In this video Luke Rudkowski breaks down that latest news of how Putin and Russia are making geopolitical moves that threaten the U.S Petro Dollar and its global economic hegemony.
654 éléments, page 5 (de 7)
How Putin Is Trying To Destroy The U.S Dollar
President of Mexico Calls For End Of War On Drugs, “U.S Does Not Want To!
Morales: “Bolivia Ready for War with US”
Whats Going On With Presidente Pendejo Of Oxico
Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: “We came, we saw, he died”
Powerful Solar Storm Rips into Earth’s Magnetic Field
Germans Riot Over Central Banks
What’s Going On With Bitcoin In Mexico
How To Not Get Robbed, Kidnapped or Extorted in Mexico, While Creating Your Own Reality
Venezuela’s Maduro May Fly to US to Confront Obama in Person
The United States Is Attempting A Coup In Venezuela – Citizens Outraged
Vladimir Putin has been ‘neutralised’ by a stealthy coup as rumors about his health and well-being continue to flourish
NASA Tests Engine That Violates The Laws of Physics
85 Wounded Al-Qaeda Militants Transported TO Israeli and Jordanian Hospitals
Video: Journalist can’t contain his laughter when White House spokesperson says the US has a ‘Long-standing policy’ against backing coups
The Security Problem and Expo In Mexico
This KickStarter Project Can END The Police State
The ISIS 9/11 Psyop What Started It All
1984: Scotland Yard Police Chief Wants To Put CCTV In ALL Homes
US and Israeli Military Advisors Arrested In Iraq For AIDING ISIS
CNN Calls For A “Conspiracy Theory”: The North American Union
The ‘Democrat’ Brzezinski Says Russia’s Putin Wants to Invade NATO
Fox News Host Calls For ‘Big Brother’ To Enforce Vaccination
Saudi Arabia executions now at ‘unprecedented rate’ after kingdom kills four more in two days
Alan Greenspan – Gold to Rise Measurably… Fed Can’t Exit without Causing a “Significant Event”
Quantum Mechanics Photographed For First Time-Ever
Google Wants To Attack Alternative News Websites By Ranking Them Based On “Facts” Not Links
US military satellite explodes above Earth
What Children In America Eat At School – Compared To Different Countries
Judge Napolitano: “These ISIS suspects arrested in NY were under the control of the FBI”
FCC’s Ajit Pai: Net Neutrality is a “Solution That Won’t Work to a Problem That Doesn’t Exist”
Rocks, Molotov cocktails fly in Athens in first anti-govt protest
F.C.C. Expected To Regulate Internet As “Public Utility”
Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIS
20% of Germans Advocate Revolution
Want Change? Leave It To Our Grandmas
Pentagon chief: US considering slowing exit from Afghanistan
Experts Claim ISIS Execution Footage FAKE
Former Ambassador Robert Ford Admits “Conspiracy Theorists” Were Right – Jihadists Are Majority Of Rebels
Ret. General Wesley Clark: “We use radical Islamists for foreign policy objectives”
Care About The Environment In Canada? You May Be Targeted As An ‘Anti-Petroleum Extremist’
Israeli analyst warns European Jews not to migrate to Israel
UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS Militants Inside Syria
Unpaid, Unarmed Lifesavers in Syria
NATO/UN Desperately Seek Ceasefire To Save ISIS After Syrian Army Encircles Aleppo
How This School Bag Also Serves As A Study Lamp For Delhi’s Slum Kids
Sudan’s President claims CIA and Mossad ‘stand behind’ Isis and Boko Haram
Russian researchers expose ‘NSA’s secret weapon’
‘Greek ‘revolution’ woke up Europeans, spreads like wildfire’
Leading Ukrainian Nazi Will Visit Washington Next Week Seeking Weapons
Wesley Clark: “Our friends and allies funded ISIS”
Common Household Items That Cause Cancer
Apple Gears Up to Challenge Tesla in Electric Cars
Hebdo Part Deux in Denmark: ‘ISIS-Inspired’ Gunmen Attack Cartoonist and Synagogue
Hackers rob global banks of millions in one of the largest heists ever
Iran can prove Bin Laden was dead long before US raid – Iranian minister
US threatens military intervention as UN warns of “disintegration” in Yemen
From Freedom to Fascism: Poroshenko to Impose Martial Law in the Ukraine
China threatens to arm Hawaii separatists who want kingdom
U.S. Fears Iran Has Learned Cyberwarfare From U.S. Virus
UK Scientists: Aliens May Have Sent Space Seeds To Create Life On Earth
Stopping a Smart TV From Eavesdropping On You Could Be a Felony
Obama Threatened Putin Before Minsk Meeting – German Media
Plan to broadcast messages to alien worlds leaves cosmologists worrying
Amazon Japan’s Child Porn Problem?
Who owns Stephen Harper?
Australia discontinues water, electricity services for Aboriginals
Ukraine President Poroshenko’s Only Evidence of Russian Invasion: Passports
U.N. Climate Chief: We’re ‘Intentionally’ Transforming The World Economy
The fiddling with temperature data is the BIGGEST science scandal ever
Here Is Greece’s 40 Point Plan To Take Their Country Back:
British Access to NSA Spying Was Illegal, Court Rules
Edward Snowden Is More Admired than President Obama in Germany and Russia
US Sponsored Ukraine Government Targeting Civilians
Shell to Decommission North Sea Field Due to Oil Prices Crash
US Embassy Bribing Venezuela Officials to Topple Government
The Case to “Reinstate” the Bank of Canada and Debt Free Money
Why Is The U.S Funding ISIS!?
USA considers supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine
The Spartan Resurrection in Greece – No Punches Pulled
Good News From Canada: Canadians Sue Bank of Canada and WON
Coming Revolution? Irish hold nationwide protests against water charges
1000s of Hungarians protest PM’s policies, call for ouster
State Department Discusses Banning Alternative Media Outlet
5+ Of The World’s Weirdest Fruits And Vegetables
Chevron Pulls the Plug on Poland Shale Gas Exploration
Palestine: Israeli forces destroy 1,000 Meter water pipe
Snipers Like Chris Kyle Saved The Planet Says Raging Fox Host
Realtor: “Paranoia” Driving Wealthy to Buy Homes in New Zealand
Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News Portrays Ukraine’s ‘Far Right’ as ‘Heroes’
Swedish Office RFID Chips Employees
Putin says Russia will build new weapons but avoid arms race
Mexico: Monarch Levels Rebound
Shock: CNN Editorial Calls for a North American Union
Centuries-old mummified monk found meditating in Mongolia
Bill Gates: “We need a world government”
Nov 2013: Ukraine Deputy has proof of USA staging civil war in Ukraine.
Nearly everyone on UK paedophile ring list is a Freemason says abuse victim
Africa’s Quiet Solar Revolution
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