Julian Assange (22 September 2020)
As Concerns About Climate Change Rise, More Developers Choose Wood
Hunter Biden Raised ‘Counterintelligence’ Concerns, May Have Participated in Sex Trafficking: Senate Report
The Pandemic is a Test Run – #PropagandaWatch
Shakespeare in Switzerland: Keeping Theater Alive
Israel makes hundreds of Palestinians homeless during pandemic
How to Save the Library – QFC #069
L’Accord Européen (2/2) : budget en baisse & contrôle des États par la Commission en hausse
États-Unis : Le triomphe du capitalisme de monopole nuit à l’espérance de vie des travailleurs
Visibilité médiatique des différents courants politique – par Denis Piel
Trump Pushes CDC to Release COVID Vaccine Before Election, Experts Warn It’s Too Early
Trump’s Turkey-Gate-Part 1: The New Impeachment Front
Trump adviser falsely accuses Ocasio-Cortez of anti-Semitism
Exciting Announcements on National Voter Registration Day
Ann Arbor Becomes Latest City to Decriminalize “Magic” Mushrooms and Other Natural Psychedelics
They Want You To Hate Joe Rogan, Begging For More Government!
Finkelstein ranked 16th most influential political scientist , 4th for the years 2000-2020 in the US and 22nd in world. An interview on his life and career
Darker shadows of shared supremacy
At Least 8.7 Million Americans at Risk of Losing $1,200 Stimulus Checks
Facebook Will Restrict Certain Users If US Election Gets “Extremely Chaotic or Violent”
As Joe Rogan's Platform Grows, So Does the Media and Liberal Backlash. Why?
Coulibaly, les poignets joints
Omerta sur la mythomane Bougrab, veuve noire de l’affaire Charlie
The Voting Machine Monopoly — Is This Any Way to Vote?
Quand Mediapart censure Panamza
Mélenchon, lecteur de Panamza ?
Comm’ et business : de l’art d’être DRH à Charlie
#Tenue Républicaine
Israël et les Émirats signent les « Accords d'Abraham », par Thierry Meyssan
Sondage : « Quel contenu sur Les-Crises ? À vous de décider ! »
Covid-19 : Quels sont les principaux vaccins en cours de développement ?
Hiroshima : Comment un rédacteur du Times a remporté le prix Pulitzer tout en étant rétribué par Ministère de la Guerre
Interdit d’interdire – Covid-19 : le retour ?
Police Surround and Arrest Two Elderly Women Resting on Park Bench for ‘COVID Violation’
BREXIT UPDATE 60: The Internal Market Bill: the Second Reading: Guest Post by Deborah Maccoby
Huge Trove of Epstein Flight Logs to Be Revealed, “Sparking Panic” Among Pedophile’s Wealthy Friends
Pandemic strains Rafah's health services
Deutsche Bank Money Laundering Scandal Could Create Greatest Economic Crisis in History
HOLY COW: Rich Elite Traffickers Are Panicking!
In Stunning Reversal, CDC Says It Published New Guidance On “Airborne” Coronavirus “In Error”
Google to Ban Controversial Stalkerware Apps
Does Your School Rate? The Top Voting Campuses in the US
Julian Assange Update (20 September 2020)
Time for a Second Opinion
How to Save the Library – Questions For Corbett #069
Pandémie Covid-19 : où en sommes-nous en France ? (au 21 septembre)
2,000 Days After It Started, War in Yemen Poised to Turn Even More Deadly
Climat : D’ici 50 ans, la niche environnementale de l’humanité aura davantage bougé qu’en 6000 ans
Alexandra Elbakyan, la pirate des publications scientifiques
Action and Activism vs. Armchair Cyber-Junkie-ism
“We Have Arrows in Our Quiver”: Pelosi Doesn’t Rule Out Impeachment Over Supreme Court Pick
Un chantre de la remigration à Fleury-Mérogis
US Lawmakers Face War Crime Charges for Their Role in Yemen
Claims of Medical Abuse of ICE Inmates in Georgia Prompt Outrage
Bertrand Russell- Pensée libre et propagande officielle (1922)
Powell et l’Irak : Les usages et les abus des estimations du renseignement national
Glenn Greenwald Shocks With Explanation on Why Mainstream Media is Ignoring Assange Trial
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Warrior Until the End
Breath by Breath: Living by the AQI in San Francisco Bay
Renowned Historian Stephen Cohen Has Died. Remember His Urgent Warnings Against the New Cold War.
Houston, We Have a Problem
The Library of Alexandria is on Fire
NASA to Spark “Lunar Gold Rush” in Move to Break China’s Monopoly on Rare Earth Metals
Toronto : Quand la Covid-19 touche d’abord les plus pauvres
Bertrand Russell (2/2) : philosophe, mathématicien et éternel optimiste
1980 : Claude Lévi-Strauss sur l’ethnologie et l’anthropologie
ICC closes door on Gaza flotilla probe
“Absolutely Terrified” Democrats Demand Emergency Investigation Into Durham Probe
Evil Incarnate
Julian Assange Update (16 Sept 2020)
Emgage has "no courage" on Palestine, says ex-employee
All Of Our Freedoms Are On The Line With The Assange Case!
Earthquake ‘Hack’ Reveals Scale of Ocean Warming
A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets by 2021
Episode 384 – The Library of Alexandria is on Fire
Disaster in Gaza's darkness
Vote Counting, the ‘Blue Shift,’ and Electoral ‘Delay’
Racist to deny us right to oppose Zionism, British Palestinians tell Labour
Biofascist State, Partisan Vaccines, Lockdown Unconstitutional – New World Next Week
« Covid chroniques » : Un demi-million de patients concernés avec des séquelles qui durent des mois
Pourquoi le socialisme ? (1949) – par Albert Einstein
Facebook Moves to Censor Internal Debate as More Employees Quit in Protest
Convoqué par la justice pour avoir « diffamé » un soutien du Mossad
The Media Won’t Show You What’s Really Happening With China And The World Order!
Nucléaire iranien : ce que veut vraiment le président Donald Trump, par Mike Pompeo
COVID-19 May Severely Reduce Voter Turnout on College Campuses
Online Learning’s Toll on Kids’ Privacy
84 percent of Canadians want war crimes probe into Israel
Journalists Who Ignore Assange’s Trial Are Admitting They Don’t Care About Journalism
Epaminondas Tsatsis
Leaked Emails Show Nashville Officials Concealed Low COVID-19 Numbers Coming From Bars, Restaurants
La synthèse Malka
Anticomplotistes : l’inéluctable débandade
Après Drahi, Libération sous totale contrôle sioniste
Twin Crises: Coronavirus and Climate Change
Interview 1577 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Is There A Flu Shot / COVID Link? – QFC #068
Interdit d’interdire – Et après ? avec Hubert Védrine
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