106 éléments, page 2 (de 2)

Commander et obéir

Pour comprendre le lien que les Athéniens établissaient entre le tirage au sort et la démocratie, il faut tout d’abord faire intervenir un principe capital de la culture démocratique grecque : le principe de la rotation des charges. Les démocrates n’admettaient pas seulement l’existence d’une distinction des rôles entre gouvernés et gouvernants, ils reconnaissaient aussi que, le plus souvent, les deux fonctions ne pouvaient pas être exercées au même moment par les mêmes individus.

Le pouvoir du Peuple : Individu et Masse

La discrimination des femmes au travail, un mythe ?

La discrimination des femmes au travail, la fin d'un mythe ? Il est commun d'entendre que les femmes gagnent en moyenne 20 à 30 % de moins qu'un homme à travail égal. Si la première partie de la phrase est vraie, c'est le qualificatif "à travail égal" qui semble, selon les études sur l'écart salarial

En savoir plus

[redacted] news: "On the Rocks," The Re-Death of Bin Laden's Frozen Corpse (BBC/VT Broadcast)

The incident this week in Abbottabad, Pakistan was always intended to be %u201Cself-discrediting.%u201D In a time of rigged voting machines and rule by decree, a time of military tribunals and tortured defendants, the concept of evidence and accountability is a joke. Consider the current bin Laden farce what it was intended to be, the American government reminding its people and the people of the world how little respect it has for them.

Man in court on foot of UK extradition warrant - Ireland, Breaking News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

A 60-year-old man wanted in the UK on a charge of perverting the course of justice during the trial of a number of men in connection with the London bomb attacks has appeared in the High Court this afternoon. Anthony John Hill, orginially from Sheffield, was arrested on Carrig Street in Kells this morning on foot of a warrant issued by the authorities in Britain. It is alleged he sent DVDs entitled "7/7 Ripple Effect" to the jury, the judge and members of the victims' families. The DVDs claimed the attack was an inside job and that the accused men were innocent. The men in ques

Kawther.Info - Kawther Salam Image Gallery :: IDF Terrorists

Every single Israeli soldier who crosses the border of 1967 is enforcing an illegal occupation, ethnical cleansing, genocide. They are without exception war criminals, and we must never forget their crimes. We must do everything possible to bring them before justice. Here are some officers of the IDF and other Israeli armed forces who are known to have murdered Palestinians, and contributed to or committed directly or indirectly acts which qualify as crimes of war, crimes against humanity, genocide, ethnic cleansing ...
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