107 éléments, page 1 (de 2)

Welcome to Mixed Reality: A Fake Place Where Fake People Are Trapped Forever

Do you know what the Vision Pro and other so-called "mixed-reality" devices really represent? Do you want to? Well strap in, Cassandra, because we're heading straight into the heart of the Media Matrix.

Interview 1776 - Behind the Twitter Files Hype on Unlimited Hangout

In this episode, Whitney and James Corbett discuss the Twitter Files phenomenon and how the hype around it is being utilized for more than meets the eye.

The post Interview 1776 - Behind the Twitter Files Hype on Unlimited Hangout first appeared on The Corbett Report.

Interview 1772 - MAiD in Canada - #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the UN and the WEF are teaming up to bring you the climate lockdown-ready 15-minute city of the future; Canadians are being euthanized by their government; and a nurse who injected thousands of patients with saline instead of covid vaxx walks free.

The post Interview 1772 - MAiD in Canada - #NewWorldNextWeek first appeared on The Corbett Report.

Interview 1769 - The Climate Change Gambit on The Last American Vagabond

[iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/DWYgZPf0YhLN/" width="90%" height="320" allow="fullscreen"]
via TheLastAmericanVagabond.com: Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss a very contentious and manipulated topic, one that is being hoisted above the population as an absolute, as those in power no longer ask, but demand, your compliance. Of course we are discussing the ominous specter of “Climate Change” and whether this is exactly that, a specter, a ghost, an illusion designed to create, initiate, and justify a long-sought technocratic agenda

Interview 1768 - Chinese Defiance - #NewWorldNextWeek

[iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/DaVm0Wp2S2Jg/" width="90%" height="320" allow="fullscreen"]
This week on the New World Next Week: Don't be surprised that the Chinese protests, be amazed that they happened at all; Netherlands to shut down thousands of farms and other major polluting businesses; and the FDA greenlights lab-grown chicken.

The post Interview 1768 - Chinese Defiance - #NewWorldNextWeek first appeared on The Corbett Report.

What is Technocracy? - Questions For Corbett #092

[iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/HZy7bqOnQSn3/" width="90%" height="320" allow="fullscreen"]
It seems everyone is talking about technocracy these days, but what is technocracy. You may think you know the answer to this question, but you probably don't. James answers this question once and for all in today's edition of Questions For Corbett. Along the way, you'll discover that being able to answer this question is imperative if we want to be able to identify the technocratic enemy and, ultimately, derail their plans.

Interview 1758 - James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk

[iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/ArViyuLY1IHy/" width="90%" height="320" allow="fullscreen"]
James appears on Declare Your Independence every other week to discuss news, current events and activism. In this discussion, James and Ernie debate whether or not Elon Musk represents a way forward for free humanity or a technocratic huckster selling the unwashed masses on the globalist agenda.

"Green" Energy Is a Scam. It Isn't MEANT to Work.

In truth, the green energy sustainable enslavement grid is a scam from top to bottom. But it is not simply a pie-in-the-sky pipe dream being sold to a gullible and ignorant public. It's worse than that. It is a carefully crafted lie that is designed to lead us into our new role as serfs on the neofeudal plantation in the coming green dystopia.

Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail

Here's a great big white pill for you: the technocratic system of tyranny is going to fail. This is not wishful thinking; it's a cold statement of fact. Technocracy, in all its facets—from the UN's 2030 Agenda to the brain chips and AI godheads of the transhumanists to the CBDC social credit surveillance state—is anti-human. It goes against nature itself. It cannot work in the long run and it is destined to fail.

It's Confirmed: Tyrants LOVE China! . . . But Why?

China is not just any type of dictatorship. In fact, it isn't even communist. When you understand the principle that the Chinese government is really operating on, you start to understand why China has been built up to be the rising new superpower of the 21st century and what that means for the future of humanity.

Cave Walls, German Lockdowns, Tech Governments – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: Time Magazine games conspiracy theorists with a nothingburger about the (s)election; German government caught paying researchers to justify their coronavirus restrictions as countries put the break on vaccines; and Nevada prepares to institute technocratic Innovation Zones.

Interview 1618 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2021-02-11_James_Evan_Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: Time Magazine games conspiracy theorists with a nothingburger about the (s)election; German government caught paying researchers to justify their coronavirus restrictions as countries put the break on vaccines; and Nevada prepares to institute technocratic Innovation Zones.

Your Guide to The Great Reset

You've all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Episode 387 – Your Guide to The Great Reset

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode387-lq.mp3"][/audio]You've all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Interview 1581 – James Corbett Breaks Down the Great Reset

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-10-05_James_Corbett.mp3"][/audio]Pete Quinones of Freeman Beyond the Wall talks to James Corbett about the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the coming biosecurity state.

Interview 1578 – James Corbett on The Future of Humanity

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-09-24_James_Corbett.mp3"][/audio]Josh Sigurdson talks with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about the heightened level of tyranny throughout the world creating a sort of prison planet over the course of 2020.

Interview 1571 – James Corbett Discusses The Technocratic Coup

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-08-22_James_Corbett.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett joins Jim Goddard on This Week in Money for a wide-ranging conversation on COVID-19, the coming technocratic biosecurity state, and the economic ramifications of this Brave New Normal.

There Are Dark Days Ahead – James Corbett on Free Man Beyond the Wall

via FreeManBeyondTheWall.com: Pete invited documentarian, researcher and commentator, James Corbett, to come on the show. James has been consistently reporting on government's reaction to the CV-19 pandemic and paints a picture of where he thinks individual liberty will end up when all is said and done.

Interview 1532 – James Corbett on Free Man Beyond the Wall

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-04-04_James_Corbett.mp3"][/audio]via FreeManBeyondTheWall.com: Pete invited documentarian, researcher and commentator, James Corbett, to come on the show. James has been consistently reporting on government's reaction to the CV-19 pandemic and paints a picture of where he thinks individual liberty will end up when all is said and done..

Interview 1512 – Derrick Broze on Opting Out of Technocracy

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2020-01-31%20Derrick%20Broze.mp3"][/audio]We all know the existential threat that technocracy poses to the human species. So what's the solution to this problem? Joining us today to discuss this issue is Derrick Broze of TheConsciousResistance.com who has just published How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State.

Interview 1503 – Jerry Day Provides an Update on 5G Implementation

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-12-17%20Jerry%20Day.mp3"][/audio]Jerry Day of EMFHelpCenter.com joins us today for an information-packed presentation on the status of 5G implementation in the US and around the world. We also discuss what people can do to protect themselves from RF radiation and its associated concerns.

Power of Siberia, Chinese Fondleslabs, Artificial Wombs – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: the Power of Siberia cements the fault lines of the New World Order; the ChiComs force facial scanning to cell phone usage; and artificial wombs are the way of the future!

Interview 1499 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-12-05%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: the Power of Siberia cements the fault lines of the New World Order; the ChiComs force facial scanning to cell phone usage; and artificial wombs are the way of the future!

Interview 1490 – Monkey-wrenching #2020 on Declare Your Independence

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-11-01%20Declare%20Your%20Independence.mp3"][/audio]James joins Ernest Hancock of Freedom's Phoenix for their bi-monthly conversation. This time they discuss the issues that will (or could) be part of the 2020 (s)Election cycle and how activists can use the (s)Election distration to raise issues of importance.

Interview 1461 – Silicon Eugenics on Declare Your Independence

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-07-10%20James%20Corbett.mp3"][/audio]James joins Ernest Hancock of Declare Your Independence for their regular interview on all the latest news. This week they discuss James' latest work on Silicon Valley, how it ties in to the eugenics agenda . . . and what we can do about it.

The Post-Carbon Energy Eugenics Hoax

James Corbett joins Ricky Varandas of The Ripple Effect and Jeffrey Wilson and Pat Miletich of Conspiracy Farm for another roundtable swapcast. This time they break down the history of Big Oil carbon eugenics agenda and the future of the technocratic post-carbon world.

Interview 1446 – James Corbett on The Post-Carbon Energy Eugenics Hoax

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-05-28%20Luke%20Rudkowski.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett joins Ricky Varandas of The Ripple Effect and Jeffrey Wilson and Pat Miletich of Conspiracy Farm for another roundtable swapcast. This time they break down the history of Big Oil carbon eugenics agenda and the future of the technocratic post-carbon world.

Interview 1431 – James Corbett on the Technocratic Death Cult

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-04-01%20James%20Corbett.mp3"][/audio]via The Pursuit of Happiness: Here I am chatting to one of the best independent journalists around, James Corbett. Best known for his methodical research and presentation, he has a gift for cutting right through to the truth of the matter.

Interview 1427 – Financial Survival in the Demographic Crunch

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-03-21%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]James joins Melody Cedarstrom on the Financial Survival radio show for their regular, bi-monthly conversation. This time we discuss the disappearance of free will and the rise of Big Tech, the demographic crunch in Japan, China's belt and road diplomacy, and the recent crisis in Kashmir.

A deeper understanding of technocracy

by Jon Rappoport

December 27, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Technocracy is the basic agenda and plan for ruling global society from above, so we need to understand it from several angles.

Consider a group of enthusiastic forward-looking engineers in the early 20th century. They work for a company that has a contract to manufacture a locomotive.

This is a highly complex piece of equipment.

A deeper understanding of technocracy

by Jon Rappoport

December 27, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Technocracy is the basic agenda and plan for ruling global society from above, so we need to understand it from several angles.

Consider a group of enthusiastic forward-looking engineers in the early 20th century. They work for a company that has a contract to manufacture a locomotive.

This is a highly complex piece of equipment.

Pay Up or the Earth Gets It! – #PropagandaWatch

As predicted, the IPCC has released their hot air report on 1.5C of global warming and the lamestream fake news lying establishment lapdog media is hyping it as the end of the world as we know it...unless you pay the globalists more money to atone for your carbon sins, of course.

Kia’s Driverless Future! – #PropagandaWatch

In this first installment of the #PropagandaWatch series, James breaks down the latest advertising/conditioning campaign from Kia preparing us for the driverless future. Who will save the residents of Neverland from the perils of traffic jams? Why, Peter, Kia, and driverless technology, of course! Blecch.

AI and the future of medical treatment

by Jon Rappoport

July 17, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

“Oh Doctor, what’s ailing me? Can I get a diagnosis? What’s that? AI [artificial intelligence] is handling it now? You mean I just go online and see the results of my tests and read the diagnosis and pick up my drugs outside my front door? Wow. Very nice.”

Really? Is it very nice?

The secret circle that controls governments

The secret circle that controls governments

by Jon Rappoport

April 26, 2018

Note: I have many new readers, and they have not read this article of mine, which I first posted several years ago. Here it is—

Who is in charge of destroying economies?

One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since 1973.

It’s called the Trilateral Commission (TC).

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”

5G wireless: a ridiculous front for global control

5G wireless: a ridiculous front for global control

by Jon Rappoport

April 3, 2018

First, two quotes to give a bit of background.

5G speed, for people who must download a whole season of their favorite show in two seconds:

Artificial embryo created: no egg, no sperm, no problem

Artificial embryo created – no egg, no sperm, no problem

by Jon Rappoport

March 29, 2018

Over the past 35 years, I’ve been showing how elements of the Brave New World are coming together.

Lately, I’ve been focusing on 5G wireless, the Internet of Things, gene-editing, and DNA-altering vaccines. We now have a very important piece of the puzzle: artificial embryos. A chilling prospect.

Five thousand inventions in limbo and under “secrecy orders” at the US Patent Office

Five thousand inventions in limbo and under “secrecy orders” at the US Patent Office

by Jon Rappoport

March 28, 2018

How many of these patents, if granted, would be game changers for planet Earth? Who knows?

Buckle up. Here we go.

From FAS (Federation of American Scientists), Secrecy News, Oct. 21, 2010, “Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong,” by Steven Aftergood:

Internet of Things – formula for a global trance

Internet of Things – formula for a global trance

by Jon Rappoport

March 27, 2018

I’m following up on my previous article about the Internet of Things (IoT). Here is the psychology in a nutshell:


The Internet of Things: a game for morons and control freaks

The Internet of Things: a game for morons and control freaks

by Jon Rappoport

March 26, 2018

—A vast cotton candy dream comes to life. O hail the glorious future! Your home will be automatic. It will run by itself. Push a button. Nothing else is required—

Planet-wide, all-encompassing, interconnected, automated, regulated, the Internet of Things is the system of systems being brought online by the emerging 5G wireless transmission apparatus.

The club of liberal messiahs floods the world with love

The club of liberal messiahs floods the world with love

by Jon Rappoport

March 42, 2018

By liberals, I simply mean those people who accept big government as a given, regardless of their political affiliation.

And yes, at certain key levels, they are a club. They come from major media, large corporations, banks, the military, well-funded foundations, investment houses, do-good non-profits, legal and medical societies, academic factories, think tanks, and of course the huge pool of government employees.

The world on trial: will Globalism/Socialism win?

The world on trial: will Socialism/Globalism win?

by Jon Rappoport

February 28, 2018

These words—Socialism and Globalism—are a mystery to most people. What do they mean? Why do they matter?

They matter because, behind the mask, they indicate massive centralized power at the top of the food chain. They aren’t “movements on behalf of the people.” They aren’t “humanitarian solutions to our problems.”

Missing history: US oligarchs finance Socialism

Missing history: US oligarchs finance Socialism

Socialism was never a movement for “the masses”

by Jon Rappoport

February 20, 2018

In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller.

Over the years, several million copies have been sold.

Globalism, Socialism, Technocracy: three names for the same thing

Globalism, Technocracy, Socialism: three names for the same thing

by Jon Rappoport

February 15, 2018

Every “universal” solution for humankind presupposes a gigantic flaw in the way things are.

That flaw must be corrected.

It must be corrected from above, by a better system, which locks the door against an escape back into the old way.

The first casualty in this utopian process is freedom.

Secret House memo released: the fallout, the lies, and the bigger picture

Secret House memo released: the fallout, the lies, and the bigger picture

by Jon Rappoport

February 5, 2018

The House Intelligence Committee’s 4-page memo has been released.

The hullabaloo about the memo unfairly “damaging the reputation” of the FBI and the Dept. of Justice is a joke.

The vision of technocracy and your future

Technocracy for planet Earth

by Jon Rappoport

January 8, 2018

“Well, boys, we’ve got this strange thing called THE INDIVIDUAL. Could somebody tell me what he is? He’s not conforming to our algorithms. He’s all over the place. And while we’re at it, what the hell is this IMAGINATION? It keeps slipping out of our grasp, it doesn’t fit the plan…”


Interview 1330 – The Ochelli Effect on Big Oil Technocracy

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-12-05%20Ochelli%20Effect.mp3"][/audio]James joins Chuck Ochelli of The Ochelli Effect to discuss soft censorship, big oil and technocracy. As we move into the technocratic future, how do we make sense of the past that brought us to this point, and how do we counteract the agenda?

The Hagmann Report on Big Oil

Today James appears as a guest on The Hagmann Report to discuss How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World. Topics covered include the real aims of the oiligarchy, the technocratic “solution” to the death of the petrodollar, and the (engineered) rise of China and the coming (engineered) conflict.

Interview 1317 – The Hagmann Report on Big Oil

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-11-08%20Hagmann%20Report.mp3"][/audio]Today James appears as a guest on The Hagmann Report to discuss How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World. Topics covered include the real aims of the oiligarchy, the technocratic "solution" to the death of the petrodollar, and the (engineered) rise of China and the coming (engineered) conflict.

Brave New World and individual power

Brave New World and individual power

by Jon Rappoport

November 1, 2017

Rule by technocracy—that is the subject of this article. In such a future, there would be no politicians. They would have been made extinct…

Huxley’s 1932 novel about a World State and its version of Utopia is still one of the most important and relevant novels of our time.

The new Pope of NSA-Google-Facebook

The new Pope of NSA-Google-Facebook

by Jon Rappoport

October 30, 2017

Note: In the event this piece may float ahead in time, I feel compelled to say it was written for people who can not only read pictures, but can still read words.

In the year 2072…there was a time of great celebration.

The President was about to appoint a new Pope of NSA-Google-Facebook. Aside from 12 Western states, where gangs ruled the population, America was united as never before.

Interview 1313 – James Corbett and Richard Grove on The Ripple Effect

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-10-30%20Ripple%20Effect.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett joins Richard Grove and Ricky Varandas in a three-way conversation on James' new documentary, Why Big Oil Conquered The World. We discuss and debate eugenics, depopulation, and the way forward.

Why Big Oil Conquered the World (Video)

The 20th century was the century of oil. From farm to fork, factory to freeway, there is no aspect of our modern life that has not been shaped by the oil industry. But as the "post-carbon" era of the 21st century comes into view, there are those who see this as the end of the oiligarchy. They couldn't be more wrong.

Are Elite Controllers a fantasy? Read this.

Are Elite Controllers a fantasy? Read this.

by Jon Rappoport

September 11, 2017

We rarely get a chance to see a smoking gun that proves elite controllers are running the show from behind the curtain.

That’s why there is a curtain.

So I’m republishing a conversation between two members of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission (TC) and a US reporter.

First, a bit of background:

The mayor of New York embraces Karl Marx

The mayor of New York embraces Karl Marx

by Jon Rappoport

September 8, 2017

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!” (Karl Marx, 1875)

At infowars.com, Kelen McBreen has unearthed a stunning statement NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio made to New York Magazine:

Socialism: thick lipstick on a global pig

Socialism: thick lipstick on a global pig

by Jon Rappoport

August 29, 2017

To give you an idea of the deception inherent in socialism, here is a quote from none other than Andrew Carnegie, once one of the richest men in America:

Forgotten history: US bankers financing US enemies—and why it is important now

Forgotten history: US bankers financing US enemies—and why it is important now

by Jon Rappoport

August 28, 2017

In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller.

Over the years, several million copies have been sold.

Google will help diagnose your clinical depression: it’s wonderful

Google will help diagnose your clinical depression: it’s wonderful

by Jon Rappoport

August 25, 2017

In my work-in-progress, The Underground, here is what I wrote about Google: “They’re clever, I’ll give them that. They’re saying you can search them for any information in the world, but they’re really searching you.”

Google has decided it’s not doing enough to lead us into a better world. So now it’s going to enter the field of psychiatry.

Love the medical spy in your home

Love the medical spy in your own home

by Jon Rappoport

July 23, 2017

“O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.” (George Orwell, 1984)

What are Merck/Amazon up to these days?

Explosive: psychiatric diagnosis, Surveillance State linked

Explosive: psychiatric diagnosis, Surveillance State linked

by Jon Rappoport

July 23, 2017

Pay close attention to this one. It’s the future coming at you like a strong wind.

First, a bit of background. As my readers know, I’ve assembled conclusive proof that psychiatric diagnosis of mental disorders is a fraud. It’s pseudoscience. There are no defining lab tests. No definitive blood, saliva, hair, brain, genetic tests.

If the EU goes down, all life ceases to exist

If the EU goes down, all life ceases to exist

by Jon Rappoport

July 16, 2017

I’ll get to the European Union in a minute, but first a bit of background.

System building—how do you do it? In particular, how do you build a perverse structure?

There are three sequential steps:

One: Secretly create the system.

Two: Once it’s up and running and established, act as if you’re a mere participant in the system.

Three: Claim that the system is absolutely necessary, and without it, things would collapse.

Robots are inventing their own languages

Robots are inventing their own languages

The programming and design of artificial intelligence

by Jon Rappoport

July 14, 2017

Along with assurances that we’re facing an imminent takeover of industrial production by robots and other artificial intelligence (AI), we’re also being told that AI can develop its own systems of communication and operation, without help from humans.

Here is a sprinkling of quotes from the mainstream and technical press:

UN Warning: Just 3 YEARS Left to Save the Earth!

Uh oh. Top (former) UN Climate officials (Costa Rican diplomats with no scientific background) are "calculating" that if we don't stop emitting carbon dioxide by 2020 the earth is doomed! That's right: three years left to save the planet! Or is that 50 days? 96 months? Or were we doomed 5 years ago? Or was that 17 years ago? 4 days from now?...

Mark Zuckerberg is running the Bucky Fuller agenda

Mark Zuckerberg is running the Bucky Fuller agenda

by Jon Rappoport

June 2, 2017

“Every time somebody comes up with a universal plan to improve the world, you have to ask yourself this burning question: who will impose the plan? And then you have ask: what are the imposers’ true motives? And you have to remember what a Trojan Horse is.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

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