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Announcing the 5th Annual Fake News Awards

You've been waiting for it all year and now it's finally here! The Dinos are back as The Corbett Report prepares the 5th Annual Fake News Awards for January 28th, 2022. Do you have a fake news story, a fake video, a fake photo, a fake fact check or a fake anything else that you want to nominate for this year's awards? Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave their nominations in the comments below.

Élection volée : La fabrication d’un mythe américain

Russel J. Ramsland Jr. a vendu de tout, depuis de la cuisine Tex-Mex jusqu’à des techniques de luminothérapie. Finalement, il en est arrivé à vendre l’idée du vol du résultat de l’élection de 2020 au détriment de Trump.

Source : WashingtonPost
Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises

Glenn Greenwald : « Trump contrôlé par Poutine ? Sur Nord Stream 2, c’est Biden le pro-russe »

L’idée que Trump était contrôlé par Poutine et était utile à l’agenda de ce dernier a été à l’opposé de la réalité. D’abord Obama, et maintenant Biden, ont été bien plus accommodants avec Moscou.

Source : Substack – Glenn Greenwald
Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises

Glenn Greenwald : « Des journalistes sont devenus les porte-voix des fake news de la CIA »

L’alliance la plus importante de l’ère Trump est celle unissant les entreprises et les agences de sécurité nationales, qui diffuse sans se poser de questions des affirmations sans preuves solides.

Source : Glenn Greenwald
Traduit les lecteurs Les-Crises

The 4th Annual Fake News Awards! (video)

From the palatial living room studios of The Corbett Report it's the 4th Annual Fake News Awards. The boldest lies. The stupidest propaganda. The ugliest presstitution. Join James as he debunks the lies and shames the liars behind the biggest fake news stories of 2020. Who will take the Dino for the worst fake news story of the year?

Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?

We've all come across online fact checkers that purport to warn us away from independent media sites under the guise of protecting us from fake news. But who is behind these fact check sites? How do they operate? And if these ham-fisted attempts at soft censorship aren't the solution to online misinformation, what is?

Sur LCI, Daniel Cohn-Bendit invente des agressions physiques – Par Mathias Reymond

Source : ACRIMED, Mathias Reymond, 20-01-2020

Depuis deux mois, les commentateurs médiatiques combattent, avec un acharnement sans limite, le mouvement social contre la réforme des retraites. Quitte à diffuser des fake-news ? Quitte à diffuser des fake-news.

The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards!

And now, from the palatial Corbett Report studios in western Japan, it's time for The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards. Which media organization will take home the most Dinos for their dishonest reporting? Who will bear the shame of the biggest fake news story of the year?

Episode 372 – The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards!

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode372-lq.mp3"][/audio]And now, from the palatial Corbett Report studios in western Japan, it's time for The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards. Which media organization will take home the most dinos for their dishonest reporting? Who will bear the shame of the biggest fake news story of the year? Find out in this year's exciting gala broadcast!!

Announcing the 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards!

It's a new year so it's time to bust out the dinos once again! That's right, James Corbett will be hosting the 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards this Friday, so Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave your nominations for worst fake news story of 2019 in the comments section.

Le London Times publie un fake concernant Bill Browder – Par Lucy Komisar

Source : Consortium News, Lucy Komisar, 29-10-2019

[William Felix Browder dit Bill Browder, né le 23 avril 1964, est un homme d’affaires américain puis britannique, chief executive officer et cofondateur du fonds d’investissement Hermitage Capital, NdT]

Les auteurs de cet éditorial ont réussi à placer huit mensonges dès les cinq premières lignes, écrit Lucy Komisar.

Robots Are Taking Our Fake News Jobs!

You've heard that the independent media (i.e. the media that actually challenges the establishment narratives) is full of Russian bots, and you probably know that this is neo-McCarthyist hooey. But did you know that most of the major newswires and online news outlets are already publishing bot-generated content? Well they are. So what does it mean that the establishment fake news is coming from the hand of bots?

Interview 1476 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2019-09-05%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: US military to fight fake news; KSM provides the annual 9/11 distraction; and academics propose cannibalism #NotTheOnion.

ClandesTime 188 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: Mubin Shaikh

The 2006 arrests of the Toronto 18 was a key moment in the post-9/11 war on terror. It helped internationalise the war effort and added Canada to the list of supposed terrorist targets. This week I examine the life and work of the main Canadian intelligence informant inside the Toronto 18 – Mubin Shaikh.

Pitié-Salpêtrière : France Info a-t-il illustré l’«intrusion» avec une photo de casseurs attaquant un commissariat ?

Subscriber Podcast #29 – Media Breakdown: Armando Iannucci at Chatham House

On this month's subscriber-only podcast I break down a 2016 interview with British political satirist Armando Iannucci by Chatham House, a.k.a. the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Official Skripal Story Changes Yet Again, This Time with Added Ducks

According to the New York Times, the official story we’ve been told about the Skripals isn’t true, and wasn’t true when the UK government told it to us.

(Read more...)

Subscriber Podcast #28 – Panorama Breakdown: The Skripal Affair

In this month’s subscriber-only podcast I break down the BBC’s Panorama episode on the Skripal affair.  One year on from the Salisbury poisoning, I offer comments and criticism of one of the most shameless pieces of British state propaganda ever made: Salisbury Nerve Agent Attack – The Inside Story.  I detail how the programme changes […]


The 2nd Annual REAL Fake News Awards

Live (by which I mean recorded) from western Japan, it's The 2nd Annual REAL Fake News Awards, that ceremony where the worst Fake News offenders of the past year are dishonoured with the shameful Dino awards. So will The Guardian retain its title as biggest purveyor of fake news or will a new challenger come along to take its place?

Baby Boomers Are the Biggest Suckers for Fake News

A common trope from baby boomers is that young people today live entirely online. That social media has created an apathetic generation more interested in sharing memes than contributing to the real world.

However, a new study found that it is, in fact, older Americans who use the internet in a manner far more divorced from reality.

The Wire Season 5 Review (preview)

In my final review of The Wire I discuss how the core theme of season 5 – truth – plays out across several storylines.  From fake news to McNulty’s fictional serial killer to the Clay Davis trial, I talk about how the abusive institutions that make up a city’s control mechanisms encourage and reward lies, […]

(Read more...)

Fake News, Trump and the Freedom of Information Act

A story doing the rounds claims that the Trump administration is taking advantage of the government shut-down to change the rules by which the Department of the Interior processes and responds to FOIA requests. This story could not be less accurate if they were actively trying to mislead people.

Legit-Looking Websites That Peddle Fake News

While Congress is increasingly putting pressure on Big Tech giants such as Facebook and Twitter to combat disinformation and fake news on their pages, some lawmakers, such as Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), have published their own “news” websites filled with self-serving disinformation.

La lutte contre les «fake news» passera par le «deep learning». Par Catherine Frammery

Source : Le Temps, Catherine Frammery, 02-12-2018

Des projets utilisant le «machine learning» s’attachent non au contenu des fausses nouvelles mais à leurs structures de diffusion sur le Net pour les combattre

Fake news : Débat avec François-Bernard Huyghe, directeur de recherches à l’IRIS

Source :Le Glob, François-Bernard Huyghe, 26-10-2018

Impossible de leur échapper, elles sont partout ! Dans les médias, sur les réseaux sociaux où nous en avons très probablement relayé au moins une, au Parlement où elles reviennent cet automne dans un projet de loi. Qui ? Les fake news bien sûr, ces cousines des infox, fausses nouvelles et autres rumeurs. Mais qu’est-ce qu’une fake news au juste ?

Lors d’une audience au Sénat, Facebook s’engage à remplacer les « mauvais discours » par des « faits alternatifs »

What does the CIA’s Office of Public Affairs Actually Do?

The CIA's Office of Public Affairs is - ironically - very tight-lipped about what they actually do, so I was pleased that they recently responded to a 3 year old FOIA request and provided me with a document summarising their activities from 2014 to 2016.

Why The China World Order Is Here On Purpose

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the China World Order and why it is here on purpose. We talk with James Corbett of the Corbett report about the real news while exposing media censorship on the topic of China.

Find James’ channel here.

Make sure to follow us on Steemit and BitTube too.

Dezinformatsiya? The RT interview with Petrov and Boshirov - Spy Culture

The disinformation war kicked into high gear this week with the release of an interview with Petrov and Boshirov by RT. Many people, even sceptics of the British government’s story about the Skripals, have expressed how unconvincing the interview is, leading me to ask: was this RT’s intention?

ClandesTime Special – Rorschach Politics: The War in Syria - Spy Culture

In this special episode I reflect on the war in Syria and the propaganda emanating from governments on both sides.  In particular I focus in on how the apparently anti-war Left has been fooled into becoming de facto propagandists for the Russian and Syrian security states, and how the same binary narratives are issued in […]


Maximum Stupidity: The Novichok Extradition - Spy Culture

In a low-key announcement the British government have demanded that Russia extradite two suspects in the Salisbury novichok attack. Media reporting on this latest move in the novichok saga is replete with the same contradictions and absurdities that have plagued this story since day one.

Loi sur la manipulation, par François-Bernard Huyghe

Source :François-Bernard Huyghe, 22-06-2018

La Loi sur une réglementation des FAKE NEWS est en discussion au Parlement. Premier et seul ouvrage en France sur le sujet, “FAKE NEWS, la grande peur” de François-Bernard Huyghe vient de sortir chez VA Editions. Son auteur se livre ici à quelques réflexions sur l’origine, la définition et les conséquences d’un tel phénomène.

Cops vs Press, Fake News Council, SPLC Beat – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: police chief calls press conference then arrests everyone who attends; California is flirting with a fake news council; and there's blood in the water as the SPLC pays up in a landmark defamation settlement.

Interview 1369 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-06-21%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: police chief calls press conference then arrests everyone who attends; California is flirting with a fake news council; and there's blood in the water as the SPLC pays up in a landmark defamation settlement.

« Les apprentis sorciers de la lutte contre les fake news ». Par Philippe Lemoine

Source : Le Figaro, Philippe Lemoine, 05/06/2018

FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE – Pour Philippe Lemoine, l’actuel projet de loi sur les fake news propose une définition aux contours flous, et très subjectifs, des fausses informations. Il juge qu’une telle loi conduira immanquablement à des dérives liberticides.

“L’origine nazie du nom de l’Iran” : les iranologues démontent BHL (3/3)

Aujourd’hui, fin du démontage d’une énorme Fake News de BHL, visant à manipuler l’opinion publique et à attiser les tensions contre l’Iran.

Partie I.

  1. 07/04/18 : BHL chez Ruquier
  2. Extrait du livre de BHL Les cinq rois
  3. Lire la suite

“L’origine nazie du nom de l’Iran” : analyse de la réponse de BHL (2/3)

Aujourd’hui, suite du démontage d’une énorme Fake News de BHL, visant à manipuler l’opinion publique et à attiser les tensions contre l’Iran. (1er billet ici)

Le billet est un peu long, mais nous vous en recommandons la lecture, afin que vous jugiez en détail des méthodes de BHL.

Partie I.

“L’origine nazie du nom de l’Iran” : une nouvelle Fake News de BHL (1/2)

Aujourd’hui, démontage d’une énorme Fake News de BHL, visant à manipuler l’opinion publique et à attiser les tensions contre l’Iran.

Partie I.

  1. 07/04/18 : BHL chez Ruquier
  2. Extrait du livre de BHL Les cinq rois
  3. Lire la suite

ClandesTime Special – Conspiracy Theories: The Salisbury Poisoning - Spy Culture

On March 4th Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned in the sleepy British city of Salisbury, by forces currently unknown. The British government immediately blamed Russian intelligence, leading to weeks of accusations and counter-accusations, diplomatic expulsions and lots of conspiracy theories about who really did this, and why.

“L’Initiative pour la fiabilité de l’information” : progrès déontologique ou futur outil de censure ?

De nouveau, une initiative dans le style Décodex qui, semblant pavée de bonnes intentions, porte aussi potentiellement en elle les germes d’une inquiétante forme de censure. Il faudra rester très vigilant.

C’est principalement dû au soutien de Google, qui, comme Facebook, est une société d’espionnage des données individuelles qui se transforme de plus en plus en Big Brother décidant ce que les gens doivent voir et ne pas voir, sans le moindre contrôle politique et citoyen.

What You’re Not Being Told About The Sinclair Broadcast Group

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on The Sinclair Broadcast Group, their ties to Donald Trump, plus a lot more context on the entire story. We also mention Monmouth University’s new study on fake news media, as well as Julian Assange, the CFR, Edward Snowden, Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and a lot, lot, lot more.

ClandesTime 137 – Rorschach Politics: Russiagate - Spy Culture

Russiagate has become both the gift that keeps on giving and the scandal that will not die. This week we take a look at the allegations, the perceptions and the misconceptions, examining how the ‘fake news’ crisis grew out of the claim that the Russian government hacked the 2016 US presidential election.

Homeland Mid-Season Review – Tom Secker on PPR - Spy Culture

In our mid-season review and analysis of Homeland season 7, Pearse and I get into various strands of the show including the Brett O’Keefe/Waco arc, the Russiagate conspiracy, how the CIA should be portrayed as having utterly failed the country but have somehow dressed themselves up as the heroes, fake news, Russian ‘active measures’ and […]


Les fake news auront-elles la peau de la liberté de la presse ? Par Christian Paul

Source : Le Blog Mediapart, Christian Paul, 14-03-2018

Voulue par le président de la République, la loi contre les fausses nouvelles fait fausse route, explique Christian Paul. L’ex-député socialiste recommande, au contraire, de renforcer et amplifier la loi de 1881 sur la liberté d’information et d’expression.

You Won’t Believe What President Trump Just Ate For Breakfast!

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on you not believing what U.S President Donald Trump had for breakfast. Well, not really but we are trying to prove a lesson here as we interviewed @TheKnifeMedia about fake news, accurate reporting, fact-checking and of course click bait.

You can watch this video on DTubehere.

The re-love-lution will not be YouTube’d

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the silencing of voices online. We go into great detail regarding Eric Schmidt, Google and the start of the fake news trend. We talk about Sharyl Attkisson, troll farms, propaganda, alternatives to social media plus a lot more.

You can watch this video on DTubehere.

Sources for this video:

Fake news : le vrai du faux de Frédéric Lordon

Source : France Culture, Frédéric Lordon, 19-01-2018

On s’interroge sur les fake news avec Frédéric Lordon : concept pertinent, ou symptôme d’un monde post-politique ?

« Rien de plus idéologique que d’annoncer la fin des idéologies. » Frédéric Lordon

Interview 1345 – Fake News Breakdown on Financial Survival

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-02-16%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]James joins Dave Allen (taking over for the retired Alfred Adask) for his bi-monthly appearance on Financial Survival. This time they discuss the latest drama on the Korean peninsula, James' fake news awards, and the Japanese government's attempts to alter its pacifist constitution.

Downing Street annonce la création d’une nouvelle section pour traquer les « fake news »

23 janvier 2018

Theresa May crée une nouvelle unité nationale de sécurité pour contrer les « fake news » et la désinformation par la Russie et d’autres puissances étrangères, annonce Downing Street.

Jean-Paul Marthoz : Fausses nouvelles et le nouveau royaume des mensonges

Source : Index, Jean-Paul Marthoz, 14-12-2017

Journaliste belge à la retraite et auteur de « Terrorisme et les médias », Jean-Paul Marthoz a livré ses pensées ci-dessous le 5 décembre 2017 durant une table ronde au Parlement européen présentée par les députés Barbara Spinelli et Curzio Maltès :

Episode 329 – The First Annual REAL Fake News Awards

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode329-lq.mp3"][/audio]You've seen the GOP's version, but now it's time for the REAL fake news awards. Join James for this special edition of The Corbett Report where he hands out dinos to some of the biggest propoganda poisoners and fake news stinkers of 2017!


"Ma plus belle histoire d'amour, c'est vous", dit Barbara en s'adressant au public qui la finançait...

Quant à moi, je dirai que mon amour des histoires, c'est vous qui le nourrissez chaque jour...ou pas.

Tout ce que j'espère, c'est qu'aucun d'entre nous ne restera jamais sur sa faim...de liberté, de justice ou de justesse.

Je ne vais pas vous parler de notre triple zéro aujourd'hui mais de notre double zéro UN...qui change tout.


Pour bien connaître quelqu'un, il faut savoir ce qu'il veut.

That time Margaret Thatcher was briefed about the Sex Pistols - Spy Culture

In 1987, as part of a typical politician’s attempts to seem down with the kids, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher did an interview with the pop magazine Smash Hits.  There was just one problem: Thatcher knew absolutely nothing about pop music, or anything even close.  So her advisors drew up a briefing, including a brief […]


Loi sur les “fake news” : “Le grand danger, c’est de donner la responsabilité à l’Etat de dire le vrai du faux”, par Pascal Froissart


La mauvaise Foi a présenté son nouveau projet de Loi :

Interdire les fake news. C'est la plus fake des news. Le nec plus ultra du foutage de gueule. Le comble de la mauvaise Foi.


Il y a même une chaine qui ne manque pas d'humour en prétendant démêler  le vrai de l'info. C'est ce qu'on appelle : être trahi par sa propre réclame.

Ce sont le plus souvent ces fils de pub qui tissent les fils de l'actualité sur la toile.

Porkins Policy Radio End of Year Special - Spy Culture

Pearse invited me onto PPR to talk 2017: the highs, the lows, the overrated, the underrated, and Trump.  We discuss our favourite film and TV of the year, the most overblown news stories, the most important news that didn’t get the attention it deserves and reflect on why this has been a good year for […]

(Read more...)

ClandesTime 130 – Fake News and the Postmodern Condition - Spy Culture

What is fake news? Where did it come from and why is it so profitable? In this week’s episode I consider whether fake news is a new thing, or simply a newly-popular name for methods of deceit that have existed for centuries. I explore the idea that it is simply a popular recognition of an […]

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The Dirty Deep State

We Are Change

In this video, Jason Bermas breaks down how the New York Observer is serving as a mouthpiece for the Dirty Deep State and the NSA by spreading Fake News about Trump and the Kremlin.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

Pontoise, calme et raison garder, par Régis de Castelnau

Source : Vu du droit, Régis de Castelnau, 28-09-2017

La rue a peut peut-être abattu le nazisme, mais ce n’est pas le lieu où une société civilisée rend la Justice.

L’opinion publique française, plutôt, ceux qui la font et qui la manipulent, n’aime pas la justice. Culturellement, dans notre pays de vieille tradition administrative, et depuis longtemps, on préfère l’ordre à la justice. Un désordre est plus grave qu’un innocent en prison.

Participation au débat sur les Fake News chez Taddeï (+ Fact-checking)

J’ai participé le 12 septembre à un intéressant débat sur les Fake News sur Europe 1, animé par Frédéric Taddeï, avec :

  • François-Bernard Huyghe, Directeur de recherche à l’Iris, créateur de l’observatoire géostratégique de l’information
  • Thomas Huchon, Journaliste reporter à Spicee, spécialiste des théories du complot
  • Sophie Mazet, enseignante d’anglais, anime un atelier d’autodéfense intellectuelle
  • Lire la suite

A Real Home of Real Fake News

Lately, the media is just as much in the news as it is covering the news. Most of it we see. The power of Fox and Friends. The daily scoops from The New York Times and Washington Post. Sean Hannity and his talk-radio acolytes, the progressive mantra of MSNBC.

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