Le «kamikaze» Brahim Abdeslam? «Son corps était parfaitement intact» selon un secouriste
Chile law school backs Israel boycott by big margin
L’Union Européenne, un projet totalitaire ?
Mattis contre Trump, par Thierry Meyssan
Alliance of Baptists rules out investing in Israel-linked firms
Kentucky tax payers forced to fork over $18 million for creationist’s ‘Ark Encounter’ theme park
Tor and VPN users labeled as criminals will be hacked and spied by FBI under new law
The CIA Waterboarded the Wrong Man 83 Times in 1 Month
Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage
It’s A Girl!
The Coup D’etat Of Brazil?
NGOs, the Pentagon, and the Human Rights – Industrial Complex
Finkelstein Breaks His Silence. Tells Holocaust-Mongers, “It is time to crawl back into your sewer!”
How British Holocaust-Mongers and Israel Hacks Filter Out the Truth
Newly Release Document Shows that Katha Pollitt Advised Hillary: “You should say ‘annihilate,’ not ‘obliterate.’ It’s more feminist.”
BRICS and Brexit countries: secrets of the crypt
BRICS and Brexit countries: secrets of the crypt
[Comparatif] La présentation du scandale des 28 pages par nos médias
Petrobras: A Government-Run Corporation That Destroyed Brazil
[2004] La piste pakistanaise, par Michael Meacher
WATCH : Interview exclusive de l’ancien président du Brésil Lula da Silva, par Glenn Greenwald
13-Novembre : une témoin-clé garde le silence
Blogger Files Lawsuit After Cops Retaliate Against Her, Get Her Fired
The Month in Pictures: April 2016
The individual and the covert op
The individual and the covert op
Growing List of Celebrities Speaking Out About Chemtrails / Geoengineering: Chuck Norris, Vin Diesel
Craig Wright reveals himself as Satoshi Nakamoto
TPP, TTIP: Obama’s secret trade deals vs. Trump and Bernie
TPP, TTIP: Obama’s secret trade deals vs. Trump and Bernie
Interview 1169 – Patrick Henningsen Exposes the Human Rights – Industrial Complex
Union européenne: la désunion programmée ?
Qui paye les 3 miliards d'euros annuels pour la guerre turque contre la Syrie ?
Comment l'Union européenne manipule les réfugiés syriens, par Thierry Meyssan
Les tireurs de ficelles de la crise migratoire, par Thierry Meyssan
Brent DeBoer on Truth, Music and Art
[28 pages] 3e vidéo : Les réactions politiques aux révélations de 60 Minutes
« Attentat-suicide » à Paris : la vidéo-choc a été manipulée
[À tous les naïfs du vote blanc] Karine Daniel, une star est née ! (ou pas, car avec 7 % des citoyens…)
US to Sell Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Park to Fund Israel’s Latest Foreign Aid Request; Hillary Proposes Also Selling Miami and Oahu
How Bernie Might Have Done Even Better
Remember This When the Messiah Writes in His Memoir That He Ended US Military Involvement in Iraq
“The number of human rights violations committed by PA authorities in the West Bank was significantly greater than those for which Hamas was responsible.” (Which is why the US prefers the PA and calls Hamas a terrorist organization)
The Protocols Of The Elders Of Labour
A Palestinian Mother and Son with East African Migrant Workers in Lebanon
ClandesTime 079 – Wild Things - Spy Culture
Boycott tourism in NZ: More fluorides? Bye bye.
Boycott tourism in NZ: More fluorides? Bye bye.
Nobody bothered to check who created that “anti-Semitic” image Naz Shah retweeted, did they?
Interview 1168 – Brent DeBoer Discusses Truth, Music and Art
A party drug instantly cured my depression
Former Arizona Gov. Says Trump was Cheated
[Vidéo] Les temps modernes, par Frédéric Lordon
Naevius Sutorius Macro
Commando des terrasses : le gouvernement vous ment
Jonathan Freedland’s plea
US homeownership falls to nearly its lowest level in history
House panel votes to make women register for the draft
Looting On the Rise As Venezuela Runs Out of Food, Electricity
Should We LEAVE The UN And Get The UN Out Of The US?
Reality is not immortal
Reality is not immortal
Les infos dont on parle peu n°122 (30 avril 2016)
Pierre Jovanovic : «En ce moment, on vit les derniers soubresauts avant l’explosion finale»
Qui arme les jihadistes durant le cessez-le-feu ?, par Thierry Meyssan
Serial Child Molester Denny Hastert Gets His Wrist Slap
Chypre invité à adhérer à l'Otan
UK Labour Party in Grip of Zionist Inquisition
Revue de presse du 30/04/2016
Nuit debout, convergences, horizontalité, par Frédéric Lordon
Emmanuel Todd : « Nuit debout contre le grand vide »
US adopts lethal Israeli tactic to "protect" civilians
Labour Has A Jewish Problem; it is dominated by Zionist Oligarchs
UK ‘antisemitism’ smear campaign claims its most high-profile scalp to date
Gaza’s only orphanage struggles against odds
Little high school reunion with two old friends and their husbands
Two People Involved In Flint Water Investigation Found Dead
27 Civilians Killed in Airstrike on Hospital
11 arrested during raid on NJ Weedman’s Joint, more than $19k in pot seized
The US Reality is Changing So Rapidly, Right Before My Eyes
Les banques libanaises partiellement bloquées par une loi US
The Clinton Family Album
L'accord israélo-saoudo-égyptien sur les îles de Tiran et Sanafir
PEN's double standards over Israel boycott
Interview 1167 – Lies, Damned Lies and Chinese Statistics
À quoi joue Angela Merkel avec la Turquie ?, par Thierry Meyssan
Uncivil Forfeiture, Suing The CIA, Peace Police – New World Next Week
Ukraine – on en rirait presque…
Power Outside The Matrix: what it means
Power Outside The Matrix: what it means
Comment les États-Unis ont couvert le rôle des Saoudiens dans le 11 Septembre, par Paul Sperry
[2003] La Maison-Blanche a approuvé le départ de Saoudiens après le 11 Septembre, par Eric Lichtblau
Another day, another ‘antisemitism’ smear campaign
Laissez-moi poser une question à l’Amérique, par Donald J. Trump
How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party's anti-Semitism crisis
Interview 1166 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
New Zealand plans to drown its citizens in toxic fluorides
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