An Arizona state senator said during a recent debate on gun legislation that America is facing “moral erosion” and the only thing that could really fix it is if church attendance was made mandatory.
State Senator Suggests Making Church Attendance Mandatory
Manifeste contre le terrorisme
This New Service Pinpoints Every Fake Cell Tower Spying On You
Nasrallah on Brainless Traitor Abu Mazen
Time to get out the mats and pray that the Houthis, heaving together as one, push Saudi off the planet
Muhammad on Roses
“Jibo the Family Robot” is the Creepiest Product of the Year (video)
Hillary Clinton has nothing to hide so she wiped her server clean
In Praise of Netanyahu’s Victory
Hollande serait le président qui a eu le plus recours aux assassinats ciblés.
Revue de presse du 28/03/2015
Remote Control Killing, Obama’s Realism & Jeb’s Search for God: Mar. 27, 2015
Information, désinformation, manipulation : Cessons de fabriquer un ennemi russe, par Philippe Migault
[Propagande] Russie : La torture, c’est la routine
La « prime Charlie »? Jeannette Bougrab récompensée par un groupe US ultra-sioniste et antimusulman
Want To Stop Rape Culture – Stop Financing It
NY Post: “Stock market rigging is no longer a ‘conspiracy theory’”
In Israel, racism is the winning ballot
Bachar el-Assad interviewé par la télévision portugaise
Police Burn 3.3-Ton Pile Of Cannabis And Get An Entire Town High
Check Out This Amazing 3D Printed Wirelessly Powered Tesla Desk Lamp!
“Our fate will be determined by the external pressure applied by the world”
Kansas to allow conceal-carry without permit
Affaire Bourarach : un simple « fait divers » pour Libération
Ron Paul: Shut down Dept. of Homeland Security
WikiLeaks Releases Classified Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Documents
Bill Nye: “We need” a carbon tax to “redistribute wealth”
‘Depressed’ Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz ‘had 18 months of psychiatric help and was “unsuitable for flying”‘
Canada cops unleash tear gas at close range on anti-austerity protesters in Quebec
RadioWHO Ep. 9: Destruction, Automated Warfare and Death from Above
Évolution ou révolution ?
[Pour en finir avec les bêtises] Les abstentionnistes voteraient pratiquement comme les votants !
[Loi Renseignement] La Presse se soulève (timidement) avec les défenseurs de l’Internet Libre
Rolling Bombs, Bogus Experts & Free Trade Folly: Mar. 26, 2015
The Revolution Will Not Be YouTubed
Face à face entre la LDJ et BDS devant L’Université Paris 1
Andreas Lubitz : l’Altruicide
[La guerre, c'est cool !] En Ukraine, le soldat Elisaveta a vaincu son handicap
BHL célèbre la « fraternité » franco-israélienne dans une antenne du Mossad
Are climate change deniers funding attack on Palestine activism?
Afaf Gatasheh on International Women’s Day
Top gov’t. scientists say no to vaccines for their kids
Le Yémen bombardé par les forces contre-révolutionnaires
Affaire Bourarach : les quatre accusés condamnés
Peace Be Unto Them
Irish Corporation Claims Ownership of RAIN
Affaire Bourarach : le verdict
Procès Bourarach : Maître Dangléhant réagit à l’absence du principal accusé
Dan Simpson: Retaliate against Israel for sucker punching us
The US House of Representatives Openly Calls for Regime Change in Moscow
Why You Should Not Vote For Ted Cruz In 2016
Narconoia Podcast 1: Peña Nieto’s “Captured Without a Shot Fired” Narco-Theater
Peña Nieto’s “Captured Without a Shot Fired” Narco-Theater (Youtube Supplemental)
Affaire Bourarach : le principal accusé ne s’est pas présenté au tribunal
La tentative des néocons US de réviser l'histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, par Wayne Madsen
The American Congress Performing The Bibi Dance (must watch)
Rolling Bombs: Crude-Oil Rail Tankers Threaten U.S. Populations, Environment
Finkelstein : « Vous avez les fous furieux de Daesh, les fous furieux Saoudiens, et les fous furieux israéliens »
Pas de démocratie sans frontières
[Le résultat des départementales en 1 graphique] 50 % des ouvriers votent FN…
[Enorme] L’Union Européenne en campagne contre “la propagande russe”…
Bringing Back Snowden, Amazon’s Secrets & Seafood Slaves: Mar. 25, 2015
[La guerre, c'est sexy !] Ukraine: portraits de femmes combattantes
What games do you play as Israel suffocates your childhood?
Custom V Masks For Sale, Support Activists and Indie Media
Last Palestinian family in Jerusalem neighborhood fear eviction at any moment
How Hillary Clinton Is Responsible For Overthrowing Ukraine and The Possible War With Russia
ProMosaik Interviews Gilad Atzmon
5 Surprising Facts About Nikola Tesla
“We could not work out whether he was a statesman or a businessman. Maybe a bit of both, but mostly a businessman, I think.”
Boeing Just Patented A Force Field Made Of Lasers
YOU DECIDE WHETHER YOU WANT TO SIGN THIS. I can see arguments on both sides.
Muslim Terrorism Expert Testifying at Tsarnaev Trial Isn’t an Expert on Much
Tsarnaev Carjacking Victim’s Escape Video a Microcosm of Why a Closer Look Is Warranted
[Fascinant] La BCE demande aux banques grecques de ne plus acheter de dette d’Athènes
Liberté d’expression : l’hypocrisie du patron de Reporters sans frontières
On Israeli negotiations with Palestinians living under occupation: What John Locke has to say
Israel’s Illegal Occupation: John Locke on the legitimacy of force and who is the aggressor
Informative Interview
Bring Snowden Home? European Panel Says It’s Time
Jon Stewart Mocks Netanyahu
Démocratie antique et démocratie moderne
Actu’Ukraine 25/03
Communiqué du Ministère russe des Affaires étrangères à propos des accords de Minsk
Miscellanées du mercredi (Delamarche, Sapir, Béchade)
Custom V Masks For Sale, Support Activists and Indie Media
The News Dissector, Israeli Spies & Philly’s Trigger-Happy Cops: Mar. 24, 2015
How and Why We Need To Declassify the 9/11 28 Pages, Congressmen Speak Out!
Affaire Bourarach : l’incroyable mensonge des frères Lampel
How Putin Is Trying To Destroy The U.S Dollar
Reportage en immersion avec « Sauvons nos entreprises » contre le RSI
Complot d'Israël contre les États-Unis (Wall Street Journal)
Israël doit cesser l'occupation des Territoires palestiniens (Maison-Blanche)
RadioWHO Ep. 8: Danny Schechter the News Dissector R.I.P.
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