102 éléments, page 2 (de 2)

Jewish Left Is Not The Solution, It Is The Heart Of The Problem

Walid Darab & Gilad Atzmon

#Israel #Zionism #Palestine #Jewishness

We spoke about the deceitful nature of the Jewish Left (Chomsky, Mondoweiss, JVP etc'), The Guardian of Zion, The corrosive impact of George Soros, ID Politics and the damage it inflicts on society. Very interesting 

'Jew, Judaism, Jewishness' - an interview with Bill Alford

By Gilad Atzmon

Three years after the publication of The Wandering Who, I discussed with Bill Alford  different aspects of Jewish power and controlled opposition. We elaborated on Identity politics and the tribal ideology that drive Zionism as well as the so-called 'anti.'

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