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Avoir un bookmarklet pour créer des marque pages dans mon site drupal

cd modules git git clone --branch master http://git.drupal.org/project/prepopulate.git cd prepopulate git checkout 7.x-2.x less README.txt PREPOPULATE MODULE ================== By ea.Farris, based on an idea from chx. Maintained by Addison Berry (add1sun). Prepopulate is an attempt to solve the problem that resulted from the discussion at http://www.drupal.org/node/27155 where the $node object, it was (correctly, I believe) decided, should not be prefilled from the $_GET variables, and instead, the power of the FormsAPI should be used to modify the #default_value of the form elements themselves. This functionality will make things like bookmarklets easier to write, since it basically allows forms to be prefilled from the URL, using a syntax like: http://www.example.com/node/add/blog?edit[title]=this is the title&edit[body]=body goes here Refer to the USAGE.txt file or the online handbook at http://drupal.org/node/228167 for more examples. Please repo
drupal 7

Migration depuis D6

I try to migrate my old d6 iftbqp.com to d7* *(And it is done with the better news I had from the drupal since years !) * I'll try to rebuild content types and field, then migrate the old stuff in the new site using feeds_sql module. What needs to be migrated : * Blog * Articles * Bookmarks * Pages * Images (peintures etc) Let's test feeds_sql on the blog migration.
drupal 7

Sasson | drupal.org

Sasson is a powerful base theme intended for advanced drupal theming, aiming at bringing the fun back to theming. It is a collection of many open source goodies combined together in a modular structure, everything is optional and we keep it so that what you don't use won't leave any trace in your output code. Clean and simple code, lightweight structure, latest technologies, 100% open-source and the best DX (developer experience) we could think of is what we hope you will find in this new drupal base theme.

La ferme Champy

C’est en 1999 que nous introduisons la culture du tournesol par plaisir et rien que pour la beauté du spectacle qu’offre cette mer de soleil. En février 2000, nous mettons en marché la première bouteille d’huile de tournesol Champy de première pression à froid, certifiée biologique. C’est une huile de grande qualité gustative et nutritionnelle. C’est un produit 100% québécois issu de notre terroir. Les champs de tournesol contribuent à l’embellissement de notre paysage rural, tout en permettant une diversification et une valeur ajoutée à notre agriculture québécoise.

Koumbit Platforms (kplatforms) project | drupal.org

The 'Koumbit Platforms (kplatforms)' project allows you to create ready-made platforms for the Aegir hosting system. You don't need to edit any files; just download the relevant package and run a single shell command. The packages contain: Scripts These are used in the command line interface (shell) to create your platforms for the Drupal distribution of your choice. The scripts call drush and drush make for you. Kreate platforms! Run kplatforms.sh! Makefiles Used by the scripts, these hold all the information needed to construct a Drupal installation.

Creating vocabularies and terms when installing a Drupal module | Tigerfish

function juice_install() { module_load_include('module', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy'); $t = get_t(); // Create the vocabulary programatically. $vocab = array( 'name' => 'Juice type', 'description' => $t('The type of juice, such as apple or orange.'), 'help' => 0, 'relations' => 0, 'hierarchy' => 0, 'multiple' => 0, 'required' => 1, 'tags' => 0, 'module' => 'taxonomy', 'weight' => 0, 'nodes' => array('juice'), ); taxonomy_s

agile approach | A new paradigm for overriding Drupal Features

For example, consider the use of a Drupal distribution such as OpenPublish. OpenPublish provides several Features such as Article, Blog, Profile, etc. If you want to change the display format of the Main Image in the OpenPublish Article feature, you can't just override it. Instead you end up re-exporting a new version of the OP Article Feature itself. This prevents you from upgrading OpenPublish in the future since it now contains new site-specific configuration settings.

Captures d'ecrans automatiques lorsque je crée un 'bookmark' dans mon site

apt-get install xvfb apt-get install xfonts-cyrillic <= ça évite les casses tête installer http://cutycapt.sourceforge.net/ ...

Débrouillez vous pour faire fonctionner cette commande :

xvfb-run -a -e xvfb-error.log /path/to/CutyCapt --url=http://google.ca --out=monimage.png --min-width=1280 --min-height=1024 Ça marche ! :)

Essais avec webkit-image-gtk

La même commande que plus haut mais adaptée avec webkit-image-gtk... ça marche pas :(

Import - clone - activate - deactivate | drupal.org

Posted by sandrewj on August 16, 2011 at 4:46pm You can already import the presets easily if you have the ability to execute php code. //lines you copied from the export page $presets = array(); $presets['importy_preset'] = array ( 'presetname' => 'importy_preset', 'actions' => array ( 0 => array ( 'weight' => '0', 'module' => 'imagecache', 'action' => 'imagecache_scale_and_crop', 'data' => array ( 'width' => '100', 'height' => '100', ), ), ), ); //lines to loop through and save the presets. foreach ($presets as $preset){ imagecache_preset_save($preset); } You could do this on a

Why Inline Editing In Drupal Is Hard | Matt Farina

Mark Boulton and Leisa Reichelt have suggest drupal provide inline editing in the interface. This is a fantastic idea and one I would love to see in drupal. But, (I hate this part) inline editing in drupal is a difficult feature to add. So, before everyone wonders whey we don't offer it or why it's going to take some work let's look at why this is hard.

DNS Wildcard Configuration | groups.drupal.org

A wildcard DNS setup lets you automatically have subdomains for a given domain. For example, say you own the domain widgets.com and you want to setup an unlimited number of subdomains like dev.widgets.com, test.widgets.com, customers.widgets.com, etc.... Typically you would have to set these all up individually. A wildcard DNS can let you bypass a lot of configuration. In a development environment it can let you setup any number of test/development sites very quickly and easily.

Tagging avec prepopulate.module sur iftbqp.com



Comparison of rotator / slider modules | drupal.org

This page came about as a result of this post in the Duplicated Modules Hall of Shame group. The linked post lists several modules that provide either tabbed content or rotating content. I see two general use cases here: * A device to provide access to large amounts of regular site content from one area of the page (tabbed content). * A device to showcase featured content, often on the home page, in an eye-catching manner (rotating /sliding content). I am limiting this comparison page to the latter use case.

Feedback 2.0 | drupal.org

Feedback 2 allows users and visitors of a Drupal site to quickly send feedback messages about the currently displayed page, using a fixed positioned and ajaxified feedback form. This helps site administrators in quality assurance of their pages, contents and theme. Because the form is submitted via AJAX, a user will not be redirected to another page and can continue visiting/using the site after posting feedback. All feedback messages are listed and grouped by status in an administrative feedback log. Each feedback message can be marked as 'done'.

FileField Sources | drupal.org

FileField Sources is an extension to the FileField module. The FileField module lets you upload files from your computer through a CCK field. The FileField Sources module expands on this ability by allowing you to select new or existing files through additional means, including: * Re-use files by an auto-complete textfield * Transfer files from a remote server (cURL required) * Select existing files through the IMCE file browser Although FileField Sources provides several built-in sources, it can be extended by any module through an API for creating new sources.

How to delete nodes by type and clean up sequences | drupal.org

<?php $node_types = array( 'xxxxxx', //update this string with the type of node you want to delete 'xxxxxx', //update this string with the type of node you want to delete and add any more lines you might need ); $sql = 'SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type IN ('. implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($node_types), "'%s'")).

Blueprint: A CSS Framework | Spend your time innovating, not replicating

Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your development time. It gives you a solid foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, useful plugins, and even a stylesheet for printing.

Tags sizes not shown when used with taxonomy redirect | drupal.org

I have a somewhat odd error, which means that whenever I have a tag cloud which is redirected with the taxonomy_redirect module, all tags are rendered with the class "level0" I can follow the code all the way through, and the level shows correctly in the term object. But whenever it is put through the theming function $output .= l($term->name, taxonomy_term_path($term), array('attributes' => array('class' => "tagadelic level$term->weight", 'rel' => 'tag'))) ." \n"; it suddenly turns to zero.

Broken arguments : Taxonomy term, Vocabulary ID, Node add form and Node edit | drupal.org

If you are attempting to display a view which uses taxonomy term arguments in a panel layout, you can bypass the panel term id context issue. 1. Instead adding a term ID context to your panel, add a node ID context. (if you don't choose a context you will get a 'page not found error' and if you choose term ID you will get the ' accessed denied issue') 2. Add your view pane under the 'content' tab as per usual. But don't edit any fields relating to context or arguments. 3. Now edit your actual view. Open the settings for your view argument. 4.

Migrer d'image a image_field

Je me suis enfin debarasse du module image. Pas qu'il soit mauvais en soit. Juste que j'ai pris l'habitude de travailler avec image_field. J'ai suivi les conseils trouves sur cette page : http://drupal.org/node/201983 J'ai tente le script plusieurs fois. Cela n'a pas fonctionne. Au bout de 5 fois, j'ai applique la methode decrite ici : http://drupal.org/node/201983#comment-828698 Merveilleux. :-)
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