142 éléments, page 1 (de 2)
The stone cold conservative socialist
AI and genetic cures of disease: where’s the evidence?
AI and genetic cures of disease: where’s the evidence?
The little fascists of California
The little fascists of California
The great big Autism obfuscation
The great big Autism obfuscation
Interview with a Retired Vaccine Researcher
Interview with a Retired Vaccine Researcher
Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?
Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?
The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking
The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking
Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union
Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union
How many people are on psychiatric drugs?
Social media censorship—here are the deep basics
The war to destroy Alex Jones, Part 2
Remember the pandemic that was going to wipe out humanity? We’re still here.
Government-Pharma collusion in mass deaths by opioids
US shipped biowar materials to Iraq
Australian anti-vaxxers provide new model for the world
Australian anti-vaxxers provide new model for the world
Five thousand inventions in limbo and under “secrecy orders” at the US Patent Office
Five thousand inventions in limbo and under “secrecy orders” at the US Patent Office
Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news
Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news
Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers
To Trump: how to win the war in Afghanistan
To Trump: how to win the war in Afghanistan
Say hello to the FBI mole inside the Trump campaign
The secret circle that controls governments
The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking
The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking
The US government colludes in Mass Deaths by Opioids
Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers
Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers
5G wireless: a ridiculous front for global control
Five thousand inventions in limbo and under “secrecy orders” at the US Patent Office
CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest
Only crazy people drink raw milk?
How about life in prison for doctors who prescribe psychiatric drugs to toddlers?
The London police now have a firm definition of thought-crime
Shocking victory for proponents of alternative medicine
Australian anti-vaxxers provide new model for the world
Globalists weaponize the stock market to control presidents
Guns: the one-size-fits-all solution is no solution
Missing history: US oligarchs finance Socialism
Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news
Contaminated chemo drugs, the FDA, and chemical warfare against the public
Are FBI “patriots” getting ready to expose the corrupt Mueller probe?
New gift-wrapped UFO revelations from the Pentagon: what’s going on?
The search for pure ideals in politics
Does the push for mass vaccination point toward a staged bioterror event?
Boom: Michael Flynn pleads guilty
The Surveillance State is creating new meta-crimes
Medical destruction: It’s not just opioids
The violent attack on Senator Rand Paul: will the punishment fit the crime?
Texas church shooter: what no one is saying about the insanity of his prior conviction
No More Fake News Exclusive: insider reveals how the opioid crime network operates!
Vegas shooting: concert workers’ phone footage wiped clean by FBI
Was the Vegas shooter a patsy?
Multiple shooters: not the first time
Multiple shooters in Vegas: the standard progression in staged attacks
NY Governor lies about being an immigrant; he’s not
To my friends in Australia: the vaccine war deepens
How many drug scripts do doctors write per year?
Are Elite Controllers a fantasy? Read this.
True: California city will pay gang members to remain peaceful
The trial of John Doe vs. [Censored]
To Trump: how to win the war in Afghanistan
The FBI evidence lab, a cesspool
Fake evidence used in the Oklahoma Bombing
A message to Wikileaks: release this leak
A message to Wikileaks: release this leak
My interview with CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson: not fake news
CIA mind control morphed into psychiatry?
Canada scandal: how does Minister of Defence still have a job?
Which completely screwed up healthcare bill do you want?
Which completely screwed up healthcare bill do you want?
UK, Netherlands: wrong sperm, three parents, ultimate agenda
Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union
Historic: Trump rejects Paris climate treaty
Peace through mutual blackmail: is that what’s happening in Washington?
Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?
Would the government let Jesus cure cancer?
The Comey affair; lies and reality pass like trains in the night
Trump fires Comey: spin doctors go wild in the swamp
The stunning secret behind the thousands of Xarelto lawsuits
Victims of vaccine damage can sue manufacturers in the US
What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open
Julie and the boys: CDC, Merck, vaccines
Shut down the FDA, start over
Here we go again: FDA Commissioner in pocket of Big Pharma
Want to understand the Deep State? Here is your Deep, Deep State
The big one: how environmental killing becomes a medical disease
Washington Post-CIA connections destroy Post’s “election hack” claim
To those FBI agents who are standing on Honor: don’t stop now
Breaking Hillary email scandal: open rebellion at the FBI
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