November Open Thread (2021)
We Will Not Comply! - New World Next Week (video)
Revue de presse du 31/10/2021
Lincoln Project Democrat Operatives Busted for White Nationalist Hoax
POURQUOI LES PRIX AUGMENTENT ? Le principe de l’inflation – La Chronique de Farah
A leurs risques et périls, les États-Unis poussent la Chine dans les bras de la Russie
Tough choices for Biden administration: Which empty words to approve?
Latest Lancet Study Exposes Limits of Vaccines at Preventing COVID-19
Israel puts Gaza's deaf people in extreme danger
Israel told EU in advance of plan to label rights groups "terrorist"
Lieberman reconnaît la véritable raison de la guerre US contre l'Iraq
Now Biden Wants to Give Separated Illegal Immigrants $450,000 per Person
Summer raids on rights groups foreshadowed “terrorist” designation
Terrorisme : Comment les entreprises de défense ont gagné la guerre
Journaliste sous les balles ? Régis Le Sommier – Thinkerview
Libye, l’héritage de Kadhafi – ARTE
Interview 1670 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
They Want You Alone, Poor, Sad, and Unhealthy!
WHOA! Australia Just Made a SHOCKING Decision…
Weapons trade with Saudis and Israel must be disrupted
Noam Chomsky pour l'isolation obligatoire des non-vaccinés
Gorges Soros créé « Good Information Inc. »
Conclusions du Conseil européen sur l'épidémie de Covid-19
AUKUS : Biden attise les tensions avec la Chine en signant l’accord sur les sous-marins nucléaires
Affaire Julian Assange : Visioconférence de Laurent Dauré – Mardi 9 Novembre
Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Florida Congressman Worked for CNN, ABC, NBC
Soutenez le Réseau Voltaire !, par Thierry Meyssan
U.S. “Assures” London Court That Julian Assange Can Serve All Prison Time in Australia
Its A Critical Time Now!
UNBELIEVABLE: The Nightmarish Orwellian Takeover Is REAL!
Substitute RACIST for SUGAR and you’ll get the long and short of Cancel Culture:
Interview 1669 - James Corbett Talks Power, Narrative and Conspiracy
How to Disarm Propaganda - #SolutionsWatch (video)
But What About Deagel? - Questions For Corbett (video)
Substitute RACIST for SUGAR and You’ll Get the Long and Short of Cancel Culture
Noam Chomsky : Les citoyens doivent détenir le pouvoir de mettre fin aux guerres
NIH Director Shredded Over Risky Virus Research in Wuhan After CNN Interview Goes Sideways
The Amish Really Did It Right!?
WHOA! They’re Obliterating Their Own Narrative!
Does Sinn Féin fully support a boycott of Israel?
EU enables Israeli attack on Palestinian groups
Meet Sabrina Miller, the student who waged a campus war for Israel
La Russie prépare le lever de rideau, par Thierry Meyssan
Des milliards d'euros pour « innover » l'Otan nucléaire, par Manlio Dinucci
How to Disarm Propaganda - Mark Crispin Miller on #SolutionsWatch
Your The Hero Of Your Own Movie, Make It A Good One!
BOMBSHELL: This Fauci Experiment Is SICK!
Online Media: The Promise and the Peril
ClandesTime 223 – The Code
Suspect in US Spy Case Keeps Quoting from CIA-Supported Movie The Courier
“Build Back… You Know, the Thing”: Americans Have No Idea What Biden is Talking About
NIH Scrubs ‘Gain-of-Function’ Definition From Website After Wuhan Bombshells, Rand Paul Vindicated
It's time for General Mills to quit the settlements
Israel declares war on Palestinian rights groups
Why Sally Rooney's critics are wrong
David Miller was cleared of anti-Semitism, leaked document shows
Video of Mystery Man Goading Trump Supporters to ‘Enter Capitol’ Surfaces
Children with CF shortchanged by Gaza siege
‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Rap Kicks Into Overdrive as Dancing Fans Go Mega Viral With #LetsGoBrandonChallenge
But What About Deagel? - Questions For Corbett #080
The Bystander Effect - #SolutionsWatch (video)
Buckle Up! It’s ALL Crashing Now By DESIGN!
Speak Your Truth No Matter What!
Bachar el-Assad n'est plus infréquentable
Réchauffement entre les Etats-Unis et l'Arabie saoudite
Israel kills child and steals his body
NIH Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Experiments; Gives EcoHealth Five Days to Report Data
100 days without food in a fight for freedom
How Dutch Israel lobby attacks free speech
Putin Orders Workers Home for One Week Amid Record COVID-19 Surge
The Rock – Tom on Fortress on a Hill
I Hope Everyone Is Ready For A Dark Winter!
INSANITY! They’re Coming After Your Kids Now…
White House Announces Plan to “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Ages 5-11
How Facebook helps Israel hide its crimes
Over 180 San Francisco City Officials, Including Police and Sheriff Employees, Placed on Leave for Not Being Vaccinated
Dozens of Top Nuclear Scientists With “Highest Security Clearances” Being Fired From Los Alamos Lab After Vax Mandate
Facebook Adds to Its Orwellian Content Moderation by Protecting Activists and Journalists From “Bullying”
The Bystander Effect - #SolutionsWatch
Iain Davis Dissects the Pseudopandemic (video)
Not All Hope Is Lost: This Is Just The Begining!
HUGE: Southwest Actually Stands DOWN!
CNN Accidentally Allowed Someone to Tell the Truth on Air
Chicago Mayor Accuses Police Union of Trying to “Induce an Insurrection” Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Le Mali accuse la France de former les terroristes qu'elle combat
Amazon and Google: partners in Israeli apartheid
Le système économique occidental touche à sa fin, par Thierry Meyssan
‘Hypocrite’ Joe Biden Caught Violating DC’s Mask Mandate at Restaurant
PREPLANNED: They’re Deliberately Making It Worse!
Some Prepper Tips and Info They Don’t Want You To Know
Netherlands rewards Israel for killing Gaza children
Israel to exile Palestinian-French human rights lawyer
Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête…, par Valentin Vasilescu
Interview 1668 - Iain Davis Dissects the Pseudopandemic
Merck Pills, Alberta Vaxx Pass, FreeTheNationMusic
SHOWDOWN! The Massive Uprising Has Come To THIS!
ClandesTime 222 – Iron Man
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