The post HUGE: This Is Going To Stir Up Some BIG Problems! appeared first on We Are Change.
HUGE: This Is Going To Stir Up Some BIG Problems!
US Midterm Elections: How Long Will It Take to Know Who Won?
To Crowdsource a Conspiracy
Comment les Renseignements occidentaux infiltrent Internet pour manipuler et détruire des réputations – Glenn Greenwald
Interview 1762 - James Corbett Produces a Biosecurity Data Dump
November Open Thread 2022
GOP Morphs From Political Party to the Greatest Threat to Humanity in 50 Years
Revue de presse du 06/11/2022
Why doesn't Amnesty recognize Palestinians' right to resist?
Who’s Driving?
Voltaire, actualité internationale n°13 est paru
US Streams Are Drying Up
ClandesTime 238 – The Cultural Impact of the Rampart Scandal
Si la Troisième Guerre mondiale avait commencé, nous serions tous déjà morts
Interview 1761 - James Corbett Separates Climate Fact From Fiction
Gaza's cesspools
The Ugly Story of How Corporate America Convinced Us to Spend So Much on Water
British Palestinians condemn sacking of student union president
Democracy Will Likely Be Voted Out on Tuesday
Why are Israel's cops a "strategic partner" for EU?
Parler, ce n’est pas s’apaiser – c’est éviter un Armageddon nucléaire !
Crise financière : la descente aux enfers ? Gaël Giraud, Raphaël Rossello & Gilles Raveaud – Thinkerview
Palestine in Pictures: October 2022
Interview 1760 - We're Telling You For the 500th Time! - #NewWorldNextWeek
Skynet Is Real And It’s Coming To The US!!!
HOLY COW! This Is Really NOT A Good Sign!
What Have Global Leaders Done on Climate Change in 2022?
Letter From Italy: History Repeats Itself
La Russie met en cause la gestion par les USA de l'Onu
Americans’ Cartoon Vision of Authoritarianism Causes Us to Miss It
Ultra right coalition in the cards as Netanyahu makes comeback
Finkelstein Discusses His New Book with His Publisher
ONU : Les Nations Unies existent-elles encore vraiment ?
“Conflict management” results in Itamar Ben-Gvir
GET READY: They’ve Gotten To Elon, This Is BAD!
Judge People By Their Fruits
Bolsonaro’s Defeat in Brazil Is a Climate Turning Point
Podcast Ep 68: How Zionists collaborated with the Nazis
What is Technocracy? - Questions For Corbett #092
Why Psychedelic Capitalism Sucks
La journaliste Katie Halper a été licenciée pour avoir qualifié Israël d’État d’apartheid
Rights group urges ICC to investigate "top-ranking" Israeli military lawyer
BREAKING: It’s Triggered An Uprising In Brazil!
DO NOT Bend The Knee Next Time!!!
White House Invites Dozens of Nations for Ransomware Summit
Just Trust, Don’t Verify: A Recipe for Electoral Disaster
Episode 431 - Unknown Unknowns
Permanent Distortion
Out-of-the-Box Thinking
Accord israélo-libanais pour l'exploitation du gaz de Méditerranée, par Thierry Meyssan
« Le gouvernement britannique se dirige droit vers l’effondrement du marché du logement. »
7ème Rencontre Annuelle des Lanceurs d’Alerte – 11, 12 & 13 Novembre 2022
This Paul Pelosi Story Is Strange
BOMBSHELL: Secret Gov’t Collusion On A MASSIVE SCALE!
Secret document reveals Israel lobby's dominance of Labour
Feds Unveil Plan to Grow Wind Power While Sparing Rare Whale
Theaters of War on Alexei Sayle’s Imaginary Sandwich Bar
Much of Ukrainian Capital Without Power, Water After New Russian Airstrikes
Letter from a Young Chinese Comrade
Interview 1759 - James Corbett on Deep State Consciousness
Noam Chomsky : « Les États-Unis et Israël font obstacle à l’accord sur le nucléaire iranien »
HUGE: They’re Getting Named And Called Out!
The Next Victim of the GOP’s Democracy-Killing Spree: Ballot Initiatives
Herschel Walker Can’t Keep Track of His Aborted and Living Children
ClandesTime 237 – 13 Hours and the Benghazi Scandal
Revue de presse du 30/10/2022
FLASHBACK: Meet Smedley Butler (2010)
Will Powell, MBS, and Putin Throw the Entire World Into a Depression?
Drahi donne secrètement 50 millions pour conquérir la lune au nom d’Israël
Schrödinger's Bomb: False Flags Over Ukraine
Discours de Vladimir Poutine au Club Valdaï sur le respect des cultures, par Vladimir Poutine
‘The Enemy is Militarism’ – Office of War Information Manual for Film Makers
What Can Cities Do to Survive Extreme Heat?
Production de pétrole : Montée des tensions entre l’Arabie saoudite et les États-Unis
Interview 1758 - James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk
A new spirit of resistance
Rishi Sunak may quietly drop embassy move
Voltaire n°12 est paru
La guerre économique qui « bombarde » l'Italie et l'Europe, par Manlio Dinucci
Migratory Bird Sets World Record for Continuous Flight: Scientists
US Elections: Dangerous Erosion of Trust in a Dangerously Untrustworthy Process
100 ans du Fascisme : La Grande-Bretagne a secrètement soutenu la marche de Mussolini sur Rome
La malbouffe contre-attaque ? Christophe Brusset – Thinkerview
Interview 1757 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
This Is The Hack Many People Don’t Want To Tell You About
WOW: This Explains Why Elon Is Doing It!
Measure 114 Would Tighten Oregon Gun Laws. Here’s What Both Sides Say About It.
La tournée africaine de Victoria Nuland
Floods in Nigeria Threaten Millions, Quarter of Country’s GDP
Mind, Body, Spirit, Government Funds: Is IHS Failing Native Americans?
Nonviolence is only one part of a strategy for liberation
En s’engageant à défendre Taïwan contre toute attaque chinoise, Biden rend la guerre plus probable
Don’t Be A FAT!
They’re Instigating IT Worldwide!
The growing risk of nuclear armageddon cannot be ignored
The politics of slow unbinding
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