Ce fil d’actualités comprend des informations provenant de trois sources : Les Lives Covid-19 du Figaro, de 20 minutes et le compte Twitter @Conflits_FR.
Actu Coronavirus – 22 mai
Weekend Open Thread
High Ranking Police Detective Arrested, Jailed for Repeatedly Raping a Little Girl
These People Need To Be Stopped Immediately And Held Accountable!
“Single Dumbest Decision Anyone Could Make”: Cuomo Sent 4,300 COVID-19 Patients to Nursing Homes
Joe Biden's hatred of Palestinians echoes his anti-Black racism
Controversy Erupts After Biden Tells Black Voters Considering Trump “You Ain’t Black”
Nextdoor Is Quietly Getting the Cops Involved: Report
Infection Hunting, Epstein Executor, Baby Powder Gone – New World Next Week
Election Day Is 165 Days Away… Be Afraid!
Katha Pollitt used to be a formidable radical polemicist. Now she’s a cross between James Carville (whom she’s come to physically resemble) and a shrewish matrimonial lawyer.
Which Side Of The ‘Vaccine Information War’ Are You On?
Is This Controlled Demolition all over Again?
[Tribune] Qui protège les citoyens participant à une recherche clinique ?
« Les médicaments contre le Covid-19 et les vieux démons de la recherche clinique en France » : le diagnostic sans concession du Pr Jean-François Bergmann
Le refus d’hospitalisation des résidents d’Ehpad, dernier tabou du Covid-19
Bernard Squarcini : Insurrections, Espions, Covid-19, Crises mondiales – Par Thinkerview
Coronavirus : 13 années de vie perdues en moyenne pour les personnes décédées du Covid-19 selon une étude
Actu Coronavirus – 21 mai
Washington State Loses “Hundreds Of Millions” To Nigerian Unemployment Claims Fraud Scheme
Uh Oh… What’s Going On With China And The US?!
Nakba denier wins Republican primary for US Senate
COVID-19: Slippery Slope to Despotism Paved With Lockdowns, Raids and Forced Vaccinations
Creator of Florida’s COVID-19 Dashboard Says She Was Fired for Refusing to Manipulate Data
Who Thinks About Nuclear War in a Time of Plague?
America’s Billionaires Got $434 Billion Richer Since Pandemic Hit
Effort to blame BDS for anti-Semitism thwarted by facts
Cities Finding Green Ways to Reduce Storm Floods
Obamagate : pas d'enquête judiciaire, mais parlementaire
Israel fires on Gaza fishers 100 times amid pandemic
OVNIS : des apparitions en hausse
Interview 1546 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
America Abstains: Millions of Voters Have Lost Faith in US Democracy
Restructuration des chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales
After Dam Fails, Dow Chemical Admits Floodwaters in Michigan ‘Commingling’ With Toxic Storage Ponds
“Trust is Being Undermined”: Harvard Medical School Professor Goes After Fauci on CNBC
Audition de Gaël Giraud sur la relance verte au Sénat
SARS-CoV-2 : Le CIDRAP propose trois scénarios pour la suite de la pandémie
Covid-19 chez une prématurée de 26 semaines : « elle est sortie de l’hôpital. »
Quel monde après la pandémie ? Réponse à la nouvelle anti-utopie globaliste d’Henri Kissinger – par Alexeï Pouchkov
Actu Coronavirus – 20 mai
The Worst Type Of Pollution No One Is Talking About
Agent for Israel drops lawsuit against National Lawyers Guild
“Serving You The Covid Experts on A Plater”
Is Israel a racist and criminal endeavour? with Norman Finkelstein, TSBC [LIVE]
L'Allemagne rompt avec les Frères musulmans
Après sa sextape de Griveaux, Branco dévoile son snuff movie
Derrière le vaccin américain anti-Covid-19 : encore un Israélien
Coronavirus a boon to Israeli military tech
New Labour purge against Israel critics
Google Says It Won’t Build AI Tools for Oil and Gas Drillers
Will Mahmoud Abbas really stop PA collaboration with Israel?
CSPN: The New Sharia Order a la Neoliberals
Can Municipal Broadband Bridge the Digital Divide?
Myths on Screen Episode 2
Myths on Screen Episode 2
La dynamique des fluides : les vents contraires du Covid-19
Covid-19 : Réflexions d’un virologue contaminé – par Peter Piot, co-découvreur d’Ebola
Covid-19 en Italie : mon hôpital pris d’assaut – par Nicolas Minec
Actu Coronavirus – 19 mai
“Thousands Are Starving”: Protesters Clash With Soldiers as Coronavirus Cases Soar in Chile
FAQ – Posez vos Questions à Olivier Berruyer !
Scientists Discover Evidence of Parallel Universe Where Time Flows Backward
CSPN: Covid Refugees, Altered Reality & The American Resistance
Phone Calls Between Biden And Ukraine’s Poroshenko Leaked; Details $1 Billion ‘Quid Pro Quo’
Hardline settler to lead Israel's fight against ICC
Coronavirus gives Gulf states excuse to embrace Israel
The Power Cabal Is Hiding The Natural Order From You!
Video: Celebrating Ramadan despite the pandemic
Pittsburgh university president pressured by Israel lobby to smear BDS
The End of Plastic Bottles? New Plant-Based Ones Will Degrade in a Year
“You’ve Got 30 Days”: Trump Threatens WHO in Scathing Letter Slamming “Deadly” Failures
Délirant : Didier Raoult recevra l’argent d’amendes pour « non-port du masque » dans la rue
Good Goy
Marwan Muhammad, promoteur immobilier de l’islamophobie
From the Front Lines of the Fight for Fair Elections
Initiative franco-allemande pour la relance européenne face à la crise du Covid-19
La nouvelle stratégie antichinoise de Washington, par Thierry Meyssan
Plan US : contrôle militarisé de la population, par Manlio Dinucci
Before Epidemiologists Began Modeling Disease, It Was The Job Of Astrologers
Le sabotage dans la recherche sur le Covid-19
Covid-19 : La mémoire immunitaire des cellules souches sanguines ouvre des pistes
La grippe espagnole (1918-1919) dans les journaux français
Sur France Info, Gilles Bornstein s’assure que Laurent Berger n’est pas devenu un dangereux gauchiste
Actu Coronavirus – 18 mai
U.S. Government Buys Riot Gear and Increases Security Funding, Citing Coronavirus Pandemic
Police Threaten Jail and $1,000 Fines for Church Holding Drive-In Services
You’re Being Manipulated To Share Information That Is NOT True!
Trump is Taking Hydroxychloroquine With Zinc as Precaution Against Coronavirus
Will Jordan make Israel pay a price for annexation?
«L’Attentat» : découvrez l’un des meilleurs films de Piccoli
What Is Facebook Going to Do With 700 Million Giphy Users’ Data?
EU "far away" from Israel sanctions, says foreign policy chief
Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
Pandemic: How Big Banks and Big Ag Share Blame
Pilpul for Beginners
Coronavirus : Si Sanofi réussit, les États-Unis recevront probablement un vaccin Covid-19 avant tout le monde
Origine naturelle du SARS-CoV-2 : Un nouveau coronavirus de chauves-souris offre davantage de preuves
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