#GazaUnderAttack | Hamas: Arab gov’ts bystanders to killing of Palestinian kids
#GazaUnderAttack | Lawyer: Palestine can still sue Israel at ICC
#GazaUnderAttack | Ministry Of Detainees Publishes Names Of 26 Palestinians Kidnapped In Gaza
Koch Bros Buy Off Hispanic Votes, Socialist Zillionaires, GOP Hillary—and More Headlines
BFP Exclusive- The Lone Gladio: Meet OG 68, a k a Greg McPhearson
#GazaUnderAttack | Death Foretold: The inevitable outcome of bombing homes and inhabited areas in Gaza
Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 119
#GazaUnderAttack | Majority of Brits rap Israel Gaza war
#GazaUnderAttack | Hamas: Israel to pay ‘high price’ for information about lost soldiers
Palestine | News & Headlines – Aug 13, 2014
Pictures of Utter Destruction in Beit Hanoun Gaza- Taken 13 August, 2014
#GazaUnderAttack | Ya’alon: War did not end and strikes might resume
#GazaUnderAttack | Israel wants a truce that does not include a halt on assassinations
#GazaUnderAttack | Palestinian delegate puts deadline to talks with Israel
#GazaUnderAttack | Gaza Volunteers Risk Their Lives for Palestinians
#GazaUnderAttack | “IDF Fashion 2.0″ – Israel’s “Enjoyed Genocide” Gaza 2014 T-Shirt
#GazaUnderAttack | Israeli shell detonates in Gaza, killing five
A stranger in the motherland ~ by Amr Khalifa
Le Donbass, à visage découvert
[Exclusif] Laurent Fabius contre Columbo…
Décryptage de l'intervention des USA en Irak
Des cannibales
TOR Radio: USAID Hijinks in Cuba, ISIS, and Gaza
[Exclusif] Laurent Fabius contre Colombo…
Un tireur d'élite israélien s'amuse à tirer sur un civil palestinien
Retweeted Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek):
US senators issue bipartisan call demanding investigation into UNRWA's crimes against Israel. http://t.co/BuNBN2ZCJb #twilightzone
Palestine | News & Headlines – Aug 12, 2014
[Exclusif] La vision de Mitterrand sur l’Ukraine, par M.N. Lienemann
François Hollande ? “Plaisir de trahir, joie de décevoir”, par Laurent Binet
Un eurodéputé FN justifie l’existence de la LDJ, soutient Israël et menace les musulmans de France
#GazaUnderAttack | UN probe will lay bare Israel crimes
#GazaUnderAttack | Hashtag Genocide: Why Gaza Fought Back ~ by Ramzy Baroud
Video | Israeli soldiers celebrate shooting an 18-year-old
#GazaUnderAttack | OIC censures Israel for ‘war crimes’ against Gaza
Retweeted ISM Palestine (@ISMPalestine):
VIDEO: Israeli soldiers celebrated shooting an 18-year-old with live ammunition #Hebron http://t.co/DXpK3V2Lv8 http://t.co/D6I6n6To9h
Israeli soldiers shot my teenage son
Manifestation pour les chrétiens en Irak à Toulouse (12 août 2014)
#GazaUnderAttack | Radwan: Discussion of Palestinian demands cannot be postponed
#GazaUnderAttack | Authorities declare Beit Hanoun in Gaza disaster area
Hanna Issa warns of edicts of Jewish rabbis allowing the murder of “Goyim”
Israeli settlers storm al-Aqsa Mosque under police protection
#GazaUnderAttack | Al-Qassam: Names of collaborators in exchange for information about soldiers
Israeli occupation nabs 15 Palestinians, including minors, wheel-chaired youngster
#GazaUnderAttack | Gaza’ education crisis: 141 schools destroyed by the Israeli offensive
#GazaUnderAttack | Israeli violates truce, fires at Gaza fishermen
Palestinian prisoners falling prey to Israeli hounding
#GazaUnderAttack | Ministry of prisoners: Israeli soldiers abused Gaza detainees during the war
Découvrez le néga-sionisme d’Elisabeth Lévy
CIA MKULTRA: they intended to use drugs for “everything”
“What I did on my summer vacation”
Retweeted Greg Palast (@Greg_Palast):
The "Heart Healthy Diet" given me after heart surgery...I’m surprised they didn’t include a couple of cigarettes. http://t.co/lfUq5JiAlL
Retweeted Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah):
108 extremists from North America en route to join child-slaughtering Israeli occupation gangs http://t.co/V2RYp99Xn5
Meyer Habib pris en flagrant délit de mythomanie
Zionist Demo in Haifa: “In Gaza there is no studying, there are no children left!”
#GazaUnderAttack | Wounded Man, Mohammad ar-Roumy Dies At An Egyptian Hospital
#GazaUnderAttack | Israel Violates Ceasefire: Israeli Navy Boats Open Fire On Fishers In Rafah
No “Rockets” in West Bank but: Child Injured By Army Fire Near Bethlehem
#GazaUnderAttack | Gaza in Ruins, Heinous Crimes: Israel’s IDF Conscripts …
Énorme : BHL à la télé ukrainienne…
De la vie et de la mort de Robin Williams
Les « sauveurs » de l'Irak, par Manlio Dinucci
Demanufacturing Consent: Bill Conroy on Journalistic Authenticity
[Reprise] Modi conduit l’Inde sur la Route de la Soie, par M.K. Bhadrahumar
Retweeted Sharmine Narwani (@snarwani):
ISIS Terror: from #Syria to #Iraq, the United States is never far out of the picture. via @AlLonergan http://t.co/wbwjxezah4
BOSTON UPDATE: Boston Globe Reports on Its Own Bombing Reporting, Sort Of
Retweeted #OpIsrael (@Op_Israel):
So it turns out that @BuycottApp was made by a clueless Israeli supporter. http://t.co/CvreLMDCQ8 Another reason to support #BDS instead!
BHL, UE, OTAN : Quand Porochenko perd les pédales…
Ban Ki-Moon a travaillé avec israël pour nuire au rapport de l'ONU
Israeli Genocide and Its Willing Accomplices
Le producteur d’Hollywood furieux contre le couple Bardem/Cruz est un communautariste sioniste
Syrians living under Israeli occupation resist civil service recruitment drive
“A new and terrifying state has been born”
Correspondent on Palestine Politics across the Pond
FROM A CORRESPONDENT: Everyman’s Child on Gaza
Dear Directors and Staff participating in the EBS International Documentary Festival
Palestine | News & Headlines – Aug 11, 2014
#GazaUnderAttack | Palestinian health minister warns of dangerous disaster in Gaza
De-Manufacturing Consent- What It Means to Be an Authentic Journalist
#GazaUnderAttack | Israeli airstrikes damage 141 schools in Gaza
No Rockets in West Bank but: 24 year old Palestinian Zakariyya al-Aqra’ Killed By Army Shell Near Nablus
Israeli left hand, Egyptian right hand: bloodied Gaza
#GazaUnderAttack | 250,000 Gazans have no home following Israeli attacks
At Least Four Kidnapped In The West Bank
#GazaUnderAttack | British Weapons and Military Equipment for Israel: David Cameron Should Resign
#GazaUnderAttack |VIDEO: Israel Using Human Shields in Gaza
Total War against Gaza: Israeli Genocide and its Willing Accomplices ~ by Prof. James Petras
#GazaUnderAttack | High-profile politicians sign pro-Palestine manifesto
BHL se prend pour le porte-parole des peuples européens
Dawn of the oppressed
#GazaUnderAttack | Turkey plans to send new aid flotilla to Gaza
Seventeen Palestinians Killed in the West Bank since the Beginning of Israeli Offensive on the Gaza Strip
#GazaUnderAttack | Israeli army: No solution to Gaza tunnels
(Illegal) Settlers severely criticise Israeli government
#GazaUnderAttack | Israel does not allow injured Gazans leave the enclave
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