121 éléments, page 1 (de 2)

Columbia students confront Hillary Clinton with her war crimes

Day 131 roundtable

David Miller on employment tribunal victory (12:53); Activist Farrah Koutteineh and The Electronic Intifada’s David Cronin on protests against Sinn Fein in Ireland (45:10); Ali Abunimah on Hillary Clinton and Jeffrey Gettleman laundering fraudulent “mass rape” story at Columbia University (1:10:46); Jon Elmer on resistance in Gaza (1:34:52); and a news update (00:50).

NY Times tries to cover up its 7 October "mass rapes" fraud

Skokie, Ill. resident and Holocaust survivor Ben Stern shows his concentration camp tattoo to Ira Glasser, in the film "Mighty Ira."

L’horrible campagne de Clinton en 2016 a aggravé nos relations avec la Russie

Des révélations récentes prouvent qu’Hillary Clinton a joué un rôle direct dans la diffusion des accusations, aujourd’hui discréditées, qui ont alimenté la frénésie du Russiagate – un épisode qui a rendu encore plus difficile la tâche déjà ardue de mener une politique rationnelle vis-à-vis de la Russie.

Source : Jacobin Mag, Branko Marcetic
Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises

Israel lobby helps Shontel Brown defeat Nina Turner

Is Biden’s pick for major budget post Islamophobic?

Pro-Israel heavyweight far behind as votes are counted in New York

Clinton Crashes Kumbaya Primary

Reading Time: 4minutes

In this super-charged political environment, imagine a group of 30 people with — at times widely — different views coming together to discuss politics. Imagine further that they have been given the means and opportunities to attack each other over those viewpoints, and that they are all competing for one job. Finally, and this might seem like the biggest stretch, imagine that all of them refrain from doing so and are staying entirely civil. Sounds impossible?  

Sibel Edmonds Presents: Gulen & Concocting the Flynn Scandal: A Clinton-CIA-FBI Conspiracy

Today, for the first time, I am opening to the public my previously Newsbud-Exclusive report on Concocting the Flynn Scandal. Why? With the coming sentencing trial in General Flynn’s case, scheduled for December 18, 2019, this is one more attempt to alert the public and bring attention to this conspiracy… casting a dark stain over […]

The TRUTH About THOSE Packages!

In this video, Jason goes over all the evidence so far regarding the packages that were sent to the offices of CNN, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. So what is the truth about those packages?

Make sure to follow us on Steemit and BitTube too.

The post The TRUTH About THOSE Packages! appeared first on We Are Change.

Did Israeli spy firm help Trump win presidency?


In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news about Donald Trump meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland. We go over the meltdown of Anderson Cooper, John Brennan and others in the deep state. We also discuss how Putin called out Peter Strzok, Hillary Clinton and George Soros.

You can watch this video on DTubehere.

Cooper Confronted

The Space Race Is On Also A Parade! and FBI Bombshell Breakdown

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news as Elon Musk, of SpaceX and Tesla, announces the space race. Also, Donald Trump requests a parade and new FBI bombshells that show how Barak Obama wanted to know everything from the DOJ FBI investigation regarding Hillary Clinton and her emails. Plus a lot a lot more!

You can watch this video on DTubehere.

Hillary Clinton Did WHAT! Bigger Problem Emerges For Trump

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the Hillary Clinton FBI investigation and trouble with her former campaign staffer. We also get into U.S President Donald Trump’s big problem that just emerged in Asia with China in the South Asian sea. Plus more news on Julian Assange, John Podesta and the justice department, plus a lot more!

You can watch this video on DTubehere.

The U.N vs Donald, Who’s Right? Hillary Clinton In Trouble!

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the U.N general assembly voting against the U.S and Donald Trump, with Nikki Haley in a resolution that most of the world voted for. We also get into how the iPhone is slowed down on purpose and Hillary Clinton in hot water over the Uranium one scandal. Plus a lot more news from today and oh yeah, life expectancy in the U.S just went down for two years in a row. Find out why by watching this video.

Trump Kicks The Mid-East and Korean Hornet Nests

We Are Change

Trump endorses new Israeli capital and sends warplanes over South Korea and more news on sexual predators.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

Welcome back, beautiful and amazing people. My recent philosophical videos have been unpopular, so I’ve decided to bring you the latest news about how not only are your leaders leading us to total global catastrophe and war but they are also sexual predators and pedophiles.

Article: Weekly News Wrapup – German Minister Wants Backdoor Access To All Electronic Devices

We Are Change

In this report, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI, while he was in contact with a Russian ambassador for Jared Kushner, when Donald Trump was President-Elect. A fact that ABC news Brian Ross with the View got wrong. We also go over Hillary Clinton, UN security council votes and other important international news.

It’s Not Russia We Are Colluding With… Outrageous Flynn Development

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI, while he was in contact with a Russian ambassador for Jared Kushner when Donald Trump was President-Elect. A fact that ABC news Brian Ross with the View got wrong. We also go over Hillary Clinton, UN security council votes and other important international news.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

Russ Baker & Peter Collins: Does Official Weinergate Story Cut the Mustard?

In this nearly hour-long interview, WhoWhatWhy Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker takes veteran podcaster Peter B. Collins through the details of Anthony Weiner’s fall — and the effect it had on Hillary Clinton’s presidential race.

They go deep into the shadows where political traps are constructed.

Click HERE to Download Mp3

Clinton Exposed And Kevin Spacey On The Run

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Donna Brazile exposing Hillary Clinton and the latest on the Kevin Spacey Hollywood scandal. We get into the latest developments from New York and geopolitical news.

A statistic:

its all a big club and you're not in it. pic.twitter.com/XDPLCZ9N86

Premature Media Speculation: Calling the Shots Too Soon In Vegas

We Are Change

Greetings amazing humans.. I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas, as well as some additional info.

It feels like the worse a national tragedy is, the worst comes out in people. Of course, I’m talking about the hundreds who are injured, and the dozens who are no longer with us just because they went to a concert in Las Vegas.

This video is available on d.tube here.

As Weiner Enters Jail, Outlines of Anti-Clinton Scheme Emerge

Today, Anthony Weiner enters a federal prison hospital in Massachusetts to begin serving a 21-month sentence for his online relationship with an underage girl. He’ll be in an intensive counseling and treatment program.

On its face, the final act of Weiner’s protracted and ugly fall seems straightforward — a sordid tale of a self-destructive middle-aged politician’s exploitative cyber-relationship with a minor. And, make no mistake, that is much of the story.

But close scrutiny reveals far more to it than meets the eye.

The Clinton’s Swamp: From Conflicts of Interest to Incestuous Relations

In this episode of Newsbud’s Spiro Reports, we cover new developments in the Hillary Clinton email scandal and the pay to play scandal. We also examine new developments regarding shady communications between the DOJ, The FBI and the Whitehouse that now has former Attorney General Loretta Lynch under investigation for her role in suppressing the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton. We also take a look at the Clinton supporters on the DOJ’s special council team to investigate President Trump, has the deck been stacked?

Who Is Jeffrey Epstein?

We Are Change

Hi everybody Jason Burmas here, reporting for WeAreChange.org. Today I am taking an in-depth look at someone that has largely been shrouded in mystery over the last decade. This person is Jeffrey Epstein, and he is the man that is behind the so called Lolita Express. Lolita Express is the name given to his place in the Virgin Islands where he was trafficking young girls. We will be investigating his actions and crimes and look into why he got off so easily.

Hillary Clinton se dédouane de manière mensongère, par Robert Parry

Source : Robert Parry, Consortium News, 01-06-2017

Alors qu’elle se plaignait que de « fausses informations » sapent sa campagne, Hillary Clinton a continué à propager ses propres « fausses informations », des mensonges, à propos de l’évaluation par le renseignement américain de « l’ingérence » russe dans les élections, dénonce Robert Parry

Hillary Clinton, Please Exit Stage Left

As first lady, senator, secretary of state and failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has been one of the defining Democrats of her time. But she now has to do one last thing for the party she has dedicated most of her adult life to. Clinton has to step back and let others take over.

The urge to explain how she could possibly have lost to Donald Trump must be overwhelming. After all, she was defeated by somebody who could hardly be less equipped to serve as president, while Barack Obama called her the “most qualified” candidate ever.

EXCLUSIVE: Weiner’s “Underage” Sexting Girl Lied to Damage Clinton

Executive Summary:


The North Carolina teen at the center of the infamous Anthony Weiner scandal that helped doom Hillary Clinton’s campaign lied to news outlets about her age, motives and political allegiances, a WhoWhatWhy investigation reveals.


We Are Change

In this video Luke breaks down the latest information about Seth Rich, the alleged DNC leaker and Wikileaks source. Further information has come to light from the private investigator, Rod Wheeler and Fox News. Wheeler is a former DC Homicide Detective.

Luke says its the biggest story of the year and that the new information “will change everything”. Of course the main stream media is pretending its not happening and reporting on Russian agents!

Entrapping the FBI: Podcast with Russ Baker & Matt Harvey

The official White House line is that President Donald Trump fired James Comey because the former FBI director mishandled the Hillary Clinton email investigation. While there are many reasons to believe that the actual motive is related to the Bureau’s probe of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, Comey’s questionable decision to inform Congress — just days before the election — that the email investigation was being reopened deserves scrutiny.

UK teachers' union now "HP free zone" due to Israel ties

Exclusive: How Trump Backers Weaponized Anthony Weiner to Defeat Clinton

When the Federal Bureau of Investigation decided not to pursue a criminal case against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server, Donald Trump’s path to the White House narrowed considerably… until a group of his staunchest supporters found a way to get the case back in the spotlight at the most opportune time.

In a month-long investigation, WhoWhatWhy has examined the events and players that had a hand in the FBI’s reopening of the Clinton email probe — apparently a factor in swinging the election Trump’s way.

Hillary Clinton Leaves the Woods to Come Out and Warmonger

We Are Change

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a rare public appearance on Thursday evening to come out and push for war.

The former Secretary of State called for intervention while she was speaking at the Women of the World Summit in New York, saying that the US should target Syrian airfields.

“That air force is the cause of most of the civilian deaths, as we have seen over the years and as we saw again in the last few days,” Clinton said.

Huma Abedin Asked to Help Plan Hillary Clinton’s Funeral in 2010

We Are Change

A new batch of Hillary Clinton emails released on Wednesday by Judicial Watch reveals more classified information sent over her private server — and a request for longtime aide Huma Abedin to plan Bill and the former Secretary of State’s funerals.

Methodists keep investing in Israel's war crimes

Video: Rania Khalek on looming Democratic showdown over Palestine

Hillary Clinton attacks her church over Israel divestment vote

Imprisoned Hacker Responsible for Clinton Email Scandal Explains How He Did It

We Are Change


Marcel Lehel Lazar, the Romanian hacker known as Guccifer, has claimed that he repeatedly accessed Hillary Clinton’s private emails during her time as Secretary of State, now he is explaining how.

Support for Palestinians triples among US youth, survey finds

Watch Hillary Clinton supporters shout down Palestine solidarity activist

WATCH: Clinton Supporter Assaults Greenpeace Activist

We Are Change

In a video uploaded to YouTube on Saturday, a supporter of Hillary Clinton is seen assaulting a Greenpeace activist who was attempting to ask the Democratic front runner a question.


No information is provided in the video description, other than the statement “if Trump fans get air time for a punch, this should receive broadcast time also.”

WATCH: Rosario Dawson BLASTS Clinton Over Her Support of Israel

We Are Change


Last week, the Young Turks hosted a discussion regarding the foreign policy of Hillary Clinton, and Rosario Dawson did not hold back in pointing out the Democratic front runner’s hypocrisy.

Google avait l’intention d’aider les rebelles syriens à affaiblir le régime d’Assad, révèlent les mails d’Hillary Clinton

Source : Independent, le 22/03/2016

Un des outils interactifs de Google aurait été destiné à encourager les désertions au sein du gouvernement d’Assad, laissent présumer des mails obtenus par Wikileaks

Doug Bolton | mercredi 23 mars 2016


WATCH: CNN Cuts Off Guest For Discussing Clinton’s Defense of Child Rapist

We Are Change


A CNN segment on Tuesday was abruptly shut down when a guest brought up Hillary Clinton’s defense of a child rapist, and subsequent bragging about doing so despite his guilt.

Who Said it? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton Edition

We Are Change

Anyone who dare say that they would not cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton in November is near certain to be inundated online with commentary about how they are then voting for Donald Trump by default and labeled a bigot, sexist, or racist. It stands to reason then, that Clinton must be his polar opposite, or is she?


Hillary Clinton, la « Reine du Chaos », par Diana Johnstone

Source : Le Grand Soir, Diana Johnstone, 14-03-2016

arton30079-d47bf1. Dans votre dernier livre, vous appelez Hillary Clinton la « Reine du Chaos. » Pouvez-vous expliquer pourquoi vous avez choisi ce sobriquet péjoratif pour décrire Hillary ?

Black student leader disinvited from AIPAC for opposing Hillary Clinton

When Hillary Clinton threw Arab and Muslim Americans under the bus

["...et c'est de drame"] CATASTROPHE, la candidate des riches à perdu !

Coup de tonnerre :

Gros article dans le Monde : Féministe à contretemps, Hillary Clinton paie ses choix tactiques

Eh oui, si Sainte Clinton perd, c’est forcément un problème tactique, nullement un énorme problème stratégique…

Jeb Bush says he'd order crackdown on BDS as president

Escalations With China Could Lead To A Global War

We Are Change

Gary Franchi of Next News Network joins Luke to breakdown the U.S. Navy’s latest moves in the South China Sea as the Chinese Navy defend their 12 mile sovereign zone. Likewise the NATO’s troop moments are analyzed in the face of the new “Russian threat.” You won’t see this news anywhere else.
Subscribe to Next News here: http://nnn.is/the_new_media

Hillary Clinton Senator Confronted On Supporting ISIS

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews U.S Senator – NY, Kirsten Gillibrand, a Hillary Clinton campaigner about the fact of ISIS being created by the U.S. This face was not denied but explained as an accident by the U.S Senator.
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Les femen mises à poil

Comment se fait-il que ce petit groupe d’excitées peu frileuses a droit à un traitement médiatique digne des virées nocturnes en deux roues de notre ennemi de la finance ? Comment se fait-il que ces femmes qui promeuvent à moitié à poil le droit des femmes, ce qui revient à défiler en faveur de l’écologie en Hummer, se sont vu accorder un local dans un centre social au cœur de Paris quand nos trottoirs regorgent de sans-abris ?

Hillary Clinton, La Reine du chaos : entretien avec Diana Johnstone et Jean Bricmont

Hillary Clinton semble être la candidate favorite du « Parti de la guerre » américain, le parti des guerres humanitaires, au nom des droits de l’homme et de la démocratie… À l’occasion de la sortie de son livre Hillary Clinton : La Reine du chaos, l’Agence Info Libre a recueilli les propos de la journaliste et écrivain

En savoir plus

What Both Hillary and the GOP Are Covering Up About Libya

Congressional Republicans were desperate to score political points in the Benghazi saga. So desperate that they finally decided to masquerade as … peaceniks.

During the recent grilling of Hillary Clinton, the Republicans — who have rarely seen a war they didn’t like — actually criticized the former Secretary of State for ignoring the difficulty of successful regime change. (No mention was made of how well George W. Bush’s regime change has gone in Iraq.)

Hillary Clinton Exploits Live TV Shooting For Gun Control

We Are Change

Hillary in her natural state

Hillary in her natural state

Roanoke’s WDBJ-TV lost reporter Alison Parker, 24, and photographer Adam Ward who was 27 years of age, at around 11 a.m. while broadcasting a report on the 50th anniversary of Smith Mountain Lake.

The Real Truth About Jeb Bush

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski gives you the lowdown on John Elias Bush or Jeb Bush. We go through his sketchy business career, early schooling, and current policy.
[All references made are sourced at the end of this article.]

John Elias Bush is currently playing a very integral role in displaying a very critical aspect of the our current political system – psychopathic/sociopathic behavior.

R.A. The Rugged Man On The Illuminati Music Industry and Conscious Awakening

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to R.A The Rugged Man in Berlin Germany about the illuminati music industry, the 2016 elections, Hillary Clinton and the his conscious awakening.

Learn more about R.A here https://twitter.com/ratheruggedman or https://twitter.com/ratheruggedman

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Buying an Election: Here Comes the Big Money Tsunami

Lindsay Graham thinks Kim-Jong un is easier to talk to than Hillary Clinton.

“Well, it’s easier to talk to the North Korean guy than it is her”

Lindsay Graham is making our job easy. At least our job of comparing his far-Right rhetoric to the far-Left views of Bernie Sanders.

Another Secret Revealed from Camp Hillary Clinton 

Lindsey Graham Files, Part II: Kissing Netanyahu’s Ring

We speculated yesterday that Lindsay Graham is the Right’s version of Bernie Sanders. Meaning, if Sanders if pulling Hillary Clinton to the Left, Graham is pulling the entire Republican field to the Right (with the possible exception of Rand Paul)

Will Jeb Bush be the figurehead of Super PAC violations?

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