At first you might not think the Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood of New York have much in common. But dig deeper and you can see why the two organizations are grappling with the racism of iconic figures John Muir and Margaret Sanger, amid a national reckoning on race.
Judgment Days for John Muir and Margaret Sanger
US universities erase Israel's occupation
Interview 1566 – Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2
Pandémie Covid-19 : où en sommes-nous (au 28 juillet) ?
Malgré la pandémie, toujours plus de budget militaire et de guerre en Afghanistan – par Glenn Greenwald
États-Unis : la Police, les Prisons et le Pentagone
“Like Nothing We’ve Ever Seen”: Imminent Eviction Wave is Coming!
Twitter Locks Trump Jr Account For Sharing Video Of Pro-HCQ Doctors
Dying to leave Gaza
Red Sea Corals’ Heat Tolerance Offers Hope for Climate Crisis
Twitter Locks Trump Jr Account for Posting Viral Video of Pro-Hydroxychloroquine Doctors
US Restrictions Threaten Admissions, Careers for Chinese STEM Students
Les trois premières fautes de Jean Castex, par Thierry Meyssan
Wage crisis worsens in Gaza
SAGEGATE (1/3) : Comment le gouvernement britannique a ignoré la Science au profit de l’Économie et du mythe de l’immunité collective
1917 : Quand l’écho des manifestations anti-racisme d’East St-Louis résonne encore aujourd’hui
More Explosive Leaks From OPCW Show Trump Bombed Syria on False Grounds
Google paie Mastercard pour établir des liens entre publicités en ligne et achats physiques
It's time to uncancel Palestinians
The MSM Is Using Left-Right Divide To Conquer Us All!
Le réchauffement climatique particulier d'Iraq
Court denies Palestinian prisoners right to COVID-19 protection
Zuckerberg, Bezos, Other Tech CEOs to Testify on Competition
Secret Info Belonging to Clients of World’s Biggest Hedge Funds Exposed in Massive Ransomware Attack
Scrutineers Part II – Bennie Smith
Quand la Méritocratie justifie et aggrave les inégalités
La Source – La Turquie et la stratégie de la ligne rouge
L’Urgence de Ralentir – ARTE
Expat Life, Personal, Your Questions … Everything But The Kitchen Sink!
People Are Receiving Mysterious Unsolicited Packages of Seeds in the Mail From China
Judge Orders ‘Extremely Confidential’ Epstein Records From Ghislaine Maxwell Case to Be Released
From Bioethics to Eugenics
From Bioethics to Eugenics
No One Wants Schools Shut Down.
Covid-19 : des manifestations neurologiques très variées
Revue de presse du 26/07/2020
Les routes de l’esclavage (1789 – 1888) : Les nouvelles frontières de l’esclavage | ARTE
Covid Hocus Pocus: Now U See It-Now U Don’t!
Erdogan nouveau Mehmet II
US Postal Service’s Ability to Deliver in November Questioned
The Test Questions That Would’ve Stumped Trump
Wealthy Elites Buy Private Islands to Isolate From “Coronavirus Storm”
Climat : Bilan définitif de température globale pour juin 2020
Condamner l’écocide et reconnaitre nos dépendances à la terre : L’héritage d’Aldo Léopold
Souveraineté numérique, la douche froide ? Tariq Krim et Bernard Benhamou – Par Thinkerview
Pentagon Found “Off-World Vehicles Not Made on This Earth”; Marco Rubio Hopes It’s Alien
Ghislaine Maxwell’s SECRETS Coming Out Soon! And The Pentagon Found Alien UFO Vehicles?
Le passé esclavagiste du Parti démocrate US
First Underwater Methane Leak Discovered Near Antarctica
Keir Starmer hints at Labour retreat on Israel sanctions
Interview 1565 – James Corbett in Democracy Down
Interview 1565 – James Corbett in Democracy Down
The High Cost of Free Speech
5700 euros d’amende pour avoir exposé un réseau pédophile
Comment Twitter a subi le plus important piratage de son histoire
Covid-19 : pourquoi n’y a-t-il aucun décès au Vietnam ?
Les routes de l’esclavage (1620 – 1789) : Du sucre à la révolte | ARTE
Evolution of Machines? Or, A Major Devolution of Humans?
Tour de France champ Chris Froome to peddle Israeli propaganda
Podcast Ep 21: How the EU polices Palestinian rights groups
Portland Is Going CRAZY!! Why People Need To Flee Big Cities
Former ‘Queen of Porn’ Posts Series of Tweets About Hollywood Pedophilia and Child Abuse
A Webinar in Defense of Free Speech, with Norman Finkelstein and Many Others
Radio Free South Dakota: Norman Finkelstein Interview pt.1
Two Dozen Weapons Taken Off NYC Streets After Gun-Trafficking Ring Is Dismantled
The U.S.-Supported Coup in Bolivia Continues to Produce Repression and Tyranny, While Revealing How U.S. Media Propaganda Works
How Israel obstructs COVID-19 care in East Jerusalem
Why Policing in Schools Is Complicated
Man Facing 60 Counts of Child Sex Abuse Gets Off With 1-Year Deferred Sentence in Plea Bargain
Partenariat commercial et militaire Chine-Iran : Une défiance à l’égard des États-Unis
Trump attaque la CPI pour tenter de cacher des crimes de guerre
Privés de savoir ? – par #DataGueule
Prince Andrew Donated Pizza to Human Trafficking Victims Amid His Own Allegations
Democrats pushing against Biden confront ossified views
DOJ Bombshell: China Consulate in SF Harboring ‘Active Duty’ Chinese Military Researcher Wanted by FBI
Trump Orders Undocumented Immigrants Excluded From Key Census Count
The Truth About Trump’s Relationship With Ghislaine Maxwell
JPMorgan Managed Millions for Ghislaine Maxwell Despite Booting Epstein in 2013
Jewish Federation monitors Chicago solidarity groups
Emirates firm strikes deal with Israeli arms giants
The Possible Housing Opportunity Provided by COVID-19
Backtracking, bluster and baloney
Subscribercast #43 – Media Breakdown: Hollywood and Copaganda
Subscribercast #43 – Media Breakdown: Hollywood and Copaganda
Liban : Nouveau pays sous blocus américain – Par Richard Labévière
Perspectives pour un monde au PIB en déclin – par Dennis Meadows
Les routes de l’esclavage (1375-1620) : Pour tout l’or du monde | ARTE
Police Respond to Suspected Document Burning at Chinese Consulate in Houston
Trump: I Have Met Ghislaine Maxwell “Numerous Times” and “Wish Her Well”
Partisan Media Coverage of Epstein Masks His Links to Both Sides of the Political Establishment
WHO Cares What Celebrities Think – #PropagandaWatch
WHO Cares What Celebrities Think – #PropagandaWatch
Leaked Docs Show DHS is Afraid That Masks Will Make Facial Recognition Useless
The Clash of Mercenaries, “Suicided” White Helmets Founder, Libya Inferno & More!
The Kroll-Deutsche Bank-Epstein Connection: What You’re Not Being Told
Global Warming Shrinks Bird Breeding Windows, Potentially Threatening Species
Notes from a Coronavirus Contact Tracer
Le Parlement italien « soudé » sur les missions néo-coloniales, par Manlio Dinucci
Le Liban face à ses responsabilités , par Thierry Meyssan
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