A major special forces raid believed part of a mission to kill or capture terrorists happened overnight in al-Qaeda held Idlib province of northwest Syria. Eyewitnesses observed helicopter gunships and jets active in the area of the village of Atmeh near the Turkish border for over two hours, including gunfire on the ground, in what’s being called the biggest such raid since the 2019 killing of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
U.S. Commandos Take Out Top ISIS Leader in Syria During Two-Hour Raid; Many Civilians Killed
Interview 1694 - Declare Your Independence from Mass Formation Psychosis
Jacob Hornberger on Our Crisis-Filled Lives (video)
Acceptance of and Commitment To Freedom - #SolutionsWatch (video)
Scene Stealer
Kazakhstan : Washington doit rester à l’écart des manifestations malgré les tentations
Amazon : Forcés à travailler pendant une tornade, des salariés décèdent
Interview 1693 - Jacob Hornberger on Our Crisis-Filled Lives
Israel's smears against Amnesty fail to hide apartheid
What’s Elon Musk Doing With The Trucker Protests In Canada?
Lebanon’s Political Establishment Begins an Ominous New Chapter
MSNBC Says “Cancel Culture is Out Of Hand” Over Whoopi, While Demanding Rogan’s Excommunication
WHOA! This Does NOT Add Up…
Tesla Recalls Autos for Software That Allows Them to Roll Through Stop Signs
Biden Deploys 3,000 Troops to NATO Countries Amid Tensions With Russia Over Ukraine
“I Was Wrong”: CNN CEO Jeff Zucker Suddenly Resigns Over Inappropriate Workplace Relationship
An Act of Love — ‘Ulysses’ Turns 100
Palestine in Pictures: January 2022
Political Football: If the Super Bowl Were Played By Trump’s Rules
Affrontement Otan contre Russie et Chine au conseil de Sécurité
17 réseaux d'espionnage israéliens démantelés au Liban
Narendra Modi espionne massivement son opposition
Assassinat de JFK : Analyse des documents récemment déclassifiés
La Compil’ de la Semaine
150 Meat Trucks Stranded at U.S.-Canada Border as Protests Continue
Quebec Scraps Planned Tax on Unvaccinated Amid Growing Backlash
You Have To Do Your Due Diligence!
Pfizer and Fauci Expect COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids as Young as 6 Months Old Within “Weeks”
HOLY COW! They’re Actually Doing It….
Why the Israel lobby denouncing settler violence isn't nearly enough
Premières fissures dans le camp atlantiste
Les expériences léthales du Pentagone en Géorgie et en Ukraine
Earth Has More Tree Species Than We Thought
Blackwater est dans le Donbass avec le bataillon Azov, par Manlio Dinucci
How a German Coal Region Becomes a Poster Child for Green Transition Success
Acceptance of and Commitment To Freedom - #SolutionsWatch
Washington et Londres, atteints de surdité, par Thierry Meyssan
Fresh claims of mismanagement by EU police "mission" in West Bank
Jacques Sapir : L’inflation est-elle en train de devenir un problème mondial ? – RussEurope-en-Exil
L’effondrement : le point critique ? Aurore Stéphant – Thinkerview
What’s Really Going On With Joe Rogan!
Ron Paul: “We’re All Canadian Truckers Now”
EU using "Green Deal" funds to power Israeli settlements
WOW!! Joe Rogan Has Done The UNTHINKABLE…
Millions of Kids Were Thrust Back Into Poverty After Child Tax Credit Expired
“Thank You to the Haters”: Joe Rogan Breaks Silence on Spotify Controversy, Rejects “Disinformation” Label
Aberkane de l’écurie Attali
NLend tenu en laisse
L’ambitieux Amine Elbahi
Guignolade Garrido
Quand le clan maçonnique et sioniste défend un pédocriminel
Le Qatar contre la Russie
La CIA recrute des athlètes pour perturber les Jeux olympiques de Beijing
La Chine soutient la Syrie contre les États-Unis, Israël et la Turquie
For Love of Sidney
Interview 1692 - James Corbett on Truth-seeking and Anarchy
The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! (video)
Les Américains refusent la guerre, malgré les efforts du complexe militaro-industriel
L’engagement des États-Unis sur la défense de Taïwan est une pure folie
Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!
FREEDOM CONVOY: Mainstream Media CAN’T Do This!
71% of Americans Believe “We Are Not Alone” in the Universe
Putin Is the Nemesis the Military-Industrial Complex Needs
Affaire Assange : Quand NBC News utilise un ancien agent du FBI pour défendre l’extradition
Revue de presse du 30/01/2022
The View From COVID Country: Masks, Mandates, and Protests in CA
Supreme Long Shot — Harris for the High Court
Échec de l’Euro, sabotage de l’industrie : jusqu’où va t-on sombrer ?
Joe Biden est le parfait joker du complexe militaro-industriel
Episode 410 - The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!
Freedom Convoy Prepares to Roll Over Mandates - New World Next Week (video)
How to Eat a Pine Tree - #SolutionsWatch (video)
Palestine Action is legalizing the smashing of Israeli arms factories
Tiny Burrowing Owls Find Safer Homes With the Help of Scientists
Palestinian teacher reinstated after UK Israel lobby attacks
Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ Truckers Receive First GoFundMe Payment After Temporary Halt
For EU, "a child is a child" except when Palestinian
Corruption Is America’s Operating System
Documents confidentiels : Comment l’industrie des combustibles fossiles a encouragé le déni climatique
À Washington, les Républicains exigent une action contre la Russie
CNN in Meltdown Mode After White House Calls Network’s Report on Biden-Ukraine Phone Call “Completely False”
My 5 Major Life Hacks That You Should Implement
FREE VIDEO: My 5 Major Life Hacks That You Should Implement
Chinese Scientists From Wuhan Discover “Potentially Deadly” New Strain of Coronavirus
Interview 1691 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
International Holocaust Remembrance Day — Why You Should Remember.
WHOA! The Government Is Trying To END Joe Rogan!
Mukhtar Ablyazov a dirigé les émeutes au Kazakhstan depuis Paris
Audition au Sénat US d'une association qui guérit les malades de la Covid
FDA Asks Court to Delay First 55K Pages of Docs They Used to License COVID-19 Vaccine; Pfizer Joins Case
The James Webb Space Telescope Is in Position — And Now We Wait
What’s a Mother to Do?
Ukraine : Interviewer Victoria Nuland ou comment ne rien comprendre à la crise
La Compil’ de la Semaine
Pierre Desproges, politiquement incorrect
Desproges, cinglant et téméraire
Roulette chinoise : mon échappée belle
Spotify to Take Down Neil Young’s Music After Saying They Need to Choose Between Him or Joe Rogan
GET READY: Nobody Is Prepared For This!
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