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ClandesTime 147 – Crime, Censorship and the Copycat Effect - Spy Culture

For movie censors, crime is perhaps the most complex issue to make decisions about. They want the public to be alert to the possibility of crimes happening, and respectful of law enforcement institutions. But entertainers and audiences want dramatic, ambiguous villains and stories of institutional corruption and hubris.

ClandesTime 145 – Conspiracy Theories: John Paisley - Spy Culture

John Paisley was a senior CIA officer who worked on Team B, was the Agency’s liaison to the Watergate burglars, and according to some was a Soviet double agent. In 1978 he disappeared while sailing in the Chesapeake Bay, and the body that washed up was never definitively identified as his.

For These Folks, the Fourth of July Is Not Just a Barbecue

My ancestors — and likely yours — came to the US from somewhere else.

My grandparents arrived in one of history’s great waves of immigration — more than 15 million (largely from Italy, Poland, Hungary, and Russia) poured in between 1900 and 1915.

The Multipolar Revolution: Syncretic Perspectives – Part I

 By: Jafe Arnold From the Indo-Europeans to the ‘New World’ he world’s diversity of cultures has successfully defied the “globalization” of the Atlanticist, Liberal, unipolar “End of History” scenario proclaimed in the 1990’s. It is increasingly recognized both de facto … Continue reading

NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses

The Trojan horse was the earliest recorded military psyop. That psyop continues to be deployed on unsuspecting populations and it is just as useful as ever, but today’s tricksters have donned the mantle of philanthropy, and their Trojan horses are not wooden statues but non-governmental organizations offering “aid” to foreign nations.

ClandesTime 140 – How the CIA Censored The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence - Spy Culture

In 1974 former CIA officer Victor Marchetti and former State Department official John Marks published their book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. This week I examine a file in the JFK archives that details what the CIA censored from the book, and why.

Subscriber Podcast #16 – Why I do What I do - Spy Culture

On this month’s subscriber-only podcast I talk about my political and personal motives for doing this sort of work as well some of my thoughts on strategies for tackling political problems. I discuss the history of anarchism – both intellectual and terroristic – and how I see my work fitting into that, as well as […]

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ClandesTime 129 – History by Hollywood - Spy Culture

This week I welcome Martin Darlington, co-host of the History by Hollywood podcast, which reviews and analyses films claiming to be based on real events. We talk about Martin’s adopted homeland of Qatar, his views on history and politics, how he and his co-host Andrew prepare and produce the podcast, the power of music in […]

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Manufactured Outrage and Charlottesville

We Are Change

Hey everybody Jason Bermas here for WeAreChange.org and today we’re going to be talking about manufactured outrage over the events in Charlottesville. The media since that even has been continuously pushing their agenda that white supremacists are going to take over. They say the Trump administration did not do enough to condemn these white supremacists and everybody on the left including Antifa were peaceful protesters.

The Divide and Conquer Chaos Agenda EXPOSED

We Are Change

In his latest video, Luke discusses how difficult it has been to watch the infighting that is occurring and the responses that media have made to the Charlottesville situation.

I have been following closely the response to Charlottesville, and sadly the situation is escalating and looks like it will get a lot worse before it gets any better. Leading to what many are speculating will be an all-out civil war in the United States.

How imperial Britain promoted religion to stymie Palestinian nationalism

CSS participates in conference: “History and Perspectives of Cooperation between Slavic Countries”

By: Jafe Arnold – CSS liaison to Poland CSS participates in conference: “History and Perspectives of Cooperation between Slavic Countries” n December 10th in Wroclaw, Poland, the Association for Poland-East Cooperation hosted an interdisciplinary conference entitled “History and Perspectives of Cooperation … Continue reading

An overview of Syncretism in Russia: Orthodoxy and Sovietism

By: Padraig McGrath The Synthetic Public Ideology of Putin’s Russia The reconstruction of the Cathedral of Saint Alexander Nevsky is a microcosm of a broad social reality   ituated adjacent to the Crimean Parliament building in Simferopol, the newly rebuilt Cathedral … Continue reading

The Rise and Transformation of American Militarism and Imperialism after World War Two

  By:  Andrés Barrera González, edited by Joaquin Flores – PhD in Political Science and Sociology, Profesor Titular at the University Complutense of Madrid. The Rise and Transformation of American Militarism and Imperialism after World War Two Part I:  Europe After World War Two  Throughout the 19th century world affairs were dominated by Europe’s great colonial and imperial […]

A Brief History of Serbian Socialism, Part I

  By: Stevo M. Lapchevich – translated from Serbian by Novak Drashkovic                                  & edited by Joaquin Flores A Brief History of Serbian Socialism, Part One Editor’s note: The Center for Syncretic Studies has begun this historical research project in connection […]

Magna Carta celebrates 800th birthday—Congress Questions How Far Liberty Has Come

1945: The Savage Peace


When the Second World War ended, the people of liberated Europe celebrated their freedom from Nazi tyranny. Their years of suffering had ended, but for millions of Germans, the end of the conflict opened a new and terrible chapter.

Hellstorm – Exposing the Real Genocide of Nazi Germany


Youtube description: This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II.

Here’s How to Download and Delete What Google Search Knows About You

We Are Change

Source: Yahoo

Have you ever wondered what Google Search really knows about you? Well, now you can check, as Google has added a new feature that lets you view and download your entire search history.

Rebel songs to rap: the history of Palestine's music

Israel's fear of boycott rooted in tactic's historic victories against colonialism

"Delegitimize Zionism," says Israeli filmmaker

“But is it good for the Jews?” ~ by Lawrence Davidson

The History of Palestine – Video

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