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Le sultan-calife : Une réminiscence ottomane dans la Turquie contemporaine – par Eric Juillot

Atrabilaire et sanguin

« Tout ce qu’on peut dire d’un chef d’État qui traite des millions de membres de communautés religieuses différentes de cette manière, c’est : allez d’abord faire des examens de santé mentale »[1] : c’est en ces termes injurieux que le président turc Erdogan a commenté, le 24 octobre dernier, la volonté du président Macron de faire prochainement voter une loi contre le « séparatisme » qui vise à lutter contre l’islamisme sur le sol français.

La Source – La Turquie et la stratégie de la ligne rouge

Source : Russia Today France, La Source

Dans cet épisode de La Source, Alain Juillet se penche sur la Turquie et la stratégie géopolitique de son président, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

L’incident récent en Méditerranée orientale entre une frégate française et des navires de guerre turcs est symptomatique de ses méthodes.

US, Turkey Declare Economic War

Relations between the US and Turkey a key American ally and home to NATO’s second-largest army hit a new low on Friday, with the presidents of both countries rhetorically declaring economic war on each other. And over the course of a single day, the Turkish lira lost 17 percent of its value.

Turkey’s Strongman Still Vulnerable After Election Victory

Turkey, NATO’s second-largest member, is bracing for further violence and chaos following the victory of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in an election that cemented his near-dictatorial powers.

Celebratory gunfire rang across the streets of Istanbul and other Turkish cities early on Monday after his victory, with about 52.5 percent of votes, was announced (observers said fraud was minimal). However, his promises of economic prosperity and stability ring hollow, experts say.

Standoff Between Turkey, West Accelerates as Syrian Kurdish City Sacked

After the fall of the Syrian Kurdish city of Afrin on March 18, the Turkish operation in Syria has entered a particularly dangerous phase, with relations between the regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the US fast approaching a make-or-break point.

Are weapons at the heart of Britain's romance with Israel?

Is NATO’s Middle Eastern Anchor in Doubt?

Amid multiple spiraling crises both to the east and to the west, a key NATO ally is moving closer to a geopolitical and civilizational choice. It has been long in the making, experts say; it’s a very close call, and one that is so consequential it could have the potential to actually bring down NATO itself.

Jerusalem protests bring global attention to Israeli brutality

Council of Europe Downgrades Turkey as Erdogan Bombs Kurds

The Council of Europe watchdog voted to put Turkey on a human rights monitoring list on Tuesday amid widespread claims of fraud in a controversial referendum that gave President Recep Tayyip Erdogan authoritarian powers.

Fraud Allegations to Test Turkish President Erdogan’s New Authoritarian Powers

While protests and complaints of fraud are unlikely to overturn Erdogan’s narrow referendum majority, his victory may turn out to be a Pyrrhic one. Keeping the economy afloat and ensuring stability in a deeply divided country pose huge challenges to the Turkish president — and to NATO and the US.

The post Fraud Allegations to Test Turkish President Erdogan’s New Authoritarian Powers appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

Turkey Investigating 17 U.S. Officials Over Turkish Coup

We Are Change

Turkish prosecutors have launched an investigation into 17 U.S officials and academics in connection with the attempted coup of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government last year.

FETO probe launched into some #US bureaucrats https://t.co/cKX0v4GvXQpic.twitter.com/WYFX0mBl77

Changing Turkish-Russian Relations

 By: Paul Antonopolous Changing Turkish-Russian Relations Turkey appears unable to grasp Russia’s resolve and long-term planning  ovember 24 2015 will forever mark the turning in Turkish and Russian relations. The Russian Sukhoi Su-24M tactical bomber jet was shot down by two Turkish F-16 Fighting Falcon jets. The Russian bomber was conducting sorties upon the request from […]

Russia and Turkey’s gas deal can save Europe and the World

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