Border Police officers hailed as heroes after shooting prone assailant.
Bennett blesses street executions of Palestinians
Trump lève 1 milliard de dollars pour Truth Social
Explosions dans la base US d'Al-Tanf
Pécresse, l’héritière sous contrôle
December Open Thread (2021)
What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett (video)
The Sorry State of the GOP’s Performance Artist Caucus
Revue de presse du 05/12/2021
“Never Seen Anything Like It”: Los Angeles Residents Stunned As Violent Crimes Creep Into Wealthier Communities
DSA fails Palestine test by giving Jamaal Bowman a pass
Russia Preparing 175,000 Troops for Ukraine Offensive, U.S. Intelligence Now Claims
Washington favorable à un régime militaire au Liban
Macron apporte la tête de Cordahi à MBS
Trump’s Supreme Court Clearly Pro-No Choice on Abortion
DETTE PUBLIQUE : travailler PLUS pour rembourser PLUS ?
Joseph Stiglitz : « L’OMC doit adopter une dérogation sur la propriété intellectuelle des vaccins »
Israel kills and "honors" people with disabilities
FDA Expedites Review Process for New Omicron-Targeted Injections and Drugs
TSA Requires Railways and Airports to Strengthen Cybersecurity
Palestine in Pictures: November 2021
Over 42,000 Adverse Reaction Reports Revealed in First Batch of Pfizer Documents Released by the FDA
Our Failed Public Health System Dared COVID to Attack Us
What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett #082
Writing A New Narrative - #SolutionsWatch (video)
The Great Conspiracy Debate on Grand Theft World (video)
La canditaure de Saïf el-Islam Kadhafi rétablie
Climat : La pollution militaire est le cadavre dans le placard de l’Occident
L’affaire Julian Assange – Conférence de Laurent Dauré
Twitter Slaps “Unsafe Link” Label on American Heart Association mRNA Vaccine Warning
Judo, violences conjugales et refuge israélien
The Rogan Kitchen Sink Explained!
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! You Won’t Believe Who Got It…
Great Expectations
Exxon Sets New Emissions Goals for 2030
Business de la dissidence : 5000 euros mensuels pour Soral
Promue par le clan Macron, Rachel Khan soutient les nettoyeurs ethniques du KKL
L’imposture Rokhaya Diallo
Germany Imposes Nationwide Lockdown for the Unvaccinated
Ciotti ou la victoire du national-sionisme
Masonic Rapsody
Good Goy
Ulcan en procès : l’infinie délicatesse des journalopes
Les États-Unis protègent les tueurs par drones et persécutent les lanceurs d’alerte
John Pilger : « Justice pour Assange veut dire justice pour tous »
Three Aboriginal Teens Arrested After Escaping From Quarantine Facility in Australia
Prisons in New York City Face Crippling Staff Shortages as Thousands Defy Mayor’s Mandate
What I Think Really Happened To Trump
INSANE: They’re Calling For The Military To ENFORCE It!
Parents Struggle to Find Clothing for Children With Disabilities
World’s Vast Networks of Underground Fungi to Be Mapped for First Time
Police Bodycam Footage of MSNBC “Producer” Who Followed Rittenhouse Jury Way Worse Than Reported
Why Jordanian people are protesting pact with UAE, Israel
Gestes barrières, disent-ils
Xiomara Castro élue au Honduras
Jim Cramer Demands Biden Impose Military-Enforced COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for All Americans
Dégénération Zemmour
Lalanne et moi
Procès de Ghislaine Maxwell : l’omerta française
Leaked emails prove EU tries to hide truth about Palestine police "mission"
L’obsession d’Israël pour l’Iran est un danger pour les intérêts américains
La Compil’ de la Semaine
Major Canadian academic group rejects Israel lobby's anti-Semitism definition
Writing A New Narrative - #SolutionsWatch
Epstein’s Pilot Names Names, Recalls Shuttling Clinton, Trump, Kevin Spacey and Prince Andrew
Future Plans & Annual ReVAX Now!??
WOW! They’re Exploiting This To UNTHINKABLE Levels…
Humans and Jaguars Can Live Together — Here’s How
Google Play Apps Downloaded 300,000 Times Stole Bank Credentials
Où nous conduit l'axe Rome-Paris, par Manlio Dinucci
Jack Dorsey viré de Twitter
The Second Day of Ghislaine Maxwell’s Trial: Testimony of “Lolita Express” Pilot Continues
Moderna CEO Admits Vaccine Won’t Work Well for Omicron; Regeneron’s Treatment Also Needs Modification
Help us defeat Israeli apartheid #GivingTuesday
Republicans in Congress Vie for Kyle Rittenhouse’s Services
L'Union européenne amorce sa dissolution, par Thierry Meyssan
Venezuela : Des documents révèlent que les États-Unis sont intervenus dans les élections
Mali : le bal des prétendants – par Alain Juillet
The First Day of Ghislaine Maxwell’s Trial: Everything You Need to Know
HUGE! They’re Hiding The Truth About Her Trial!
4 Theories To Entertain Here!
White House Quietly Delays COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Another Federal Judge Objects
Australia’s Barrier Reef Erupts in Color as Corals Spawn
Will Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Reveal Jeffrey Epstein Secrets?
Les États-Unis ont tout à perdre en choisissant l’inaction face à Israël
Pourquoi la Russie s’éloigne de l’OTAN et de l’Union européenne
Jussie Smollett Criminal Trial Begins Monday for Alleged Hate-Crime Hoax
The Next Threat: DNA Exploitation
The World is “Panicking Unnecessarily” About Omicron Variant, Says Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Variant
Cyberflicage des opposants égyptiens : un partenariat franco-israélien
Laïcité, disent-ils
3ème dose
Omicron is “as Dangerous as Ebola”: World Medical Association Demands Lockdowns, Compulsory Jabs
U.S. Says “All Options” on Table Over Alleged “Russian Invasion” Threat to Ukraine
Competitors Are Watching the US in Turmoil
Facebook devient Meta et souhaite monétiser toute votre existence
Revue de presse : On a besoin de vous !
Traité du Quirinal
‘Right To Repair’ Is a Fight for a Certain Kind of Freedom
Comment les réseaux sociaux ont détruit la démocratie
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