A massive explosion seen along the Arab Gas Pipeline, outside Damascus early on Monday, resulting in power outages across Syria was likely an attack by Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL), according to Reuters, citing state media and the country’s energy minister.
Massive Explosion Caused by “Terrorist Attack” on Syrian Gas Pipeline Triggers Nationwide Blackout
Subscribercast #44 – Battle of the Genres
Problems with Electronic Poll Books: Scrutineers, Part IV
Interview 1571 – James Corbett Discusses The Technocratic Coup
Depuis les années 80, les pétroliers ont massacré le climat en connaissance de cause
Les idéaux américains au cœur de la procédure d’extradition de Julian Assange
Interdit d’interdire – Alain Deneault : de quoi fait-on l’économie ?
An Asteroid Could Strike Our Planet a Day Before the Election, Reminding Us All That 2020 is No Joke
Real WarLords-Real Media Lords: The Ultimate Info Rulers
At Least 13 Killed in Peru Nightclub Stampede Triggered by Police ‘Social Distancing’ Raid
A Letter from a Former Student Who is Now a Friend and Comrade
An Attempted Coup in Slow Motion
Pourquoi une telle différence entre le bilan de la FED et celui de la Banque Populaire de Chine ?
Les théories libérales ont-elles favorisé l’émergence du nazisme ?
1880 – 2017 – La course au gigantisme | Trois villes à la conquête du monde (4/4) | ARTE
Oregon Could Become First State to Decriminalize Low-Level Possession of All Drugs
Exposed: Media’s Glaring Censorship of Real Biden Records!
Resistance is Fertile!
What is the WHO? – QFC #066
Pentagon Forms New Task Force to Investigate UFO Sightings
Rose McGowan Goes Ballistic Over ‘Rapist’ Biden, Liberal Elites in Massive, Multi-Day Rant
Finkelstein on UAE recognition of Israel, Palestinian Authority Crooks and Collaborators, and the International Criminal Court
Spotify’s Success May Be the Real Day the Music Dies
Zooming to the White House?
Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations for All Residents
Hillary Clinton Gave Ghislaine Maxwell’s Nephew “Very Powerful” Position at State Department
ENTRAIDE : EXCEL VBA pour Suivi Covid
Explosion à Beyrouth : De nombreuses mises en garde ont été ignorées
Chris Toumazou : l’homme derrière le nouveau test Covid de 90 minutes
Le désastre de l’ingénierie de l’utopie – par Chris Hedges
Aaron Coleman, the 19-Year-Old Progressive Who Won His Kansas Primary, Speaks About His Troubled Past and Promising Present
It’s Time to Get Out of the Big Cities and Live Free!
Trump Touts “Making Very Big Oil Deals” as Condition for “Getting Out” of Iraq
Climate Change, People Stoke California Fires, Science Says
Podcast Ep 22: Why Israel isn't as powerful as it wants us to think
Palestinian child shot by Israel dies in detention
UAE bets on Israel for US favor
Guess Who’s Suing Trump over Alleged Khashoggi Killing … And Why Now
Trump a-t-il usé de motifs fallacieux pour bombarder la Syrie ? Par Aaron Maté
What is the WHO? – Questions For Corbett #066
Krystal Ball unusually excellent today. Especially the last part on Biden’s appeal.
The Pathology of Government Secrecy
Satellite Image Shows Chinese Submarine Entering ‘Top Secret Cave’
WikiLeaks : quand les câbles américains déclenchent le « printemps arabe » et révèlent l’espionnage à l’ONU
Les leçons de la Rome antique sur la façon d’ignorer les changements climatiques
1800-1880 : Le choc de la modernité | Trois villes à la conquête du monde (3/4) | ARTE
Head of Israel’s Intel Agency-Mossad Declares the Most Dangerous Nation … And It Isn’t Iran!
This Is The Plan?? Trump Is Getting Played By The Deep State!
A Typo Could Send All Your Sensitive Dropbox Files to a Stranger
Steve Bannon Arrested and Charged With Fraud by Federal Prosecutors
Israel cuts fuel, Gaza goes dark
What the Suffrage Movement Reveals About Race in America
Why So Many People Believe Trump Is Secretly Saving The World From Pedophiles
L’émergence des sociétés militaires privées : la terre à l’heure du néolibéralisme
L’accroissement du bétail est un facteur-clé de pandémies mondiales
Quartier Constituant – « L’écologie est-elle révolutionnaire ? »
Psychedelics Can Help Resolve Depression by Helping Patients Cope With Their Emotions, Study Finds
Exposure to Common Colds Might Help You Fight COVID-19, Studies Show
L’OIAC épingle la Syrie pour des attaques chimiques au sarin
I Can’t Believe They’re Trying To Make This Mandatory!
Florida Airport Evacuated After Huge ‘Live’ Missile Found
"Silent majority" rejects Gulf ties with Israel
TSA Finds 3 Times Usual Rate of Guns at Checkpoints, Despite Drop in Air Traffic
Covid, Elections & Deconstructing Expatriation
Rogue Russian Law Enforcement Mass-Produces ‘State Enemies’
Mike Pompeo exhorte Apple et Google à supprimer les applications chinoises « non fiables »
L’Arctique connait un événement de « réchauffement climatique rapide »
1650-1800 : Conflits et intérêts | Trois villes à la conquête du monde (2/4) | ARTE
What Happened Last Week?
People In Wuhan, China Are MORE Free Than You Are!
Death Valley Reaches 130 Degrees, Setting Records and Alarming Climate Activists
Epstein Victim Says He “Showed Her Off” to Trump When She Was 14
Failing Cities And States Are Going To Extreme Measures!
Scottish "friend of Israel" faked anti-Semitism for years
Israel lobbyists force Dutch government to suspend funding of farmers’ organization
The US Postal Service May Be Broken. It Doesn’t Need to Be.
How To Deal With Vocal Vaccine Deniers – #PropagandaWatch
Comprendre les relations internationales (1/2), par Thierry Meyssan
Pandémie Covid-19 : où en sommes-nous ? (au 18 août)
Qui sont les vrais amis du Liban ?
BountyGate : Désigner un bouc émissaire de l’échec militaire généralisé en Afghanistan
Augmentation inquiétante du cancer colorectal chez les jeunes adultes
Palestinian slain in Jerusalem and deaf man shot at checkpoint
Cheers and Jeers for Speakers’ Lineup at Democratic Convention
Israel releases BDS coordinator
Rural Families Without Internet Face Tough School Choice
Historic bill would penalize Israel for annexation and apartheid
Heroin, the Vietnam War, and Body Bags
Quand Coca-Cola tente d’influencer les chercheurs pour minimiser son impact sur l’obésité
[Archive] La CIA et son réseau mondial de propagande (1977)
1585-1650 : Un Siècle d’Or | Trois villes à la conquête du monde (1/4) | ARTE
Turkey: Biden Factor, Incidents, Tensions & Wagging the Dog
Emirati foreign minister said "Israel kills children." But it's all smiles now
ClandesTime 209 – Good Riddance to Homeland
ClandesTime 209 – Good Riddance to Homeland
Lessons for America From Way Down Under
Comment va réagir l’Iran face à la reprise du conflit entre l’Azerbaïdjan et l’Arménie ?
Que fait encore la France dans l’OTAN ? – par Guillaume Berlat
« Je suis passée tout près de la mort » : après le traumatisme de la réanimation, la longue reconstruction psychologique des patients Covid-19
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