180 éléments, page 2 (de 2)

Tyrants HATE This 500 Year Old Trick for Ending Tyranny

Keith Knight of Don‘t Tread on Anyone interviews James Corbett about The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude, the 16th century treatise on tyranny and obedience by Étienne de La Boétie.

Are There Lockdown Protests? – QFC #060

Diane writes in to ask if there are any protests against the lockdowns happening. The answer is a resounding yes, but the fact that people aren't hearing about these protests speaks volumes in and of itself. Join James for this important action-oriented edition of Questions For Corbett.

Interview 1535 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-04-09_James_Evan_Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: the #cyberspacewar heats up with live drills; the coronavirus censorship crackdown begins; and the people get moving on local mesh networks.

Interview 1534 – Derrick Broze on Building the Counter-economic Underground Railroad

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-04-08_James_Corbett.mp3"][/audio]Derrick Broze of TheConsciousResistance.com joins us to discuss his escape from the US and how he is now preparing to build his own counter-economic network in Mexico. We discuss decentralization, agorism, and the importance of building freedom cells as the world faces the greatest crackdown on free humanity in our lifetimes.

Culture Jamming with Extinction Rebellion – #PropagandaWatch

Politics is downstream of culture. This is precisely why propaganda is so important to the societal engineers. They have to control the culture and win broad public acceptance of their main agenda items before they try to implement them so that the public believes that the agenda is in fact their own.

Interview 1515 – James Corbett on Reprogramming Your Fear Response

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-02-22_James_Corbett.mp3"][/audio]James sits down with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media in Acapulco, Mexico, to discuss the fear programming that keeps so many of us in line, and how we can turn that fear into positive energy. We also the important differences between the centrally planned cashless society and the rise of decentralized cryptocurrency solutions.

Interview 1512 – Derrick Broze on Opting Out of Technocracy

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-01-31%20Derrick%20Broze.mp3"][/audio]We all know the existential threat that technocracy poses to the human species. So what's the solution to this problem? Joining us today to discuss this issue is Derrick Broze of TheConsciousResistance.com who has just published How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State.

Larken and Amanda Rose Shine Candles In The Dark

Today James' identical twin brother Statist Jim talks to Larken and Amanda Rose about Candles In The Dark, the two day workshop they'll be running at Anarchapulco 2020 to help voluntaryists become more effective communicators of anarchist ideas.

Interview 1510 – Larken and Amanda Rose Shine Candles In The Dark

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-01-28%20Larken%20Rose.mp3"][/audio]Today James' identical twin brother Statist Jim talks to Larken and Amanda Rose about Candles In The Dark, the two day workshop they'll be running at Anarchapulco 2020 to help voluntaryists become more effective communicators of anarchist ideas.

Declare Your Independence From the New World Order

James joins Ernest Hancock for his bi-monthly appearance on Declare Your Independence to discuss the New (multipolar) World Order, the false hope of the BRICS, and how to overcome (not weaponize) learned helplessness.

Interview 1508 – Declare Your Independence From the New World Order

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-12-18%20Declare%20Your%20Independence.mp3"][/audio]Recorded December 18, 2019. James joins Ernest Hancock for his bi-monthly appearance on Declare Your Independence to discuss the New (multipolar) World Order, the false hope of the BRICS, and how to overcome (not weaponize) learned helplessness.

Michael Maharrey on Facial Recognition Pushback

Today Michael Maharrey of the Tenth Amendment Center joins us to discuss the recent legislative successes that have helped to push back on the encroaching facial recognition panopticon . . . and what remains to be done to combat this technocratic tyranny.

Interview 1507 – Michael Maharrey on Facial Recognition Pushback

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-01-07%20Michael%20Maharrey.mp3"][/audio]Today Michael Maharrey of the Tenth Amendment Center joins us to discuss the recent legislative successes that have helped to push back on the encroaching facial recognition panopticon . . . and what remains to be done to combat this technocratic tyranny.

Interview 1498 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-11-21%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week James and James give thanks by highlighting 3 positive stories from the 2019 run of James (Pilato's) popular spin-off series, Good News Next Week.

The Bigger Truths Behind the News Headlines

James joins Luke of WeAreChange for a discussion about some of the bigger truths behind the news headlines. Why does the establishment media (and the so-called alternatives who merely chase the MSM's tail) focus on hate, fear and paralysis? Can we model solutions and cooperation? Is there a way to overcome our natural human tendencies to defend our team regardless of the truth?

What’s Your Endgame? – QFC #045

So what's James' endgame anyway? And what's the deal with the Lord of the Rings? And can you be pro-freedom if you're for mandatory vaccines? Good questions! Find out the answers to these and other burning queries in this edition of Questions For Corbett.

What’s Your Endgame? – Questions For Corbett #045

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/qfc045-lq.mp3"][/audio]So what's James' endgame anyway? And what's the deal with the Lord of the Rings? And can you be pro-freedom if you're for mandatory vaccines? Good questions! Find out the answers to these and other burning queries in this edition of Questions For Corbett.

Roberto Casanueva Spreads Positive Propaganda

Today we talk to Roberto Casanueva about Positive Propaganda People and the idea of spreading #PositivePropaganda across the country and around the world. Plus, James proposes a social experiment for those interested in spreading positivity.

Interview 1437 – Roberto Casanueva Spreads Positive Propaganda

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-04-09%20Roberto%20Casanueva.mp3"][/audio]Today we talk to Roberto Casanueva about Positive Propaganda People and the idea of spreading #PositivePropaganda across the country and around the world. Plus, James proposes a social experiment for those interested in spreading positivity.

Declare Your Independence with IPFS!

Thanks to Ernest Hancock of FreedomsPhoenix.com, The Corbett Report is now on IPFS. Today James joins Ernest to talk about the problem of online censorship and the IPFS technology that is enabling a solution. (Don't worry, more information will be forthcoming once we get all the wrinkles ironed out.)

Interview 1435 – Declare Your Independence with IPFS!

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-04-05%20Declare%20Your%20Independence.mp3"][/audio]Thanks to Ernest Hancock of FreedomsPhoenix.com, The Corbett Report is now on IPFS. Today James joins Ernest to talk about the problem of online censorship and the IPFS technology that is enabling a solution. (Don't worry, more information will be forthcoming once we get all the wrinkles ironed out.)

Solutions: Open Science

In the face of the crisis of science, it is easy to throw our hands up and watch as the old guard of the scientific establishment circles the wagons and goes back to business as usual. But there are real solutions to these problems, and we all—scientists and non-scientists alike—have a part to play in implementing them.

Drinking Water Out of Thin Air

The need for clean drinking water is one of the most pressing concerns facing a large percentage of the world’s population. It’s not only developing countries in warmer areas of the planet that have problems; parts of the US already suffer from poor water quality because of failing infrastructure, with Flint, MI, being one of the worst affected and best known.

#FreeRoss, Cashless Backlash, 3D Printed Guns – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: Ross Ulbricbht denied a Supreme Court hearing; cashless backlash begins; and the Github for guns is going to make gun control irrelevant.

Interview 1371 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-07-12%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: Ross Ulbricbht denied a Supreme Court hearing; cashless backlash begins; and the Github for guns is going to make gun control irrelevant.

Interview 1370 – James Corbett on the New World Order

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-06-20%20Lior%20Gantz.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett joins Lior Gantz of wealthresearchgroup.com to discuss the New World Order, the deep state and the battle for global control, and how we can slay the beast by simply removing our participation from the beast's system.

Episode 335 – Solutions: Spontaneous Order

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode335-lq.mp3"][/audio]When you hear the word "order" do you automatically think of government? What if I were to tell you there’s an entirely different conception of societal order, one that doesn’t revolve around hierarchy but in fact specifically refutes it? Well there is, and it’s called “spontaneous order.”

When Did Bin Laden Die? – QFC #039

So we were told Bin Laden died in 2001. Then we were told he was dead in 2002. And 2005 and 2006 and 2007 and 2009 before he was killed again in 2011. So which is it? And how do we know? Good question. Join James as he explores this and other conundrums in the 39th edition of Questions For Corbett.

When Did Bin Laden Die? – Questions For Corbett #039

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/qfc039-lq.mp3"][/audio]So we were told Bin Laden died in 2001. Then we were told he was dead in 2002. And 2005 and 2006 and 2007 and 2009 before he was killed again in 2011. So which is it? And how do we know? Good question. Join James as he explores this and other conundrums in the 39th edition of Questions For Corbett.

YouTube is Now ThemTube: Time to Flee the Failed Platform

Hey, did I mention that YouTube is involved in all-out warfare against independent news sources? Oh, I have? Multiple times? Well, here it is again. If you only get my info from ThemTube, please do check out the ThemTube alternatives out there.

Why Economists Are Always Wrong

The state of affairs in economics is not just embarrassing, it’s downright perplexing. Economics is a science, right? It must follow some ironclad laws of the physical universe then, mustn’t it? But somehow we always end up asking the same question: Why Are Economists Always Wrong?

Episode 331 – Why Economists Are Always Wrong

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode331-lq.mp3"][/audio]The state of affairs in economics is not just embarrassing, it's downright perplexing. Economics is a science, right? It must follow some ironclad laws of the physical universe then, mustn't it? But somehow we always end up asking the same question: Why Are Economists Always Wrong?

GPS Blackout, AI Courtroom, Community Internet – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: the military imposes GPS blackout over western US during exercise; algorithms will soon take over sentencing in the court room; and a new study proves community-created ISPs are better than corporate monopolies.

Interview 1340 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-02-01%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: the military imposes GPS blackout over western US during exercise; algorithms will soon take over sentencing in the court room; and a new study proves community-created ISPs are better than corporate monopolies.

People-Powered Solutions to Start the New Year – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: Vermont politicians try to get ahead of the pot legalization parade; people reject Kraft as the free market wins again; and DIY brings decentralization to the power grid.

Interview 1337 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-01-11%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: Vermont politicians try to get ahead of the pot legalization parade; people reject Kraft as the free market wins again; and DIY brings decentralization to the power grid.

Where We’re Going, We Don’t NEED Roads!

Why do we feel we need the things we think we need in the first place? Are our desires even our own? In this clip from his interview on The Last American Vagabond, James discusses the false ideals that are programmed into society by the social engineers.

You Are Powerful And We Are Winning

You are weak! You are powerless! You don't control your own life!...is what the powers-that-shouldn't-be want you to believe. In reality, the thing they are most afraid of is you discovering your own power and taking control of your life. And as a new study shows, even a small number of alternative, non-mainstream sources can redirect the national conversation. So why aren't we using this power to our advantage and setting a new agenda for humanity? The choice is ours.

Breaking Out Of The Cancerous Divide and Conquer Matrix

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news with G. Edward Griffin on the greater divide and conquer agenda, cancer, solutions, censorship, control of new media, red pill, distractions, federal reserve, George Soros, bankers and more in this jam-packed 22min interview.

Share it if you enjoy it.

Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news https://wearechange.org/


Interview 1314 – Derrick Broze on Holistic Anarchism

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-10-30%20Derrick%20Broze.mp3"][/audio]Today we're joined by Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance network to discuss holistic anarchism, self-assessment, conspiritainment vs. activism, the Manifesto of the Free Humans, the Decentralize Your Life Tour and much more.

Interview 1310 – Ernest Hancock on Pirates Without Borders

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-10-18%20Broc%20West.mp3"][/audio]James joins Ernest Hancock on Declare Your Independence to discuss "Why Big Oil Conquered The World." When the topic of solutions comes up, they discuss Ernest's PirateWithoutBorders.com and the above-the-grid answers to the oiligarchs' plans.

So You’ve Decided To Boycott Google…

You've decided to boycott Google? Congratulations! That's a great idea! But now, where do you go for alternatives? Are there any other search engines? Join The Corbett Report's open source investigation into search alternatives as we explore the good the bad and the ugly of online filter bubbles.

Jeffrey Tucker Reveals the Future Bit by Bit

Jeffrey Tucker of Fee.org joins James to talk about his book, Bit by Bit: How P2P Is Freeing the World. We discuss how "the market" is about cooperation and discovery, and how revolutionary peer-to-peer technology is now making the state and all of its functions and functionaries obsolete.

Solutions: Stop Using YouTube

Every year come 9/11 I see my "9/11: A Conspiracy Theory" video making the rounds again. But this year something marvelous happened. I was able to point people to my BitChute.com mirror of the video. And my Dtube mirror. And my minds.com mirror. And my vid.me mirror. The YouTube crackdown is coming (exactly as I warned you it would), but the YouTube exodus is also here (just as I predicted at the beginning of the year). The only problem is there are too many platforms to keep track of.

Think you know how to “End The Fed”? Take the #FedChallenge

James Corbett responds to Jerry Day's Federal Reserve challenge. If "End the Fed" is to be anything more than a mantra, then we must have a plan in place for how to actually end the fed and what we do after it's gone. Find out James' response in this edition of The Corbett Report.

Interview 1278 – James Corbett on Resistance Without Anger

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-05-29%20James%20Corbett.mp3"][/audio]Can we have resistance without anger and anarchy without chaos? With A.I. technology like Watson, even lawyers are about to be obsolete. How can we possibly know what we want to be when we grow up, if we don't know what is possible in our future?

How to Talk to Statists with Larken Rose

Ever wondered how to get your friends to understand that government is inherently immoral? That no group of people can grant any government rights that they don't have themselves? That taxation is theft? Well, wonder no more! Larken Rose is touring a two-day workshop teaching voluntaryists how to most effectively convey the fundamentals of human freedom to their statist friends and neighbours.

Browser History, Unraveling Hacks, Floating Cities – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: Congress just passed a bill allowing ISPs to sell your search history; the Russian hacking story is falling apart at the seams; and liberty takes to the seas with free, floating cities.

Interview 1265 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2016-03-30%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: Congress just passed a bill allowing ISPs to sell your search history; the Russian hacking story is falling apart at the seams; and liberty takes to the seas with seasteading.

P2P Solutions: An Open Source Investigation

As we’ve discussed before, the peer-to-peer economy is emerging in surprising and empowering ways, with sites like RipeNear.me connecting people to local food sources in ways never before possible. But as the eye of Sauron (aka JP Morgan) alights on this new phenomenon, it’s important that we take stock of the P2P economy before it […]

Interview 1135 – James Corbett on The Anarchist Standard

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2016-02-08%20Anarchist%20Standard.mp3"][/audio]via AnarchistStandard.com: James and I discussed the “powers that shouldn’t be”, their plans for world government, their psychopathy, and practical steps people can take to resist them.
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