Florida residents located within a one of a phosphate processing plant in Manatee County were evacuated this weekend as officials warned that a pond containing radioactive wastewater could collapse “at any time,” according to CBS News.
State of Emergency Declared in Florida: Millions of Gallons of “Radioactive Wastewater” Could Collapse “at Any Time”
“Tweeting is Easy, Governing is Hard”: New Study Deems AOC Among “Least Effective” Lawmakers
Billions and Billions Self-Served
« Poutine le tueur sans âme » : Quand la diplomatie américaine préfère la provocation à la défense des intérêts réels du peuple américain
Revue de presse du 04/04/2021
Pérou : l’or à tout prix | ARTE
Hawaii Unveils COVID-19 Vaccine Passports for Inter-Island Travel
Netherlands Latest to Halt AstraZeneca Jab as Australia Admits “Likely” Blood Clot Link
As Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale Pleads Guilty, Advocates Warn of “Profound Threat” to Free Press
Where Has Vaccine Distribution Left Us?
Matt Gaetz: The Agony and the Ecstasy
Pentagone : Pourquoi Joe Biden ne réduira pas le budget de la Défense
Ni victimes ni bourreaux – Albert Camus, Combat, 1948
Diabète, une addition salée | ARTE
State Department buries Israeli occupation in word salad
CNN ‘Medical Expert’ and CDC Want Americans’ “Freedoms” Restricted Until They Are Vaccinated
“Noah X”: Capitol Attacker Identified as Indiana Man Who Followed Nation of Islam
Russia Warns NATO Against Sending Any Troops to Ukraine as “Frightening” Escalation Looms
‘A Forest on Caffeine’: How Coffee Can Help Forests Grow Faster
Hunter Biden: Laptop “Certainly” Could Be Mine
Palestine in Pictures: March 2021
Israeli officer praised after killing mentally ill Palestinian
Police Culture Is All About Violence. Can It Be changed?
Interview 1630 – Meet Broc West
Opération Barkhane : La guerre sans fin de la France au Sahel
Covid-19 : L’importance de la transmission par aérosol
Volcans, séismes : quel avenir pour le continent asiatique ? – ARTE
A Step-by-Step Look at How Vaccine Passport Propaganda Works
Du 11-Septembre à Johnson & Johnson
GTFO Of Major Cities When You Can
Devinez où Valls a passé sa lune de miel ?
The Experts Are FREAKING Out Right NOW!
Did You Miss World Backup Day? Protect Your Data Now
Un milliardaire israélien rachète Panamza
Butler University blocks Angela Davis event
Fauci Rejects CDC Director’s “Impending Doom” View of Pandemic
Jordan-Israel normalization scheme backfires badly
Salting Your Data – #SolutionsWatch (video)
Biden Must Clean Up the Trump Pardons
Depuis 2001, les États-Unis et leurs alliés ont largué plus de 326 000 bombes et missiles à l’étranger
« Le face-à-face États-Unis/Chine nous oblige à comprendre la stratégie de notre adversaire » – par Georges Friedman
Banquier d’affaires face aux crises ? Raphaël Rossello – par Thinkerview
Which U.S. States Have Lifted COVID-19 Restrictions?
US Army Raises Europe Threat Level to “Potential Imminent Crisis” on Ukraine-Russia Fears
You Won’t Believe How Sick And Twisted Some Of These People Are!
WHOA! These Side Effects Are CRAZY!
Facebook Scrubs Trump Interview With Daughter-in-Law, Threatens New Restrictions
China Rejects Critical WHO Report, Insists COVID “Lab Leak Theory” Has Been Ruled Out
Amazon Primed for Potential Union Breakthrough
Japan’s Cherry Blossoms Reach Flowery Peak Early as Climate Warms
Affaire Epstein : l’infinie délicatesse des journalopes
L’islamo-gauchisme, bête noire du judéo-droitard Goldnadel
Microsoft et Israël : la trouble alliance
Le Pentagone classe les catholiques comme extrémistes
Who are the Israel lobbyists that want David Miller fired?
Which Side Is God on in Voting Rights Battle?
Les Frères musulmans, arbitres de la politique israélienne
Lanceurs d’alerte : En 1981, Joe Biden a voulu faire incarcérer Philip Agee, après ses révélations sur la CIA
La Compil’ de la Semaine
Le confusionnisme de Philippe Corcuff – par Henri Maler
Joe Scarborough Slams “Idiots” Who Oppose Vaccine Passports: “They’re Living in Ignorance and Stupidity”
Salting Your Data – #SolutionsWatch
Video: Gaza's beauty and struggle from above
A Lot Of People Are Faking Their Vaccine Passports!
Ghislaine Maxwell Charged But Cover-Up Continues
Amazon Faces Biggest Union Push in Its History
“Right Now I’m Scared”: CDC Director Chokes Back Tears as She Fearmongers “Impending Doom”
Russia’s Influence Abroad Is Slipping
L'armée US « défenseur » de l'Europe arrive, par Manlio Dinucci
Covid-19 : échec de l'approche occidentale, par Thierry Meyssan
Irak : La croisade sans espoir du complexe militaro-industriel – par Danny Sjursen
Projet OTAN 2030 : « Il faut stopper ce train fou avant qu’il ne soit trop tard ! »
Indonésie : La ruée vers l’étain | ARTE
Subscribercast #51 – 12 Angry Men
What A Top Level Military Dude Told Me In Secret
My mother's COVID nightmare
They Are REALLY Loving This Great Reset!
Science Panel: Consider Air-Cooling Tech as Climate Backup
Approach new definition of anti-Semitism with caution, Palestinians say
Is There a Political Will to Prevent Future Pandemics?
Interview 1629 – Red Pill Moments with James Corbett and Keith Knight
Un archive exceptionnelle : Entretien avec George Kennan – Les Dessous de la Guerre Froide (1996)
Derrière la pandémie, l’ombre du dérèglement climatique – par Chris Hedges
Frédéric Lordon : Face au désastre qui vient …
You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!
Don’t Tell Anyone About Florida, I’m Serious
Here Come The Global Vaccine Passports
Amazon Denies Workers Were Forced to Pee in Bottles — Then People Brought Receipts
Exposing Biden’s SECRET Plans!!! (video)
Save Voting Rights or the Filibuster — Three Dems Have to Choose
The ongoing Nakba in Jerusalem
Affaire Khashoggi : L’équipe d’assassins s’est déplacée grâce aux avions d’un fonds souverain saoudien
Revue de presse du 28/03/2021
Le Temps des Ouvriers – Usines, barricades, travail à la chaîne et destruction – Arte
This Week in Pandemic: Hot Mask Fashion!
Sanctuary States For Our Constitution- It’s Now Or Never
New York Crisis: Lessons in Leadership From Andrew Cuomo
COVID-19 Worldview: New York City’s Coronavirus Comeback
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