Israel’s SHOCKING Admission On Sinwar | SAQ Use AQB’s Yaseen-105 | US Gov’t: More Resignations?
The Media vs Gaza | Unitarianism - Journey to Islam | Kevin Barrett Ph.D.
US Doctor Who Volunteered in Gaza Says Palestinians Face “Unbearable Injustice”
JFK, 9/11, The Media & Gaza | Unitarianism - Journey to Islam | Kevin Barrett Ph.D.
Why have I been censored by a Dutch university?
Ateliers constituants en Gironde le 13 avril
EU wants everyone to accept Israel's mass rape lies
L’acharnement d’Israël contre l’UNRWA est aussi terrible qu’absurde
Imagine If Russia Or China Did The Things Israel Is Doing In Gaza
Day 173 roundtable: The battle for al-Shifa Hospital
The Media vs Gaza | Unitarianism & Journey to Islam | Kevin Barrett Ph.D.
A Ramadan of heartbreak
Israeli source of "executed children" lie admits story was untrue
Israël a menti et présenté de fausses « preuves » devant la Cour Internationale de Justice
Nas Daily accepts award from Israel's genocide lobby
The Empire Slowly Suffocates Assange Like It Slowly Suffocates All Its Enemies
Israel accelerates land theft in West Bank
*EXCLUSIVE: American-Israeli IDF Soldier EXPOSES GAZA WAR! | Y. Baznatov (Pseudonym) | EP.3
Hamas Will Remain, Even If Israel Completes The Genocide | Military Historian Steve Naidamast | EP.2
How the US weaponizes terrorism statutes against Palestinians
Israel Remains Intent on Genocide Despite World Court Orders
Sanders Says State Department’s Position on Israel “Makes a Mockery of US Law”
Un proche de Poutine menace la France: l'entretien exclusif de notre reporter à Moscou
Sahel: Chassés du Niger, les Américains entre colère et embarras...
A house divided will crumble
Things That Have Been Discredited During The Destruction Of Gaza
Israeli "commission" on 7 October rape claims exposed as fraud
The "God" of Israel, Christianity & Palestine | Zeus Yiamouyiannis Ph.D | EP.1
Why Did Al-Qassam Brigades Strike Sdud? | Gaza Ceasefire: US Shift, Analysis & What’s Next?
DÉSOBÉISSANCE : POURQUOI OBÉIT-ON ? Étienne Chouard à Antibes, 18 nov 2023, anniv. Gilets jaunes
US Shift in Rhetoric Isolates Israel, But Can It Prevent the Invasion of Rafah?
Ocasio-Cortez Condemns US Complicity in Gaza “Genocide” and “Forced Famine”
Surviving Israel's deadly shells
Northern Gaza on the Brink of Famine as Israel Denies Entry of UNRWA Food Aid
Germany next up to face Gaza genocide charges in The Hague
Ghost Town
Small firms obliterated by Israel
La justice américaine refuse de garantir que Julian Assange ne sera pas exécuté s’il est extradé
Pour Ainsi Dire : Discussion 1, 2 et 3
Discussion apaisée entre un démocrate et un libertarien anarcho-capitaliste
What is behind the US Army’s Gaza pier project?
Affaire Denis Robert, tirage au sort des élus… Entretien sur France Soir
To Fight Global Fascism, We Must Confront Zionism
Congress Continues UNRWA Funding Cut Until 2025, Enforcing Famine in Gaza
Israeli Forces Assault 3 Gaza Hospitals in 1 Day, Committing Massacres
In Unprecedented Asylum Case, UK Recognizes Israel’s Persecution of Palestinians
A Barely-Disguised Genocide
"Where is my leg?"
Revue de presse du 24/03/2024
The Empire Doesn't Hide Its Worst Deeds, It Just Manipulates How People Think About Them
Will Netanyahu outlast Biden?
Washington University Students Vote to Divest From Boeing Amid Gaza Genocide
Israel Has Formed a Task Force to Carry Out Covert Campaigns at US Universities
UN Security Council adopts demand for Ramadan ceasefire in Gaza
“Man-Made Hell On Earth”: A Canadian Doctor on His Medical Mission to Gaza
Israël commet un génocide à Gaza, selon le rapporteur spécial de l’ONU sur le droit à l’alimentation
Just Seeing Through The Propaganda Isn't Enough - We've Got To Open Our Hearts As Well
🔴 Hamas DEBUNKS Al-Shifa ISRA-LIES | Blinken: “You WILL BE At Risk” | Live + Members/Subs Q/A
The "God" of Israel, Christianity & Palestine | Maximizing Human Potential | Zeus Yiamouyiannis Ph.D
We are living through a catastrophe
US-Led “Ceasefire” Resolution Fails, Condemned for Not Demanding Real Ceasefire
Even If Gaza Aid Increased Tomorrow, It Wouldn’t Be Enough in the Immediate Term
Disruption or Annihilation of Palestinian Life Is Inherent to Zionist Project
“My period has become a nightmare”
Footage Shows an IDF Drone Killing What Appear to Be Civilians in Gaza
Alliance des États du Sahel: Pourquoi il faut dissoudre les élections
US Has Redefined “Human Shields” to Enable Israel’s Slaughter of Gaza Civilians
Homeless all over again
Here’s What Canada’s Vote to End Arms Sales to Israel Means for Antiwar Effort
Half Of Americans Have No Idea Whether Israelis Or Palestinians Are Suffering More Deaths
Guerre des espions : comment la CIA aide secrètement l’Ukraine à combattre Poutine
Israel Apologia Is One Big Fat Appeal To Emotion Fallacy
Israel continues attack on al-Shifa Hospital with systemic violence
The lonely death of a displaced woman
Netanyahu to DISMANTLE CABINET After BRAWL! | US/Israel Relations ON THE LINE!
Prominent Jewish Americans Sign Statement Denouncing AIPAC’s Electoral Influence
New Report Undermines Israel’s Claims of Safeguarding Civilian Life in Gaza
US Unveils Ambiguous UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution
La CIA en Ukraine : pourquoi n’est-ce pas considéré comme une provocation ?
Find Someone Who Loves You Like Israel Loves Attacking Palestinian Hospitals
Day 166 roundtable: Ilan Pappé, starvation as a weapon
Jared Kushner Calls for Israel to “Move People Out,” “Finish the Job” in Gaza
Services cut to the bone at Rafah hospital
Discours choc: Le capitaine Ibrahim Traoré dit tout !
British lawyer heading ICC's Palestine probe can't be seen as neutral
Un soldat américain s’immole devant l’ambassade d’Israël en hurlant « Palestine libre »
Without Extensive Narrative Manipulation, None Of This Would Be Consented To
Une affaire d’intérêts: La nationalité de Kemi Seba
IRAQI RESISTANCE LEVEL UP! | Israel Collaborates With “Islam Army”? | Sinwar RUNS NEGOTIATIONS
Biden Calls on Netanyahu to Jointly Develop “Alternative Plan” to Rafah Invasion
Canadian Parliament Resolution Calls for Ending Arms Exports to Israel
Appalling toll on children will leave lasting scars
It's Journalistic Malpractice To Say Gazans Are Starving Without Saying Israel Is Starving Them
Guerre en Ukraine : les mensonges économiques du gouvernement, par Jacques Sapir
Digital green whispers of life
La guerre n’apporte aucun bienfait aux citoyens ou à l’économie réelle
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