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Discours de Sankara à l’ONU le 4 octobre 1984

Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le secrétaire Général,

Honorables représentants de la Communauté internationale

Je viens en ces lieux vous apporter le salut fraternel d’un pays de 274000 km², où sept millions d’enfants, de femmes et d’hommes, refusent désormais de mourir d’ignorance, de faim, de soif, tout en n’arrivant pas à vivre véritablement depuis un quart de siècle d’existence comme Etat souverain, siégeant à l’ONU.

How Israel forces Bedouins to live in a graveyard

Réponse du comité BDS Toulouse à l’Agence Info Libre

. Comme convenu dans notre article expliquant la raison de la non publication de notre reportage en immersion avec la campagne Boycott Désinvestissement Sanction (BDS) Toulouse, nous accordons à ces derniers un droit de réponse que nous publions en intégralité sur notre site : . =================================================================== Aucun compromis de la campagne BDS avec des médias

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Connecticut arm of million-strong church votes to shun occupation profiteers

Comprendre l'Etat d'Israël avec Yakov Rabkin

Beaucoup a été écrit sur la question sioniste, mais bien peu d'auteurs francophones ont exploré la question de l'antisionisme juif, question semble-t-il taboue pour la communauté juive française. Le professeur Yakov Rabkin est à l'origine du livre intitulé Au nom de la Torah; Histoire de l'opposition juive au sionisme. Ce premier opus jette les bases

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Israel excluded from war games in Italy following protests

Olive trees burned as anti-Palestinian incitement grips Galilee

Eight Jewish-only communities surrounding Tarshiha have been allocated considerably more resources than its indigenous Palestinians.

Palestinian Christians denounce priest for claiming Israel grants them freedom

Israel police brutality remains unchecked 14 years after massacre of Palestinian citizens

Les infos dont on parle peu n°74 (4 octobre 2014)

Nous mettons à votre disposition toutes les semaines quelques informations passées totalement inaperçues dans nos médias mais qui peuvent être importantes.   Les liens Infos internationales Syrie: l'opération américaine passe en phase terrestre Frappes US contre l'armée syrienne: la réaction russe ? 13 000 soldats US en Irak ? Irak : la France envoie trois

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Israel forces Gaza fishermen to undress in attack violating ceasefire deal

Un ancien militaire dénonce les crimes de guerre de l'armée israélienne

Eran Efrati est un ancien militaire israélien qui a participé à l'opération "Bordure protectrice" cet été sur la bande de Gaza. Interviewé par Abby Martin, il dénonce les crimes de guerre de l'armée israélienne ainsi que l'omerta entourant les actions de l'armée. Interview choc. Vidéo RT diffusée le 15 septembre 2014    

Artists for Palestine : des milliers de mains pour faire tomber le mur

Fondé en août 2014 par l'artiste plasticien Nasser Soumi et le réalisateur Samir Abdallah, Artists for Palestine est un collectif d'artistes engagés pour la paix en Palestine. Parmi leurs projets, on trouve une gigantesque toile couverte d'empreintes de mains rouges portant des messages du monde entier et destinées à couvrir le mur de séparation construit

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OTAN en emporte le vent

A l’origine, l’OTAN avait pour vocation d’assurer la sécurité des pays de l’Atlantique nord face au totalitarisme russe en défendant une certaine idée de la démocratie. Depuis la chute du murde Berlin et la dissolution du pacte de Varsovie en juillet 1991, cette promesse est tombée en désuétude.

SALAH HAMOURI : "Les israéliens testent l'efficacité des médicaments sur les prisonniers"

L'Agence Info Libre recueille aujourd'hui le témoignage de Salah HAMOURI, franco-palestinien de 29 ans qui a passé 2413 jours dans les prisons israéliennes. Il nous raconte les conditions de sa détention ainsi que sa libération. Il en profitera également pour nous donner son point de vue sur l'actualité au Proche-Orient. SALAH HAMOURI : "Les israéliens

En savoir plus

US Intel Harms Palestinians, Amazing Leader Dude, Beer Monopoly—and More Headlines

Palestinians fleeing Syria charged $400 per month to rent garages in Beirut

Israel tortures prisoners captured in Gaza invasion

The empty world of Palestine-set BBC drama "The Honorable Woman"

Gaza beach massacre commemorated by child survivors

Zionists try to close down Palestine solidarity group at Philadelphia university

From Gaza we say: the outcome of our battle depends on you

Ten hip-hop tracks that demand freedom for Palestine

Hamas: US is partner to Israeli crimes in Gaza

Gaza destroys five tonnes of unexploded Israeli bombs – In Photos

Hamdallah discusses Gaza reconstruction with UN rep

#Palestine | News & Headlines – Sept 2, 2014

آخر الأخبار والتحديثات | Daily News Overview | Palestine | Gaza Follow on Twitter for more live updates Continuously updated   #WatchIsrael | Aug 28, 2014 | Ceasefire violation by Israel 2 violations of the Ceasefire Agreement http://wp.me/p16sn9-Glv   SLOW DEATH OF GAZA – Report https://occupiedpalestine.wordpress.com/2013/09/05/international-report-says-collective-punishment-of-gaza-has-reached-critical-stage-incl-link-to-full-report/ Deprivation kills Also during ceasefires   Settlers under the … …

Further Abductions, Assault of Kids and more Demolitions in West Bank

#GazaUnderAttack | Man and 9 year old Child, Die Of Wounds Suffered During Israel’s War On Gaza

#PalestineUnderAttack | Daily roundups: Soldiers Ransack Homes and Kidnap 17 Palestinians In Jenin

  Tuesday September 02, 2014 10:54 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday at dawn, ‘Anza village, south of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, broke into and ransacked several homes, and kidnapped 17 Palestinians. Soldiers also invaded a flea market near Nablus, and closed it.

Extended Jewish Setllements in Palestine: Israel’s Latest Land Grab in the West Bank ~ by @StephenLendman

#PalestineUnderAttack | Israeli bulldozers demolish Palestinian structures in West Bank

#WatchIsrael | 5th violation of truce agreement: Israeli warships open fire at Gaza fishermen off coast of Rafah

How is @ladygaga going to play for these little Israeli monsters?


“Access to safe water is a fundamental human need & therefore a basic human right.” ~Kofi Annan Sept 2, 2104 | By occpal “Occupied Palestine”-weblog is endorsing the campaign by 3 engineers from Gaza to build a RO desalination plant.

#GazaUnderAttack | Did Israel commit war crimes in Rafah?

“But is it good for the Jews?” ~ by Lawrence Davidson

Press TV talks to British MP @GeorgeGalloway after assault – Video

US criticizes Israel’s plan to grab more Palestinian land

#Palestine | News & Headlines – Sept 1, 2014

آخر الأخبار والتحديثات | Daily News Overview | Palestine | Gaza Follow on Twitter for more live updates Continuously updated   #WatchIsrael | Aug 28, 2014 | Ceasefire violation by Israel IOF shot fired at Palestinian farmers/owners who approached their lands east of Gaza http://wp.me/p16sn9-Glv   SLOW DEATH OF GAZA – Report https://occupiedpalestine.wordpress.com/2013/09/05/international-report-says-collective-punishment-of-gaza-has-reached-critical-stage-incl-link-to-full-report/ Deprivation kills … …

Report: Netanyahu says will not send delegation to Cairo talks

Egypt slams Israel plan to seize Palestinian land

Israeli settlers destroy Palestinian grape vines in Beit Ummar

Ma’an News Agency | (updated) 01/09/2014 21:34 HEBRON (Ma’an) — A group of Israeli settlers chopped down grape vines on Palestinian agricultural property in northern Beit Ummar on Monday, a popular committee spokesman said Monday.

Des toulousains se mobilisent pour la Palestine

Un groupe de jeunes toulousains ont organisé samedi aprés midi un flash-mob dans deux espaces publics au centre-ville de Toulouse pour montrer leur solidarité avec la Palestine. L'action a suscité la curiosité des passants qui se sont arrêtés jusqu'à la fin de l'évènement. Cette action a été suivie d'une veillée nocturne où des bougies ont

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UK government condemns Israel land grab – Video

Becoming a ‘daily’: Israeli forces fire tear gas near East Jerusalem schools & children

Abbas: Palestinians were asked to annex parts of Sinai

#GazaUnderAttack | There’s a shortage of clean water especially at UN-run schools in Gaza

PressTV | Published on Aug 31, 2014 Palestinian health officials say there’s a shortage of clean water especially at UN-run schools where nearly 22-thousand refugees are sheltering. They say various diseases are spreading among the refugee population due to the lack of water and hygiene.

Hamas: PA should pave the way for opening Gaza borders

Israeli forces shoot, critically injure Jerusalem teen

Ma’an News Agency | (updated) 01/09/2014 13:30 JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian teenager was critically wounded late Sunday after an Israeli soldier shot him in the head with a rubber-coated steel bullet, relatives said. Muhammad Abd Al-Majid Sunuqrut, 16, from Wadi al-Joz suffered a fractured skull after being shot, his father said.

Palestinian rights groups urge Abbas to sign Rome Statute

Lieberman continues incitement campaign against Arab Israelis

MEMO | Monday, 01 September 2014 12:31   Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has continued his incitement campaign against Arab Israelis on social media by describing a festival of solidarity with the Gaza Strip, which was organised in the Galilee on Friday, as “a demonstration to support terrorism” and calling the participants “traitors”, Arabs48 news … … Continue reading

Il faudra 20 ans pour reconstruire Gaza

Le Shelter Cluster a fait samedi une déclaration disant qu'il faudra 20 ans pour que la bande de Gaza déchirée par la guerre se reconstruise puisque le nombre de logements détruits ou gravement endommagés par les bombardements israéliens atteint les 17.000 mais aussi en raison du blocus imposé par l'Egypte et Israël depuis 2007. L'organisation

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250 Palestinian minors locked up behind Israeli bars

[ PIC 01/09/2014 – 06:46 AM ] AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– At least 250 Palestinian children, below the age of 18, are incarcerated in Israeli jails and have been subjected to acts of violence that stand in sharp in contrast with all international children rights conventions, the Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners and ex-Prisoners Affairs said in a … … Continue reading

Humanitarian campaign in Istanbul to collect one billion dollars for Gaza

Tension running high in Occupied Jerusalem as health status of Palestinian child (shot in head) worsens

[ PIC 01/09/2014 – 08:09 AM ] OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– A state of swelling tension has flared up on the peripheries of Jerusalem’s Old City, particularly across Wadi al-Jouz neighborhood, following the exacerbation of the health status of Palestinian 16-year-old child, Abdul Majid Sunkqrat, shot in the head by the Israeli police on Sunday evening.

Israeli NGO says scope of new land grab unprecedented since 1980s – Video

Israeli NGO says scope of new land grab unprecedented since 1980s – Video

Israel seizes PA tax revenues, official says

Israeli forces detain 7 Palestinians in Nablus refugee camp

Ma’an News Agency | (updated) 01/09/2014 11:03 NABLUS (Ma’an) — Israeli forces raided the al-Fara refugee camp in Nablus overnight and detained seven Palestinians, locals said. Witnesses told Ma’an that 15 military jeeps and armored personnel carriers raided the camp from several directions and broke into dozens of houses.

#Palestine | News & Headlines – Aug 31, 2014

آخر الأخبار والتحديثات | Daily News Overview | Palestine | Gaza Follow on Twitter for more live updates Continuously updated   #WatchIsrael | Aug 28, 2014 | Ceasefire violation by Israel IOF shot fired at Palestinian farmers/owners who approached their lands east of Gaza http://wp.me/p16sn9-Glv   SLOW DEATH OF GAZA – Report https://occupiedpalestine.wordpress.com/2013/09/05/international-report-says-collective-punishment-of-gaza-has-reached-critical-stage-incl-link-to-full-report/ Deprivation kills … …

#PalestineUnderAttack | First Scientific Studies Highlight Environmental Catastrophe due to Israeli Occupation

#GazaUnderAttack | Israel keeping Gaza siege despite deal: Official

Lawyer: 2 minors being held in Israeli prison beaten with rifles

“Truce Negotiations”? Netanyahu warns of reoccupation of Gaza again – Video

Tel Aviv to expropriate 400 hectares of Palestinian land in West Bank – VIDEO

South African medical team arrives in Gaza

Israel fiasco in Gaza spurs US sanctions: Iranian MP

Documents show how US allowed Israel to have nukes

PressTV | Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:55PM GMT The US government has declassified top-secret documents from 45 years ago showing how the US allowed Israel to possess nuclear program. The documents reveal how US government officials and senior advisers to the then US president Richard Nixon withdrew from a plan to block Israeli nuclearization ahead […]

Palestinian ex-detainee dies, another suffers serious health problems after deliberate medical neglect by Israel

[ PIC 31/08/2014 - 02:08 PM ] AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Palestinian ex-detainee Sufiyan Iskafi, 31, was proclaimed dead after he lost his battle with cancer, while the health condition of ex-detainee Naim Shawamreh seriously declined, the Palestinian prisoner society said on Saturday. Director of the society in Al-Khalil Amjad Annajar said that Iskafi was jailed by […]

Ceasefire in Gaza. So Israeli occupation regime confiscates four thousands dunums in West Bank

[ PIC 31/08/2014 - 02:19 PM ] BETHLEHEM, (PIC)– Israeli Occupation Authoriteis (IOA) decided to confiscate around four thousand dunums of Palestinian lands, which surround the Israeli settlement of Gush Etzion, south of Bethlehem. The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Yoav Mordechai, told the Israeli Channel 7, on Sunday morning, that the confiscation […]

Wheelchair bound Palestinian 24 days in Israeli detention center denied right to lawyer visits and medical check-ups

[ PIC 31/08/2014 - 02:25 PM ] RAMALLAH, (PIC)– The Israeli prison authority has been holding disabled Palestinian detainee Shadi Daraghma, who is confined to a wheelchair, in al-Mascoubiya detention center for 24 uninterrupted days, denying him the right to lawyer visits and to urgent medical check-ups , the Palestinian Prisoner Society revealed on Sunday. […]
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