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War Industry Muster- “Huntsville Alabama: Where the Heart of MIC Beast Beats”

In this episode of War Industry Muster Christian Sorensen presents us with a primer on where the U.S. war industry is located. He focuses on three main locations: northeast Virginia; Huntsville, Alabama; and San Diego, California. All of the information he presents was gleaned from the Pentagon’s list of daily contracts.

Christian Sorensen is a military analyst for Newsbud. He focuses on tracking who profits from war. He is a U.S. Air Force veteran.

War Industry Muster: An Overview of the Pentagon’s Relationship with U.S. Academia

War Industry Muster discusses one U.S. military contract from the past week and briefly talks about its implications regarding U.S. foreign policy, government spending priorities, and overall militarism. This week, we provide an overview of the Pentagon’s relationship with U.S. academia. We name the major U.S. universities that cooperate with the Pentagon, and we briefly explain how each institution aids and abets the U.S. war industry.

War Industry Muster with Christian Sorensen- “Corporations & Locations of U.S. War/Space Industry”

War Industry Muster discusses one U.S. military contract from the past week and briefly talks about its implications regarding U.S. foreign policy, government spending priorities, and overall militarism. This week, we provide an overview of the Pentagon's stateside infrastructure that is facilitating the weaponization of space. We cover the major bases of operation and the U.S. corporations that profit from the militarization of space.

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