Revue de presse du 21/02/2015
[1 an déjà] L’histoire non révélée du massacre de la place Maïdan, par Gabriel Gatehouse
Hijacking Cars, Controlling Weather & Obama’s Libyan Failure: Feb. 20, 2015
[Propagande] Ukraine : la bataille de Debaltseve
Pour Morano, une femme voilée avec une valise est un « danger potentiel »
New DHS Report Againts Domestic Terroritsts and Suppressing Dissent
The long struggle of the Palestinians in Israel
Angela Merkel et François Hollande sur l’utilisation de l’article 49al3
Boston Bombing: Rare Opportunity to Hear the Tsarnaev Case in Action
Car Hacking Report Refuels Concerns About Michael Hastings Crash
UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS Militants Inside Syria
Fluoride Facts Presented to Denver Water Board
Barack Obama has Installed a Dictatorship In Haiti
Meet the 15-year-old babysitting boss poised to make millions
Ron Paul: “Good News” That Secession Is Happening
Conférence de presse de Bachar al-Jaafari, par Bashar Ja'afari
Wonderful, insightful, inspiring read
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing : “La Grèce doit sortie de l’Euro”
Petit éloge de l’excès
[INCROYABLE] L’ambassadeur ukrainien en ALLEMAGNE ne voit pas trop de problèmes à utiliser des combattants néo-nazis…
Marathon Bombing Suspect’s Slim Chance of Moving His Trial from Boston
Time Magazine Suggests Censoring “Anti-Vaxxers”
[Entraide + Question] Amateurs d’Histoire (>1945)
Marine le Pen tacle BHL, et pointe « l’antifasciste-antisémite » de Sarre-Union
A Vote on the Police State, the Great NSA Phone Heist & Water ATMs: Feb. 19, 2015
France 24, la semaine de l’éco, 13 février
[Je n'ai pas de preuve mais...] Vladimir Poutine serait-il l’homme le plus riche du monde ?
How EU-US trade deal could thwart "boycott Israel" campaign
Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Law Professor Slams “Suspicionless Spying”
Entraide urgente : traduction allemand + anglais (+ Main basse sur Alger” de Pierre Péan)
What Bitcoin Can Really Do
Je suis black
Unpaid, Unarmed Lifesavers in Syria
Le jus de la pomme
Norwegian Muslims Volunteer to Protect Synagogue
Israeli and Palestinian Farmers Unite Over Olive Oil
From Dishwasher to Restaurant Owner, Haitian-American Succeeds With Help of Stranger
Up for a Vote: Rejoining America’s Police State
Hand of a Superhero
Drones could be used to seek out arteries to prevent heart attacks
NATO/UN Desperately Seek Ceasefire To Save ISIS After Syrian Army Encircles Aleppo
How This School Bag Also Serves As A Study Lamp For Delhi’s Slum Kids
Sync laptop desktop - ArchWiki
Discours de François Hollande aux Forces aériennes stratégiques, par François Hollande
L'arme de l'information « Made in USA » contre les dirigeants européens, par Georgy Voskresensky
L'Italie confirme qu'elle achètera 90 F-35, par Manlio Dinucci
Le jus de la pomme
La France Big Brother : Entretien avec Laurent Obertone 1/2
The Beautiful Truth about Minsk II & The Debaltsevo Debacle
[Folie collective] Des avocats refusent de défendre des prévenus d’apologie du terrorisme
New Artificial Lighting Simulates Sunlight
3 Amazing Pop-Up Offices
Star Nearly Entered Oort Cloud 70,000 Years Ago
These Egg Shaped Burial Pods Could Turn Our Cemeteries Into Forests
Officials Declare ‘Eating Healthy’ a Mental Disorder
The Media’s Big Fail, Jeb’s Manhood & The Green Tea Party: Feb. 18, 2015
[Média] BFM Business, Les Experts – 13 février
[Pas de problème] Un dignitaire marocain accusé de torture décoré par la France
Ukraine : nouvelles sanctions de l’UE, « incohérentes » pour la Russie
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Money, Sex, Blackmail & Sheep-Dipped Journalists
Syria's disappeared Palestinians
Sudan’s President claims CIA and Mossad ‘stand behind’ Isis and Boko Haram
Russian researchers expose ‘NSA’s secret weapon’
Panamza dans le collimateur
‘Greek ‘revolution’ woke up Europeans, spreads like wildfire’
Leading Ukrainian Nazi Will Visit Washington Next Week Seeking Weapons
Wesley Clark: “Our friends and allies funded ISIS”
“Make a declaration: ‘We will not build on what we think is the Palestinian state’”–Isn’t that exactly what Israel’s been doing?
[On vit une époque formidable] Quand 7 sénateurs UMP veulent réintroduire les coupures d’eau…
New survey reveals German voters fed up with Hitler: “How dare he bill us for his dog food?!”
Les incendiaires crient au feu, par Manlio Dinucci
SPIEGEL: By the way, is it true that the chancellor praised you in Davos as an anchor of stability? Sisi: Yes. But to be precise: She wasn’t speaking about me, but about Egypt — as an anchor of stability in the region. (Western civilization)
The Scourge of Anti-Semitism Threatens European Civilization
Jamiol Presents
La Voïvodine, prochain pseudo-État en Europe ?, par Wayne Madsen
Roland Dumas antisémite ? Extrait d’un entretien à venir avec Laurent Obertone
What You Need To Know About Medical Kidnapping
MediaFail: Jeb Bush, the Media, and the Public as Dunce
Climate Scientist Concerned CIA Has Interest In Weaponizing Weather
Mars Mystery: Enormous Plumes Detected Erupting On Red Planet
Plants “Talk” To Eachother Using A Natural “Internet”
This Is The Most Powerful Video You Will See Today
Tesla batteries to power entire homes out soon – Elon Musk
As Early as 2016, Robot Cops Will Be Patrolling Your Streets
Le pire des racismes
[Parabole] Mon voisin Charlie
A Fanny Equation: "I am your father, Stuxnet" | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
Manuel Valls : passage en force de la loi Macron avec l’article 49-3
Mass Sterilization: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine | Wake Up From Your Slumber !
Destroying your hard drive is the only way to stop the super-advanced Equation malware
Previous messageNext messageBack to messages Al Qaeda’s Airborne Assassins, GOP Frontrunners & Bad Cops: Feb. 17, 2015
Yanis Varoufakis : “Ce n’est pas l’heure pour les jeux en Europe”
Miscellanées du mercredi (Delamarche, Sapir, Béchade, Obama)
The Bigger Story Of What’s Happening In Ukraine Right Now
Actu Ukraine 17/02
Whistleblower Kids Exposing Alleged Pedophile Ring In School/Church Need Our Help
Bookstore logo and Animal logos-logo-2803
[Euro] L’Europe pose un ultimatum à la Grèce
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