Bella Hadid accused of “charged language” simply for defending Palestinian rights.
CNN attacks advocates of equal rights
Rapid Growth in Arizona’s Suburbs Bets Against an Uncertain Water Supply
Video: The bombs Israel leaves in Gaza
Democrat From Infamous ‘Maskless Flight’ Photo Calls for “Universal Mask-Wearing”
Europe 1 : Quand des milliardaires transforment une radio en Fox News
Chili : Le peuple chilien vote la fin du néolibéralisme
They Definitely Don’t Want You To Know This!
Rand Paul Asks DoJ to Investigate Fauci for Lying to Congress
Israel melts down over Ben & Jerry's
Pentagon Tracking “Extremist” Web Searches Like “The Truth About BLM”
How Israel slowly suffocates Gaza
Harmful Western Wildfire Smoke Reaches East Coast
Throwing the Book at Trump
Abstention : le rejet d’une démocratie devenue formelle ? – par Eric Juillot
La Compil’ de la Semaine
Research Tools You Should Know About – #SolutionsWatch (video)
This Is Being Done DELIBERATELY!
Its Not What You Think
“You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About”: Frazzled Fauci Erupts After Latest Rand Paul Grilling
Why Are George Soros and Bill Gates Buying UK COVID Testing Company?
Here’s What You Should Know About Pegasus Spyware
Vaccinated Pelosi Aide, White House Official Who Welcomed Fugitive Texas Democrats Test Positive for SARS-CoV-2
Israel forces food to rot in Gaza
Research Tools You Should Know About – #SolutionsWatch
COVID-19 Around the World: Vaccine Successes and Missteps
La France, contre ses adversaires et ses alliés, par Thierry Meyssan
Un témoin clé du procès Assange avoue avoir inventé ses accusations
Interdit d’interdire – Une souveraineté numérique européenne est-elle possible ?
Biden Backtracks on Facebook “Killing People” as Fauci Urges Americans to Listen to “Trusted Messengers”
Why Israel isn't different from "the settlements"
WOW Another Thing We Can Only Discuss Privately!
Why isn't Israel held accountable for spying on journalists?
WOW! The MASSIVE Uprising Is Spreading!
Hubble Space Telescope Fixed After Month of No Science
BOMBSHELL: Israeli Spyware Found on Phones of Thousands of Politicians, Activists & Journalists
For Carbon Capture, Invasive Trees Can Do More Harm Than Good
Noam Chomsky : « Les élites se livrent en permanence à une sournoise guerre des classes »
Marginalisation médiatique de Julian Assange : les œillères de France Inter
HUGE: Massive Uprising in France Has Begun!
CDC Scrambles After Rare Case of Monkeypox Turns Up in Texas
Interview With A Coma Victim
The Big Bang Theory — Why Billionaires Should Go to Space
Taïwan : Daniel Ellsberg révèle la réalité du risque de guerre nucléaire en 1958
Revue de presse du 18/07/2021
“This is Worrying Me Quite a Bit”: mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Data Showing Surge in Most-Vaxxed Countries
Trump’s Biggest Problem Might Be His Lenders, Not Prosecutors
Why Aren’t Red States Red-Faced About COVID-19 Outbreaks?
Colombie : Le gouvernement s’appuie sur la fore brute pour rester au pouvoir
More Than 150 Companies Urge US Congress to Pass Lewis Voting Rights Act
Bill Clinton Took Two Previously Undisclosed Trips Abroad With Ghislaine Maxwell
South African President Claims Social Unrest Was “Planned” as 25,000 Troops Deployed
Haiti: Can a Vibrant Culture Save a Failed State?
Chez Amazon, des accidents du travail 2 fois supérieurs à la moyenne du secteur
Terres rares : maxi-pollution pour hautes technologies
Move Faster to Cut Emissions, Developing World Tells Rich Nations
A third of young US Jews see Israel as genocidal, poll finds
Not All Hope Is Lost
CREEPY! There’s NO WAY This Is A Coincidence!
Interview 1651 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
YouTube Pulls Live Feed of Arizona State Senate Election Audit Hearing
“It’s a War Zone”: South Africa to Deploy 25,000 Troops as Country on Brink of Civil War
Like China, Like the US: The Summer of Silenced Speech
Israel's killer robots go on display at Greek weapons fair
Comment Politico et le New York Times font passer des opinions bellicistes pour des faits
La crise de la dette stagflationniste qui nous attend
Yellow Vests Are Back, Enough is Enough!
Wooing Democrats, Yair Lapid embraces racism
What You’re Not Being Told About Cuba is HUGE!
Over 70 Killed as South Africa “Crumbles” Despite Military Intervention
Ransomware Gang’s Websites Disappear From Internet
Whitewashing History
How the Palestinian Authority manages dissent
Yémen : Les Émirats arabes unis prennent le contrôle de plusieurs îles stratégiques
La Compil’ de la Semaine
We Are Very Lucky
Teaching Children About Liberty – #SolutionsWatch (video)
INSANE!!! They Want To STOP Your Private Messages
Israel denies Khalida Jarrar a final farewell to daughter
UN, EU and World Bank back siege on Gaza
Technology Boosts Efforts to Curb Tree Loss in Amazon: Study
Teaching Children About Liberty – #SolutionsWatch
La course nucléaire s'accélère, par Manlio Dinucci
Farm to Factory: Big Ag’s Manure Machine, Part 2
Des fausses accusations au vrai massacre, par Thierry Meyssan
Older people "escape death" at Israel's hands
BCE, Sommet UE-Russie et Endettement : Dernières nouvelles de Bruxelles – par Eric Juillot
Adrexo, affaire d’État : le parjure de Darmanin
Fauci Calls for “More Vaccine Mandates at the Local Level,” Slams Alex Berenson for Spreading Facts
WARNING! The Intelligence Agencies Are At It Again!
The Government Is Acting More Deranged!!!
Why Israel is trying to steal Silwan from Palestinians
Podcast Ep 42: On the front lines of action for Palestine
Can Facial Analysis Tech Help Create a Child-Safe Internet?
Virginia Governor Race Harbinger for Upcoming Elections
Extrême droite juive et flics véreux : la connexion secrète
Dimanche : le contact alien ?
Beita forces settlers to evacuate ... for now
FBI Wants Family Members to Snitch on Each Other to Prevent “Homegrown Extremism”
Assange et l’effondrement de l’État de droit – par Chris Hedges
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