With Hunter Biden on a serious image rehabilitation tour – a ‘tell all’ book combined with television interviews from friendly outlets designed to invoke pity over the First Son’s crack and hooker habits, the Daily Mail is now telling the rest of the story regarding the contents of his abandoned laptop after Hunter admitted it ‘certainly’ could be his in a Sunday interview with CBS.
Daily Mail Exposes Hunter Biden Bombshells After ‘Tell-All’ Book Holds Back
Mission Accomplished: The Corbett Report Removed From YouTube
Chine : La puissance navale de Pékin prend l’ascendant sur l’US Navy
Revue de presse du 11/04/2021
Pierre Tolstoï : « L’UE doit arrêter de donner des leçons à la Russie »
[RussEurope-en-exil] Quelle sortie de la crise pour la Russie ? par Jacques Sapir
Science Says (video)
Charlie Hebdo ou l’anticléricalisme à géométrie variable
La vérité sur le « sofagate » d'Ankara, par Thierry Meyssan
Un prince anglais au service de Sion
Autobiography of a Sock Puppet: The Mike Pence Story
Qu’est-ce qu’un « allié des États-Unis » au Moyen-Orient ?
Covid-19 : Certaines formes graves ont-t-elles un impact sur la fertilité masculine ?
US restores less than half of pre-Trump funding to UNRWA
Pasqua, Israël, 11-Septembre, Bernard Arnault : les barbouzeries de Brisard
Juan Branco, sous sponsoring sioniste
Vincent Lapierre fait (encore) sa diva
11-Septembre : le courage du Daily Mail
Bloqué par Rokhaya Dialllo, VRP du drone-killer Obama
Anticomplotisme : le business de Thomas Huchon
New Hampshire Republicans Attempt to Suppress Youth Vote
AOC panders to Israel lobby
Roughly 500 Ballots Challenged in Amazon’s Landmark Union Election
Intervention de Charles Michel à l'issue de sa rencontre avec Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, par Charles Michel
Episode 398 – Science Says
Florence Parly, ministre des armées, annonce la prise de commandement d'une Task force (TF) américaine par la France
How Do I Find Broken Links? – QFC #075 (video)
Ouverture des archives présidentielles relatives au Rwanda entre 1990 et 1994
Software Could End the World
Threatened by cultural defiance, Israel throws dancer in prison
"High-level" Israel lobby interference in British politics, says ex-minister
Covid-19 : Un début d’amélioration de la situation ? Par Olivier Berruyer
Affaire Khashoggi : Joe Biden ferme les yeux sur la culpabilité du prince saoudien
Assassinat de Jamal Khashoggi : « The Dissident », le documentaire choc qui pointe la responsabilité de Mohamed Ben Salmane
“Ready to Respond”: US Mulls Sending Warships to Black Sea to “Send Message” to Russia
Veteran Intelligence Officials Issue Letter to Biden Urging Him to Avoid War in Ukraine
Biden picks up Trump's Arab-Israel normalization torch
Everything I Couldn’t Say On Youtube Today
They’re Making It Mandatory?!?
Biden Plans to Crack Down on ‘Ghost Guns’ With Action Today
I Learned It By Watching You
Podcast Ep 33: The Israel lobby's war on ethnic studies
Interview: Norman Finkelstein on the Holocaust Industry
Yemen is not starving — it is being starved.
Émeutes unionistes en Irlande du Nord
Scientists Call BS on WHO’s Wuhan ‘Investigation’ — Demand Legitimate Probe With or Without China
US Agrees to Withdraw “Remaining Combat Troops” From Iraq
UNRWA cost cutting measures hitting vulnerable people hard
Holocaust Remembrance Day
La guerre navale entre Israël et l'Iran
Frappes américaines en Syrie : Biden entretient un cycle de guerres sans fin
Covid longs : Le Dr Fauci lance une initiative nationale pour étudier les symptômes et séquelles
Fake State : Quand l’État devient l’esclave du marché
How Do I Find Broken Links? – Questions For Corbett #075
Stand in the Park – #SolutionsWatch (video)
MASSIVE Maxwell Discovery – What Does It Mean??
I Would Get Banned If I Showed You This
Palestine Action's "Elbit Six" could face trial
Hunter Biden reconnaît ce que les services secrets US avaient nié à son sujet
Your Diet Is Cooking the Planet — but Two Simple Changes Can Help
246 “Fully Vaccinated” Michigan Residents Catch COVID-19, 3 Die
Will the Post Office Make a Comeback?
“Don’t Tread on Our Freedom”: Texas Joins Resistance Against Vaccine Passports
How the Trump Money Train Took Grandma for a Ride
États-Unis : La diabolisation de la Chine ne peut qu’amener davantage de tensions
La Compil’ de la Semaine
Les damnés de la Commune | ARTE
Ukraine’s Zelensky: “NATO Membership is the Only Way to End War in Donbass”
AstraZeneca Trial With Kids Halted as Officials Admit Link Between Jab and Deadly Blood Clots
Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian motorist and injure his wife
They were WRONG all along…
Ron Paul: Why is the Biden Administration Pushing Ukraine to Attack Russia?
Delicious Turmeric and Its Amazing Healing Powers
La mosquée centrale de Madrid finançait Al-Qaëda
Wildlife Diversity Is Essential for Our Health: Study
Dr. Fauci Can’t Explain Why Texas Cases Keep Dropping Despite Reopening
Did France's Libération silence author Sarah Schulman over Gaza?
Fauci Says Federal Government Won’t Mandate Vaccine Passports
The Potential and Pitfalls of Mexico’s Marijuana Moment
Joe Biden recrute les alliés, par Manlio Dinucci
La stratégie de Sécurité nationale du président Biden, par Thierry Meyssan
Stand in the Park – #SolutionsWatch
Les 10 premières erreurs de Joe Biden en politique étrangère
Un nouveau monde bipolaire ? par Pascal Boniface
“Gestapo Not Allowed Here!” Viral Video Shows Canadian Pastor Barring ‘COVID Police’ From Entering Church
“It Was Intentionally False”: 60 Minutes Slammed for Fabricating “Pay-for-Play” Narrative Against Florida Gov. DeSantis
These People Are Not Your Friends and You Need To Realize IT!
Putin Drops Bombshell
Jagmeet Singh's cowardice on Palestine sparks Canadian backlash
Biden Administration “on Alert” Over Russian “Saber Rattling in Eastern Europe and Arctic”
Fake Unemployment Benefit Websites Preying On Laid-Off Workers, Experts Warn
Latinx Authors Find the Bookshelves Blocked
Un maintien des troupes américaines en Afghanistan pourrait coûter 49 milliards de dollars
Yémen : Les Émirats arabes unis opèrent un retrait tactique de la région
My Advice To You On The Most Important Thing To Do
You WON’T Believe What They’re Doing To CHURCHES!
April Open Thread
UK to Roll Out ‘COVID Passports’ for Sporting and Music Events
“Brutal” Abuse of Power: Watch as UK Police Break Up “Unlawful Gathering” Easter Service in London
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