114 éléments, page 1 (de 2)

Toxic aluminum in vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

April 15, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

I hope that aluminum, an ingredient in many vaccines, keeps moving up on the chart of key issues in the vaccine wars. The mainstream medical forces believe they can ward off any critiques. They’re wrong. But the exposure of the truth has to keep escalating.

Toxic aluminum in vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

April 15, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

I hope that aluminum, an ingredient in many vaccines, keeps moving up on the chart of key issues in the vaccine wars. The mainstream medical forces believe they can ward off any critiques. They’re wrong. But the exposure of the truth has to keep escalating.

The true goal of immunization

Jon Rappoport

April 3, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

In the recent propaganda campaign, designed to use a measles outbreak as an example of what happens when parents don’t vaccinate their children, commentators have stated that, prior to the “epidemic,” measles cases in the area had shrunk to zero—as if eliminating the disease were a proper goal of vaccination.

The true goal of immunization

Jon Rappoport

April 3, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

In the recent propaganda campaign, designed to use a measles outbreak as an example of what happens when parents don’t vaccinate their children, commentators have stated that, prior to the “epidemic,” measles cases in the area had shrunk to zero—as if eliminating the disease were a proper goal of vaccination.

The great big Autism obfuscation

by Jon Rappoport

March 28, 2019

“How is a self-contained world built? Well, you can take a major situation which has an obvious cause, and then relabel the situation with a new name and say the cause is unknown. Then you can claim you’re looking for the cause, and you can keep looking and stalling for 50 years.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

First of all, there is NO definitive evidence that autism is a specific condition with a single cause.

The great big Autism obfuscation

by Jon Rappoport

March 28, 2019

“How is a self-contained world built? Well, you can take a major situation which has an obvious cause, and then relabel the situation with a new name and say the cause is unknown. Then you can claim you’re looking for the cause, and you can keep looking and stalling for 50 years.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

First of all, there is NO definitive evidence that autism is a specific condition with a single cause.

Interview with a Retired Vaccine Researcher

by Jon Rappoport

March 13, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

Dr. Mark Randall is the pseudonym of a vaccine researcher who worked for many years in the labs of major pharmaceutical houses and the US government’s National Institutes of Health.

Mark retired in the 1990s. He says he was “disgusted with what he discovered about vaccines.”

Interview with a Retired Vaccine Researcher

“[These days,] If I had a child, the last thing I would allow is [my child to be vaccinated].”

by Jon Rappoport

March 13, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

Dr. Mark Randall is the pseudonym of a vaccine researcher who worked for many years in the labs of major pharmaceutical houses and the US government’s National Institutes of Health.

Mark retired in the 1990s. He says he was “disgusted with what he discovered about vaccines.”

Genetically modified people: what could go wrong?

Genes, genes, genes: hype, hype, hype

Notes on Brave New World, against which freedom is the prime option

Freedom to refuse—

by Jon Rappoport

November 29, 2017

(To join our email list, click here.)

HISTORIC Livestream Tonight: 7:30pm ET, Nov 26#GeneEditSummit

Genetically modified people: what could go wrong?

Genes, genes, genes: hype, hype, hype

Notes on Brave New World, against which freedom is the prime option

Freedom to refuse—

by Jon Rappoport

November 29, 2017

(To join our email list, click here.)

HISTORIC Livestream Tonight: 7:30pm ET, Nov 26#GeneEditSummit

Super-high levels of toxic aluminum found in brains of autistic patients: aluminum is present in many vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

November 21, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Here I am printing the abstract of a new study: “Aluminium in brain tissue in autism.” The publication is Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.

Super-high levels of toxic aluminum found in brains of autistic patients: aluminum is present in many vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

November 21, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Here I am printing the abstract of a new study: “Aluminium in brain tissue in autism.” The publication is Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.

A universal flu vaccine: the mad science solution

by Jon Rappoport

October 15, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.

Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that vaccines are safe and effective, but we’ll put all that aside for the moment and follow the bouncing ball.

A universal flu vaccine: the mad science solution

by Jon Rappoport

October 15, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.

Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that vaccines are safe and effective, but we’ll put all that aside for the moment and follow the bouncing ball.

Anti-vaxx people are really Russian bots

by Jon Rappoport

August 27, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Well, well. The virulently pro-vax forces have just discovered their opponents are really, wait for it, Russian bots, launched to promote societal discord and polarize conflict.

Why the federal government broke vaccine law for 30 years

by Jon Rappoport

July 23, 2018

In my previous article on this subject, I established that, as a result of Robert F Kennedy, Jr.’s and Del Bigtree’s work, we now know the federal government broke vaccine law for 30 years.

US government exposed: for 30 years, it broke the law on vaccine safety

by Jon Rappoport

July 16, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

For 30 years, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) broke the law regarding vaccine safety, and no one noticed or cared.

US government exposed: for 30 years, it broke the law on vaccine safety

by Jon Rappoport

July 16, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

For 30 years, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) broke the law regarding vaccine safety, and no one noticed or cared.

CDC “vaccine science” hides giant conflict of interest

by Jon Rappoport

July 5, 2018

If you wanted to buy a product…

And the main safety-researcher of the product was the company selling it to you…

Would you automatically assume the product was safe and effective?

But you see, that’s the just the beginning of the problem. Suppose the company’s research was cited thousands of times in the press, as the authoritative standard of proof—and anyone who disputed that research was labeled a conspiracy theorist and a quack and a danger to the community and an anti-science lunatic.

Vaccine cartel destroys lives: evidence

by Jon Rappoport

July 2, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Put these two public-health agency statements up against each other:



Altering human genetics through vaccination

by Jon Rappoport

June 26, 2018

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.

Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that vaccines are safe and effective, but we’ll put all that aside for the moment and follow the bouncing ball.

The occult archetype called vaccination

The occult archetype called vaccination

by Jon Rappoport

June 18, 2018

In many past articles, I’ve taken apart the so-called science of vaccines and shown how deceptive it is. Here I take another approach: examining the archetypes and symbols that surround vaccination and give it occult power.

Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers

Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers

by Jon Rappoport

June 7, 2018

—Two scientists discover that vaccines are contaminated, in the manufacturing process, with many small particles of metals that are toxic to humans when injected. Alarming.

The published research is ignored. Then the scientists are raided by police.

Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers

Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers

by Jon Rappoport

June 7, 2018

—Two scientists discover that vaccines are contaminated, in the manufacturing process, with many small particles of metals that are toxic to humans when injected. Alarming.

The published research is ignored. Then the scientists are raided by police.

The big vaccine-autism lie

The big vaccine-autism lie

by Jon Rappoport

May 20, 2018

“How is a self-contained world built? Well, you can take a major situation which has an obvious cause, and then relabel the situation with a new name and say the cause is unknown. Then you can claim you’re looking for the cause, and you can keep looking and stalling for 50 years.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

First of all, there is NO definitive evidence that autism is a specific condition with a single cause.

Two huge vaccine scandals the press is ignoring

Two huge vaccine scandals the press is ignoring

by Jon Rappoport

May 15, 2018

Some lies are so big, many people can’t accept the fact that they’re lies. Their minds are boggled. “No,” they say, “that couldn’t be.” But yes, that could be, and is.

Two giant vaccine scandals are in progress at the moment.

The mainstream press is mentioning them, here and there, but without any intent to raise alarms, dig in, investigate, and get down to the core of the problem.

So I’ll get to the core.

Europe under the vaccination gun: an expanding tragedy

Europe under the vaccination gun: an expanding tragedy

by Jon Rappoport

May 8, 2018

Storm clouds are gathering…

First the solution—leave the European Union. Do it soon. Don’t knuckle under.

Europe is moving closer to mandatory vaccination. The drive is spearheaded by a collaboration between the European Union (EU) and Big Pharma companies.

Many citizens of EU member countries aren’t even aware of what is happening. Key high-level meetings are being held in secret.

A universal flu vaccine: the mad science solution

A universal flu vaccine: the mad science solution

by Jon Rappoport

March 29, 2018

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.

Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that vaccines are safe and effective, but we’ll put all that aside for the moment and follow the bouncing ball.

CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest

CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest

by Jon Rappoport

March 21, 2018

If you wanted to buy a product…

And the main researcher of the product was the company selling it to you…

Would you automatically assume the product was safe and effective?

Australian anti-vaxxers provide new model for the world

Australian anti-vaxxers provide new model for the world

by Jon Rappoport

March 4, 2018

Out of the ashes of government tyranny comes a solution.

In the Australian state of Queensland, childcare facilities can refuse to allow unvaccinated children to attend, so…

Incredible vaccine lies from the Ministry of Truth

Incredible vaccine lies from the Ministry of Truth

by Jon Rappoport

February 18, 2018

For many years as a reporter covering medical stories, I have taken to task public health agencies, such as WHO and the CDC. I’m used to their lies.

In that regard, I came across a mind-boggling CDC quote dug up by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who has done terrific work researching vaccine dangers.

Incredible vaccine lies from the Ministry of Truth

Incredible vaccine lies from the Ministry of Truth

by Jon Rappoport

February 18, 2018

For many years as a reporter covering medical stories, I have taken to task public health agencies, such as WHO and the CDC. I’m used to their lies.

In that regard, I came across a mind-boggling CDC quote dug up by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (twitter), who has done terrific work researching vaccine dangers.

Explosive: a review of fake medical tests

Explosive: a review of fake medical tests

by Jon Rappoport

January 30, 2018

Over the years, during my investigations of deep fraud, I’ve uncovered very popular medical diagnostic tests that are wrong-headed, misleading, and fallacious.

Acceptance of this shocking truth would disrupt the “disease business” like a threshing machine moving through a wheat field.

Claims of diseases, based on tests, would be routinely turned back stamped UNPROVEN and FAKE.

Two huge current vaccine scandals the press isn’t covering

Two huge current vaccine scandals the press isn’t covering

by Jon Rappoport

December 13, 2017

The old question about a tree falling in the forest is relevant here. Does the tree make a sound if no one is there to hear it?

If a scandal erupts and the press doesn’t cover it, is it a scandal?

Global vaccine cartel wreaks destruction: the evidence

Global vaccine cartel wreaks destruction: the evidence

by Jon Rappoport

December 6, 2017

Massive vaccine damage, hidden.

Put these two public-health agency statements up against each other:



The occult archetype called vaccination

The occult archetype called vaccination

by Jon Rappoport

December 5, 2017

In many past articles, I’ve taken apart the so-called science of vaccines and shown how deceptive it is (article archive here). Here I take another approach: examining the archetypes and symbols that surround vaccination and give it occult power.

Super-high levels of toxic aluminum found in the brains of autistic patients: aluminum is present in many vaccines

Super-high levels of toxic aluminum found in brains of autistic patients

Aluminum is present in many vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

November 28, 2017

(For Part-2, click here.)

Want vaccine truth? Now you’re a Russian dupe. I’m serious.

Want vaccine truth? Now you’re a Russian dupe. I’m serious.

by Jon Rappoport

November 27, 2017

It had to happen. In the UK, warnings are going out that “anti-vaccination” posts online are the work of Russian disinformation agents who are trying to destabilize the West.

OK, I confess. For the past 30 years, during which I’ve exposed lies about vaccines from top to bottom, I’ve been working for the Kremlin. My code name is Ivan the Giant Killer.

Australia vaccination; all doctors under the gun; minister of health keeps lying

Australia vaccination: all doctors under the gun: minister of health keeps lying

by Jon Rappoport

November 25, 2017

Welcome to the Australian state of Victoria, where the minister of health, Jill Hennessy, has just put all doctors under the gun.

Vaccinating every child has become so important to Hennessey, she’s declared that a doctor who writes an exemption will be ignored. In fact, that doctor, by implication, will be considered “rogue.”

Medical destruction: It’s not just opioids

Medical destruction: It’s not just opioids

by Jon Rappoport

November 17, 2017

Some people are just waking up to medical destruction, by way of news on the opioid epidemic (my article archive on Opioids is here).

They’re late to the party, but that’s all right. They can catch up.

Here are a few horrific “catch-up” quotes. I’ll discuss the source afterwards:

The great flu vaccine hoax: new evidence

The great flu vaccine hoax: new evidence

by Jon Rappoport

November 8, 2017

Apparently, the powers-that-be want everyone to take the seasonal flu vaccine out of loyalty and blind faith. Because actual science reveals the hoax.

To my friends in Australia: the vaccine war deepens

To my friends in Australia: the vaccine war deepens

by Jon Rappoport

September 20, 2017

The string of abuses laid on citizens of Australia by their government grows almost week by week.

Now, parental rights to raise children, without interference from the State, is under a new form of attack. This must be resisted.

Race/class-baiting attacks against vaccine doubters

Race/class-baiting attacks against vaccine doubters

by Jon Rappoport

September 8, 2017

The official talking heads in the vaccine wars are using race and class to attack people who doubt the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

Before people lost track of a subject called logic, the fallacy called ad hominem was widely understood: ignore the substance of an argument; simply attack the person making the argument.

MD: I’ve seen cases of vaccine injury for 40 years

MD: I’ve seen cases of vaccine injury for forty years

Australian doctor exposes vaccine damage, stands up to government/media attacks

Here is what he wrote

by Jon Rappoport

September 4, 2017

In Australia, the noose is tightening around parents’ and children’s necks.

Exclusive: mind-boggling FDA confession about the smallpox vaccine

Exclusive: FDA confession about smallpox vaccine

by Jon Rappoport

August 30, 2017

The FDA has just released a statement (8/28) about its crackdown on a California company pushing an unapproved treatment for cancer patients: stem cells mixed with a smallpox vaccine.

Vaccine disasters governments want you to forget

Vaccine disasters governments want you to forget

by Jon Rappoport

August 18, 2017

Parents who question vaccines are crazy? Really? Parents who claim to discover vaccine-dangers are crazy? Really?

Official history is a curious thing. Whole sections of fact disappear from the record.

When I was researching my first book, AIDS INC., in 1987-88, I explored various forms of immune-system suppression, in order to show that HIV was not the real story.

Enormous basic lies about vaccination

Enormous basic lies about vaccination

by Jon Rappoport

August 16, 2017

I’ve placed these lies in the context of a Q&A:

Q: Let’s say I accept the idea that vaccines create protection against disease. Vaccines create immunity. What’s the problem? Why should I worry? Why should I go outside the mainstream for information?

Lying Australian press and the Vaxxed scandal

Lying Australian press and the Vaxxed scandal: what they’re not telling you about film producer’s visa cancellation

by Jon Rappoport

August 11, 2017

Part 1 of this story here.

FACT: Recently, the film Vaxxed was shown in locations across Australia.

Breaking: interview with Vaxxed producer who was banned from Australia

Interview with Vaxxed producer banned from Australia

Producer of film Vaxxed banned from Australia

by Jon Rappoport

August 9, 2017

Polly Tommey, producer of the famous documentary, Vaxxed (trailer), has been banned from Australia. If that sounds quite insane—it is.

Is Trump’s investigation of vaccine-dangers dead?

Is Trump’s investigation of vaccine-dangers dead?

by Jon Rappoport

July 7, 2017

Trump has made two key appointments in the area of childhood vaccination. The first was Scott Gottlieb, the director of the FDA. What does Gottlieb have to say?

From fiercepharma.com: “…antivaccine activists were disappointed with Trump’s appointment for FDA head, Scott Gottlieb, who has said any theories of a link between vaccines and autism have been ‘thoroughly debunked’.”

Zika, HIV: the abstract vs. the concrete in the pursuit of logic

Zika, HIV: the abstract vs. the concrete in the pursuit of logic

by Jon Rappoport

June 26, 2017

Medical Warning: this article may require THINKING. Ask your doctor if thinking is right for you.

Shocker: study unwittingly links vaccines to autism

Shocker: study unwittingly links vaccines to autism

by Jon Rappoport

June 14, 2017

Start with this:

A new study links fever in pregnant women to an increased risk of autism in their babies.

Victims of vaccine damage can sue manufacturers in the US

Victims of vaccine damage can sue manufacturers in the US

It’s happening now

by Jon Rappoport

May 7, 2017

Major media aren’t giving this story the coverage it deserves. I certainly am.

Short question: Can a person sue a US vaccine manufacturer?

Short answer: Under certain conditions, yes.

Victims of vaccine damage can sue manufacturers in the US

Victims of vaccine damage can sue manufacturers in the US

It’s happening now…

by Jon Rappoport

May 7, 2017

(Note to our loyal readers: We’re working to restore NoMoreFakeNews.com. Meanwhile, this blog is fully operating. Posting continues. To join our email list, click here.)

Major media aren’t giving this story the coverage it deserves. I certainly am.

Short question: Can a person sue a US vaccine manufacturer?

New drug for rare childhood disease; price tag, $702,000 a year

New drug for rare childhood disease; price tag, $702,000 a year

And an explosive statement from the FDA

by Jon Rappoport

May 1, 2017

by Jon Rappoport

The FDA has just approved a new drug, Brineura, for a rare childhood brain-disease known as CLN2, which progresses quickly and is considered fatal.

Julie and the boys: CDC, Merck, vaccines

Julie and the boys: CDC, Merck, vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

April 24, 2017

I write this story now to remind people there are several titanic unresolved issues surrounding research fraud at the CDC, involving the MMR vaccine.

We all know about CDC whistleblower William Thompson, a long-time researcher at the CDC. Thompson still works there.

The occult archetype called vaccination

The occult archetype called vaccination

by Jon Rappoport

April 20, 2017

In many past articles, I’ve taken apart the so-called science of vaccines and shown how deceptive it is. Here I take another approach: examining the archetypes and symbols that surround vaccination and give it occult power.

The cruel autism trick played on vaccine-damaged children

The cruel autism trick played on vaccine-damaged children

And their parents

by Jon Rappoport

April 10, 2017

I’ve covered this subject in various ways. Here I’m going to use a Q & A format to highlight vital points.

Q: What do people need to know about names for diseases?

A: A disease-label of any kind is something you need to look at the way you’d look at a scorpion on your porch.

Q: Why?

A: Because the label is meant to make you think there is a specific condition.

Grand deception in virus and disease research

Grand deception in virus and disease research

by Jon Rappoport

March 31, 2017

Public health officials usually fail to announce their reasons for claiming a particular virus causes a particular disease; they make those claims in an arbitrary authoritarian fashion.

In this article, I’m going to describe two vital steps in the process of proving a virus causes a disease. There are more steps, but these two will highlight a gaping problem.

I’m putting the information in a Q&A format:

Herd immunity used for fear and guilt

Herd immunity, pop version, fraud

by Jon Rappoport

March 6, 2017

Hail to the herd! The herd is all!

The concept of herd immunity (protection for the population) is often used by vaccine addicts as a way to push guilt at people who don’t line up their children for shots.

“Your unvaccinated child is a danger to my vaccinated child!”

Excuse me?

Protecting children who are already vaccinated? Really?

New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA

New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA

Why is the government so maniacal about injecting vaccines?

by Jon Rappoport

May 17, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Consider this article in light of the accelerating push to mandate and enforce vaccination across the planet.

Vaccines: the new government attack on pregnant women

Vaccines: the new government attack on pregnant women

by Jon Rappoport

May 7, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Ferocious vaccine manufacturers are constantly on the move, looking for new “demographics” to shoot with vaccines. If they could stick a needle into a rock and get paid for it, they would find a reason to do it.

Vaccines: the new government attack on pregnant women

Vaccines: the new government attack on pregnant women

by Jon Rappoport

May 7, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Ferocious vaccine manufacturers are constantly on the move, looking for new “demographics” to shoot with vaccines. If they could stick a needle into a rock and get paid for it, they would find a reason to do it.

Two more MMR vaccine whistleblowers: they’re suing

Two more MMR vaccine whistleblowers: they’re suing

Where there’s smoke and fire—there’s more fire.

You pro-vaccine soccer moms: pay attention.

by Jon Rappoport

May 6, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Dear Doctor: how to avoid blame for causing autism

Dear Doctor: how to avoid blame for causing autism

by Jon Rappoport

April 26, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

As the truth about horrendous vaccine-damage to babies emerges and spreads, doctors need advice on how to avoid blame. So this article is offered as a public service to the medical profession.

A world waking up: damage after vaccination

A world waking up: damage after vaccination

It’s no longer an “anecdote”

by Jon Rappoport

April 25, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

The medical cartel has a puzzle palace. Inside this structure, words are woven in secret, to confuse, distract, and evade.

A world waking up: damage after vaccination

A world waking up: damage after vaccination

It’s no longer an “anecdote”

by Jon Rappoport

April 25, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

The medical cartel has a puzzle palace. Inside this structure, words are woven in secret, to confuse, distract, and evade.

Former NBC boss asserts his grandson damaged by vaccines

Former NBC boss asserts his grandson damaged by vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

April 20, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

The roof is beginning to cave in on the vaccine empire.

Former NBC boss asserts his grandson damaged by vaccines

Former NBC boss asserts his grandson damaged by vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

April 20, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

The roof is beginning to cave in on the vaccine empire.

Vaccine damage, the hidden truth

Vaccine damage, the hidden truth

by Jon Rappoport

April 17, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Warning: Don’t read this article if you want to avoid feeling an unpleasant sensation in the pit of your stomach.

The issue here is: refusing to believe an uncomfortable fact.

An unpleasant fact.

A devastating fact.

Vaccine damage, the hidden truth

Vaccine damage, the hidden truth

by Jon Rappoport

April 17, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Warning: Don’t read this article if you want to avoid feeling an unpleasant sensation in the pit of your stomach.

The issue here is: refusing to believe an uncomfortable fact.

An unpleasant fact.

A devastating fact.

Bang: Robert De Niro wakes up and opens up on vaccines

Bang: Robert De Niro wakes up and opens up on vaccines

After censoring the film Vaxxed, he decides to make a stand


Media won’t reveal medically-caused death numbers

by Jon Rappoport

April 13, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Bang: Robert De Niro wakes up and opens up on vaccines

Bang: Robert De Niro wakes up and opens up on vaccines

After censoring the film Vaxxed, he decides to make a stand


Media won’t reveal medically-caused death numbers

by Jon Rappoport

April 13, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Boom: another vaccine whistleblower steps out of the shadows

Boom: another vaccine whistleblower steps out of the shadows

MMR vaccine dangerous

Vaccine Empire wobbles on its foundations

by Jon Rappoport

April 7, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

I review a mind-control review of Vaxxed

I review a mind-control review of Vaxxed

Vaxxed opened this weekend at the Angelika Film Center in New York, after being censored at the Tribeca Film Festival.

—My analysis of how a conformist film critic operates, starting with the basics, which of course involve mind control.

Where did the word “official” come from?

by Jon Rappoport

April 3, 2016

I review a mind-control review of Vaxxed

I review a mind-control review of Vaxxed

Vaxxed opened this weekend at the Angelika Film Center in New York, after being censored at the Tribeca Film Festival.

—My analysis of how a conformist film critic operates, starting with the basics, which of course involve mind control.

Where did the word “official” come from?

by Jon Rappoport

April 3, 2016

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