Lonely Planet erases Israeli occupation of Syrian Golan
“The West Bank isn’t Vietnam, Israel Defense Forces soldiers don’t carry out mass killings and their commanders wouldn’t try to cover up such a dastardly crime.” (It seems he’s never heard of Operation Cast Lead and Operation Protective Edge)
The Banality of Evil vs The Unsung Heroism of Ordinary People
We’re at the Tipping Point on North Korea…and Who’s Lying About that Aircraft Carrier?
Bouffons : la CGT présente Panamza comme « un site d’extrême droite »
Vous avez un nom arabe et n’aimez pas Charlie Hebdo? Macron vous écartera, Le Pen dénoncera votre «islamisme radical»
Being in Time – USA Book Tour
GOP Goes Right on Obamacare Replacement
Would a Trump Move on TTIP Be Hazardous to Your Health?
“Attaque chimique” en Syrie : le renseignement français incrimine Damas
Évaluation française de l'attaque chimique de Khan Cheikhoun
L'”Effondrement” apocalyptique de Steve Bannon, par Alastair Crooke
Emmanuel Macron, le travail et la pénibilité
Breaking: Obama Judge blocks fed action against sanctuary cities; he raised money for Obama
Breaking: Obama Judge blocks fed action against sanctuary cities; he raised money for Obama
Surrounded by supporters, Rasmea Odeh pleads guilty
Council of Europe Downgrades Turkey as Erdogan Bombs Kurds
Dissent on the Lower East Side: the Post-Political Condition
Newsbud Members Exclusive- Has the American Dream Become the American Nightmare?
The manufacture of reality vs. the power of individual imagination
The manufacture of reality vs. the power of individual imagination
I’m shocked! shocked! (Can’t wait for the excuses of Stupid White Liberals)
The Globalists Exposed In Trumps Admin
Video: BDS challenges Israel and "partners in crime," says Omar Barghouti
Champs-Élysées : la vidéo intégrale de l’attaque provient d’un ami de Trump et Netanyahou
Economics in One Image
Bill Nye the Sex Ed Guy
“It’s a sign of intellectual weakness” (correct)
Israelis head from bomb shelters as Germany threatens a second Holocaust
Trump Blinks on Border Wall?
Ann Coulter UC Berkeley clash reveals massive covert op
Ann Coulter UC Berkeley clash reveals massive covert op
Will Boycotts Change Anything?
‘Miss Spears was not a public item during Desert Storm’ – Marine Corps Movie Script Notes - Spy Culture
The Pitiful Palestinian “Leadership”
Les chaînes d' « ancrage » aux États-Unis, par Manlio Dinucci
Is Wolf Blitzer A Jewish Mother? (must watch)
Les Français se sabordent, par Thierry Meyssan
Will FIFA bow to Israeli pressure over settlement teams?
VIDEO- Operation Gotham Shield? Trump OK’s Wikileaks End, What Really Happened This Week!
Julie and the boys: CDC, Merck, vaccines
Julie and the boys: CDC, Merck, vaccines
VIDEO: Artificial Eggs and Sperm On The Global Human Plantation
Macron-Le Pen ou le retour fracassant de la lutte des classes, par Mathieu Slama
US drops charges against Friedman protesters
Urgent : Panamza a besoin de vous !
Hollywood Hyperreality: Operation Gotham Shield Sends People Batshit - Spy Culture
"Poor man's kebab" is Gaza's most treasured food
McMaster of War
New York Times continues to flunk geography
Insane shrinks say Trump mentally ill: official science howls at the moon
Insane shrinks say Trump mentally ill: official science howls at the moon
Price of BP Oil Spill
Sex Scandal Confirms Targeted Voter Suppression in Alabama
Newsbud Exclusive- The Balkanization of Syria & Iraq: The Roadmap to US-Israeli Hegemony in the Middle East
Prominent Chemical Weapons Research Company Barred From Investigating Syrian Chemical Attack
Commentez le premier tour des élections !
Trump: the man vs. his ideas
Trump: the man vs. his ideas
#DrainTheSwamp: Ivanka Trump Hires Former Bush Administration Officials To The White House
U.S. Globalists Strike Back: Nuclear Arms Race in Europe, Gladio C in Moldova and Belarus
Président-ciel : Tchao Pantins !
La RTBF – dont le patron soutient Macron – a osé sortir un sondage à 16h00 !
In the house of joy
In the house of joy
Présidentielle : un militaire israélien prédit une «attaque»
Présidentielle : l’emprise d’Israël
The Jewish Fascination with BBQ
Watching Big Brother
American Airlines Employee Suspended After Hitting Mother, Challenging Passenger To A Fight
Israeli Settlers Violate Law To Build New Illegal Outpost In West Bank
ClandesTime 107 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: The TRADEBOM Investigation - Spy Culture
Ron Paul On Tillerson Threatening Iran: ‘The Great Destabilizer’?
State Department Sued Over Refusal To Release Records On George Soros Foundation
[Vidéo] Réformons l’élection présidentielle !
Le pauvre Joann Sfar “souffre” des conséquences de sa calomnie sur Mélenchon
Asselineau : “C’est dommage qu’on passe à autre chose !”
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Gave An Epic Response To CIA Director Mike Pompeo
Chantage médiatique contre NDA : “Quel intérêt de nous dire ça ?”
White House Survey Asks Public: Should The Presidency Be Eliminated?
[Entraide] Traduction anglais 22/04
L’anti-Mélenchon Joann Sfar est un défenseur du Mossad et un «amoureux d’Israël»
Le vote opportuniste
Newsbud Exclusive- Trump’s Pentagon Bombs Caves Built by the CIA
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Is About To Grow: Here’s What It Means
Israel punishes hunger strikers for demanding their rights
Meet The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Imagine Congress Filled with Scientists Instead of Lawyers
Les infos dont on parle peu n°150 (21 avril 2017)
Exposed: North Korean “Armada” Story Was MSM Fake News Promoted By Trump
Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation
Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation
Reports: North Korea Plans To Take U.S. Tourists In South Korea Hostage If Provoked
FBI Agrees To Pay $299,000 To Anti War Journalists For Legal Remedy
Les fenêtres de l’histoire, par Frédéric Lordon
Emmanuel Macron, un putsch du CAC 40, par Aude Lancelin
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