162 éléments, page 2 (de 2)

Broadcast Against Tyranny – Tom Secker on Uncle the Podcast - Spy Culture

Aaron and Uncle invited me back onto their show to provide expert analysis on the mysterious and worrying situation concerning rogue logos infiltrating Uncle the Podcast.  In this special Broadcast Against Tyranny we discuss why itunes displays the wrong logo for UTP and my discovery that a different but equally wrong logo appears when you […]


Hyperreality in the Homeland – Operation Virtual Gladio - Spy Culture

A new report by Facebook's Threat Intelligence team says that the site is rife with fake accounts spreading fake news stories for political, social, cultural and economic reasons. Viewers of the recent season of Homeland will be thinking 'no shit'. Then they'll be thinking 'wait, Facebook produces intelligence assessments just like the CIA?'

Watching Big Brother

Twenty-five years ago, a California jury failed to convict four cops accused of savagely beating a black man. What sounds today like an all-too-common story was anything but back then. The verdict triggered massive unrest and, within a week, parts of Los Angeles had gone up in smoke and 55 people had died. So what made this case of police brutality different? The beating of Rodney King was caught on tape.

ClandesTime 106 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: The FBI and the WTC bombing - Spy Culture

The WTC bombing in 1993 was a massive embarrassment for the Bureau. It emerged at the resulting trials that the Bureau had an informant deep within the Al Kifah group, but fired him months before the bombing took place. This week we take a closer look at Emad Salem, the former Egyptian intelligence officer hired by the FBI to infiltrate the Blind Sheikh's circle.

ClandesTime 105 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: The Blind Sheikh - Spy Culture

The Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman was an Egyptian cleric who played a critical role in the early years of Al Qaeda. Rahman and his followers took over the New York branch of the MAK, an international fundraising and recruiting organisation that was central to the CIA's Operation Cyclone.

Trump’s Deputy Assistant Calls Watergate a ‘Kindergarten Spat’ Compared to Susan Rice Scandal

We Are Change

President Donald Trump’s deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka has called Watergate “a little spat in the sandbox in the kindergarten,” compared to Susan Rice’s unmasking of Trump campaign officials.

Gorka also stated that with all the strange circumstances leading up to the information being unmasked, and some ultimately leaked, that there is “not just smoke,” but actual fire.

Alt Truth and the Deep State on Homeland – Tom Secker on PPR - Spy Culture

In our latest dissection of season 6 of Homeland, I joined Pearse on Porkins Policy Radio to discuss the latest few episodes. With the revelation that Dar Adal has been running a sock puppet click farm to manipulate US public opinion, Homeland has dragged this season right up to date.

NSA emails on Enemy of the State - Spy Culture

Paranoid thriller Enemy of the State provoked such a reaction within the NSA that they instigated a large PR campaign to counter public perceptions of a surveillance agency running wild. NSA emails show that even while the movie was being made, agency employees were unhappy about the producers filming from the skies over Fort Meade. They also show that the NSA were asked to provide help on the production, but refused.

ClandesTime 096 – Unreal - Spy Culture

Unreal is a gripping and brutal satire of reality TV but it is much more than that. While this might sound like a drama about a trivial subject, the content of Unreal makes it one of the most serious and important TV series of recent years. It follows two female producers as they make a romance-themed reality show, highlighting the degree to which they're willing to manipulate the contestants in order to produce 'good TV'.

Jimi Hendrix FBI File - Spy Culture

The FBI's file on James Marshall Hendrix aka Jimi Hendrix is a brief but entertaining example of the Bureau having too much time on their hands and not enough to do. After Hendrix was arrested in Toronto in 1969 'after a quantity of marijuana was found in his shaving kit' the Canadian authorities asked the FBI for help finding an excuse to deport him. Hoover's men duly obliged, though they found virtually nothing.

Subscriber podcast #1 – Mr Robot and Westworld - Spy Culture

In this first subscriber-only podcast I talk about what I've been up to recently, what's coming up in the next few months and offer my thoughts on the TV series Mr Robot and Westworld. This podcast is only available to supporters of my patreon campaign.

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Hunter S Thompson’s FBI File - Spy Culture

Author and the creator of gonzo journalism Hunter S Thompson could be expected to have an FBI file, and he does. When it was released the FBI admitted that they had destroyed parts of it during the 1990s, and what remains is a smattering of amusing irrelevances.

16 Military and Intelligence Code Names Inspired by Popular Culture - Spy Culture

One of the most prominent influences of pop culture on government and on the deep state is in the use of code names. From the capture of Saddam Hussein to a counter-smuggling helicopter unit in Hawaii, from a mass surveillance program named after Blazing Saddles to Secret Service and MI5 code names taken from cartoon characters, this is a widespread and frequent phenomenon.

The CIA Spying On Spy Fiction – Scorpio - Spy Culture

While the CIA have been assisting films such as Scorpio for decades they maintain very few records of their involvement in these productions, making it difficult to know how influential the Agency is in this arena. A different but somewhat fruitful angle of inquiry is in the CIA's records of the media discussion of spy books and films in the form of reports, reviews, ratings and discussions.

Graham Greene’s FBI File - Spy Culture

Graham Greene was one of the most important novelists of the 20th century, and one of the greatest spy novelists of all time. He also holds the dubious honour of having worked for MI6 during WW2 but being spied on by the FBI as a suspected Communist. Few spies have FBI files, so Greene is in a very small and distinct club. The FBI records cover over a decade during the early Cold War, and Greene himself wrote a response to them.

Bernie Sanders did NOT lose 5,000 votes in Kentucky - Spy Culture

The Kentucky primary saw HR Clinton win by a slender margin, and one controversy has persisted - the matter of Bernie Sanders suddenly losing 5,000 votes. This has become a youtube video and a social media meme, based on video taken from rolling news coverage of the vote.

What connects the Black Panthers, the Masonic Temple in San Francisco and Jack Valenti? - Spy Culture

What connects the Black Panther Party, the Masonic Temple in San Francisco and Jack Valenti? The answer is the award-winning 1969 movie Z, about the assassination of the Greek leftist pacifist politician Grigoris Lambrakis and the military takeover of Greece's government.

La Police de la pensée se met en place en Grande-Bretagne

En Grande-Bretagne, un écolier a été interrogé par la Police anti-extremisme  pour avoir visité le site internet de l’UKIP. Une question de sécurité, selon l’école. Moralité : faite attention si vous vous connectez sur le site de l’AIL à l’école ou à votre boulot… Soutenez votre média : Abonnez-vous à l’AIL  

The post La Police de la pensée se met en place en Grande-Bretagne appeared first on Agence Info Libre.

Jack Valenti’s FBI File (Part I) - Spy Culture

Jack Valenti was present at the JFK assassination and became a close aide to Lyndon Johnson before being made head of the Motion Picture Association of America. Valenti's lengthy FBI file - which I will be writing on in several parts - details his White House career, investigations into both his mob ties and allegations of sexual perversion, hints towards his CIA connections, as well as some of his nearly 40 years at the MPAA.

When the CIA used CBS to stop a TV Show from Being Made - Spy Culture

In the 1950s the CIA and CBS were very close and this relationship enabled the CIA to use CBS to influence the media landscape in the United States. This episode from 1956-57 shows the CIA stopped a TV show from being made, using CBS as a proxy to muscle a smaller studio out of the way and effectively censor an unfriendly production about the OSS.

Why is Obama rewarding Israel for spying on the US?

Why is Obama rewarding Israel for spying on the US?

NASA Public Affairs/Media Liaison Documents - Spy Culture

Just like most major government agencies, NASA has been involved in the entertainment industry for decades. For 2001: A Space Odyssey Stanley Kubrick hired several technical advisors including Frederick Ordway III, NASA astronaut Donald Slayton and the senior administrator of the Apollo project George Mueller. However, NASA did not found a formal Entertainment Liaison Office until 1997.

Disinfowars 28 – Is Jacob Appelbaum for Real? - Spy Culture

Jacob Appelbaum is a journalist, hacker and a major developer on the TOR project. However, he neglects to mention the origins of TOR (the Office of Naval Research) or the Pentagon's role in funding its development. In this episode I reflect on whether Appelbaum should be taken seriously as an advocate for an open society free from mass surveillance.

Disinfowars 25 – Delving Deeper: What Happened in Paris? - Spy Culture

The Friday the 13th massacre in Paris was the worst attack in Western Europe since Madrid in 2004, leaving well over a hundred people dead. Responsibility has been claimed by the Islamic State and French leader François Hollande has promised 'merciless' retribution.

Operation Snowden? – Tom Secker on TMR - Spy Culture

Remember what the world used to be like - before 2013 - when all our electronic communications were being scooped up by intelligence agencies and stored in massive data silos? Well now, thanks to Edward Snowden.... well, what?

Les infos dont on parle peu n°107 (6 novembre 2015)

Nous mettons à votre disposition toutes les semaines quelques informations passées totalement inaperçues dans nos médias mais qui peuvent être importantes. Nos liens Soutenir le Kiss Kiss Bank Bank de l’Agence Info Libre La lettre d’Analyses et d’Informations Libre n°7 (novembre 2015) Infos internationales Syrie : Moscou frappe, la coalition fait une pause Syrie :

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Homeland Season 5 episode 5 Review – Porkins Policy Radio - Spy Culture

In the latest of our Homeland reviews, Tom and I tackle the latest episode, ¨Better Call Saul.” In true form to this season, the fifth episode completely resets the original storyline and refocuses our attention to the evil Russians. Tom and I discuss this development and how it plays out in the episode.

ClandesTime 061 – Homeland Season 5 Episode 4 - Spy Culture

In this conversation Pearse and I took a few detours and rambled all over the place, but mostly talked about the concept of hyperreality - the condition of a consciousness that cannot distinguish between the real and the simulated. We show how Homeland does this but also consider the question of why: why would the CIA be interested in using this effect that shows like Homeland have on their audiences?

Homeland Season 5 Episode 1 Review – Porkins Policy Radio - Spy Culture

For this new fifth season of Homeland Pearse and I are doing an episode-by-episode review to see if a more in-depth study of the show proves interesting and fun. From the first episode of season five of Homeland it appears that, like season four, this is a departure from the established Homeland settings and storylines.

Disinfowars 21 – The Snowden – Twitter Bullshit - Spy Culture

Former CIA officer and NSA contractor Edward Snowden has recently joined Twitter. While this is hardly headline news the story has gone around the world, reported on by dozens of major media outlets. A follow-up story, that Snowden accidentally received 47 gigabytes of emails as a result of joining Twitter also got enormous attention, despite being obviously untrue.

Marilyn Monroe CIA Memo

Right up until her suspicious and much-discussed death in 1962 Marilyn Monroe was under surveillance. The FBI were keeping tabs on her, the Mafia had a private detective bug her phone and house, and this memo seems to confirm that the CIA were also monitoring her.

Germany Sacks Top Prosecutor Over Investigation of Journalists

Readers familiar with the US government’s aggressive pursuit of journalist Barrett Brown (see WhoWhatWhy’s coverage here) will find this of interest: Germany’s top prosecutor has been canned over his move to investigate whether two bloggers committed treason by publishing confidential documents.

ClandesTime episode 052 – Silicon Valley

I welcome back Pearse Redmond to talk about the sitcom Silicon Valley, which has just finished its second season. Unlike most of the media we discuss on ClandesTime, this show was not state-sponsored, but it is inspired by real people and real events.

Edward Snowden: Vindicated by the USA Freedom Act? Or Marked For Death?

Edward Snowden is likely the world’s most famous whistleblower. Will the passage of the USA Freedom Act vindicate him from being known by many as a traitor? Photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

Edward Snowden is likely the world’s most famous whistleblower. Will the passage of the USA Freedom Act vindicate him from being known by many as a traitor?

Disinfowars 7 – The Ethics of Private Investigation

This week I talk to Ed Opperman, a private investigator, author and the host of the radio show The Opperman Report. We discuss the moral challenges of investigation, asking whether private investigators are any more ethical than regular police.

ClandesTime episode 051 – Bilderberg 2015: Does Anyone Give a Fuck?

I reflect on the annual alternative media coverage of the Bilderberg meeting and ask whether the people who participate in this ritualistic behaviour really care about the subject matter. I consider whether the group's gradual unveiling over the last 20 years is a deliberate process, and what this says about them.

FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities

We Are Change

Source: Associated Press

The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cellphone surveillance technology – all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government, The Associated Press has learned.

Classic WhoWhatWhy: Police State Gears Up

BearCat in Boston lockdown.

BearCat in Boston lockdown.

If you’re a small town or perhaps a university security department, the US Department of Defense has got a deal for you!

FBI Spy Planes over Baltimore

The FBI has denied any wrongdoing involving its secret surveillance planes that flew over Baltimore this year. But doesn’t “secret surveillance” imply a violation of civil liberties?

The FBI has denied any wrongdoing involving its secret surveillance planes that flew over Baltimore this year. But doesn’t “secret surveillance” imply a violation of civil liberties?

Rassemblement contre la loi de renseignement : « 24H avant 1984″

A l’appel de l’Observatoire des libertés et du numérique (OLN) , plusieurs centaines de personnes ont manifesté lundi soir à Paris pour protester contre le projet de loi de renseignement, qui fera l’objet du vote des députés aujourd’hui, mardi 5 mai 2015. Ci-dessous le communiqué de l’OLN : Le 5 mai, les députés sont appelés

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The CIA and The Social Network – The CIA and Hollywood 05

Thomas Sheridan joins us to talk about the 2010 film The Social Network, which tells the story of the origins of facebook. We discuss the class struggle portrayed in the story, the mechanism by which the film could have been influenced by the CIA, the archetypes in the finely-produced melodrama that plays out, the CIA's silicon valley network which is conspicuous by its absence from the narrative, and the meaning of the movie's dark and brooding tone.

The CIA and Enemy of the State – The CIA and Hollywood 04

Good friend Adam joins us to discuss the 1998 action thriller Enemy of the State, and its unprecedented 'revelation' of surveillance technology. We talk about how the film has a rogue's gallery of technical advisers - including Chase Brandon and Marty Keiser - and how this led to one of the most spectacular depictions of the NSA and the spy state in general.

How “Genetic Surveillance” Will Reveal Your Personal Details

Heather Dewey-Hagborg contemplates her own face, created from DNA she extracted from a strand of her hair.

Heather Dewey-Hagborg contemplates her own face, created from DNA she extracted from a strand of her hair.

Think of the dread you’d feel if you lost your wallet on a busy street. Or the sinking feeling in your gut if you forgot your phone in a crowded restaurant.

Surveillance de masse : mobilisation contre le Patriot Act à la française

Environ 150 personnes, venues à l’appel de la Quadrature du Net, de la CGT ou encore d’Amnesty International, se sont rassemblées aux abords de l’Assemblée Nationale lundi 13 avril, afin de protester contre le projet de loi antiterroriste, dont l’étude débutait ce jour au parlement. Le vote du texte aura lieu le 5 mai prochain.

Charlie Hebdo - Les vrais dangers et conséquences (Français)

See video

Pas besoin de spéculer sur la façon dont ces événements vont être utilisés politiquement. La machine est déjà en route.

Des milliards de dollars pour un dirigeable de surveillance au-dessus du Maryland

Dans quelques jours, l’armée va lancer le premier de deux énormes dirigeables au-dessus du Maryland, l’aboutissement d’un projet militaire de dix-huit années, estimé à 2,8 milliards de dollars, prévoyant d’utiliser ces ballons géants pour se défendre contre des missiles de croisière.Et tandis que les dirigeables pourraient ne jamais repousser un seul barrage de missiles ennemis,

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New Cyber-Weapon Belies Spy Agencies’ National Security Claims

Cyber-spies have a new toy.

Washington’s cyber spies haven’t been resting on their laurels since unleashing the infamous Stuxnet computer worm in 2009.

Aux Nations Unies, les métadonnées échappent à la critique

.. Article initialement publié sur le site Numérama .. Une résolution Comité des droits de l’Homme appelle les États à limiter la surveillance gouvernementale et la collecte massive de données personnelles. Non contraignant, le texte bride ses critiques sur les métadonnées, qui permettent pourtant d’en savoir beaucoup. Depuis les révélations d’Edward Snowden sur les programmes

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De fausses tours de téléphonie cellulaire interceptent-elles les données des appareils Android et iOS ?

Après les révélations de Edward Snowden, qui a montré que le gouvernement compromettait l'activité des téléphones cellulaires d'innocents américains, des entreprises de technologie ont travaillé pour créer des dispositifs qui soient hors de portée du gouvernement. La création d'un appareil appelé le CryptoPhone 500 a fait la lumière sur la quantité de données qui ont

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Surveillance alimentaire aux États-Unis après Fukushima

Cindy Folkers, spécialiste des rayonnements et de la santé au sein du Groupe Beyond Nuclear (Au-delà du nucléaire) fondé par le Dr Helen Caldicott, nous parle ici brièvement de la situation de la surveillance alimentaire aux États-Unis, après la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima. La côte Ouest subit en effet les retombées radioactives émises par la

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We’ve had more than enough Revelations …and the American Majority has spoken

The American Majority & Its Deadly Chronic Disease Called Apathy

They say we need more revelations. I say we have had more than enough revelations on synthetic wars, atrocities, surveillance and torture. They wonder when the majority of Americans are going to speak up. And I say: The American Majority has already spoken—loud and clear.

TheRecord - Gun leading to dad%u2019s arrest was a toy

KITCHENER — A plastic toy gun is to blame for the mayhem that saw a man arrested at his daughter’s school this week. It was found in the home of the Kitchener father of four after he was arrested over a drawing his daughter drew at the school on Wednesday. Jessie Sansone was strip-searched but not charged. Sansone’s four-year-old daughter Neaveh had drawn a picture of a man holding a gun and said it was her daddy, triggering fears that the family home contained a weapon that was a threat to the children.

TheRecord - Man shocked by arrest after daughter draws picture of...

%u201CI%u2019m picking up my kids and then, next thing you know, I%u2019m locked up,%u201D Jessie Sansone, 26, said Thursday. %u201CI was in shock. This is completely insane. My daughter drew a gun on a piece of paper at school.%u201D

poorrichard's blog: How to Use the Internet in Stealth Mode

%u201CFor the first time ever, it will become technologically and financially feasible for authoritarian governments to record nearly everything that is said or done within their borders - every phone conversation, electronic message, social media interaction, the movements of nearly every person and vehicle, and video from every street corner.%u201D
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