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Person shot during Michael Brown anniversary protest in Ferguson

We Are Change


CMBjYoUUkAAJc0NFERGUSON, MO (KTVI) – Shots rang out at around 11:30pm on Sunday after a peaceful march in Ferguson to mark the death of Michael Brown. Police say that one person has been shot and that person is still alive. The victim was taken ambulance to the hospital.

Obama Starts Another War, Your Daily Uncensored News?

We Are Change

Alright, so I have one day before Defcon and BlackHat, so I decided on doing a new platform for sharing news that should be front page news but is not. Let me know what you think of it honestly and it gets a good response with good viewership we will do it everyday.

Deputy handcuffs 2 third graders with disabilities.

We Are Change

(ACLU)A deputy sheriff handcuffed two elementary school children who have disabilities, causing them pain and trauma, according to a federal lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Children’s Law Center, and Dinsmore & Shohl.

Students of color and students with disabilities are especially vulnerable to push-out trends and the discriminatory application of discipline. One child in this case is Latino, and the other is African-American.

Norway’s police haven’t killed a single person in nearly 10 years

We Are Change


(RAWSTORY) Police in Norway hardly ever use their guns, a new report released by the Scandinavian country’s government shows. In fact, it’s been almost 10 years since law enforcement shot and killed someone, in 2006.

Gay Man Pulled From Home, Beaten By NYPD Officers Yelling “Faggot” In Horrifying Video

We Are Change


Screen-Shot-2015-07-31-at-11.21.22-AM.png(NewNowNext.com)A gay Staten Island man is suing the NYPD after four officers dragged him from his home last month before violently beating him in the front yard while repeatedly yelling homophobic slurs.

TSA Crystal Energy Vampires and VidCon!!

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski takes you on this journey from Miami to Los Angeles as he attends his first ever VidCon. We also give a special message to a fan who’s not doing too well and by watching this video you could play the guess which celebrity Luke is meeting on Sunday game.

Limited Edition Bilderberg t-shirt http://teespring.com/InvestigateBilderbergTees.

Send your get well photos to guscampos111@gmail.com

New App Aims to Curb Demand For Police Services

We Are Change


(brettsanders.me)The small startup, SAFERX, has created a cell phone App that aims to harness the network effect of cell phones to empower individuals to help one another during times of emergency to lesson dependence on government provided emergency services.

How To Fight A Judge And Win

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews Carlos Miller and Grant Stern of PINAC about their recent victory over judges in Jacksonville Florida.

To learn about PINAC go to http://photographyisnotacrime.com/

The Real Untold Story Of Government’s Takedown of Silk Road

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to Lynn Ulbricht, the mother of Ross Ulbricht who was behind the Silk Road. In this video Lynn breaks down important never before heard information regarding to the case that shows a shocking precedent that has been set with internet freedom.

Currently Ross is sentenced to life in jail and to find our more or help go to http://freeross.org/

Former Baltimore Officer Tweets Examples of Corruption and Brutality

We Are Change

Source: Revolution-News

Former Baltimore police sergeant Michael Wood took to Twitter Wednesday to air a shocking list of acts he said he participated in and witnessed during his 11 years in the Department’s violent crime division.

R.A. The Rugged Man On The Illuminati Music Industry and Conscious Awakening

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to R.A The Rugged Man in Berlin Germany about the illuminati music industry, the 2016 elections, Hillary Clinton and the his conscious awakening.

Learn more about R.A here https://twitter.com/ratheruggedman or https://twitter.com/ratheruggedman

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Unarmed Palestinian getting provoked, insulted and beaten up by seven Israeli soldiers

We Are Change

Israeli forces sparked the incident (which is unfortunately one of very many) near the Jalazon refugee camp in the Ramallah and al-Bireh Governorate, located 5.5 miles north of Ramallah.

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Bilderberg members run out like cockroaches

We Are Change

Check out our daily blog on the last day of Bildeberg and do not forget to follow the story live by going on Snapchat user LukeWeAreChange

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Insane Overblown Security Shows Bilderberg Insecurity

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski takes you along the ride for his coverage of Bilderberg 2015. You can literally go through the whole day with him and see as everything transpires.

Dont forget to follow Luke on SnapChat to watch live: username LukeWeAreChange

Police Arrest Man At Bilderberg 2015

We Are Change

this video was originally shot by http://youtube.com/buergerberg

Which shows police grabbing a man for standing on the wrong side of the street. The man was arrested because he walked to another roadway where the bilderberg protest was taking place to take photos of the attendees driving in. According to his friends he practiced non violent civil disobedience when first apprehended by the police.

Police Go To Journalists Hotel To Steal Private Information

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski documents his day as he tries to get work done at the hotel but in interrupted when Police come and steal his private registration info with the hotel.

To follow this the story live go on SnapChat and follow user LukeWeAreChange

G7 Total OverKill

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski takes you along his day as he covers the G7 conference.
Follow Luke on Snapchat by his username LukeWeAreChange.

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The True Cost Of The G7

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski takes you behind the scenes of his reporting in Germany during the G7 summit.

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Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: NSA Whistleblower Slams Fake “Reforms”

Peter B. Collins Presents Russell Tice

As the political theater in Washington fades, we talk about the phony reforms of the “USA Freedom Act” versus the ongoing, expansive surveillance by NSA and FBI, with recent revelations of the FBI’s fleet of Cessna planes with high tech monitoring capabilities and the warrantless interception of internet signals at borders that Obama information’s going to use it for their benefit”.

FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities

We Are Change

Source: Associated Press

The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cellphone surveillance technology – all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government, The Associated Press has learned.

Governments Gone Insane Charging $400 To Feed The Homeless

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski travels to Los Angeles California to talk to the cloud 9 organization that has been helping the homeless on there own dime and time. Cloud 9 recently had the government show up at their charity events and demand they pay over $400 for a permit in order to help the homeless. Please share this story in the hopes that it brings so much outrage that it can stop the governments ludicrous actions against people making a difference

Texas SWAT Throws Grenade into 81-Year-Old Innocent Man’s Home

We Are Change

Source: Sputnik News

An 81-year-old Texas man filed a lawsuit claiming the local law enforcement SWAT team stormed his home, threw him to the ground and broke his hip, then left him injured and unable to call for help.

Cop and His Supportive Wife Charged for Locking Children in Room for Years, Tortured and Starved Them

We Are Change

Source: Filming Cops

A police chief and his supportive wife have been named in a disturbing report involving the torture and abuse of four children.

School Sparks Outrage After Isolating Student in Frigid Solitary Confinement

We Are Change

Source: Infowars

A school in Texas has defended its use of a frigid “focus room” where one child claims to have been isolated for more than two days.

Classic WhoWhatWhy: Police State Gears Up

BearCat in Boston lockdown.

BearCat in Boston lockdown.

If you’re a small town or perhaps a university security department, the US Department of Defense has got a deal for you!

Video: Community Stops NYPD From Arresting 14 Year Old

We Are Change

Source: Alternet

On May 14, copwatcher Michael Barber of the Copwatch Patrol Unit was out doing a great public service in which he frequently engages – filming the police.  As he was doing so, he captured something absolutely amazing.

RadioWhoWhatWhy: Civil Unrest and the Violation of Civil Liberties

2Shawn Carrie is a New York-based journalist who, while covering the Baltimore riots following the death of Freddie Gray, was shot in the head by a police pepperball and then arrested and held without being charged. When Carrie demanded that police respect his rights, police were quick to remind him that in a State of Emergency his constitutional rights “go out the window.”

Federal Bill Would Require ALL Public School Students be Vaccinated

We Are Change

Source: Prison Planet

A bill introduced at the federal level earlier this month would require all children attending public and secondary schools nationwide to be immunized as prescribed by the CDC.

BREAKING: Witness Speaks Out On LAPD Police Murder

We Are Change

In this video, Luke Rudkowski is in Venice Beach California investigating the recent death of Brendon Glenn aka drizzle. Brendon was an 29 year old homeless man who was unarmed during the altercation with police. LAPD shot him two times and took his life.
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CNN’s Don Lemon Calls Cops On Independent Media

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski tracks down a Baltimore CNN crew after finding out from the police, that the news organization called the cops on them and wanted charges to be pressed on for “impersonating the press”
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ISIS Claims Responsibility For First US Attack

We Are Change

[Before going into the Telegraph’s article, I recommend you check out WRC videos on the true origins of ISIS and its implications on the global geopolitical scale. If it were not for the US and many other parties, there would be NO ISIS]

Baltimore Riot Police Kidnap Activist During Curfew

Cops Punch And Arrest Man For Talking In Amsterdam

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski see’s a situation unfolding on the streets of Amsterdam and films this encounter with a man who was punched and dragged to the floor for talking to an officer.

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“Bloggers” Compared to ISIS: The War on Alternative News Rages on

RadioWHO: The Longest-Running War in America’s History—Rebecca Gordon

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations Uniform Crime Reports, a person in the U.S. is arrested for cannabis violations approximately every 40 seconds.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations Uniform Crime Reports, a person in the U.S. is arrested for cannabis violations approximately every 40 seconds.

Canada fury: Week of austerity protests brings tens of thousands onto Quebec streets

Canada cops unleash tear gas at close range on anti-austerity protesters in Quebec

We Are Change

Police unleash close-range tear gas in the faces of protesters, some of whom were caught near a scuffle outside the Candaian National Assembly building in Quebec City. The protesters had gathered to voice opposition to government austerity policies.

Surveillance and Oppression We Can Believe In

Sometimes, pictures speak louder than words. With the news that the Obama Administration is the most secretive in U.S. history, this picture should make it even more clear what the administration’s definition of hope is:

Historic Bill Introduced By Three US Senators: End Federal Prohibition Of Medical Cannabis

Tindring Your Lawyer While CopBlocking

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews Orion Martin Co Founder of the SideKik app that will find the closet lawyer near you during police interactions and live stream the whole ordeal. SideKik is a new crowdfunding campaign that recently went live for the app Sidekik – an app which will give people a powerful tool in their dealings with the police state.
Check out our 2nd channel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c

Man With No Criminal Record Facing Life in Prison for Facebook Post

We Are Change

SOURCE: The Free Thought Project

San Diego, Calif. – In an almost unbelievable case, a man with no criminal record, Aaron Harvey, is facing the possibility of life in prison for allegedly benefiting from the crimes of a gang.

His alleged crime was posting pictures to Facebook in which he is allegedly flashing gang signs.

WhoWhatWhy Live: Boston Bombing Victims, the FBI Video and Black Backpacks

The prosecution trots out marathon bombing victims, FBI testimony about a still-unseen "smoking gun" video, and the case of the black backpacks arises again. WhoWhatWhy Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker reports live from the federal courthouse in Boston.

The post WhoWhatWhy Live: Boston Bombing Victims, the FBI Video and Black Backpacks appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

Citizen Pulls Cop Over, Gives Warning.

We Are Change

Gavin Seim pulls over a Grant County WA deputy for an unmarked car violation. Details here: bit.ly/1syLD3v. See the uncut video here: http://youtu.be/DPtudZ3R6U4.

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