In the largest seizure of digital currency allegedly used for terrorism, the US Justice Department announced on Thursday that it has seized millions of dollars from cryptocurrency accounts belonging to al-Qaeda, Islamic State (IS), and other militant groups.
US Seizes Cryptocurrency Amid IS Attacks in Africa
Welcome Home, Very Stable Geniuses
Biosecurity Theatre
Brésil : Que va faire Lula ?
DATAMINR : La Police américaine a reçu l’aide d’une start-up affiliée à Twitter pour surveiller les manifestations
No Matter How You Feel About Trump, a Pardon for Snowden Would Be a Major Win
Putin Sees US and Iran Headed Toward War, Proposes Urgent World Summit to Stop It
Politics, Geopolitics, Hamburgers & “The Truth”
Discussion of Wikileaks or Any “Hacked Information” is Now Banned on YouTube
Who will be next to betray Palestine?
A Schmuck Plays the Antisemitism Card; A Mensch Exposes Him
A Letter from a Correspondent on the Immortality of a Kind Spirit
Arctic Summer Sea Ice Could Disappear as Early as 2035
Yale Epidemiology Professor: Hydroxychloroquine Haters Spewing “Toxic Disinformation”
Scant funding, little opportunity hamper Gaza TV industry
We Had the Tool to Prevent Lockdowns and Death
The Elephant in the Room
Quand Transparency International reste silencieux sur le sort de Julian Assange
Venezuela : Les visions de Trump et Biden sont interchangeables
BEWARE: Desperate Nations Are Making Desperate Moves Right Now!
United Arab Emirates sells out Palestinians for Israel
Nationalism and Authoritarianism Threaten the Internet’s Universality
Who Was Maryla Husyt Finkelstein?
Israel tightens noose on Gaza
Surprising Benefits of Isolation Discovered During the Lockdown
America Decides 2020: Ranked-Choice Voting, Explained
Groundbreaking Study Shows Organic Diets Drastically Lower Glyphosate Levels in the Body
Powell et l’Irak : La démission qui aurait pu stopper l’invasion
Les États-Unis vont retirer 12 000 soldats d’Allemagne
Uphold Palestinian struggle in all its forms
Attacking Retail Workers Trying to Enforce Mask Rules is Now a Felony in Illinois
Biden-Harris ticket a blow to Palestinian hopes
Why Kamala Harris Is More Of A Horrible Monster Than I Thought
Social justice groups say drop the ADL
Ghislaine Maxwell Taken Off Suicide Watch in Prison
The Oil Spill at Mauritius Is a Disaster — and Could Soon Get Worse
Air Force Helicopter Shot at From Ground Over Virginia, Injuring Crew
EU "closely following" Israel's detention of BDS coordinator
Progressive Squad remains intact, but racist wins in Georgia
« Gaza Firm » : le propalestinien Cardet bossait pour la police de Valls
FDA Red Tape Entangles Instant Coronavirus Test
Pandémie Covid-19 : où en sommes-nous (au 11 août) ?
Huawei, Hong Kong et la Chine vont-ils entraver les rêves britanniques de libre-échange ?
Covid-19 : les mesures barrières préviennent-elles l’apparition de symptômes en cas d’infection ?
Food Banks Struggle as Economy Falls Off Fiscal Cliff
Florida officials, Israeli government app bully Palestinian student
The Endless Fight Over Voting by Mail
Vladimir Putin Says Russia Has Developed The World’s First Cure
Cybersecurity Spending to Reach $123B in 2020: Forecast
Washington Post Columnist Shreds NBC for Spouting Chinese Propaganda on Wuhan Lab
How universities serve as outposts of Israeli colonial control
New Report Reveals US Special Forces Active in 22 African Countries
Mytho comme un Soral
Panamza avait raison : le pédo Brunel sert Israël
Where There’s Smoke, China’s ‘Great Firewall’ Douses the Fire
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANJEEV! (the song’s for the both of you)
L'Iran, d'anti-impérialiste redevient impérialiste, par Thierry Meyssan
Que fait l'Italie pour le désarmement nucléaire ?, par Manlio Dinucci
Plan de relance européen : l’Italie met en garde contre une crise de financement à l’automne
CETA : Chypre refuse de ratifier un accord qui menace ses produits agricoles
Civil Unrest Is Exactly What They Need. And It’s Happening In Chicago!
Israeli army again renews detention of BDS coordinator
With 194 Billion Masks and Gloves Used Monthly, New Wave of Plastic Pollution Hits Oceans, Beaches
Emissions Drop During COVID-19 Lockdown Will Do ‘Nothing’ for Climate Change: Study
How One Simple Administrative Problem Could Impact Election Outcomes: Scrutineers Series, Part III
Israel lobby group deletes call to blackmail Lebanon using aid
Lunacies of Woke Politics
California to Pay COVID-Positive People $1,250 to “Stay at Home and Self-Isolate”
E Pluribus Trump
Coping with the scorching sun
Transhumanism and You
En finir avec le « Regime Change » : les bonnes intentions du Parti démocrate et leurs ambiguïtés
Le retour raté de BHL en Libye
Rape Suspect Released From Jail Due to Virus Kills Woman Who Accused Him
Pro-Reform Prosecutors, Especially Black Women, Find Themselves Under Fire
ClandesTime 208 – Platoon
ClandesTime 208 – Platoon
Israël démolit une clinique Covid-19 dans l’épicentre de l’épidémie en Cisjordanie
Le géant parapétrolier Schlumberger s’apprête à supprimer 20 % de ses effectifs
“Leave, You Are All Killers!”: Protesters Take Over Multiple Government Buildings in Beirut
Fauci Admits COVID-19 Vaccine May Only Be “50% or 60%” Effective
Back to School Special
Why We Must #ExposeBillGates
TikTok : Trump donne le feu vert à Microsoft pour le rachat de l’application chinoise
Pentagone : 37 sénateurs Démocrates se joignent aux Républicains pour adopter un budget de $740 milliards
Interview 1570 – James Corbett on Derailing the Gates Agenda
Marjorie Greene, the QAnon anti-Semite gun fanatic who loves Israel
Journeying to freedom in a closed-off world
Palestinian child jailed by Israel has coronavirus
Bill Gates Makes SHOCKING Admission!
Why I’m Proud to Be a Jew! (Onward, Comrades, to Victory!)
Disbelief as Trump Appoints Disgraced Iran-Contra Criminal Elliott Abrams as Iran Envoy
Pete Hamill in His Own Words — and Voice
Blackstone’s $4.7B Acquisition of Ancestry Raises Privacy Questions
Detention of BDS coordinator in Israel is a "violation," EU says
Hollywood, Washington and The Bomb
How will annexation change the legal landscape in the West Bank?
Correction et précisions
Coronavirus : 44 868 morts de la pandémie en Espagne
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