240 éléments, page 1 (de 3)

What We Learned in 2024

So, you wanna know what we learned this year? Well, I can take two approaches here. Either I can be my usual sarcastic self and lampoon all the ridiculous things the establishment and their media lapdogs tried to shove down our throats this year or I can be sincere and highlight things that we really […]

Welcome to Mixed Reality: A Fake Place Where Fake People Are Trapped Forever

Do you know what the Vision Pro and other so-called "mixed-reality" devices really represent? Do you want to? Well strap in, Cassandra, because we're heading straight into the heart of the Media Matrix.

Of Gay Wedding Cakes and Woke Restaurants

Remember the Masterpiece Cakeshop gay wedding cake case? Well, guess what? It's 2022 and gay wedding cakes are so last decade, grandpa. Now it's all about gay website design and woke restaurants refusing service to Christian customers. Are you ready to get to the heart of the matter? I thought so. Let's go!

How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 3: Aladdin's Genie and the Future of the World

This week, we will examine the Aladdin system and the other creepy ways BlackRock is planning to use its power to mould society in its own interest.

The post How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 3: Aladdin's Genie and the Future of the World first appeared on The Corbett Report.

How BlackRock Conquered the World - Part 2: Going Direct

This week, we will interrogate the scamdemic narrative, learn about the Going Direct Reset at its heart, and discover how BlackRock pulled off this financial coup d'état. Want to know the details? Of course you do. Let's dive in.

How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 1: A Brief History of BlackRock

Over the course of this investigative series, you're going to get a crash course in the creepiest company you've never heard of.

The post How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 1: A Brief History of BlackRock first appeared on The Corbett Report.

Schrödinger's Bomb: False Flags Over Ukraine

Accusation. Counter-accusation. Bluffs and double-bluffs in an ever-crazier game of nuclear chicken. What the hell is going on here? And—regardless of what results from this latest kerfuffle—what does the normalization of false flag accusations portend for the future of geopolitics? Let's find out . . .

What Is Programmable Money?

Are you at a loss to explain to your normie friends why the coming central bank digital currency (CBDC) paradigm is so important and why it should be a primary concern for all of humanity? Well, then, today is your lucky day. This editorial is for you . . . and them!

The Story of the Century Just Broke (And No One Noticed)

Surely it would be worthy of more than a passing mention in the back of the newspaper if social media companies were deleting the US military's fake bot army and the Pentagon was running a fake investigation into the matter to cover their posterior, wouldn't it? Well, guess what? That's exactly what is now being admitted, and you likely didn't hear anything about it, did you?

"Green" Energy Is a Scam. It Isn't MEANT to Work.

In truth, the green energy sustainable enslavement grid is a scam from top to bottom. But it is not simply a pie-in-the-sky pipe dream being sold to a gullible and ignorant public. It's worse than that. It is a carefully crafted lie that is designed to lead us into our new role as serfs on the neofeudal plantation in the coming green dystopia.

Droughts, Cloud Seeding and The Coming Water Wars

What does it mean when millions upon millions of people are all facing water shortages at the same time? Let's find out, shall we?

The post Droughts, Cloud Seeding and The Coming Water Wars first appeared on The Corbett Report.

Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail

Here's a great big white pill for you: the technocratic system of tyranny is going to fail. This is not wishful thinking; it's a cold statement of fact. Technocracy, in all its facets—from the UN's 2030 Agenda to the brain chips and AI godheads of the transhumanists to the CBDC social credit surveillance state—is anti-human. It goes against nature itself. It cannot work in the long run and it is destined to fail.

We're All Sri Lankan Farmers Now

So how does what's going on in Sri Lanka affect all of us worldwide? And what can we do about it? Today, let's examine the roots of the Sri Lankan crisis and explore how that crisis affects us all.

The post We're All Sri Lankan Farmers Now first appeared on The Corbett Report.

We're All Dutch Farmers Now

Make no mistake: Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you do, these power-hungry elitists will be coming after your livelihood next. We are all Dutch farmers now.

The post We're All Dutch Farmers Now first appeared on The Corbett Report.

The Assassination of Abe

Following are the results of an open source investigation conducted by The Corbett Report community to compile all the known information about the incident and to put that information into its proper context.

The post The Assassination of Abe first appeared on The Corbett Report.

The OTHER Globalist Summit

There was another assembly of globalist super-gophers that took place last week. Didn't hear about it? That's not surprising. This conference—unlike the flashier Davos or Bilderberg or NATO meetings—barely gets any mention at all in the Western press, MSM or independent . . .

NBC Just Simulated A War With China: Here's What Happened

NBC News' Meet The Press offered their viewers a special treat earlier this month. Under the snappy title "War Games: The Battle For Taiwan," the "news" channel staged a simulation gaming out what would happen in a full-scale military confrontation between the US and China. Here's what happened . . .

Another Another 25 Books You Should Read

At the end of last year, I released an article titled Another 25 Books You Should Read. Today, I am pleased to present Another Another 25 Books You Should Read!

The post Another Another 25 Books You Should Read first appeared on The Corbett Report.

CBDCs: A Country-By-Country Guide

Today I am going to drive home the point that the coming CBDC prison is not a distant possibility but an impending threat; that it is not just happening in one or two totalitarian countries, but nearly every country in the world; and that now is the time to start planning the survival currencies that will see us through the controlled demolition of the existing monetary order.

How to Control Your Soul’s Desire for Freedom

Today we are here to teach you (so that you may teach others) how to counter the misinformation of these treasonous troublemakers by controlling your soul's desire for freedom.

The post How to Control Your Soul’s Desire for Freedom first appeared on The Corbett Report.

Here's What's Next on the Globalist Calendar

In the grand Corbett Report tradition of Listening to the Enemy, let's employ one of the simplest methods for understanding what's coming next in the global plan: let's consult the would-be world controllers' own calendar.

Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare

We're in the middle of a world-changing war right now. This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren't even be able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it.
It's called fifth-generation warfare and I'm here to tell you all about it.

Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny

Luckily for us, we do not need to be mind-readers or fortune tellers to know what the globalists are preparing for our dystopian future. We simply have to read their documents. And boy, have they released some real doozies in the past month: three documents that lay out a precise timeline and an overview of what they're hoping to achieve and how they're hoping to achieve it.

It's Confirmed: Tyrants LOVE China! . . . But Why?

China is not just any type of dictatorship. In fact, it isn't even communist. When you understand the principle that the Chinese government is really operating on, you start to understand why China has been built up to be the rising new superpower of the 21st century and what that means for the future of humanity.

The Ukraine Crisis: What You Need to Know

Now, you know me. Here at The Corbett Report, I like to go deeper than the simplistic, binary narratives you get in the establishment press or much of the so-called alternative press. So let's go deeper today and look at the third side of the Ukraine crisis story.

Agustin Carstens is (Partially) Right!

Agustin Carstens—the morbidly obese head of the banksters' key body, the Bank for International Settlements—recently gave a speech on "Digital currencies and the soul of money" at a conference on central bank digital currencies that reveals a lot about the banksters' unfolding agenda...

How to Survive Regime Change

As is turns out, the regime change string-pullers are not so omnipotent after all. In fact, sometimes they're a bunch of incompetent, bumbling, ivory tower buffoons and I have the receipts to prove it...

The post How to Survive Regime Change first appeared on The Corbett Report.

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