Source : Thinkerview – YouTube
Pas de prison pour les grands escrocs ? Renaud Van Ruymbeke
Israel lobby group ADL teams up with PayPal
I’m Trying To Give You My Super Powers!
They’re Destroying It ALL And Going To Lock Us Down AGAIN!?
Voor onze ogen, par Thierry Meyssan
Zoom Reaches $85M Tentative Settlement on User Privacy, ‘Zoombombing’
Cuomo Demands Private Businesses Ban Unvaccinated Customers
YouTube Pirate Streams – #SolutionsWatch
In a Drier Future, What’s the Best Way to Secure Water?
Pentagon Papers #01 : La révélation du rapport top secret au Congrès
« Terroristes politiques » : Un document militaire américain place socialistes et néo-nazis dans la même catégorie
BOMBSHELL: Their Narrative Is Crumbling! People Are Waking Up!
August Open Thread
Black Market Fridays – #SolutionsWatch (video)
Hunter Biden’s ‘Art’ Doesn’t Paint a Pretty Picture
Burkina Faso : En 10 ans, le gouvernement américain a anéanti le pays
Revue de presse du 01/08/2021
Mexico’s President “Won’t Be Held Hostage” by Big Pharma, Rejects COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids
Countdown to the Next Lockdown: Biden Says What Nobody Wants to Hear
The Republican Tourist Trap
Pourquoi l’Occident ignore toujours les terroristes au sein de ses alliés ? – par Paul Pillar
My Farewell Announcement
Black market Fridays – #SolutionsWatch
“The War Has Changed”: Leaked CDC Report Claims Delta Spreads as Easily as “Chickenpox”
Protesters Rage, NATO Expands, Big Pharma Recalls – New World Next Week
Shark Sightings Off NY’s Coast Are Linked to Climate Change, Scientists Say
Criminalizing Mental Illness
En un an, les 50 familles les plus riches d’Amérique ont doublé leur richesse
Pegasus : Une arme terrifiante de surveillance totale
UNBELIEVABLE! They Just Showed It’s All A Sham!
Israel kills child out shopping with his dad
You Need To Do This Or Your A DlCK
Interview 1653 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Algerian olympian punished for refusing match with Israeli
Joking Towards Bethlehem: What If Climate Change Were Actually Funny?
‘Disinfo Kills’: Protesters Demand Facebook Act to Stop Vaccine Falsehoods
The CIA’s Argo File
Bereaved and abandoned
Sydney Sends in Military to Help Enforce Lockdown Amid Record Jump in Cases
First Amendment gets frozen out as US politicians threaten to lick Ben & Jerry's
In Transit (Chicago)
Noam Chomsky : « Les intellectuels et les « responsables » suivent en réalité les diktats du pouvoir privé »
How an Enemy Combatant Became a Comrade-in-Arms
A wonderful email from a family of ex-Maoists
Can Putin Benefit From Biden’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan?
BREAKING: They’re Taking Away Your Choice!
Another Video That They Do NOT Want You To See!
Enlist the Oceans to Combat Climate Change, Experts and Advocates Urge
Dr. Fauci Insists CDC “Didn’t Flip Flop” as He Tries to Shift Focus on Children
A correspondent comment on the state of American Jewry
Israel’s Culture Ministry and The Operative
Trauma is constant for Gaza's children
The Grim Reaper Becomes the Life of the Grand Old Party
Irak-Syrie : Les récents bombardements américains sont manifestement inconstitutionnels
Lectures estivales, parfois radicales – Politikon
Labour Party threatens to sue activist over criticism of Israel debate ban
I Think We Are Finding Out Why They Really Want You To Take This!
Regulator vindicates Channel 4 over interview of British Palestinians
Texas House Speaker Issues First Arrest Warrant for Fugitive Democrat Who Fled State
CDC Reverses Guidance, Will Recommend Wearing of Masks Indoors for Fully Vaccinated
Voting Curbs Enacted in 18 States in 2021 Despite None Finding Widespread Fraud
Restaurants and Delivery Apps: Friends or Foes?
Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch (video)
La France : du fantasme colonial au désastre, par Thierry Meyssan
La laïcité : un principe intangible, une application en débat – par Eric Juillot
Les Autoritaires : L’échelle du fascisme – Horizon Gull – Partie 2
French Intelligence Warned Obama State Department About Wuhan Lab in 2015: Former U.S. Official
Israeli gunfire takes lives of two more Palestinian teens
Where This Is All Going
The UPRISING might already be TOO late…
Ron Paul: The Jan. 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us
Why You Should Stop Using This ‘Dangerous’ Wi-Fi Setting On Your iPhone
Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch
Can Puget Sound’s Orcas and Salmon Survive Seattle’s Dams?
Malgré le départ de Netanyahu, rien n’a changé pour les Palestiniens
Adrexo : La Macronie au cœur d’un scandale d’État
Why is the CDC Quietly Abandoning the PCR Test?
HUGE: The Massive Uprising Has Gone Global!
Meet The REAL Disinformation Dozen
Soros Gates, Scamlympics, Foo Pfizers – New World Next Week
Killing Their Own With Disinformation
Non, les nazis n’étaient pas des « socialistes ». Il les haïssaient.
Revue de presse du 25/07/2021
Climate Emergency? Chill Out Already
Jusqu’à la fin, Donald Rumsfeld n’aura jamais eu à répondre de ses crimes
Israeli Data Shows Pfizer Jab Now Only 39% Effective at Stopping Delta Variant
Heat Shatters Vision of Pacific Northwest as Climate Change Refuge
The Second American Revolution — Will It Ever Be Won?
Moyen-Orient : Les bombardements de Biden profitent uniquement à l’industrie de l’armement – par Glenn Greenwald
Les Autoritaires – Horizon Gull – Partie 1
The Pandemic Was Bad for Workers. Can Shareholders Turn Things Around?
Interview 1652 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
World Ivermectin Day This Saturday! Here’s What You Need to Know
Strange How Conservatives All Said The Same Really Bad Things This Week!
CREEPY! The Truth Is SO MUCH DARKER Than We Know!
Democrats Block COVID Origins Declassification Bill as China Refuses to Cooperate With 2nd WHO Probe
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