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Manufactured Outrage and Charlottesville

We Are Change

Hey everybody Jason Bermas here for WeAreChange.org and today we’re going to be talking about manufactured outrage over the events in Charlottesville. The media since that even has been continuously pushing their agenda that white supremacists are going to take over. They say the Trump administration did not do enough to condemn these white supremacists and everybody on the left including Antifa were peaceful protesters.

Neuf organismes, dont Facebook et Mozilla, investissent 13 millions contre la « désinformation »

Source : Le Monde, Perrine Signoret, 03.04.2017

Un panneau « Je ne suis pas une fausse information », lors d’une manifestation en Pennsylvanie, en février 2017. JESSICA KOURKOUNIS / AFP

Cahier d’été d’En Marche : Le Figaro et BFM piégés par un site parodique (créé par des militants Insoumis)

Source : Arrêt sur Images, Manuel Vicuña, 02/08/2017

Alors que LREM distribue depuis lundi un cahier de vacances à l’attention de ses militants, les sites du Figaro et de BFMTV, qui ont fait écho au coup de com’, sont tombés dans le panneau. Au lieu du vrai cahier de LREM, ils ont relayé un faux grossier, lancé par Francetvdésinfo, site parodique animé par des militants Insoumis.

The Divide and Conquer Chaos Agenda EXPOSED

We Are Change

In his latest video, Luke discusses how difficult it has been to watch the infighting that is occurring and the responses that media have made to the Charlottesville situation.

I have been following closely the response to Charlottesville, and sadly the situation is escalating and looks like it will get a lot worse before it gets any better. Leading to what many are speculating will be an all-out civil war in the United States.

Video: How To Spot Fake News

We Are Change

In this video Jason Bermas talks about the problem of ‘Fake News’. He tells us what fake news is and that even large media organisations are guilty of putting out this type of propaganda. He explains how fake news is presented as fact and then spreads over social media. He also points out some issues with the administration of Donald Trump that have conveniently gone under reported. Make sure to check it out below!

Grand Jury Started, Truth On Trump Calls Leak, YouTube Purge Oncoming

#CNNBlackmail Story Goes Mega Nova Viral During The MEME Reckoning

We Are Change

The day of the meme apocalypse is upon us, the day of meme reckoning is here, and the meme war has just gone thermonuclear as we have just entered into “The Great Meme War Part Two.” Of course, I am talking about the latest, shocking news behind the #CNNBlackmail hashtag, that has gone viral. In this video, we’re going to give you the full sides of this war, its alliances the development, and most importantly the significance of July 4th, 2017. A day which many people are saying will be the official end of CNN.

Bienvenue dans l’ère du nouveau maccarthysme : quand les fact checkers se noient dans leurs prismes idéologiques, par Eric Deschavanne et François-Bernard Huyghe

Source : Atlantico, Eric Deschavanne, François-Bernard Huyghe, 25-05-2017

L’avènement des fake news ne doit pas faire de toute la sphère médiatique une arène de décodeurs traitant son adversaire de menteur ou de diffuseur de fake news. Même si on comprend que c’est une attitude pratique, qui évite de rendre les faits complexes et surtout toute auto-critique.

Une élue de Metz renvoyée devant le tribunal pour diffusion d’une fausse information, par Cécile Soulé

Les fausses nouvelles du New York Times au sujet des fausses nouvelles, par Robert Parry

Source : Consortium News, le 22/02/2017

Le 22 février 2017

Exclusif: La propagande occidentale anti-russe fait le lien entre Moscou et le fléau des “fausses nouvelles”, mais les preuves, elles, n’établissent pas de lien. Aussi, le New York Times base son argumentation avec ses propres “fausses nouvelles”, rapporte Robert Parry.

Par Robert Parry

Shocking Poll Shows 60% of Americans Believe Mainstream Media is ‘Fake News’

We Are Change

According to a Monmouth University poll released two weeks ago, 6 out of 10 Americans now believe the mainstream media reports ‘fake news.’

Reported within the first two weeks of March, fifty-four percent of the respondents including the majority of Republicans, Democrats and independents had said that ‘fake news’ reports online were published on purpose to further a covert agenda.

Newsbud Special Report- State Secrets: Sibel Edmonds Uncovers ‘The Untouchables’

Newsbud presents major new revelations by former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Edmonds, known as the most classified and gagged person in US history, takes on the US Congress and the culprit media in one of the most significant and longest ongoing political/criminal cover-ups involving the FBI, a notorious political mob in Chicago, a well-known elected official and her convicted criminal spouse. Further, she renews her public call for joint testimony under oath before the US Congress.

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