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Regional Response to Gaza Genocide Threatens Israeli Plan for Economic Dominance

Task Force That Includes Iraq War Architects Unveils Post-War Plan for Gaza

The plan calls for the creation of a private governing entity and allows the hiring of Western mercenaries for security.

Journalist: It’s “Most Dangerous Moment” for Middle East I’ve Seen in 20 Years

War of the Worlds – Tom on Fortress on a Hill

Henri and I delved into the 2005 sci-fi alien invasion film/Tom Cruise vehicle War of the Worlds.  We discuss the...

The post War of the Worlds – Tom on Fortress on a Hill first appeared on Spy Culture.

Wagging the Dog — Rabid Trump Is Not the Worst

Reading Time: 4minutes

The term “wag the dog” was made popular by the iconic 1997 movie of that name. It describes the practice of a country’s leader distracting the public from their political troubles by going to war.

From Iraq-Syria to Iran: The Neutering of the Anti-War Movement & Ways to Revive It

Ryan Cristian on the Assassination of Soleimani

Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond joins us to discuss his ongoing coverage of the situation surrounding the events that led to the assassination of Soleimani. What is the context of this event, how are we being lied to, and what does it mean for the future of the middle east?

Why Trump is escalating the US-Israeli war on Iran

‘While the Script is Somewhat Clichéd, We Are Not Movie Critics’ – DOD Memo on The Heroes of Desert Storm

There aren't very many films about the first Gulf War, which is ironic because if ever there was a war for PR purposes, that was it.  While Jarhead and Three Kings were rejected by the Pentagon's Hollywood office, one film that did benefit from military support was The Heroes of Desert Storm.  As one Pentagon memo notes, the script is as hackneyed

‘While the Script is Somewhat Clichéd, We Are Not Movie Critics’ – DOD Memo on The Heroes of Desert Storm

‘While the Script is Somewhat Clichéd, We Are Not Movie Critics’ – DOD Memo on The Heroes of Desert Storm

‘You Need to Keep an Eye on the Director’ – US Army emails

The US Army's emails on The Long Road Home show that not everything ran smoothly while filming progressed as Fort Hood.  While all of the information on script input is redacted, one email contains production notes from the Army's project officer Lt Col.

The Bold New Plan to Stop Wars: A Peace Advocate Makes Her Case

Reading Time: 5minutes

A little over 100 years ago, the major Western powers and 23 other nations signed the Treaty of Versailles, officially ending the “war to end all wars” — an idealistic phrase that within a few years would assume a certain grim irony. While there has been no truly global conflagration since 1945, the 21st century has already produced its fair share of armed conflicts.

The Wacky World of Internal Government Propaganda – #PropagandaWatch

Have you ever seen IRS agents waste $60,000 of taxpayer money to film Star Trek videos about subduing a planet of anarchists. How about a DARPA video dedicated to defeating the cyber threat from the "fictional" state of "Kuracq?" Or an internal (fake) news report from a war game scenario about a bioterror attack in the US . . . four months before such an attack took place?

Why Did the Pentagon Support Godzilla and Transformers, but Rejected Jarhead?

The 2005 biographical war film Jarhead is one of a very small number of films set in the first Gulf War.  Despite being based on the autobiography of a Marine who served in Desert Storm the DOD refused to provide it with military support.  But how can a film based on a first-hand account not meet the criterion of being a 'reasonably realistic depiction' of the military, when Transformer

Veteran of Sadr City Ambush Exposes The Long Road Home as Shameful Propaganda

One of the veterans of the ambush in Sadr City in April 2004 has revealed that National Geographic's film The Long Road Home is a shameful piece of propaganda that butchers history and ignored offers of help from the squad who were actually in the firefight in order to present a bastardised and propagandistic version of events.


Pentagon Contracts Show US Army Subsidized Production Of National Geographic’s ‘Long Road Home’

Production assistance agreements released by the Defense Department show the United States military used taxpayer money to subsidize part of the production of the National Geographic series, “The Long Road Home,” and a companion documentary.

(Read more

When the US Army Decided a Chin Strap was More Important Than the Death of One of Their Soldiers

The US Army provided extensive support to the National Geographic film series The Long Road Home, supposedly to ensure it depicted the real-life battle of Sadr City in a 'reasonably realistic' way.

The Long Road Home – Tom Secker on Fortress on a Hill

I recently joined Henri of Fortress on a Hill to discuss the National Geographic drama series The Long Road Home, in light of the over 400 pages of documents that I obtained detailing the US Army's support for the show.

US Army Documents Reveal Massive Support For Long Road Home Miniseries, Possible Fraud At Military’s Entertainment Liaison Office

Failed British politician hired by leading Israel lobbyist

Plundering Iraq’s Oil Wealth

To understand the plundering of Iraq’s oil wealth, we have to look first at the original sin of the invasion itself. Blueprints showing how oil could help rebuild the country were drawn up post-Desert Storm in the 1990s and resurrected in 2003. It never happened.

Journalist Erin Banco explains why, as she talks to Jeff Schechtman in this week’s WhoWhatWhy podcast. She laments the dashed hopes of the Kurds and the Iraqi people. She explains the hapless actions of the Bush and Obama administrations, the real role of big oil and the damage done by tribal rivalries in Iraq.

Is the Fall of Kirkuk Iran’s Answer to Trump?

In a lightning advance, Iraqi forces captured the oil-rich city of Kirkuk from Kurdish forces on Monday, sending thousands of civilians fleeing.

The fighting between two US-trained and -equipped forces that have been central to the war against the Islamic State was a slap in the face to US foreign policy.

US-supplied Iraqi tank knocks over a picture of Barzani in Kirkuk #Iraqpic.twitter.com/4g0n1qi2AU

Want to Support the Troops? Stop Sending Them to Die in Meaningless Wars

I get really emotional when I watch videos of members of the armed forces coming home after a long deployment to surprise their loved ones. I put myself in the shoes of these families who were separated for months and can feel the love.

Then I get angry.

I get angry because these reunions are as touching as they are senseless.

Sixteen years ago yesterday, the US-led invasion of Afghanistan began. Since then, nothing has been gained but so much has been lost.

Truth About Kurdish and Catalan Independence and a Vile UK Prime Minister Exposed

We Are Change

Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings to the WeAreChange Sunday recap episode. We go over all the important news you should know about including the Catalan Independence vote. We don’t distract you with CIA propaganda about the “Rocketman” or people kneeling. This is a big distraction that the mainstream media pushes on you.

When Israel’s friends in Labour advocated genocide

Video: Trump and Putin Meet, What Does The Future Hold?

We Are Change

This is Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange.org. I have a very special guest on today. We have Angelo John Gage, and we’re going to be talking about a slurry of important issues dealing with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. With all the latest developments that happened after the G20 summit, and the potential ramifications for American foreign policy and with what’s taking place inside of Syria.

ClandesTime 108b – Ramzi Yousef: A NeoConspiracy Theory - Spy Culture

In this special bonus episode of ClandesTime we look at the theory that World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef was an agent of Iraqi intelligence. This theory, put forward by neoconservative analyst Laurie Mylroie, contributed to the false idea that Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s government were working together.

Trump Vs ISIS: 7,000 Airstrikes Dropped in the Past Two Months

We Are Change

As the Trump administration kicks into full gear, there is a marked difference in the way the Air Force has been used in the past two months than how it was used under the Obama administration. According to a recently declassified Air Force document, 7,000 airstrikes have been dropped on Iraq and Syria during January and February – in order to destroy ISIS.

Why are supporters of occupation running a Jerusalem hospital?

Why are supporters of occupation running a Jerusalem hospital?

The U.S Just Lost Syria To Russia and Putin

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski covers the latest breaking news from U.S Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Russia in order to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. The negotiations focused around the tensions between the two world powers and their proxy war over Syria. In a Stunning revelation Kerry shifted the main U.S geopolitical goal and said that Bashar Al Assad will stay in power.


The Warning Signs Of A Full Out Nuclear War

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks about the under-reported news of the U.S and Russia posturing and expanding their military might for a full out nuclear war. We talk about new military technology, expanded budgets and moves from both sides geo-politically going against each other.

The U.S Is Deploying More Troops To Iraq and Syria

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks about the important and latest meeting between Putin and Obama at the COP 21 meeting, that is gaining headlines everywhere. We go over the latest U.S announcement of sending in more troops inside of Syria and Iraq plus all the other under-reported reports geo-politically.


How Russia Just Won and Took Over The Middle East

Secret Email Leaked from Hillary’s Server: The Real Story of Bush, Blair and Big Oil’s Iraq Agenda

An extremely important story has come and gone in a flash, almost unnoticed, like so many important stories. It revealed that President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair had agreed to invade Iraq long before the first bombs fell on the oil-rich Middle Eastern country.

President Obama: “We’re training ISIL”

We Are Change

By Alec Cope
We Are Change

On July 6th, during a press briefing; President Obama accidentally uttered that U.S. forces were training more ISIL units. later, the White House.gov website corrected this to “Iraqi” instead of “ISIL” forces.

So, Obama actually told the truth on camera during a press briefing!

During his speech, Obama says,

“with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces.”

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire—Afghanistan Reconstruction Edition

Libya, Israel, Iraq What You Need To Know

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews legendary Mi5 whistle blower Annie Machon about her analysis of the situation in the middle east and the under reported situation in Libya.

The post Libya, Israel, Iraq What You Need To Know appeared first on We Are Change.

US and Israeli Military Advisors Arrested In Iraq For AIDING ISIS

We Are Change

By Alec Cope
We Are Change

During the operation, “The Sting of the Scorpion” four foreign military advisors were arrested for “aiding ISIS” Iranian Tasnim News Agency reports.

Hugo Chavez ou la révolution démocratique

C’est bien au Venezuela, riche pays en pétrole – mais longtemps exploité par les apparentes démocraties du Nord -, qu’il y eût jusqu’au 5 mars 2013, un dirigeant véritablement soucieux de sa nation. D’ailleurs, si Hugo Chavez – car c’est évidemment de lui dont il s’agit – fut autant diabolisé par notre Occident perverti, c’est qu’il demeurait l’un des rares gouvernants à organiser une politique en faveur de son peuple.

Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIS

We Are Change

SOURCE: Global Research

Iraq’s army has shot down two British planes as they were carrying weapons for the ISIL terrorists in Al-Anbar province, a senior lawmaker disclosed on Monday.

US-led coalition aircraft aiding ISIL: Iraq commander

We Are Change

Secretary eneral of Iraq’s Badr Organization Hadi al-Ameri


A top commander of Iraq’s volunteer forces has said aircraft serving the so-called anti-ISIL coalition formed by the US drop weapons for the Takfiri terrorist group.

Cui bono? Why 12-15 Was an Inside Job

 By: N Wahid Azal Cui bono? Why 12-15 Was an Inside Job The Australian deep state, manufacturing domestic consent, gearing for a future war with Iran, fueling Islamophobia, the patsy “mad sheikh” Man Haron Monis and the Lindt café siege … Continue reading

OTAN en emporte le vent

A l’origine, l’OTAN avait pour vocation d’assurer la sécurité des pays de l’Atlantique nord face au totalitarisme russe en défendant une certaine idée de la démocratie. Depuis la chute du murde Berlin et la dissolution du pacte de Varsovie en juillet 1991, cette promesse est tombée en désuétude.

De-Manufacturing Consent- “Humanitarian Wars” for Imperial Dreams: Iraq, the Islamic State & James Foley

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Daniel McAdams

On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. McAdams gives us his take on the current situation in Iraq and Syria, as the US war machine churns out a steady stream of fear-driven propaganda and prepares for another full-on military invasion.

Iran Sanctions: US Plays Dirty Game

Washington’s Middle East policies are only meant to incite chaos, to capitalize on the chaos and turn things to its own benefit.

The nuclear talks which were infused with unnecessary optimism are no longer seen by many to yield much fruit as Washington once again reveals its true colors and pernicious intentions by imposing further sanctions on Iranian companies and individuals.

Israeli drone downed in Iraq

Why Journalist’s “Staged” Beheading Matters

De-Manufacturing Consent- The Snowden-ISIS Hoax

The New Great Game Round-Up: July 20, 2014

Halliburton’s Fracking Deal in Xinjiang, Turkish Airlines Transporting Tajik Jihadists to Syria and Iraq & More!

*The Great Game Round-Up brings you the latest newsworthy developments regarding Central Asia and the Caucasus region. We document the struggle for influence, power, hegemony and profits in Central Asia and the Caucasus region between a U.S.-dominated NATO, its GCC proxies, Russia, China and other regional players.

The Original Sin of America’s Post-9/11 Wars

CaptureFrom time to time, WhoWhatWhy discovers compelling voices you haven’t heard anywhere before. Here, we present U.S. Army Captain Danny Sjursen’s cutting analysis of U.S. wars since 9/11. It’s a timely reflection on the costs of freedom, and a major part of our national story now, 238 years after we declared independence.

On Point with Charlie McGrath- Killing for a Lie

Charlie McGrath Presents Activist Ross Caputi

Fallujah Iraq 2004 saw some of the most horrific fighting in recent military history. Fierce hand to hand and house to house fighting left thousands dead. Our country and our fighting men were told Fallujah was a terror hot spot and we were liberating the city from evil doers. We now know that it was total carnage based on outright lies.

From Soldier of Fortune to Contractor: the American Shadow Warrior’s Evolution

Cheney Blames Iraq on….Obama—and more headlines

Washington’s Iraq “Victory”

The Neoconservative conquest of the Middle East is becoming an al Qaeda conquest

The citizens of the United States still do not know why their government destroyed Iraq. “National Security” will prevent them from ever knowing. “National Security” is the cloak behind which hides the crimes of the US government.

RadioWHO: Russ Baker on Chicago’s Stocks and Jocks Radio

WhoWhatWhy.com Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker appeared on Chicago-based Stocks and Jocks radio, discussing the brewing Iraq crisis and the current state of media coverage with hosts Kathy Dervin and Kevin Riordan. Russ talks about the American government’s M.O. when it comes to wars, who benefits and how the public is always taken by surprise.

RadioWHO: Russ Baker on Chicago’s Stocks and Jocks Radio

Obama- “Remaking the Middle East”: The American Gulag

The Scale & Scope of Political Repression in Each US Backed Police State

During the beginning of his first term in office President Obama promised “to remake the Middle East into a region of prosperity and freedom”. Six years later the reality is totally the contrary: the Middle East is ruled by despotic regimes whose jails are overflowing with political prisoners.

#Terrornoia Update: April 16, 2014

#Terrornoia Update | More mainlining of lethal aid to terror groups in Syria, new allegations of chemical attacks, and fresh fears of terrornoia from an Al Qaeda meeting in Yemen which threatened future attacks in America; plus, Bandar Bush takes his leave from his position as Saudi intel chief...

Not All Lives are Equal-According to the Inhabitants of the Barbarically Civilized Nation

I rarely accept invitations for speaking arrangements. It is not my cup of tea. When I rarely do I insist in dividing my allocated time into 1/3 for speaking and 2/3 for Q & A. I don’t like canned speeches, but I happen to truly like lengthy Q & A sessions. Why?

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