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Le scadaleux cadeau de l’establishment américain aux géants pétroliers et gaziers : la « réforme » des permis d’exploitation

Les principaux partisans de la réforme des permis y ont soit un intérêt commercial, soit ont été soudoyés. Source : Truthout, Basav SenTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Des maisons à l’ombre du champ pétrolifère Inglewood, le 25 septembre 2024, à Los Angeles, Californie. Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images Cet […]

Israeli Forces Kill a Palestinian Man Near Nablus, Shoot Four Near Hebron

Israeli Forces Kill a Palestinian Man Near Nablus, Shoot Four Near Hebron
On Tuesday, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man after invading the village of Al-Badhan, northeast of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank.


📖 My gift for you! Get my book for free: https://www.mahmoodod.com/books-publications 🛒 Shop merch: https://mahmoodod-shop.fourthwall.com 🌳 Donate & support independent journalism: https://www.mahmoodod.com/donate ✅ Become a Patron: https://www.mahmoodod.com/patron 🎖️Support this channel by becoming a Member: https://www.youtube.com/@Mahmood_OD/membership 🎬 Advertising / Sponsoring: To advertise your products / services on my daily videos with global reach, contact me via e-mail 🎤 Public speaking / Media: For public speaking queries, contact via e-mail - Follow me on X: https://twitter.com/MahmoodAudah Rumble: MahmoodOD https://rumble.com/c/c-1936515 ⚪️⚫️🟢🔴 - In this channel I talk about: Politics Religion Psychology Philosophy History I’m also the author of "2048: A Manifesto for The One State Solution In Israel & Palestine" 🇵🇸 Palestinian native of Haifa, occupied territories of 1948.

Israeli Forces Assassinate 2 Palestinians in Tammun, Destroys Al-Far’a Camp, Near Tubas

Israeli Forces Assassinate 2 Palestinians in Tammun, Destroys Al-Far’a Camp, Near Tubas
Israeli forces assassinated, on Tuesday, two Palestinian young men, assaulted six others, and abducted six citizens, after invading the town of Tammun, south of Tubas.

Sanders Vows to Work to Block Biden’s Proposed $8B Sale of Weapons to Israel

The announcement of the sale comes just weeks after Congress failed to block Biden’s proposed $20B weapons transfer.

Résolution condamnant la glorification du nazisme

53 délégations ont voté contre cette résolution et dix pays se sont abstenus. L'OTAN et l'UE ont évoqué trois motifs : • L'Ukraine et, dans une moindre mesure, les pays baltes ont érigé des monuments à la gloire du nazisme et des forces associées. • L'Ukraine a donné des noms de soldats nazis et associés à des rues, des écoles et à d'autres sites. • Certains pays d'Europe centrale et orientale ont détruit des monuments à la gloire des forces antifascistes. Officiellement, l'OTAN et l'UE considèrent que la Russie ment en évoquant le nécessité de dénazifier l'Ukraine.

Après l'Iraq, la Libye, Gaza, le Liban et la Syrie, le Pentagone attaque le Yémen, par Thierry Meyssan

C'est une course contre la montre que le Pentagone a enclenché avant que le président Donald Trump prenne ses fonctions. Après avoir détruit l'Iraq, le Libye, Gaza, le Liban et la Syrie, il lance ses hommes contre le Yémen. Ne prenez pas les apparences pour la réalité : officiellement Israël réplique aux bombardements d'Ansar Allah et les États-Unis aux attaques contre des navires occidentaux. En réalité, la destruction du Yémen n'est qu'une étape dans celle de l'ensemble des institutions politiques du Moyen-Orient élargi.

États-Unis : la guerre revient, mais sur le front intérieur

Ne comptez pas sur les forces armées de Donald Trump pour faire preuve de retenue. Source : TomDispatch, Andrea MazzarinoTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Au début des années 1990, des médecins à Hiroshima, au Japon, ont découvert un syndrome de stress qu’ils ont appelé cardiomyopathie de Takotsubo, ou « syndrome du cœur brisé […]

Gaza: Day 458 – Israel Continues its Genocidal Campaign Against Gaza, Killing and Wounding Dozens of Palestinians

Gaza: Day 458 – Israel Continues its Genocidal Campaign Against Gaza, Killing and Wounding Dozens of Palestinians
On Monday, January 6, 2025, Day 458 of its brutal and protracted military onslaught against the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military continued its genocidal bombing campaign in various regions, kil

American Historical Association Overwhelmingly Condemns Scholasticide in Gaza

Doctors Against Genocide Hold Global Sick-Out to Highlight Atrocities in Gaza


Pourquoi le navire vraquier Zimrida, transportant 19.700 tonnes du très explosif nitrate d’ammonium, se retrouve en mouillage au port d’Abidjan? #ladamedesochi #lachevalieredeniamey #nathalieyamb

Gaza: Day 457 – Palestinian Journalist, Many Other Citizens Killed in Israeli Bombing

Gaza: Day 457 – Palestinian Journalist, Many Other Citizens Killed in Israeli Bombing
On Sunday, January 5, 2025, Day 457 of its brutal and protracted military onslaught against the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military continued its genocidal bombing campaign in various regions, killing and injuring dozens of Palestinians, includin

Les liens entre la Chine et Israël freinent aussi les aspirations des Palestiniens à la liberté

La Chine encourage un processus de paix boiteux tout en renforçant ses liens économiques avec Israël. Source : Truthout, Shireen Akram-Boshar Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Résidence d’État Diaoyutai à Pékin, en Chine le 23 juillet 2024. Le ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères, Wang Yi, assiste à la signature de la « déclaration […]

Israeli Soldiers Kill a Palestinian Child, Shoot Six Young Men, in Nablus

Israeli Soldiers Kill a Palestinian Child, Shoot Six Young Men, in Nablus
On Sunday, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian child in the Askar refugee camp, east of Nablus in the northern West Bank, and shot six young men in Nablus city.

Israeli Lawmakers Call for Even More Violent “Complete Cleansing” of North Gaza

A group of Knesset members are urging the Israeli military to destroy all sources of water, food and energy.

Israeli Army Assassinates a Palestinian Man Near Jenin

Israeli Army Assassinates a Palestinian Man Near Jenin
Israeli forces assassinated a Palestinian man, on Sunday, after besieging his home in the town of Meithalun, south of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank.

Legal Advocates Use Archiving as a Form of Resistance to Genocide Denial in Gaza

Gaza: Day 456 – Israeli Assault Continues – 73+ Killed in Past 24 Hours

Gaza: Day 456 – Israeli Assault Continues – 73+ Killed in Past 24 Hours
On Saturday, January 4, 2025, Day 456 of its brutal and protracted military onslaught against the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military continued its genocidal bombing campaign in various regions, killing and injuring dozens of Palestinians.

Revue de presse du 05/01/2025

Sauf erreur, douzième année pour la revue de presse du blog ! Nous sommes heureux que ce format vous plaise et nous comptons bien le poursuivre en 2025 ! Mais pour continuer d’assurer sa présence hebdomadaire en ligne, nous avons besoin de nouveaux contributeurs pour nous remonter des articles d’intérêt public chaque semaine. Si vous […]

Taxe carbone sur l’agriculture : du greenwashing pour les élevages intensifs danois

Au Danemark, la nouvelle taxe carbone prend pour cible un producteur de gaz à effet de serre souvent négligé : l’agriculture. Et pourtant, le dispositif fait en sorte que les grands agriculteurs danois privilégient l’élevage d’animaux très énergivore et destiné à l’exportation, ce qui réduit à néant les espoirs d’une réduction importante des émissions. Source […]

Israeli Forces Shoot Three Palestinians, Abduct Three, Near Hebron

Israeli Forces Shoot Three Palestinians, Abduct Three, Near Hebron
On Saturday, Israeli forces shot 3 Palestinians, including a child, and abducted three others, including an elderly man, in the southern occupied West Bank governorate of Hebron.

Israeli Forces Kill a Palestinian, Injure 9 Others, Near Nablus

Israeli Forces Kill a Palestinian, Injure 9 Others, Near Nablus
Israeli forces killed a Palestinian young man and injured nine others, on Friday night, after invading the Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank.

Exposing ties between MIT and Israel's army

Biden Approves Another $8 Billion Arms Sale to Israel as Genocide Continues

The president has used his final days in office to guarantee the continuation of Israel's genocidal assault in Gaza.

After Destroying Gaza Hospital, Israel Has Disappeared the Doctor Who Led It

Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya's family fears he's being held at torture camp Sde Teiman, but Israel won't share his location.

JE CONDAMNE MA PROPRE CHAÎNE ? – Je réponds à vos questions – FAQ des 10K – Lex Imperii

 Passer le cap des 10 000 abonnés, c’était l’occasion de faire une petite vidéo pour répondre à vos questions (et ça me fait une rentrée facile, on va pas se mentir). Un grand merci à toutes celles et ceux qui me suivent ! Me suivre sur twitter / X : https://twitter.com/lex_imperii Me suivre sur […]

Chute d’Assad : renverser un dictateur est très difficile, mais ce n’est pas une garantie de liberté pour les Syriens

📖 My gift for you! Get my book for free: https://www.mahmoodod.com/books-publications 🛒 Shop merch: https://mahmoodod-shop.fourthwall.com 🌳 Donate & support independent journalism: https://www.mahmoodod.com/donate ✅ Become a Patron: https://www.mahmoodod.com/patron 🎖️Support this channel by becoming a Member: https://www.youtube.com/@Mahmood_OD/membership 🎬 Advertising / Sponsoring: To advertise your products / services on my daily videos with global reach, contact me via e-mail 🎤 Public speaking / Media: For public speaking queries, contact via e-mail - Follow me on X: https://twitter.com/MahmoodAudah Rumble: MahmoodOD https://rumble.com/c/c-1936515 ⚪️⚫️🟢🔴 - In this channel I talk about: Politics Religion Psychology Philosophy History I’m also the author of "2048: A Manifesto for The One State Solution In Israel & Palestine" 🇵🇸 Palestinian native of Haifa, occupied territories of 1948.

Gaza: Day 455 – Israeli Forces Attack Al-Awda Hospital; 35+ Killed

Gaza: Day 455 – Israeli Forces Attack Al-Awda Hospital; 35+ Killed
On Friday, January 3, 2025, day 455 of Israel’s ongoing, relentless assault on the entire Palestinian population of 2.2 million people in the Gaza prison camp, Israeli forces continued their attacks on civilians.

“We Have to Act”: Taxpayers Suing Congressmembers for Funding Genocide Speak Out

After Shuttering Kamal Adwan, Israel Attacks Last 2 Hospitals in Northern Gaza

Houthis Cite Gaza Genocide, Resist New Wave of US and Israeli Strikes in Yemen

“These are strikes on Yemeni infrastructure. These are strikes on Yemeni civilians,” scholar Shireen Al-Adeimi says.

Trump choisit Kash Patel pour diriger le FBI – un loyaliste qui a promis de cibler ses ennemis

Kash Patel, qui a promis de poursuivre des journalistes, est considéré comme extrémiste dans sa dévotion à Trump, même par ses collègues du GOP. Source : Truthout, Jon Queally, CommonDreams Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises L’ancien chef de cabinet du secrétaire américain à la Défense, Kash Patel, prend la parole lors d’un meeting […]

Boeing Hires CHEAP LABOR to Develop 737 Max Software!

📖 My gift for you! Get my book for free: https://www.mahmoodod.com/books-publications 🛒 Shop merch: https://mahmoodod-shop.fourthwall.com 🌳 Donate & support independent journalism: https://www.mahmoodod.com/donate ✅ Become a Patron: https://www.mahmoodod.com/patron 🎖️Support this channel by becoming a Member: https://www.youtube.com/@Mahmood_OD/membership 🎬 Advertising / Sponsoring: To advertise your products / services on my daily videos with global reach, contact me via e-mail 🎤 Public speaking / Media: For public speaking queries, contact via e-mail - Follow me on X: https://twitter.com/MahmoodAudah Rumble: MahmoodOD https://rumble.com/c/c-1936515 ⚪️⚫️🟢🔴 - In this channel I talk about: Politics Religion Psychology Philosophy History I’m also the author of "2048: A Manifesto for The One State Solution In Israel & Palestine" 🇵🇸 Palestinian native of Haifa, occupied territories of 1948.

Gaza: Day 454 – Israeli Military Escalates its Bombardment of Gaza, Killing Dozens of Palestinians

Gaza: Day 454 – Israeli Military Escalates its Bombardment of Gaza, Killing Dozens of Palestinians
On Thursday, January 2, 2025, Day 454 of its brutal and protracted military onslaught against the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military continued its genocidal bombing campaign in various regions, killing and injuring

Israel Carried Out 1,400 Strikes in Gaza Last Month — Over 45 a Day on Average

Gaza is a territory spanning 25 miles at its longest point, where the displaced are sheltering in tents on the beach.

Israel’s Invasion of North Gaza Is “Precursor” to Annexation, UN Experts Warn

ISIS Blamed For New Orleans Attack! Whitney Cummings EXPOSES Dems & Pfizer On CNN! w/ Will John

📖 My gift for you! Get my book for free: https://www.mahmoodod.com/books-publications 🛒 Shop merch: https://mahmoodod-shop.fourthwall.com 🌳 Donate & support independent journalism: https://www.mahmoodod.com/donate ✅ Become a Patron: https://www.mahmoodod.com/patron 🎖️Support this channel by becoming a Member: https://www.youtube.com/@Mahmood_OD/membership 🎬 Advertising / Sponsoring: To advertise your products / services on my daily videos with global reach, contact me via e-mail 🎤 Public speaking / Media: For public speaking queries, contact via e-mail - Follow me on X: https://twitter.com/MahmoodAudah Rumble: MahmoodOD https://rumble.com/c/c-1936515 ⚪️⚫️🟢🔴 - In this channel I talk about: Politics Religion Psychology Philosophy History I’m also the author of "2048: A Manifesto for The One State Solution In Israel & Palestine" 🇵🇸 Palestinian native of Haifa, occupied territories of 1948.

Al Jazeera Slams the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank Suspension of the Outlet

30% INCREASE In Homelessness Since 2023 While Economy Grows!?!

L’étonnante réaction des Français face à leur retrait militaire contraint du Tchad et du Sénégal #ladamedesochi #lachevalieredeniamey _________________ Pour tous ceux et celles qui souhaitent contribuer financièrement pour me permettre de continuer à faire des contenus éducatifs, je remets ici les liens de 2 mes cagnottes (my fundraisers): • https://paypal.me/nathalieyamb Vous pouvez également faire un don en cliquant sur le bouton "merci" sous la vidéo, juste à côté du bouton “partager“. Merci pour votre soutien. 🐝💛

Gaza’s Population Has Plunged at Least 6 Percent in 15 Months of Genocide

The population has declined by 160,000 people since October 2023, with at least 45,000 people killed by Israeli attacks.

2024 Will Be Remembered as the Year Israel’s Global Legitimacy Fully Unraveled

After over a year of genocide, more Americans than ever are calling for an end to US military backing of Israel.

UNICEF: Gaza Most Dangerous Place in the World to be a Child

UNICEF: Gaza Most Dangerous Place in the World to be a Child
“The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. And day after day, that brutal reality is reinforced. “Over the past 48 hours, the largest remaining fully functioning hospital was shelled, twice.

Gaza: Day 453 – 17 Killed, Mostly Children, in Israeli Airstrike in Jabalia

Gaza: Day 453 – 17 Killed, Mostly Children, in Israeli Airstrike in Jabalia
On Wednesday, January 1, 2025, Day 453 of its brutal and protracted military onslaught against the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military continued its genocidal bombing campaign in various regions, killing and injuring dozens of Palestinians.

Gaza: Day 452 – Israeli Assault Continues Without Ceasing

Gaza: Day 452 – Israeli Assault Continues Without Ceasing
On Tuesday, December 31, 2024, the last day of 2024 and day 452 of the Israeli extermination campaign against the Palestinian population of 2.2 million people in the Gaza prison camp, Israeli forces continued their attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure – including schools, hospitals and homes

La « pression maximale » 2.0 sur l’Iran pourrait déclencher une crise nucléaire

Les Iraniens semblent prêts à conclure un accord. Si Trump joue bien le jeu, il pourrait bien en obtenir un. Source : Responsible Statecraft, Muhammad SahimiTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Dans moins de deux mois, la deuxième administration Trump entrera en fonction et, comme pour les autres administrations des quatre dernières décennies, l’une […]

Israeli Forces Shoot Three Palestinians, Abduct Two, in Nablus

Israeli Forces Shoot Three Palestinians, Abduct Two, in Nablus
Israeli forces shot three Palestinians and abducted two others in the northern West Bank governorate of Nablus, in addition to abducting five others near the city of Tubas, in the northeastern part of the West Bank.

Soldiers Shoot a Palestinian Near Ramallah, Abduct 15, Near Salfit

Soldiers Shoot a Palestinian Near Ramallah, Abduct 15, Near Salfit
Israeli forces shot a Palestinian young man near Ramallah, and abducted fifteen citizens in the Salfit governorate, in the central occupied West Bank.   Jan. 1, 2025 8:

Occupation Forces Abduct 11 Palestinians, Shoot One, in Hebron

Occupation Forces Abduct 11 Palestinians, Shoot One, in Hebron
In the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron, Israeli forces abducted eleven Palestinians, including a wounded child, on Wednesday, and shot a young man on Tuesday night.

Day 451: Standing with Gaza

We talk to Tony Greenstein, who faces trial in the UK for tweets supporting resistance, we hear from an emergency doctor in Gaza, look at media whitewashing of Syria and more.


Israel destroys Gaza hospital, abducts director Hussam Abu Safiya

MIT Student Barred From Campus Over Pro-Palestine Advocacy

Prahlad Iyengar faces disciplinary action after actions such as questioning Lockheed Martin recruiters on campus.

Dédollarisation : comment les menaces de Trump affectent les BRICS

Le nouveau président n’est qu’un des défis auxquels est confronté le bloc, qui veut à tout prix sortir de l’emprise de l’Occident. Source : Responsible Statecraft, Kudrat WadhwaTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Lors d’un meeting de campagne dans le Wisconsin en septembre 2024, le président élu Trump a déclaré : « De nombreux […]
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