Le gangster qui a acheté les Républicains états-uniens, par F. William Engdahl
La rencontre Poutine-Burkhalter, ultime chance de désescalade en Ukraine
Born Smart, Born Equal, Born Different – On The Road To Meritocracy
Gangster State America
Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Offshore Views of US-NATO Blunders on Ukraine
Ron Paul répond à l'assaut ukrainien lancé sur les forces « pro-russes », par Ron Paul
Le CSA veut-il vraiment réguler Internet ?
Is the U.S. Helping Mexico Undermine Michoacan’s Vigilantes?
PagePeeker Screenshots | Drupal.org
Opengraph Filter | Drupal.org
Incident maritime entre la Chine et le Vietnam
L'Arabie saoudite arrête 62 membres d'Al-Qaïda
The Kiev Putsch: Rebel Workers Take Power in the East
Retweeted Fabian Rodriguez (@MagicBlob):Why I won’t work for #Google - http://t.co/rNuyyRnXSW
Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 111
Retweeted Michel Collon (@MichelCollon):25 vérités sur Reporters Sans Frontières (@RSF_RWB) ! http://t.co/76qmsnNiTv http://t.co/kQtCdmuI7c
Retweeted Fabian Rodriguez (@MagicBlob):Qui a le record d'arrestations de masse au monde? L'Ukraine. 2ème? Oups. Via @GAPPAsquad: #SPVM #May1st. http://t.co/utb1qXlRWi
L'Ukraine aura-t-il encore des frontières en 2015 ?
Des listes de l'Otan aux élections européennes, par Manlio Dinucci
#Terrornoia On Hiatus, #Narconoia Lives On
Crime à Odessa, par Thierry Meyssan
Washington accorde le statut diplomatique à la Coalition nationale syrienne
Gangbang au Collège St Michel: les révélations exclusives de Laurent LOUIS.: http://t.co/Um8MpWwx4X - Effectivement courageux...
Responding to Paul Larudee; Is BDS “Soft Zionist?”
Demanufacturing Consent: Todd Miller on the “New World Border”
De-Manufacturing Consent- New World Border: Homeland Security State & the Politics of Walls
Islam, jihad et sexe : Charlie Hebdo s’enfonce dans le ridicule
Le Livre blanc sur les violations des Droits de l'homme en Ukraine
CIA’s Favorite Channel, New York Times, Lobbies for Mullah Fethullah Gulen
The New Great Game Round-Up: May 4, 2014
http://t.co/sIg7fzo62N Pas compliqué :P
"Are You Denying The Legitimacy Of The Israeli State! Anti-Semite! Everybody! This Guy's A NAZI!
Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol Music, Episode 118
BFP Updates- A Brand New Video Show, an Unusual Podcast Series & a Fiction in the Works
Jamiol Presents
The Jewish State and The Indigenous (must watch)
Retweeted Gilad Atzmon (@GiladAtzmon):
if Fascism is all it takes for women to march naked in the streets, I certainly approve of the rise of the right. http://t.co/OWMeMkbES8
What Connects the Walsall Anarchists, Nazi Pigeons and Ben Affleck?
The jewish notion of capitalism – Jacques Attali
NATO’s new Cold War runs into trouble in Germany
Elle redoute les « Arabes déguisés »: Hollande l’accueille à l’Élysée
9/11 To Be Honest ... FEMA Arrived In New York City On Monday Night
BFP Roundtable Video 6–Debating Anarchism, Socialism & Libertarianism
Hmmm, de la bonne chair à canon pour nos fouteurs de guerre http://t.co/ibG5idANUa
Jewish Power, Left, Fascism and Soundbite Culture
La différence entre Le Figaro et Panamza
By Way of Deception
How to Use Bootswatch Themes in Drupal 7 | Web Wash
Paolo Cioni, "Neuro-esclaves - Techniques et psychopathologies de la manipulation politique"
New Report Shows FRACKING Poses A Major Threat To Canada's Water Supply!
Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Is the TPP Dead Yet?
Reel Bad Arabs - Hollywood Brainwashing Exposed - How the movie industry villifies an entire people
State Department's annual Country Report on Israeli Terrorism
Vidéos qui valent la peine d'être vues
BUSTED Once And For All
Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 110
Découvrez le brillant sketch pro-palestinien que vous ne verrez pas à la télévision française
The EyeOpener Report- How to Defund the System: Bitcoin vs. the Central Banksters
L’acteur jouant le père d’Ilan Halimi veut « défoncer la gueule » de Dieudonné
Retweeted FACIL (@_FACiL):
Les ministères échouent à un test de FACIL : après enquête, les défenseurs du logiciel libre dénoncent le manqu... http://t.co/PXSSmqJBkY
Retweeted Max Keiser (@maxkeiser):
HSBC and BNP deploy fighter jets to Lithuania and Poland to strengthen IMF air defense http://t.co/Ft98VqwjEq http://t.co/kF2AOsoFGt
TOR Radio: Andalusia Knoll on #EPNvsInternet
Demanufacturing Consent: Phil Giraldi on the Killing Business, Illegality, Immorality of the CIA
Aymeric Caron critique l’armée israélienne : France 2 censure la séquence
Whistleblower- A Poem
De-Manufacturing Consent- The Killing Business: The Illegality and Immorality of Washington & the CIA
The James Holmes Batman-murder psychiatric circus
Retweeted Russian Market (@russian_market):
That akward moment when USA imposes sanctions on Russian banks, but it Bank of America that crashes -5% after this http://t.co/bdua8oXPnv
Retweeted James Corbett (@corbettreport):
"Hitler skull" revealed as female - http://t.co/OH5KVSztZt
The New Great Game Round-Up: April 27, 2014
Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol Music, Episode 117
Gilad Atzmon - The Biology of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Cliven Bundy Volunteer Bodyguard And African American Says He Would Take A Bullet For Bundy
Les « adieux » de Laurent LOUIS au Parlement
Le Vrai Visage de Manuel Valls, par Emmanuel Ratier
Bassam Tahhan sur la libération des journalistes français et la situation en Syrie
Are the Photos Evidence of Russian Connection to Militants in Ukraine?
CNN: NATO Scrambles Fighter Jets To Investigate Russian Bombers!
NY Times Publishes Fabricated Evidence to Sell WW3
4/24/2014 -- X Class Solar Flare erupts on the Sun's Western Limb
9/11 Hijacker Body Found In Cockpit FOX Sept 13 2001
Adorable Friendly Squirrel Eats a Nut in Slow-Motion
"Russians in Ukraine" Photo Scoop NYT Pushed Turns Out Wrong
#Narconoia Update: Apr. 25, 2014
Jihad en Syrie et engagement dans Tsahal : pourquoi interdire l’un et tolérer l’autre?
#Terrornoia Update: Apr. 24, 2014
Obama- “Remaking the Middle East”: The American Gulag
Jamiol Presents
The West Marches East, Part 1: The U.S.-NATO Strategy to Isolate Russia
Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 109
La plume de Valls est membre du Crif
US Government’s Soft Spot for World Leaders with Hidden Treasure Boxes
Demanufacturing Consent: Douglas Lucas on Bush’s Art, El Chapo, and Barret Brown
Frédéric Haziza collabore avec un lobby israélo-américain
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