Vladimir Putin has announced that referenda will be held in four regions of the eastern part of Ukraine whose populations will now vote on whether to join the Russian Federation, much like the Crimea referendum of 2014 which resulted in Russia’s annexation of that territory.
The U.S. is Now Accelerating Toward the Next World War on Two Fronts
FLASHBACK: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health (2020)
Got That Old Monarchy Feeling
Truss bombast shifts UK further toward Israel
Les imaginaires de l’espoir : l’utopie de la décroissance
Drowning Island Nations: ‘This Is How a Pacific Atoll Dies’
Trump’s Messiah Scam Increases His Threat to America
National Conservatism Is Coming for Us
Voltaire N°7 - 23 septembre
Voltaire n°7
This Is Mental Illness Pushed On Everyone!
Repenser la dette souveraine : Pourquoi les élites du Sud Global sont favorables à l’endettement ?
Israel lobby renews smear campaign against Rashida Tlaib
Interview 1749 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
New bombshell film exposes Israel lobby role in UK Labour Party
WHOA! Something Smells Fishy Here…
NTSB Wants All New Vehicles to Check Drivers for Alcohol Use
ClandesTime 236 – Culture Ministries and The Rings of Power
Shadowy Forces
What History Can Teach Us About the Conservation of Endangered Species
La Chine se prépare à la guerre
Récession ou pas, notre économie est un désastre
What's the WEF Up to NOW? - Questions For Corbett #090
They Are Telling You To Check For Anxiety!?
CHILLING: Putin Puts Planet on Brink!
‘This Is What a River Should Look Like’: Dutch Project Turns Back Clock
Israel "intended to kill" Shireen Abu Akleh -- probe
The Drop Box ‘Problem’: Election Truthers’ Fictional Claim Gains Traction
The Man Who Would Not Be King
NY Times claim that Russia drove attacks on Linda Sarsour is nonsense
Sanctions sur les hydrocarbures : Quand l’Occident atteint ses limites – Jacques Sapir
La Compil’ de la Semaine
Palestinians protest PA collaboration with Israel
Sea Otter Week: Here’s What You Otter Know
Have Some Respect For Yourself
WHOA: New W0rld 0rder Trifecta Takes Over NYC!
Suicide in Gaza: “A message of anger”
Independent media in Gaza surviving against the odds
Putin to Give Major Speech on East Ukraine Referendums, Possible National War Mobilization
Millions of Factory Farm Animals Are Living in Drought
Episode 425 - Blood on the Cutting Room Floor
Believe It or Not
Le faux charnier d'Izioum
Zélensky : l'anarque de la contre-offensive, par Thierry Meyssan
La « guerre économique » contre la Russie va-t-elle se retourner contre ses auteurs (3/3) ? par Jacques Sapir
They Are After The Cows For A Reason!!!
BOMBSHELL: Official Story Fell Apart — It’s OVER!
New Credit Card Code Is a First Step Toward Preventing Gun Violence: Advocates
Goldmann, Habib et le Bataclan : 4 décennies israéliennes
Fourest est-elle l’agente du Mossad démasquée par la DGSI ?
Why did I "swap" US for Gaza?
New: Saudis Used Terrorist Switchboard Prior to 9/11; Q&A with Investigator
Positively Final Appearance: Visiting the Queen Lying in State
La Californie se convertit à la voiture électrique
Former CDC Chief: Fauci “Misled Congress” About Gain-of-Function Research, but He’s Protected by Biden Admin
Sauver la planète et faire plaisir à ExxonMobil : L’impossible équation
Nous sommes en guerre, quelle stratégie française ? Général Didier Castres – Thinkerview
High School Defends Trans Teacher Who Wore Massive Fake Breasts to Class
What Tik Tok Is Doing To Young Girls… Is Just The Beginning!
Podcast Ep 65: Sabra and Shatila 40 years on
U.S. Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens as Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge
La Turquie souhaite adhérer à l'OCS
You Are Part of a Miracle! - Subscriber Exclusive #110
The Only Special Master Judge Cannon Knows Is Donald Trump
CSI: Insurance
L'offensive du complexe militaro-industriel, par Manlio Dinucci
La Russie offre 300 000 tonnes d'engrais aux pays en voie de développement
Cessez-le-feu entre le Kirghizistan et le Tadjikistan
Les sanctions contre l’Iran et la Russie se retournent dangereusement contre nous
Facebook Spied on Private Messages of “Right-Wing Individuals” — Then Reported to FBI for Domestic Terrorism
Leaders Are Missing the Human Face of Climate Change: Nakate
US fingerprints on Israeli crimes
We Live in a Golden Age of Ignorance
A Hotter, More Violent World
Hospices Have Become Big Business for Private Equity Firms
«Dénoncer Israël», c’est déjà «antisémite» pour Darmanin
Hanouna ou l’art diabolique de la triangulation communautaire
Voltaire n°6 - 16 septembre
Voltaire n°6 est paru
Le libre marché des néolibéraux aggrave tous nos problèmes et affaiblit les États
What Has Dramatically Increased My REM and DEEP SLEEP?
BREAKING: Is This Checkmate?!?!
California Sues Amazon, Alleging Its Policies Drive Prices Higher Everywhere
Interview 1748 - False Flags Watch Along (Part 3)
Darmon crache sur Godard mais célèbre Polanski
Fan de Marvel, vous financez la propagande israélienne
Crown prosecutor levels blackmail charges against Palestine Action
Climat : La propre équipe de Biden dénonce l’inaction climatique du gouvernement américain
This Is Why People Have Trust Issues!
WOW! I Can’t Believe This Actually Happened!
Resistance kills senior Israeli officer
Switching to Renewable Energy Could Save Trillions: Study
America’s Electric Utilities Spent Decades Spreading Climate Misinformation
The Mood in London
Noam Chomsky : « De puissantes forces réactionnaires empêchent toute politique climatique américaine »
La Compil’ de la Semaine
Interview 1747 - James Corbett at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival
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