PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to picks@whowhatwhy.org.
US Treasury Department Spying?
Information mind control: directed confusion
Information mind control: directed confusion
An Independent Catalonia: Where Firefighters Are the Unexpected Heroes
Choc des civilisations 2, par Thierry Meyssan
L'Amérique va-t-elle tirer la gâchette nucléaire ?, par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Le service de la classe, par Frédéric Lordon
Vietnam, documentaire sur Arte, par André Bouny
Les maladies du désespoir, par Chris Hedges
Pétition pour la réouverture immédiate du carnet Russeurope, par Jacques Sapir
Why you shouldn’t believe anything the FBI says about the Vegas shooting
Why you shouldn’t believe anything the FBI says about the Vegas shooting
October 9, 2016
Putin Builds Ties With The Saudis and Trump Warns Of A Storm
Naval False Flags & the Twentieth ‘American Century’
Vindicated in UK, Al Jazeera to reveal secrets of US Israel lobby
Let's Make Jazz Great Again - Sax extravaganza at Pizza Express Jazz Club 27-28/10
Michael Chetkof and Allyson Burger–HOW LOW CAN YOU SINK?
Palestine's disappearing cinemas
à vos amours, à nos amis
Odious Debt. Is Puerto Rico Our Future?
Black Rights Matter
Le producteur américain d’Omar Sy encourage les juifs à «s’organiser comme la mafia»
Vegas shooter: the “bump stock” revelation contradicts the official scenario—Oops
Vegas shooter: the “bump stock” revelation contradicts the official scenario—oops
Le gouvernement recrute un sympathisant de l’extrême-droite israélienne pour lutter contre « la radicalisation »
Vegas shooter brought more than ten suitcases into the hotel
Vegas shooter brought more than ten suitcases into the hotel
Pour tacler Valls, Mélenchon reprend un scoop de Panamza
‘Big Decision’: Will the US Spend What It Takes to Save Puerto Rico?
Une situation incontrôlable au cas où la Turquie envahit le Kurdistan irakien, par Savvas Kalèndéridès
Judaism, Zionism and Conflation
[Vidéo] Alstom : Une affaire d’Etat ? Par LCP
Jean-Michel Quatrepoint : « La vente d’Alstom était un scandale écrit d’avance »
Creative exercises for mind expansion—Jon’s video
Creative exercises for mind expansion—Jon’s video
A NATO-Russia Line of Fire in the Caucasus? Pro-NATO Georgia v. Pro-Russian Armenia
How Big Oil Steers the Environmental Movement
Take It From the Rabbi’s Mouth
ClandesTime 124 – Has Hollywood Run Out of Ideas? (and what the govt. is doing to help) - Spy Culture
Want to Support the Troops? Stop Sending Them to Die in Meaningless Wars
Salah Lamrani, Secretary-General of the French Section of the International Committee to Disbar Michael Chetkof and Allyson Burger Translates Two More Articles into French
Revue de presse du 08/10/2017
[Russeurope en exil] Mobilisation contre la suspension de Russeurope et le risque de discrédit international qui pèse sur les institutions de recherche françaises, par Jacques Sapir
Le style totalitaire du Russia-gate, par Robert Parry
Unearthing the Barrett Brown Story: A Political Prisoner in Pursuance of Press Freedom & Government Accountability.
Documents Reveal Once A CIA Agent Always A CIA Agent
Terreur à Las Vegas : une manipulation israélo-américaine annoncée 3 semaines avant
New—watch Jon talk about his Logic Course
New—watch Jon talk about his Logic Course
La solution à vos problèmes… de cœur.
Why Big Oil Conquered the World (Video)
Let the Joyous News Be Spread: Our Petition to Disbar Michael Chetkof and Allyson Has Topped 3,000 Signatures!
16 Years Later, The War in Afghanistan is a Quagmire
[Recommandé] L’effondrement global est-il imminent ? Par Graham Turner
[Vidéo] Dans le ventre de l’hôpital, par Arte
Yémen : Ryad menace de représailles les pays soutenant un projet d’enquête internationale, par AFP
Navy Doctor: Bullet Found in JFK’s Limousine, and Never Reported
Michael Chetkof and Allyson Burger: DAY OF JUDGMENT APPROACHES
Australia's flying doctors drop Israeli arms maker Elbit
Palestine was the issue at Labour Party conference
October 6, 2017
Listen: Visualizing a feeling
Le président de l'Assemblée du Conseil de l'Europe démissionne
Arrestation d'un jihadiste qui brûlait un village rohingya
California Becomes ‘Sanctuary State’
Quand une journaliste de la judéosphère dénonce «l’islamosphère»
Vegas shooting: real vs. fake
Vegas shooting: real vs. fake
Has Palestinian unity finally arrived?
Il n’en a rien à foutre !
America’s Culture of Killing: It Doesn’t Begin at Home
Being in Time in Seattle - video
Episode 321 – Why Big Oil Conquered the World
How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World
Donald Trump suggère d'enquêter sur les fausses nouvelles des grands médias
Moscou dénonce le soutien militaire US à Daesh
Daesh semble migrer vers l'Asie du Sud-Est
Washington et Londres resteront indéfiniment en Afghanistan
Le Pentagone (10/10) – Les passagers
Syrie : Réponse à Michel Duclos… par Richard Labévière
Catalogne : Discours du Roi d’Espagne
High Incident Project, Driverless Highways, Moon Base Alpha – New World Next Week
Concocting the Flynn Scandal: Clinton-CIA-FBI Conspire & Collude in A Coup Against Trump
October 5, 2017
The Streisand Effect And The Ongoing Harassment Of Jake Morphonios
A passion for fashion in Gaza
Equifax Hack Shows Need for Social Security Number Overhaul
Sanders’ Rise in the South
Les leaders d'un parti d'opposition fuient le Cambodge
"Cold violence" in Palestine
Interview 1305 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Was the Vegas shooter a patsy?
Was the Vegas shooter a patsy?
La Russie élimine l'état-major d'Al-Qaïda en Syrie
J’entends les Catalans
Shots fired at the Vegas Bellagio the same night as the concert attack? YouTube took down the video.
Shots fired at the Vegas Bellagio the same night as the concert attack? YouTube took down the video.
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