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Excerpt from Syria Burning: With Friends Like These

News coming out of the Middle East is nearly always bad — so bad, it’s like a road accident: You just want to look away and keep on going. There’s nothing you can do.

How did it all come to this? Keep reading. Below is an excerpt from Syria Burning by Charles Glass.

Arab leaders agree joint military force - Yahoo News

Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt) (AFP) - Arab leaders agreed on Sunday to form a joint military force after a summit dominated by a Saudi-led offensive on Shiite rebels in Yemen and the threat from Islamist extremism.

L'idée n'est pas d'envoyer les américains contre l'Iran mais de faire accepter la guerre Sunnistes contre shiite. De financer un camp ou l'autre peu importe. Pourvu qu'ils se tappent sur la gueule.

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