6395 éléments, page 44 (de 64)

Palestinian Authority and Hamas run parallel police states -- Human Rights Watch

Belgium refuses to demand release of citizen jailed by Israel

Puma celebrates Black Power while supporting Israel's war crimes

Finally a US lawmaker calls Israel an apartheid state

Du bruit pour la PALESTINE !

Quand un bruit ne fait plus de bruit...

Ça peut signifier que quelque chose a été détruit comme l'innocence ou l'espérance...

On n'y croit plus, d'où ce faux silence au sujet de la PALESTINE... qui se réduit au fur et à mesure à une part incongrue.

Cause perdue même si elle est juste, en vertu d'un processus tordu, celui d'un calcul géopolitique qui fait la plus belle part à la force et à l'infamie.


50 Million Facebook Users Hacked, Google Loves China, Turmoil In Gaza, And Kavanaugh Goes To Senate!

In this video, Jason of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the 50 million Facebook users who were just hacked, the plan for a Chinese search engine, the protests in Gaza and the Kavanaugh confirmation vote will go to the Senate…possibly with a provision.

Palestinians killed as Gaza vows new push to break siege

Anti-Corbyn MP faces removal vote for fabricating anti-Semitism charge


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Israel normalizing war crimes in Gaza

70 members of Congress urge support for Gaza

Israeli army to clear itself of wrongdoing in Gaza slayings

PayPal censors journalists who criticize Israel

Palestinian photographer reported killed in Syrian prison

ICC judges order outreach to victims of war crimes in Palestine

Israël. Il faut instaurer un embargo sur les armes, l’armée se livrant à des homicides illégaux et blessant des manifestants à Gaza. Par Amnesty International

Family of Gaza massacre victim pressed to repay debt

Ireland moves towards banning goods from Israel's settlements

Israel extends detention of French human rights defender

Palestinians claim first win in Eurovision boycott campaign

Ending colonialism in Palestine

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