening before our eyes…if we would see it.

Once upon a time, there was an industrial combine in Nazi Germany called IG Farben. It was the largest chemical/pharmaceutical octopus in the world. It owned companies, and it had favorable business agreements with companies from England to Central America to Japan.

Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union

World War 2 continued by other means

by Jon Rappoport

December 12, 2018

This is an intelligence briefing. Here I present the bare bones of what has been happening before our eyes…if we would see it.

Once upon a time, there was an industrial combine in Nazi Germany called IG Farben. It was the largest chemical/pharmaceutical octopus in the world. It owned companies, and it had favorable business agreements with companies from England to Central America to Japan.

The war to destroy Alex Jones, Part 2

The war to destroy Alex Jones, Part 2

Many strange things can be implemented on the basis of “protecting the herd.”

by Jon Rappoport

August 8, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

(For Part 1, click here)

Remember the pandemic that was going to wipe out humanity? We’re still here.

by Jon Rappoport

August 1, 2018

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Every few years, a new virus shows up that, experts tell us, can wipe out half the world in six months…and then it doesn’t happen.

I could give you several examples. In this piece, let’s harken back to SARS, the vague flu lookalike that suddenly showed up in 2003 and was going to decimate the Earth.

Government-Pharma collusion in mass deaths by opioids

by Jon Rappoport

July 30, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

—The 2016 law, hamstringing the DEA, still has not been repealed—

The major pipeline for trafficking opioid drugs starts with pharmaceutical manufacturers, who are intentionally distributing opioids far beyond any legitimate need.



US shipped biowar materials to Iraq

US shipped biowar materials to Iraq

Mainstream fake-news: the devious limited hangout

by Jon Rappoport

July 25, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Big media attacks “fake news.” Independent reporters rightly point the finger at big media as the predominant purveyor of fake news.

Here I want to comment on one of the most devious forms of MSM fake news: the limited hangout.

Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news

Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news

Faced with toxic fluorides destroying food crops, animal and human life, and with law suits piling up, atomic scientists decided they could distract the nation by promoting fluorides as a beneficial tooth treatment…

by Jon Rappoport

June 11, 2018

Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news

Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news

Faced with toxic fluorides destroying food crops, animal and human life, and with law suits piling up, atomic scientists decided they could distract the nation by promoting fluorides as a beneficial tooth treatment…

by Jon Rappoport

June 11, 2018

Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers

Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers

by Jon Rappoport

June 7, 2018

—Two scientists discover that vaccines are contaminated, in the manufacturing process, with many small particles of metals that are toxic to humans when injected. Alarming.

The published research is ignored. Then the scientists are raided by police.

To Trump: how to win the war in Afghanistan

To Trump: how to win the war in Afghanistan

by Jon Rappoport

May 29, 2018

Win the war in Afghanistan? Impossible, you say?

Dear Mr. Trump: it can be done, I assure you.

There is a pattern. It’s tried and true. It’s been tested in America for decades. So let’s rely on this accumulated wisdom and put it to good use. Finally.


Buckle up. This doesn’t need an executive summary. It isn’t a position paper. It’s an all-out attack. Let’s roll!

To Trump: how to win the war in Afghanistan

To Trump: how to win the war in Afghanistan

by Jon Rappoport

May 29, 2018

Win the war in Afghanistan? Impossible, you say?

Dear Mr. Trump: it can be done, I assure you.

There is a pattern. It’s tried and true. It’s been tested in America for decades. So let’s rely on this accumulated wisdom and put it to good use. Finally.


Buckle up. This doesn’t need an executive summary. It isn’t a position paper. It’s an all-out attack. Let’s roll!

Say hello to the FBI mole inside the Trump campaign

Say hello to the FBI mole inside the Trump campaign

by Jon Rappoport

May 21, 2018

Well, you see, the mole wasn’t a spy, he was an informant. Aha. Let’s use a microscope to tell the difference.

The mole: Stefan Halper, a Cambridge professor.

Supposedly, Halper was gathering information for the FBI about a suspected Trump-Russia connection.

The secret circle that controls governments

The secret circle that controls governments

by Jon Rappoport

April 26, 2018

Note: I have many new readers, and they have not read this article of mine, which I first posted several years ago. Here it is—

Who is in charge of destroying economies?

One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since 1973.

It’s called the Trilateral Commission (TC).

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”

The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking

The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking

Note: the missing $20 trillion does not refer to the national debt.

by Jon Rappoport

April 24, 2018

Alert to pension fund managers all over the planet—and to everyone else—

“If 1,000 US and global pension fund managers start asking questions it could change everything – like stopping a nuclear war.”

The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking

The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking

Note: the missing $20 trillion does not refer to the national debt.

by Jon Rappoport

April 24, 2018

Alert to pension fund managers all over the planet—and to everyone else—

“If 1,000 US and global pension fund managers start asking questions it could change everything – like stopping a nuclear war.”

The US government colludes in Mass Deaths by Opioids

US government colludes in Mass Deaths by Opioids

Get the truth out and spread it

by Jon Rappoport

April 10, 2018

The major pipeline for trafficking opioid drugs starts with pharmaceutical manufacturers, who are intentionally distributing opioids far beyond any legitimate need.



A significant percentage of this human carnage results from illegal distribution of opioids.

Here is the open secret:

Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers

Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers

by Jon Rappoport

April 9, 2018

California used to be trumpeted as the cutting edge of American culture.

It still is, except the culture is now all about censoring free speech.

Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers

Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers

by Jon Rappoport

April 9, 2018

California used to be trumpeted as the cutting edge of American culture.

It still is, except the culture is now all about censoring free speech.

5G wireless: a ridiculous front for global control

5G wireless: a ridiculous front for global control

by Jon Rappoport

April 3, 2018

First, two quotes to give a bit of background.

5G speed, for people who must download a whole season of their favorite show in two seconds:

Five thousand inventions in limbo and under “secrecy orders” at the US Patent Office

Five thousand inventions in limbo and under “secrecy orders” at the US Patent Office

by Jon Rappoport

March 28, 2018

How many of these patents, if granted, would be game changers for planet Earth? Who knows?

Buckle up. Here we go.

From FAS (Federation of American Scientists), Secrecy News, Oct. 21, 2010, “Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong,” by Steven Aftergood:

CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest

CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest

by Jon Rappoport

March 21, 2018

If you wanted to buy a product…

And the main researcher of the product was the company selling it to you…

Would you automatically assume the product was safe and effective?

Only crazy people drink raw milk?

Only crazy people drink raw milk?

The wider implications

by Jon Rappoport

March 21, 2018

For a moment, don’t think about whether raw milk is safe or dangerous, health-giving or harmful. Stop. There are wider implications here. And they affect every citizen.

Here is my article, from August 5, 2011. The issues are still quite relevant.

How about life in prison for doctors who prescribe psychiatric drugs to toddlers?

How about life in prison for doctors who prescribe psychiatric drugs to toddlers?

by Jon Rappoport

March 20, 2018

Over the past 25 years, I’ve documented and exposed the horrendous effects of psychiatric drugs.

To take this a giant step further, what doctor, in his right mind, would DIAGNOSE a baby, a toddler, a very young child with a mental disorder and then PRESCRIBE one of these drugs?

“Your six-month-old baby has clinical depression.” What lunatic would say such a thing?

Shocking victory for proponents of alternative medicine

Shocking victory for proponents of alternative medicine

by Jon Rappoport

March 8, 2018

Breaking: In Australia, an effort to label all alternative (traditional, complementary) medicine products as “based on pseudoscience” has failed.

Traditional remedies (much older than mainstream medicines) are defended as appropriate, and can include health claims.

Australian anti-vaxxers provide new model for the world

Australian anti-vaxxers provide new model for the world

by Jon Rappoport

March 4, 2018

Out of the ashes of government tyranny comes a solution.

In the Australian state of Queensland, childcare facilities can refuse to allow unvaccinated children to attend, so…

Globalists weaponize the stock market to control presidents

Globalists weaponize the stock market to control presidents

Anatomy of a fake reality

by Jon Rappoport

March 4, 2018

The economy is on the rise. No, it’s sinking. There are very good indicators. No, all the signals are catastrophic.

We’ve seen pundits on television hawking their version of the near future. Many of them represent organizations who have political and financial agendas.

Guns: the one-size-fits-all solution is no solution

Guns: the one-size-fits-all solution is no solution

by Jon Rappoport

February 26, 2018

The novelist William Burroughs once wrote: “After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.”

Missing history: US oligarchs finance Socialism

Missing history: US oligarchs finance Socialism

Socialism was never a movement for “the masses”

by Jon Rappoport

February 20, 2018

In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller.

Over the years, several million copies have been sold.

Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news

Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news

Faced with toxic fluorides destroying food crops, animal and human life, and with law suits piling up, atomic scientists decided they could distract the nation by promoting fluorides as a beneficial tooth treatment…

by Jon Rappoport

February 1, 2018

Contaminated chemo drugs, the FDA, and chemical warfare against the public

Contaminated chemo drugs, the FDA, and chemical warfare against the public

by Jon Rappoport

December 29, 2017

Chemo drugs are highly poisonous to begin with. But suppose, on top of that, they’re contaminated and tainted?

Welcome to the FDA: the handmaiden to Big Pharma; the promoter of destructive medicines; the opponent of natural health; the agency that should have been disbanded and fumigated decades ago. Corruption Central.

Are FBI “patriots” getting ready to expose the corrupt Mueller probe?

Are FBI “patriots” getting ready to expose the corrupt Mueller probe?

by Jon Rappoport

December 25, 2017

There are two parts to this article. Part one was written before the recent wave of Mueller-FBI demotion, retirement, and reassignment among key personnel. Part one is a kind of roadmap for whistleblower groups. A way to succeed.

Part two comments on the extraordinary “downsizing” of Mueller-FBI personnel, and its possible connection to FBI whistleblowers within the Bureau.

New gift-wrapped UFO revelations from the Pentagon: what’s going on?

New gift-wrapped UFO revelations from the Pentagon: what’s going on?

by Jon Rappoport

December 22, 2017

You’re walking through a sea of misinformation, disinformation, lies, speculation, goofball theories—and suddenly, the wise men behind the curtain decide to reach out and hand you unvarnished facts that blow your mind. What’s going on?

We have an entirely new gambit in the UFO disclosure game.

The search for pure ideals in politics

The search for pure ideals in politics

by Jon Rappoport

December 18, 2017

Al Gore was pure. George W Bush was a monster. John Kerry was pure. Bush was still a monster. John McCain and Mitt Romney were monsters. Barack Obama was pure. Trump is pure. Hillary is a monster. Round and round it goes.

Reverse the labels, turn them upside down, inside out, and you arrive at the same dead-end alley at midnight: none of the big-time pols are pure. Far from it.

Does the push for mass vaccination point toward a staged bioterror event?

Does the push for mass vaccination point toward a staged bioterror event?

by Jon Rappoport

December 4, 2017

We’ve seen the signs. I’ve been highlighting them. The infamous childhood mandatory vaccination law in California. Other states that are considering similar bills. The lunatic push in Australia to outlaw medical exemptions from vaccination. The all-out campaign in the press, in various countries, to stigmatize people who defect from official “truth” about the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

Boom: Michael Flynn pleads guilty

Boom: Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the FBI; but an Obama aide went to Russia and huddled with Russian officials BEFORE Obama was even elected

by Jon Rappoport

December 3, 2017

Michael Flynn has pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak.

The conversation occurred AFTER Trump won the 2016 election and before he was inaugurated. The conversation involved US sanctions against Russia and a UN resolution concerning Israel.

The Surveillance State is creating new meta-crimes

The Surveillance State is creating new meta-crimes

by Jon Rappoport

December 1, 2017

The Surveillance State has created an apparatus whose implications are staggering. It’s a different world now. And sometimes it takes a writer of fiction to flesh out the larger landscape.

Brad Thor’s novel, Black List, posits the existence of a monster corporation, ATS, which stands alongside the NSA in collecting information on every move we make. ATS’ intelligence-gathering capability is unmatched anywhere in the world.

Medical destruction: It’s not just opioids

Medical destruction: It’s not just opioids

by Jon Rappoport

November 17, 2017

Some people are just waking up to medical destruction, by way of news on the opioid epidemic (my article archive on Opioids is here).

They’re late to the party, but that’s all right. They can catch up.

Here are a few horrific “catch-up” quotes. I’ll discuss the source afterwards:

The violent attack on Senator Rand Paul: will the punishment fit the crime?

The violent attack on Senator Rand Paul: will the punishment fit the crime?

by Jon Rappoport

November 10, 2017

Breitbart reports: “Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s injuries are more serious than previously reported, following an attack, allegedly by one of his neighbors, last week in Bowling Green, KY.”

“’A medical update: final report indicates six broken ribs & new X-ray shows a pleural effusion‬,’ tweeted the Republican senator Wednesday.”

Texas church shooter: what no one is saying about the insanity of his prior conviction

Texas church shooter: what no one is saying about the insanity of his prior conviction

by Jon Rappoport

November 7, 2017

Devin Kelley, the Texas church shooter, was convicted of crimes by a military court in 2012.

Mainstream press outlets are reporting this fact to show he never should have been allowed to purchase a gun after his release from prison—except the Army failed to enter his criminal record in a national database that would have red-flagged him, when he tried to buy several weapons.

No More Fake News Exclusive: insider reveals how the opioid crime network operates!

No More Fake News Exclusive: insider reveals how the opioid crime network operates!

Opioid drugs: morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, fentanyl, naloxone, Percocet, etc.

by Jon Rappoport

October 17, 2017

Was the Vegas shooter a patsy?

Was the Vegas shooter a patsy?

How did he get all those weapons into his hotel suite?

by Jon Rappoport

October 5, 2017

Daily Mail: “…Jill Sneider of the ATF said that no less than 12 of the rifles found in the room had bump-stock modifications.”

“In total, there were 23 firearms in the hotel room, including an AK-47, an AR-15-type gun, and a handgun.”

Multiple shooters: not the first time

Multiple shooters: not the first time

by Jon Rappoport

October 4, 2017

Update: I have three separate reports that shots were fired through the front door of the Vegas Bellagio Hotel at roughly the same time as the concert shooting, late Sunday. For example:

(Update 2: The video — “YT /watch?v=AKv8KrJBAxg” — has been taken down. If/when it is re-posted on YT, I will update the link.)

Multiple shooters in Vegas: the standard progression in staged attacks

Multiple shooters in Vegas: the standard progression of events in a staged attack

by Jon Rappoport

October 4, 2017

—In case anyone doesn’t get the point, multiple shooters in Las Vegas would imply much planning and coordination for a given political purpose. Not a crazy lone act of a crazy man. The whole scene would change in an instant. Everything the public knows would be wrong.

NY Governor lies about being an immigrant; he’s not

NY Governor lies about being an immigrant: he’s not

by Jon Rappoport

September 30, 2017

The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, a staunch advocate for open-door immigration, self-servingly claims he’s an immigrant.

He’s not.

He was born in New York, in 1957.

To my friends in Australia: the vaccine war deepens

To my friends in Australia: the vaccine war deepens

by Jon Rappoport

September 20, 2017

The string of abuses laid on citizens of Australia by their government grows almost week by week.

Now, parental rights to raise children, without interference from the State, is under a new form of attack. This must be resisted.

How many drug scripts do doctors write per year?

How many drug prescriptions do doctors write per year?

by Jon Rappoport

September 13, 2017

Medical News Today reports that, in 2011, there was a modest uptick in the number of prescriptions written in the US.

The increase brought the total to: 4.02 billion.

Yes, in 2011, doctors wrote 4.02 billion prescriptions for drugs in America.

That’s an average of roughly 13 prescriptions for each man, woman, and child.

Are Elite Controllers a fantasy? Read this.

Are Elite Controllers a fantasy? Read this.

by Jon Rappoport

September 11, 2017

We rarely get a chance to see a smoking gun that proves elite controllers are running the show from behind the curtain.

That’s why there is a curtain.

So I’m republishing a conversation between two members of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission (TC) and a US reporter.

First, a bit of background:

True: California city will pay gang members to remain peaceful

True: California city will pay gang members to remain peaceful

by Jon Rappoport

September 3, 2017

This isn’t a satire on ultra-liberal California.

FOX News 40 reports: “After a violent weekend of suspected gang-related shootings, Tuesday the Sacramento City Council took action to reduce the bloodshed.”

The trial of John Doe vs. [Censored]

The trial of John Doe vs. [Censored]

by Jon Rappoport

August 29, 2017

The trial took place in a quiet empty room, in an underground bunker, at an undisclosed location in [Censored].

The Judge sat behind a high table. John Doe stood below him.

Judge: You are John Doe? You have a website called Doe Doe?

Doe: Yes, Your Honor. May I know your name?

Judge: Of course. It’s Judge.

Doe: That’s your title.

Judge: It’s also my name.

Doe: You’re Judge Judge?

To Trump: how to win the war in Afghanistan

To Trump: how to win the war in Afghanistan

by Jon Rappoport

August 28, 2017

Win the war in Afghanistan? Impossible, you say?

Dear Mr. Trump: it can be done, I assure you.

There is a pattern. It’s tried and true. It’s been tested in America for decades. So let’s rely on this accumulated wisdom and put it to good use. Finally.


Buckle up. This doesn’t need an executive summary. It isn’t a position paper. It’s an all-out attack. Let’s roll!

The FBI evidence lab, a cesspool

The FBI evidence lab, a cesspool

by Jon Rappoport

August 22, 2017

In these pages, I’ve emphasized that mainstream news often fails to follow up on their own stories.

They publish a shocking account of a scandal, and then they drop it like a hot potato.

Why? There are several reasons, but the most important is: the scandal is too revealing. It indicts an institution or organization that, in the long run, must be protected.

A message to Wikileaks: release this leak

A message to Wikileaks: release this leak

Do 2.25 million deaths in America, per decade, at the hands of the medical system, rate as a significant leak?

by Jon Rappoport

August 14, 2017

As my readers know, I’ve reported on a number of scandals concerning the toxicity of medical drugs, including shocking death numbers in the US.

These scandals are open leaks from inside the National Security State.

If you visit Wikileaks, how many purely medical documents do you find posted?

A message to Wikileaks: release this leak

A message to Wikileaks: release this leak

Do 2.25 million deaths in America, per decade, at the hands of the medical system, rate as a significant leak?

by Jon Rappoport

August 14, 2017

As my readers know, I’ve reported on a number of scandals concerning the toxicity of medical drugs, including shocking death numbers in the US.

These scandals are open leaks from inside the National Security State.

If you visit Wikileaks, how many purely medical documents do you find posted?

My interview with CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson: not fake news

My interview with former CBS star reporter: not fake news

by Jon Rappoport

August 7, 2017

I’m reprinting an excerpt from an interview I did, several years ago, with former CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson.

It’s a reminder about the difference between fake and real news, and about who the major purveyors of fake news are.

CIA mind control morphed into psychiatry?

CIA mind control morphed into psychiatry?

by Jon Rappoport

July 11, 2017

Here is a new introduction to a piece I wrote several years ago. Then I’ll reprint the piece.

The famous CIA mind-control program, MKULTRA, always used psychiatrists; often these professionals headed up projects; they carried out the bulk of the research. But what I’m talking about here is the “evolution” of MKULTRA into mainstream psychiatry that affects the lives of millions of people every day.

Canada scandal: how does Minister of Defence still have a job?

Canada scandal: how does Minister of Defence still have a job?

Will wonders never cease?

by Jon Rappoport

July 5, 2017

I write about this one because the “mistake” excuse is prominent. I love the “mistake.” Politicians invoke it all the time when their backs are against the wall. They didn’t do anything wrong. They didn’t lie on purpose.

They made a mistake—something on the level of forgetting to turn off the lights in the basement after climbing up the stairs to the kitchen.

Which completely screwed up healthcare bill do you want?

Which completely screwed up healthcare bill do you want?

by Jon Rappoport

July 4, 2017

You can have Obamacare. Or you can take the current Republican re-do. Have you read it? Do you know exactly what’s in it? Of course not.

I can tell you this. Every possible healthcare bill has the same flaw. It’s called death. I’ll explain in a moment.

Which completely screwed up healthcare bill do you want?

Which completely screwed up healthcare bill do you want?

by Jon Rappoport

July 4, 2017

You can have Obamacare. Or you can take the current Republican re-do. Have you read it? Do you know exactly what’s in it? Of course not.

I can tell you this. Every possible healthcare bill has the same flaw. It’s called death. I’ll explain in a moment.

UK, Netherlands: wrong sperm, three parents, ultimate agenda

UK, Netherlands scandals: wrong sperm, three parents, ultimate agenda

by Jon Rappoport

July 3, 2017

Sperm bank mix-up of sperm samples; DNA from three people to produce a baby. What’s going on?

Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union

Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union

World War 2 continued by other means

by Jon Rappoport

June 7, 2017

This is an intelligence briefing. Here I present the bare bones of what has been happening before our eyes…if we would see it.

Historic: Trump rejects Paris climate treaty

Historic: Trump rejects Paris ‘climate’ treaty

by Jon Rappoport

June 1, 2017

June 1, 2017, a day that will live in infamy for the liars, thieves, and killers of the new international economic order. They will see it as infamy, because their plan to sink the economy of America into a final death rattle has been rejected by Trump.

Peace through mutual blackmail: is that what’s happening in Washington?

Peace through mutual blackmail: is that what’s happening in Washington?

by Jon Rappoport

May 25, 2017

In the last few days, the campaign to impeach Donald Trump has quieted down. We’ll see what happens; but is this breathing space and pause the result of a stalemate? Do both sides have “control files” on each other? Is the underlying proposition, “I won’t spill your secrets if you won’t spill mine”?

Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?

Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?

by Jon Rappoport

May 23, 2017

As I’ve been telling you for years, it’s easy to keep the public on your side if you regularly tout medical “breakthroughs” in the press. The latest innovation. The promise of a cure around the corner. The maybe-could-be discovery that will change the course of disease treatment forever.

Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?

Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?

by Jon Rappoport

May 23, 2017

As I’ve been telling you for years, it’s easy to keep the public on your side if you regularly tout medical “breakthroughs” in the press. The latest innovation. The promise of a cure around the corner. The maybe-could-be discovery that will change the course of disease treatment forever.

The Comey affair; lies and reality pass like trains in the night

The Comey affair; lies and reality pass like trains in the night

by Jon Rappoport

May 14, 2017

NEWSMAN #1: Trump fired Comey.

NEWSMAN #2: Biggest thing since the great Chicago fire of 1871.

NEWSMAN #1: Bigger. How do we play this? The Democrats wanted Comey’s head for what he did to Hillary. Trump just fired Comey. I’m confused.

NEWSMAN #2: Doesn’t matter. Say Trump just burned up the Constitution. Say he hates dogs and little children. Say his hair is actually a wig made of Russian sable.

Trump fires Comey: spin doctors go wild in the swamp

Trump fires Comey: spin doctors go wild in the swamp

by Jon Rappoport

May 10, 2017

In the political swamp that is Washington, and in the press swamp, motor boats began speeding every which way in the wake of Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director Comey.

People in the boats are holding up signs to explain the reason for the firing.

The stunning secret behind the thousands of Xarelto lawsuits

The stunning secret behind the thousands of Xarelto lawsuits

by Jon Rappoport

May 8, 2017

(A note to my readers. My site, NoMoreFakeNews.com, is still down. We’ve pinpointed the problem, and we’re working to fix it. My blog, where I publish all my articles, is fine. And so is my email list. Feel free to sign up. Thanks for your patience and continued support. My work, as always, continues.)

Victims of vaccine damage can sue manufacturers in the US

Victims of vaccine damage can sue manufacturers in the US

It’s happening now…

by Jon Rappoport

May 7, 2017

(Note to our loyal readers: We’re working to restore NoMoreFakeNews.com. Meanwhile, this blog is fully operating. Posting continues. To join our email list, click here.)

Major media aren’t giving this story the coverage it deserves. I certainly am.

Short question: Can a person sue a US vaccine manufacturer?

What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open

What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open

by Jon Rappoport

April 26, 2017

Senator Chuck Schumer on MSNBC: “We’re no longer fact-based. The founding fathers created a country based on fact. We don’t have a fact base. If Breitbart News and the New York Times are regarded with equal credibility, you worry about this democracy.”

Julie and the boys: CDC, Merck, vaccines

Julie and the boys: CDC, Merck, vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

April 24, 2017

I write this story now to remind people there are several titanic unresolved issues surrounding research fraud at the CDC, involving the MMR vaccine.

We all know about CDC whistleblower William Thompson, a long-time researcher at the CDC. Thompson still works there.

Shut down the FDA, start over

Shut down the FDA, start over

by Jon Rappoport

April 19, 2017

Vera Sharav, at ahrp.org, has posted a piece about an investigation headed by NYU Professor Charles Seife.

Seife and his students probed the work of the FDA, the federal agency tasked with approving medical drugs for public use.

Here we go again: FDA Commissioner in pocket of Big Pharma

Here we go again: FDA Commissioner in pocket of Big Pharma

by Jon Rappoport

April 17, 2017

The excellent medical reporter, Martha Rosenberg, has written a piece at Salon: “The FDA Now Officially Belongs to Big Pharma.” Here are a few highlights:

It is hard to believe only four senators opposed the confirmation of [the new FDA Commissioner]…[he] received money from 23 drug companies including the giants like Johnson & Johnson, Lilly, Merck, Schering Plough and GSK…”

Want to understand the Deep State? Here is your Deep, Deep State

Want to understand Deep State? Here is your Deep, Deep State

by Jon Rappoport

April 13, 2017

Men behind the curtain?

Men who control the government and its policies from the outside?

Men who have immunity from prosecution?

Men who tell presidents what to do?

The big one: how environmental killing becomes a medical disease

The big one: how environmental killing becomes a medical disease

The giant pig farm disaster: a medical hoax and cover story

The full truth has never been told—until now.

by Jon Rappoport

January 18, 2017

Washington Post-CIA connections destroy Post’s “election hack” claim

Washington Post-CIA connections destroy Post’s “election-hack” claim

by Jon Rappoport

December 12, 2016

“The CIA says” is never a great way to start a sentence. But that’s the basis of the latest charge that Russia hacked the US presidential election.

Members of Congress have now been secretly briefed by the CIA on “the Russian affair,” and media, led by the Washington Post, are running with the story that Russia influenced the US election on the side of Trump.

To those FBI agents who are standing on Honor: don’t stop now

To those FBI agents who are standing on Honor: don’t stop now

by Jon Rappoport

November 2, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

“Titles of honour add not to his worth,
Who is himself an honour to his titles.”
—John Ford, 1638


Breaking Hillary email scandal: open rebellion at the FBI

Breaking Hillary email scandal: open rebellion at the FBI

by Jon Rappoport

8:03PM ET, October 29, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Sources: NBC News, Gateway Pundit

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