Attacks and raids by occupation forces are daily, often lethal occurrences.
Child among 3 Palestinians killed by Israel on one day
I Challenged Putin’s Propaganda Machine — and Look What Happened. Part 3
Supreme Sprint
Ukraine : la grande manipulation, par Thierry Meyssan
Inflation : Les travailleurs doivent exiger des salaires plus élevés
Biden Confirms Russia Used Hypersonic Missile in Ukraine
U.S. Embassy Denounces Lack of Consular Access for Detained Americans in Russia
Aviation Experts Baffled by Crash of China Eastern Airlines Flight MU5735
U.S. Unexpectedly Sanctions Chinese Officials Hours After Demanding China Condemn Russia
Nigeria: Oil, Oil Everywhere — But Not a Drop of Gasoline
Why Are There 100’s Of These Horrible Videos Released?
It’s ALL Part of the Plan…
La Russie s'apprête à quitter l'OMC
Russia Rejects Proposed Zelensky-Putin Meeting, Citing “No Significant Progress” in Ceasefire Talks
India Ignores Western Pressure, Buys Discounted Russian Crude Oil
Hot Poles: Antarctica, Arctic 70 and 50 Degrees Above Normal
U.S. Sending Soviet Air Defense Systems to Ukraine That Were “Secretly Acquired”
How Owen Jones learned to stop worrying and love Zionism
Interview 1711 - James Corbett Redpills the Dutch
Zelensky fraichement acceuilli en Israël
Kiev interdit les partis politiques d'opposition
Découverte d'une prison secrète ukrainienne
Intel : L’industrie des puces de microprocesseurs est un dangereux oligopole capitaliste
Canicules, manque d’eau, inondations : le Giec décrit un sombre avenir pour l’Europe – Reporterre
Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny
Selon que vous serez Ukrainien ou Palestinien…
Selon que vous serez Maghrébin ou Israélien…
L’agent Deloire rate son rattrapage avec l’agent Pillet
Attentats de Toulouse et Montauban : un prélude
Une vache sacrée nommée Badinter
Comment soutenir (concrètement) l’info-Panamza
Elon Musk Defends Russell Brand, Says Groupthink Among Major Media is “More Troubling”
Subscribercast #62 – Cultural Warfare Over Ukraine, and the Polandistan Option
Zelensky Says WWIII Assured If Negotiations With Russia Break Down
I Challenged Putin’s Propaganda Machine From Within – Look What Happened. Part 1
Koch Industries Will Keep Doing Business in Russia
Revue de presse du 20/03/2022
China Warns West’s “Outrageous” Sanctions Are Forcing Nuclear-Armed Russia “Into a Corner”
Ukraine and the Chinese Conundrum
Russia is Using Hypersonic Missiles in Ukraine
Dems Hope Drivers Don’t Blame Them for Ukraine Gas Surcharge
D'Ukraine en Itchkérie/Tchétchénie… et retour
Bachar el-Assad aux Émirats, par Thierry Meyssan
MONNAIES, TAUX DE CHANGE : comment ça fonctionne ?
Food Supply Chains “Falling Apart” in Ukraine as “Imminent Famine” Risks Plague the World
Germany, Netherlands to Send 3 Patriot Missile Systems to Slovakia as NATO Readies for War
Russia Warns Weapons Shipments Entering Ukraine Are “Legitimate Targets”
Episode 416 - SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau's REAL Plan!
What's Ukraine got to do with Palestine?
Among the Anti-Putin Russians on the Run in Tbilisi
Equal Pay Day Falls Earlier This Year. Here’s What to Know.
Lowkey smeared by pro-Israel group in elite UK college
Putin’s Real Reason for War? A Wag-the-Dog Theory
10 Ways War Harms Wildlife
Trois instructeurs US tués dans le Donbass
États-Unis : Un budget de la défense 2023 supérieur à 800 milliards de dollars ?
Comment le candidat Macron veut tuer le débat – Le Stagirite
Lithuania Becomes Third NATO Member to Have Parliament or Top Official Call for No-Fly Zone Over Ukraine
World’s Top-Ranked Tennis Player May Need to Denounce Putin to Play at Wimbledon
China Blasts U.S. “Mudslinging” and “Disinformation” in Washington Post Op-Ed About Ukraine
Interview 1710 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
American Citizen Killed in Ukraine as Biden Calls Putin “Murderous Dictator” and “Pure Thug”
Its All A SCAM!
Israel lobby group ADL rehabilitates Hitler's accomplices in Ukraine
Their Plan Is Working…
‘No-Code’ Brings the Power of AI to the Masses
Living With Long COVID
8-Year Secret CIA Training Program Helped Ukrainians Prepare for War With Russia
Le Canal 24 (Ukraine) appelle à tuer tous les Russes, femmes et enfants compris
Kremlin: Reports of Major Progress in Ukraine Peace Talks Are “Wrong”
Delays to EU aid mean Gaza's poor get jailed for debt
Washington veut stopper la spéculation sur l'énergie qu'il a provoqué
To Be or Not to Be: Russia’s UN Political Appointees on the Spot
COP26 : L’inaction des politiques aura des conséquences catastrophiques sur le climat
Just Say NO!
BIZARRE: Something’s Wrong Here…
Ukraine Says “Peace Plan” Story Represents Just “Russian Side” of the Story
La Chine et la Russie mettent en place un nouveau système financier mondial
The Big Sneeze: Climate Change to Ramp Up Pollen Season
Congress Is Trending Right, Despite GOP Fears of a “Woke” Left
Les Straussiens veulent transformer le conflit ukrainien en guerre de religion
Changement climatique : Des scientifiques redoutent la hausse des niveaux de méthane
GIEC : au cœur de la catastrophe climatique – Le Media
So Many Russians Are Buying Gold That Central Bank Halts Bank Purchases
Presearch Search Engine - #SolutionsWatch
Hope You All Are Prepared!
Stacked ‘Mega Moon Rocket’ Is Ready to Roll, NASA Says
What’s Missing in California’s Solar Debate
Petrodollar Cracks: Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan for Chinese Oil Sales
Dévastation de la base militaire de Yavorov
La Chine capture le logiciel espion amiral de la NSA
Lust in Translation
Ukraine : le retour de la propagande de guerre, par Thierry Meyssan
Costco Runs Out of Emergency Food Kits
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